Ontario Community Newspapers

Monkton Times, 26 Feb 1920, p. 7

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THE BEST TONIC What is the Most Important | a The Old Chair. "warmer : : Natural Resource? ; RAL é ai bith Delda sib pane a) [The Great West Permanent FOR NERVOUS PROPLE) watersower acveopment is but one NEU GIA he embers slowly curl 10 myrgnto cman Sar nue of know th ais, oe ee nora GAIA OP AIL tied aed Naor 4% allowed on Savings. folk of ow wi f Siate Increase Your Nervous Energy requently, on water- tha Its days have k 4a coanle mend e known: a maid in gay 1 = by Building Up the Blood With | * moe ‘with power develop- ‘Tempieton’s ‘attire 84% on ENTS Fas iby Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills. ex ae ne without adéquately é Rheumatic Waiting HERE Pa or pemes eelaat Interest payable halt yearly. Rothwell, PG Es ar i such related subjects as Capsules Paid up Capital $2,412,578. mond Street, Toronto, Ont. vous people who have, not. yet foment ‘and municipal supply, agri: & mother, ‘srleving (hat her boy ts ANTED — RELIABLE, can cultw irrigal les navigation, Frere discovered. This Bron - Sotto, men, farmers’ ° : Z dy 1a abso 4 sons, fsteriex, oie riparian rights. Idtely guaranteed. ogre op Muck a man toqye dalle (all jer het Pee ete roan ai eties on the Foltes "to suttorere trom ee ae Irritation, headache, t of many ons r ena rs treo, gape, ke ae ee ums q song of love's de- 88, nervous indigestion, all r atur letons, 144 King St. Ble a Hinimefatety “to Maple Grove these discomforts make life miserable par. Gore. : : ‘urseries, Winona, Ont. ; ns that once age cl but are endured rather than run a ¢j ca i : Bester, soe ; climb ee ‘Com Pigs, Hes sees pheep MART, ENERGETIC YOUNG MAN : | v1 : doctor's bill without hope of recovery. | some | pists overryne / Into its cosy depths and gravely | @#4 watch them take Sdod dshenthtae utes carne aA Bpriakis it aver siaw), ofl eae. and Liberal commission. Ap- ali other fodder. It }0: . Wilson Publishing Co., To- if re eral remuneration, ea Quant fairy tales of “once upon a Keeps Stock Healthy ti ie"—. aren Daralysis msi may Satie estate of late years, er ASTHM A Ani Ses ipcwekes” to -mbumn co’or Builds Flesh Faster _ZAND SELLERS. ‘ of ee or ene en Ne mapleton’s RAZ-MAH Cap- vanished need, ’ Sore ale Moe aes Wits FOR STNFORMATION, g up the blood. As a tonic for t b) a se guarencoed: eo vetters Two glad young lovers steal across | xt outs down A value | selling vest cht Tpeden nf blood and nerves Dr. Williams’ Pink | tj i i ASTHMA. Don’t sufter an G apie ‘gpalifonee is deeiy “Seatoaatle if aw | estate vie a you aa Pills have been used with the greatest Don bess ear st. | | And, nesting close, its anetent joy re-| Sar ste Ge aero ne moneeee | on ower available i Kk W., ‘Toronto, for freesamp| store, Ontained from all firet-claas Goalers, are Sys cal eae precedence in the wo . Reliable drugelsts sell them at Bend for feeding circulars and price. 78) Dundas St., London, Ont. K - As a matter of fact, nevevass all these $1.04 @ box. er Cane Mola Co., of Canada, Limited’ = afae ed to fully seainrs thelr normal | yarious interests an ri 7 118 St. Paul St. West, Montreal, Que. Oe EAS = 2 Tadies Dress, with funetiow—and. at same time im-| yf any ono feature of our natural re: SYRUP OF FIGS EWEP APES a 5 . Kimono Prove the general peauies The iene iigurene te ti Bo ined before others, God Is at the Anvil. : Box “Wiser © Pupils ar ee wie jn- fits that followsthe use of this medi-| probably it could be most reasonably z " " a 18_Adelaide St. cine, is shown by the statement of | urged that a fertile condition of. the | 40d is at the anvil beating out, the CHILD’ S LAXATIVE inches Mrs, Jenny Mart, R.R, No. % Port) goll is the most important na : collar, Ri eat a well known school feesots set to be safeguarded; bec: Where the molten metal ae ic : Rat pele who —"Some vents agoud Dareme | nis sustenante-on the ear ee: | ot Dlsatoxee amos the Look at tongue! Remove poi- TORONTO GALT WORKS i ; Peni AL eae = eneoee ‘ie faigioas fond He is