~~ GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SHARE- : es NEWFOUNDLAND BY Wi y Ma R t Rep rt BY SEVERE | ..OST YKet hepo HOLDERS ACCEPT GOVERNMENT TERMS F . | Every” Bay Frozen For First | 82%o; gate; Btiltom, 84 to Be; 4, Jonge, 1 Se ‘Time in 100 Years. Toponta. Fe 24,—Manitoba aoe gerlneip to prin Sir Alfred Smithers Sas Company Could Not Carry on Un- despatch from St. John’s, New-' ern $2775 ees Reopens § $2.73, in| aeelene a, id-aloh bu der C Circumstanc es—Judging by Bnet the Bargain. fondled says:—The Liberal Reform store Fort William, ins 38:50 to 8 baits te: $0.05 Good One For Canad: Government, now consid by the _ Manitoba onss—No. 2 OW, 96%, $5.00; eines too A by Cale is Good ‘One For Canada. election im the district of St. John's Bagh Dur exer NL feat, oa nas a i 180 daa. poe . SaERSRUH ES | West of R, A. Squi c; No. d, 92%; No. 2 feed, » Ib. 160; A despatch from London, says:—recital of this case was sufficient to tice tne ee Oke in ae Wiliam, eae ear: bin di aids ies - lanitoba ey—I : ae shareholders of the Grand ‘Tron ee eeepniogcaple feel aber eo Minister and Finance Minister re- g174iesNo. 4ONr $1.45%4; rleteittt 27 to 280; so. fing 2 25 to be after listening to : i PMs Cutata-whe tought tinttthe- yo! ae spectively, ‘aced with industrial $1: abea teed $1,844, in | hore Fort oo ob, tins, sb oor it, 60-Ib. tins, exiticism, on Thorsany, seen a Meche 7G yemineie ak nies game ee Dy tounare S ap gn | roblens on unprecedented in the history, Will ae ee He ehs acon ee PB: 00 t0 $6.50 agreement Jo- a oO! Z of Ne land. ican DS Government. "gaat ae ae setae aia and that eae gees pay A at Se continuous snowstorms, | $1.90; x 4 ae Man’ fea "te! “ate pit ses ae Syrap, per See sentients held a meetin; weaker we became the easier we cou the Reid Soya Company was Tonto; ea shipment. 26; per ar ae gale, passed a resolution ede be dealt with. They knew tHat we FRE mabte to run any trains in Januay Ontario HNO 8 white, 98¢ to i. oo: “sugar, foe 29 against the terms, were being forced by the Government Oo i ae joes Scoring to ‘tseights outside. | Provisions—Wholesale. “We have fought hard for nearly to carry on under impossible condi. Catatle leat No. 1 Winter per|: Saoked< fa 3 — ‘un.| tions over which we had no control. 0 to $2.01; No, 2, do. $1.98 to Sie; do,, heavy, 2 yee aa pes bake “| I felt we were being held up.” (Crie i Nor 8 do. $1.92 to $1.93. 48 to bic; rollg, $0 to Sle ‘ caaclagy Semmens. YOR of shamel and one voice, “Swindlers!” shipping. points, eceording to bacon, 42’ to 4c, pls ps ee a ._| Sir Alfred, continuing, said: “I re= t oe roieats 5c; boneless, 64 to bi This was the final sentence of Sir/ ceived figures showing the profits for four weeks, in a of | Ontario ieee 1 Spring, a pe meats—Long clear een 31 con guey Niaiiprarmenrap aarti datinal Blockade by ice. lot, $2.02 to $2. Oe ia Bees clear belllos, 80 to Bie Alfred pee were swallowed up increased rf Pipes ie soe neo te al ROCHE waves: witha! tha company © bein Every bay is frozen over sufficient-1$1-98 40 $2.07; No. 3 *aon, 1.9 ¢ was crowded and at times there were| granted increased rates, which meant ly & ve Horses fromm oh le to side, a $2.01, ‘rie eee points, eosin 31% t to Sze; peanet Bt % s2ice trong Gjaculations, The. charelold: the loss to shareholders of at least eee 100 years. Coastal, Ei SE 5 9 [peice Bae eee Copoanne cea er, were entirely cordial) one and a quarter to one and a half SOD OSES eS \ nerxite has collapeed vend soak Binley Matting. $1 “i,t $1.79, 120% to 29Ner prints, 80% to bie. toward the Chairman and his, col-| mittion Poss ih eek ORG lat ioe Tae ee beers ee are powerless TTY | necarding to freights outsi monte eal Markets lea three ‘yer 2 4 Se = a pi and coal to keetiony oa ua kw! Hee t—$1.55 to $1- ch accord-| yon trod Smithers ecaved that) ‘The “Chairman “<said~ that they GY ance ey the nardet private to Freights outside. wtaninnd evade, $18.28 to $19.0 a Roll. beta teen reful to| thought in regard to the Grand calizse’ . Se sleet te th [ebee ® freight stale. 