gee out the elory ore sons from little stomach, ie TORONTO inches CoHAILIOn toe Heatly & yan’ ACHOELORA TE i that’s done. Oe CONE St Ride. ec igagediiaienc. onlee hinkan liver and bowels { whom 1 ae Sa ea wae carte one form or another, either directly |Goq is at the anvil welding golden com nervous prostration. It! or indirectly, from the soil. must are zhes' ry oF groom or fold nardly, te zoe to tell a the | be manifest, therefore, that wean: Giine ilceoiesnine dane ry ieeenan Brom, Limited eee oy Dies ae symptoms of my case, but anyone who | tors which make for the permanence , L ow: Sone=Not A’ i y 0 shor er as passed throu ‘ a nervous ees il’: ivi v Hf “ Mi . a Tength. Cut in 7 sizes, 34, 36, 38, 40, down will know ae I suffered. As oe See eee ine eon oe: Soe ety cence eat Bit of Cough: Gras eternal. cured, ithe Ee oe tes bust id not seem to improve under the : nes Shalt Left | Betore ‘too late De. Bel ostcad a 36, with tunic, 4 ae D} subject of the conservation and use of i x ore cae ates Dee "Seltiman “reat yar ie 40 5 iietor (read treat) a I decided try | waters as a natural asset must, among Sp neg ae ‘eel great this morning. As soon as 1 ies ° Bae ‘0 De, Williams’ "pink Pills, and thy ae Other things: be considered’ in tts Q felt it coming on yesterday I used cision was a fortunate one for me, as | prime relationshi; LET “DANDERINE” Gray’s Syrup and nipped it in the bud. ip to the subject of ca a aT aoout oandetmecteliet Gremiak ina Harpesauctiglty. at the coll Just couldn’t miss an hour at the office, inches wide. ‘Width around bottom, use of the pills, and after taking eight Sasi ze i Re Saree ecrdy a ae Syr 1% yi exes T was fully restored to health, eer eer ee 0KEWiclle Dresk= Price 80 "Inde eho eae ong and hearty, with: NB. siauatice of Forest SAVE YOUR HAIR te fli ie oa eae 2 mocked or shirred. ae in oats an ache or pain, and for my pre- Fire Causes. Nome sleeves, “ie yards : “inthe sent physical con Rdition I feel 1am in-| According to the New Brunswick cor z tural color and corrects fs debted to Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills, Forest, Service there were 409 forest | Hurry! A few. wv cents stops hair 1 Wa [greasy skins. Highly antise - 5 s ; ane otic, oe seeres sey and can heartily Focommentt them ‘to | fires at province during 1919, falling and doubles its ee ee ee GRAYS SYRUP fer a ieaten eye ese patterns may. be obtained @nyone suffering from nervous trou- ee mide a loss amounting. to beauty pal ect oa ; RED PRUCE GUM a eed your ire McCall desier, or ble: $139,754. Thirty-nine neglected set- ‘eae Montreal’ BS WATSON'E/CO, New York Bory aud's® Co., 70 Bond St., To-, You can procure Dr. Williams’ Pink | tlers’ clearing fires caused a isms - = _ he in ee ake, Dept. W | Pills through any dealer in medicine | of $54,363, or 39 per cent. of the total = i Oriental Cream hi UIPPED NEWSPAPER hioning a frame Jor they will be sent you by at | damage for the entire province. Tho Dae “Mende “Much 150 cents a box or six boxe: er and bowels. i n love its FACE WAS FULL TERD.T. HOPKINS GON, Montes al loa s for $2.50 | neglected camp fires of fishermen, taste, Full directions for child’s dose ; —————eeeEeEeEeeeee to Switzerland. _ [pa wcine Siero ter ne Be wiias ee campers and picnic parties ‘on each bottle. Give it without fear. ? oe an reeding | Medlelne Co., Brockville, Ontario. ed a damage of $46,391, or one- Mother! You must say “California,” F PLE DON if NEGLECT A head the list of Switzerland's tood- | third of the total t - are tee reemiae stuff industries. Swiss milk, butter! How Trees SI Shaw. History. | jAncther $14,250 of damage was \ he Firclich : RHEUMATIC PAIN and cheese are actually world-known | It has been found that the rings of | ek oe, tae easlon nag otras by dn the Firelight. For Three Years. Hardand products. growth visible fh the trunks of tre fs & WIA. I love the amelie Tuddy glow, —— While Switzerland is not particular- have a far more te Peete story o DU ae ae gee Da \ A comty chair that’s soft and low, Awfully Sore. Disfigured. Go after it with Sléan’ ¥y sultable for agriculture on ant ex: tell than has usually been supposed as Bee ig eT at : Anrgic? Sinn Se Cuticura eals. Res ramen aee the splendid pasturage Everyone Knows that they Indicate Me tae eaten ea TOE 4 The lovelight in your eyes so blue. SS Liniment before it gets Gethe iaipine meadows affords an al- the number of years the tree has lived. a 5 : “T had been suffering with a pim- dangerous most ae opportunity for cattle- But trees as well carey in their trunks pire goe unio mn. Otel with Ss BSS HG: COU REDS Chel Be sey ply face for three Terie WG ace Rei NEG breeding, The latest available statis- a record of the weather conditions oatinated Gee abe A little “Danderine” cools, cleanses #0 watch son playing with his dogs— 8 full of pimples and they w Beestiow cic tiniccteree iqcqniich that have prevailed dong Tia aie| eee one, Sere van ete, but and, makes the feverish, Htehy scalp | The things of homie so warm and dear, | | hard and awfully sore. ‘They fea Apply a little, don't rub, tet it pene- Mate tisedine s hast Bee: braucht-incedatreyeave or tele Becwth: most a them were of no material im. and pliable; then this stimula- | A¥d hear our children’s laughter near.| J tered and dried up, and were scaly, trate, and —go od-by twi inge! Same for Riake Gants es iE ane & | Portance. The total damage caused| © i 3 iB He fathished and ellie iy ae ‘They caused extetnal aches, pains, strains, stiffness vy: x veral trees, each cas than 130] 1 these fires waa but $4,340, or only ting toate penetrates to the famis! meto lose a lot of sleep, and were of joints oF muscles, jamene: ess, bruises, There are 207,528 owners of cattle years old, were felled, and the order| ye ee vont’ or the total’ ot the | Balt roots, revitalizing and invigorat- telly chy, making me sunichand Instant relief without mussiness or who own altogeth petra ae and relative width of the rings of | re eikiee a ris ing every hair in.the head, thus stop- SoS irritate my $49,011 head of which are co The growth in their trunks awere found to | Province. Se mount aezieeD ping the hair ples ag getting thin, om Sie to use Cuticura Soap wners of other batts anita aa east pad ra epeene ed ears plone ee * scraggly or fadinj lh E H and Ointment and I used two cakes 218 and ins poll ve stock may be This fact showed that all the trees | * ae nadian coe ae ble? attend tow applications of “Dander- very en of Cunicura Soap and two bos caet of which had ee the same stimulation pager jogelunledcdons hele” (S ed) euora ht ct ine” you seldom-find a fallen hair or years. Assuming that the ers. Lines Inthe province ‘ner th ns |® particle of cement, besides every New System of Poultty Keeping-—Get ‘produces a. large apid growth had occurred in Jursaetion Sr Hie Relay ited bright- jollar A Dozen Eggs—Famou: eae eed cite mB i tollet f goat’s milk. When the wet | ears, ae the least rapid os aa i ed ae ‘$110 ‘of ddimacect 8 n Bouttynann urposes. Bathe with Soap, soothe egan, Switzerland was exporting years, it Concluded: auiauiCout| ac earings vdeo el few # tote of de TELLS HOW mth Olsen ants ee butter and cheese to Canada, the of 134 years covered by the tits + 2 es lightful Werte at any drug | Soap 25c, Olntment 28 snd Be, United States, France, Germany, Aus-, the trees, six had been extremely we' or toilet coun! “The great trouble with the poultr “age aod tria and Italy. 60 very wet, 18 wet, 17 average as # BABY’S OWN TABLETS pie Se business hes always been that the le | | Sagete, kimiteg St fest Shrithoat ‘Another special line of Swiss milk supply of moisture, 19 dry, eight very | 24 rites restora eratarnacinet is gars ary, aad six extremely dry. ALWAYS IN THE HOME Cami Pa an the —<.