0 $1.80, accord- oi oats, bag, 80 Ibs., $5.16 to express himself with a ae re-| Trunk Pacific Ue ar ey were en- ‘vhis map shows Italy's /Jatest suggestion regarding the Dalmatian | °°. sia caring foodstit now Sranitebe fl aveeaniene von $45.25. Shorts ee 2. ates straint regarding the Canadian Gov-| titled to be ame age Coast. She would pk: Sung nd its environs a buffer state with its a Fete in’ = the ea <4 yal Sai s806 yeahh, ae , per ton ear I wes $26. Cheese eee Meh aerate Wie GarS) cretion WoL e Lienaaiue bactuer Ialianity nized. bo a free port. ‘The newapapete of Italy | "O00 9 fue tea thet oe Slt ais ae z_Hingst easterns, 30 to a0%e, But- SSS nes bitterly, testtle to. Rreatacht Wwieoa attitude on the pe fe anatlens Geos re 4 en ard, $10.80 to $11, Montveals a en » beonda, oe eae fanaa cra. UF.0._U.F.W.O. I curing, “GievenpoRe GOL Gh | Bhee claiat inthe fc tryineifotsapo will upon all ap shin a cao wo! ase Ree Toronto, in jute bags. Prompt ship- seconds, Glia to Gols, | Kage vests wy sad (oar forged by the ate the platform, yes : the Northern Districte to St. John’s,|“Mlilteed — Cer lote— Delivered 58 to Ode; No. 2 stack, 45 to Be. Poe * lars, ues Pits eat aot danc ut, et MOTHERS’ PENSION |Lady Astor Coached moa Tne fom aE fo 20 Bey tr fa fi6, Seep tn] ve lok Markle i all; c a s ; ; arkets. Fae Wer sasueMe ater seat ta leges for none.” Wo believe thet It! PLAN ANNONUCED By British Premier |e". sug coal shortage intensi eo 10 te cod food Hour, i m8 te ae onto, ah. 2h Coles béavy attempt in this letter to ouline our | built upon the principle which He who ci eo r—No, 1, mn, $27 to $28; 1 50. ‘0 $14; goo aims and the meaus by we | clainféd-to have the panacea for all| Basis For Legislation Sub-) A despatch from London says:— cis stable soe Reins spewbouns miged, pew ton, $25 ae Toronto. ster, Me 75 to oe, Fob d hope to accomplish them. ocial ills, in the rules of conduct He mitted to Drury Govt. The maiden speech which Lady As- srt greats ere @ tom-|"! Sire Car lots per sot "$16 to $17, fle, choice, $11e75 to $12.50; dos Our position is, we believe, an en-| gave, and which he epitomized thu tor, aa we sant to/make in the for Beers Reo have been Hil: tracks ‘Toronto. ak $11.25 to $11.50; do., medium, tirely logical one, and is based upon | “Wha' ald, therefore, that} 4 despatch from Toronto says:— House of Comm as ma-| @¢ for want o: Sane Produce—Wholesale. 75 to $10.25; eommon, $7.50 Enaite titae men should do unto you, do ye oven |The basis upon whi Drury terialized, “Meanwhile she is gaining pasar prim et ue most) But icy, tubs and rolls, 48 to to $8; bulls, choice, $10.50,t0 $11; do., (Ae That rte is the basic in-| So | Government will di mother’s reputation as ker at public seus the must) 446, Sait ery, mieginnt,: $9.50 to $10; Do. rough, dustry of Canada. Data availablé for The 1 hat aré incumbent | allowances legislation to be introduc- meetings. She made a great impres. The y nes become unsafe fresh made st 60 to 6le; Sprints ah ab fo Bip butcher: cone cine, savOne sipon request auiw: that hear: upon the ition Goh: deltaic coming session of the sion when she spoke recently on the tor travel, oe “etlng stock and mo- 62 to $i #0 to $1 ; ered, $9.50 to $105 ly 80% of the wealth of Canada is de-| self Christian do not differ one whit | House, is set out in the final report League of Nations. She has much tive power, and @ expenditure Ee ae | Bow m $7 to $7 25; stocker $7.50 to @ from agriculture, directly and|from those which a eens nation | On the subject submitted b; mor and presents her views in of: many srlictiss a ond the situ- rested paul aa pr es tow +L Oh te | $10s feeders, $10 to $115 tanters, and indirectly. must follow if it would be worthy the | W- Riddell, Deputy Minister of Labor clear, understandable language. She irc the Rel Reid Railway Con-l5 noe oe 25 to 28e; Peadites. 