| Benet spe Bearden, for meaity olen teen ‘ ff Poultry Succes But e records of rainfall pire. The average puilet lays 160 mes running pack as far as 1840 were con- aes kept, the seco! she may te: sulted, it was found that they did not| Once a mother has used Baby's Own| Canada is the foremost of the family he entirely agree with the record of the| Tablets for her little ones she always eI timated at $16,000,000 fae as fae nor- | tre’ Heaps & ; 5 ov hous ce Rel ms tn mal year before the wa’ miiietconleliginal waa iucretneeriacic bh iat caus nocnae tiers to|on her, not alone to aid and aucc Bignty” Profitable, basis oer «period of Thus has aaatying tel the hills rec > ring -| equal them in keeping children well. Dare of Switzerland to good account. tained more ¢ mere index of The Tablets are a mild but thorough | forms of uct lite; ize | "How to work to get 1.000 exes trom laxative which regulate the bowels| every opportunity to forwa: Dry-Powder Extinguishers. the character of the seasons had been | and sweeten the stomach, thus driving | 8tandeur re ‘stability both of herself ough dry-powder fire extin-| #8 to sunshine, temperature, evapora. | out constipation and indigestion, colds | and of the Emplre—The Agricultural salitiere maluld to a:gellible Dublle see regular Veet es of the|and simple fevers and making teeth-| Gazette for January, 1920. : poly 2 and like. Coftcerning them, Mrs.| at These. and tm y other Tony E H Y , i ier, St. Dumas, Que., Mansonville, June 27, '13. | He! ne hin ae Bee EN oye vrites have used Baby's Own| Minard’s Liniment Co,, Limited, Tot poultry ‘raising, one copy’ 6 ave Your Clean ng 5 y. e pie Ne prowin ct sua. tablets Sarthe 0 years and am Yarmouth, N.S. eau APR CLnaLy ee = Done by Experts con SS Gheniipaleunalyniscot is aa ish Columbia is an-| Deer without jamin the Hone They) Gentlemen,—It_ affords me great] he ., Begs show thirty-one of various Habs nounced in the current number of The | #ave always giv i 5 2 must be ts to ns he poultry caeee household draperies, linen and delicate shows the contents to consist of ap-| American Forestry Magazine. The " STRONG Fe cguunene yar w thet after: uni ne 86 Be pte tas isto it edt fabrics e cleaned and Bea look as fresh r cent. common "hae i "| tles of hem to make money for you, cut out and bright as when first boug! Bae hie eRnaC oper Shainistryss cain8iaa vo. | The Tablets are sold by medicine deal- | paralys wi a ferith your ka Be rafaaleatl ers oF direct by mail at 25 cents a box | Aicted with, 1 was store him | Rearmed, Maes tan ; Cleaning and D ei Spiniweit neusiaes ; Bo. | frm The Dr. Williams’ Medicine to normal condition. Hoping free copy of, “THI 1,00, Bad’ in’ ciency of dry powder ex- Brockville, Ont. sufferers may be benefitted by the| Wi! Ne sent by Tetein MON! Is Properly Done at Parker’s ars oe made the subject of ish C at Vancouver. or migey of your Fumanen G2 ety Gomeantion Di ines ds Mlesitie ou e; ‘ ie fay pecial ney 0 When usge begins eke arts fol ‘incerely yours, Pp i deat in te tant or ser bile ere ei dh paeas aa te z conimittee appointed by the British| analysis, are said to have indicated | low. The Son: sata are GO. H. HOUMES: }i2 piste thine heart ther tion is given the work as Meat you lived in town. Home Office in March, 1916. Thelr re-| the presence of a large percentage of founders (0 civilization— Some depth of earnest eecihane ‘ we i ; a * ae port contained the Blin state-| an extreme vari sugar. | Daniel Webster. oitatae is as Snr fox| Wit Aite's’ grat’ nouhtion! unto thee a pleabedl te ndyiaai 70) Oh BAY aueayten is not expected to be- oe teacher for the ‘Though pain will come and fears-in- regatdl or Dyeing. ptiene ated as| come a factor in the food supply, like cea vere: farmers, first rude, : ‘ not only gi ny se adi f the product of the cane and the beet,| More varieties of fish aré found in aah them well and them| Thou canst not wholly miss the crown’ aurity si ‘Actfeally. in the article the discoverer advances | the Nile than in any other river in| over @ bath tub full “ Fane hot! Of those by heaven accounted blest: > Linnited for extinguishing or c ing fires.” | the belief that it will prove valuable | the world. water. Place a sheet over the gar-) Patience will bring a healing down, Of an entirely di aracter | for Seeeraenet purpose: Indians st ES ment to keep the steam in. A. es ng And peace will give the spirit rest. eaners & are ib ae one-quart chemical ex;| have made use of the sugar in British MONEY ORDERS. \ ——_>—_—_ 1 eu old vd en ssolentifically. ‘established Keep Minard’s Idniment in the houso. Sei mil aeerllsact asa tele qolvonge S' . Ponasauterent “pro Coad Rate eee, the aelinia 2 dqha ca < Demislonseapcess. Money hold tie: Meese: _Steaning raises § ge Sty 'y names me all Containing ca, tates. Order. Five Dollars costs three cents.