32 to, cutters, $5.25 to #6. bo; ‘milkers, good 2. That this great industry fs, or | 2® rgery Mills. ollo. report, will speak at the mass meeting to. be| tract the Gre‘supposed to repair 95°? turkeys, 45 to 60c: squabs, doz.;| to ate 110 to $165; Do., com. and rather was, practically without in- ae which is an important compilation of held soon nd 01 @ line, but it is evident they are 1 bo. D 3 a fluence with the Government, because formation upon th lems of members of the House of Commons. not in the fnanctl position to do s0,| ®ve ultry—Spring chickens, | 22 aes; $11; of its lack of organizatfon, Have Until July 10 looking after pennilless mothers, is Some of the mystery of = ale. ge allay: they conden being a los-| 9 oRe: Foosters, 2 Oe; fowl, 25 to S2c; | ewt. § ei 3. That eribee influence, Ait “is im: To Reduce Army the second made by Dr. Riddell, the quence be explained, perha; we sa reie p00000 ners ent eee uae 2 to 2c; eee 0c; tar- to choice, hanes Nelghed atte: “ ire Oo repair railwa: 2: i possible to obtain legislation needful first, an interim report, having been the fact that she is being coached i wilt sclace se aaa edie eee | ie ee nk Ble; | $18.75; do., fob. $17.50; do., do-, to assure the prosperity of our indus- despatch from London, says:— laid before Sir William Hearst just that most astute British parliament- A : before the late Government retired. "arian and speaker, Premier David] hes try. Germany has been allowed a conces- We are not out for class legislation. | sion from the terms of the Treaty of a eee ee repented, by the wed Serre sa! ee ve ee sites eiera teqallutia dint: thevelaas FV aang wie recand: to. the -enged| Debs a. Minister may Ve summariz Chivben’ “thal hepaneaiesscasetan| Meawabal EES GN SSN ll EEN RES AED A SB ATS RRR 5 Cierne aid the eee residence near London, eee coasts, in legislati must be need. Premier Lloyd] oe two or mon iets sie the ft it is ‘proper that pte ee! be | George has notified Dr. St. Hamer,| 1 Oo Al ee eee eres the eet aoe The agelea fata coh icinnts Cac lots than nee ed Gate When! mediate care of the parent, who, i, ;, Ontario Rural School Fairs. ‘ eh et ar less tha reduced to i ‘0 the national wealthy much ent nas ‘as April 10, wile te a spider » (b) the wife of an in-! ane Bnd 1919 we aaa ee a3 just that ow ld Shel i Juls b c 5 aly Liks “aut "hat Foi rr da ah owed ti ee ) the wife of a man who its agricultural representatives, dis- iestation. But we have such con- is i totally disabled. In every case eds. 78,946 AS sideratior where the allowance is given the pupils in 3,278 rural schools of the The ayes oktho past forty years | Summer mae in Britain for hee cn be a suitable guardian Peres oe: ee go to show that we have steadily been or her children. ie gricultu azette for ike ground—Rural population” has be agiog coe Allon es y where the father January, states that the following dectekeadagd? tie tn tuedcarat ast! Ao clectitsor Vanden sayas tree British Ae or the mother quantities were distributed:—1, san culture dwindled to a mere nothing. | is the purpose of the Government to}? Erie Pcie help oa matinee ousicls (OF pee yeas oes ed as we were, we were in tabs legislation to make a Va = poy ehGrer: mast “be ng Pblepeee gee cok Se 2 © protest against measure | ent the r Time ‘Act, under Tesident in Canada at the time of 30,700 packages of vegetable seods, osition ains' . measure that cine ati Clocks Seeders | how resi- Poor Will R while in receipt of ment in Oni | who aud Bee Ene food 1 increasing, and the The first pause teenie ing, what elec conti? " | _ To become entitled to an allowance in 1909, Sultan of Egypt’s Heir the ‘mother and, children must not Ten years later 3 ‘ty valued at m than were held dition ‘reacted again upon| | A despatch from Cairo, —The} OW property, ‘ With food and ae Sultan of Egypt is distributi 200 $ un or nave more than “$500 in pupils had 6 rities convertible into 111,823 entr: 0. 