| the pile of the velvel ? ct : see AX ’EM bon Co ica tetas ae a CO MARKED of being e Sly handled by women ana eibins for fuel ed as er has| x — f ONLY TABLET ig children; When subjected to Meat, | been perfected in Eu | When Mother Reads a Story. It Works! Try It Whi anee eel carbon, tetrachloride generates | . To protect the 3 of the) When mother reads a story just be-| i J Stop Whipping Bowels a n heayy, non-inflammable gas fhat/ will | trousers from mud an Englislman go to bed. ee, into Activity, but BAYER ARE ASPIRIN extinguish fires under aie algae | a patented a wire ae He be in-] T oe mot a one et all of us that is Tells how to to atid sore, 2 z where water would be useles atte Tato the top of sleepy-head tender eon go tt take ‘‘Cascasets’” out without pain. e 9 We eaher sit and crowd we close \. about her rocking chair Put aside the Salts, Pills, Castor Not Aspirin at All without the ‘Bayer Cross” ; Anita she reads 1 Ae the leit |" goua ews spreads ranidly SeMdrus:.| On,-or Burgalive Waters that irritate The Sweet Cer 1 Flavor of eeloying ipeey ae gists here are Kept busy dispensing arid: Teak the bowels into aetiod at le ee ea. yanmayie) eyek estonia Dlates,|treezone, the ether discoraiy of hi Ga Lenten sao eres by pene! : cinnatl man, which is sald Sa Pesca wisity, Giese rains or- a : b i 8 Fs N E Se eaiwe st ate \ "| ngers. be gans, and have no effect whatever up- Lj Ask at any pharmacy for a quarter r mn bee ets the e aagon en the gonae ar traction whlch willigunk very: ieee oie. anata w dead; little, but is said to Be poate to rid s. ry When Sed ene a aay just be-| one’s feet of every hard or s corn is not produced addin, Rock we disks aeons ‘ 14 thea ae You apply just a few drops on the sugar to this blend of w: i Ween mother reads sauce st be-| tender, aching corn and instantly the fore we go to bed, soreness is relieved, and soon the corn and malted barley, } I lean oe lone and hold the book so] ts fe, shriveled that it lite out. rth eee : i For whe ‘the Aaa yelling fierce, | ¥ ch dites Wi wer half sick, headachy, and miserable. The sweetness is due t ie cr it's awful niee to know tapes, oF even irritatey the adjoin. Ceacareth ee — wee you For aan Je mee Tooth. package which contains com plats ‘s i ‘-devel Coe That ots arm is holding you t mt t thon. | fel great by morning. ey work ache, Hea he, and for| rections, Then you are ourig tual pean ee on rag on and will not let you go! sane ae conten qaoabigstrons pots while you sleep—never gripe, sicken fie ears Lumbago, Sciatica, Neu-| Aspirin—the on ine Aspirm oped’ by tl eae Proc ope! Oh, Buddy's mouth falls open most;| Jaw and infection heretofore resulting | or cause inconvenience, Cascarets| Titis, take Aspirin marked with. the eee 2 ae for over long baking o! this gr food} Ra pallige. fod with: tay from. the suicidal habit of cutting | cost go little too, pot or you are not taking de Aspirin at al in boxes containing 12 tab- Bt aes iG. Nee eee ke oe eae ~ Kecept only “Bayer ue of at co By tn bite fen cents, vi os 1 the line of least Spain has fewer catty, papers than} ‘Aspirin” in on unbroken yer pekages 2 ae ‘ euniees enaken ieee fee pny omhex'surdnean oun, ‘There is only one aveen erie peti ae “Baye: lve preven poked. Se Aspirin is tie trado mark (registered in Canada) of Bayer Manutaoturo of Mono- ‘When mother reads S sor just be- too : Minard’s Lintment for sale everywhere x of Satleylic wis ena ia wel eae preety aot Bayer ony Minard’s Liniment Eelloves | Monraseta ISSUE Na, 9—'20 Fil bo stamped with thelr goneral trade mark, tho roe a er ial

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