0: nd ise of the] birth, cath (oer ete.) jounds among the poor of ¢ A reste to household goods, shout 250 people saw the first schoo! | be warmer than 60 degrees Fahren- ges to the urban worker became |Alexandria in celebral be diy CHUGH G8 TRL OK eee GH et aeraliva wea ae Wages lave vaceh aha inclets. the Sultanate t be depen- fair i Parts took Dart ainie | het. higher and higher; the price of f Pritce Ahm: cho: apts Cah Bere pO Ie Udran’ and 207,90: hy A eet er ae a oe adults attended the school fairs in , to the consumer has risen proportion. late brother, | ort does not suggest de-! a ee ee : fae / ately. ‘The laborer is ia no better n in October, | finite amounts, but recommends that Onta Paes ee ohderty financial position, and farmer, pase as oe ee ne pecyeatn eee ee e S — ee keeps to the primary ne of farm- elt cage by the adiminigmatiig = ‘i , ke., the production of food, simp. ion stbject, however, to an es-| The Singing Brook. era aoregee outuoes, Woatae i eer diet the wirien nctica tor RE ae amily. Lite broom Gergana years fond of o1 His labor and “come out even.” If you See eee When the Hstening trees are bare | Majesty invarlably has an orange af- doubt this statement send for a copy : When its wood no-more is ringing _| ter lunch, and also after dinner, and of the survey which Prof. Leitch made To Repair Church With loves ps cnee floa ine there |his favorite variety comes from of three of the best townships in the Te ae ers Phe: meriffe, whence special consign- provin Hit _by Big Bertha’ Singin, binstaeial alone ts are once more reaching Buck- somethi ing is radically’ wrong when h Gessetds trom Bakia ay. ake agsing, tew to h inghim ‘Palaee ong Sandringham. these conditions. prevail. ™ ‘of restoring the Church és stl Harps es bells and Beattie. ‘There is no use to attempt to reme- which was struck by a “Big How many people ino that the dy conditions unless the causdof their Bert” whiell’ of >Gout Friday, 1918 | eae brook that eels no oe c Prince of Wales lak a ee aere: existence can be established. ‘Those 54 persons, mmente on] po inne ete en Bee} plane of his own? 0, ‘es to a study | BE tale: than kere Poche at this eductieinn: ‘These conditions exist | pateg: | Mardi 1: Such was the extent of the cemase| | done by the long distance shell ¢ the work will take from five to ividual voter ind docs net! months to complet pee : ree ‘hte responsibility for Bpereae is Sete oh that. restoration of Though t tal he church will te Bue by next people who do realize the re- October in time the ee Cost 50 sponsibility have for the interests of the far 3. Proper legis: tien can ay obiainen only when the voter is convinced of the privilege and oppo aay and re- not ee thd hundredth anniv "the ene. of the edifice, * which Seerhad col | ; ie \ | | in “make this a prohibition country, Se ne aes Body Senntos “Wimer tela’ Wie es There are some interesting anec- the ie eta mt ig pa ‘ Royal Mounted Police | on Thursday. He ot this great! detes of the British ene in’ Queen nelther count, weigh, measure, grade, | — outlay may not be necessary for an| Vietorla’s time tn a mew book by i “ grade, . eae f A. despatch from aoe says:—| indefinite period, but must, continue, Baron_von Geri Se Pelt cue Fk thingzthes te orang 10 information from reli ant intemperance has bech eradi_| Well known to 56 ‘tstendly towerd Hag: buy or sell. In other words, the farm-| {BAG Mag i ails asia: oyarane of land. He tells of Queen Victoria's jusiness. — nt : : z ~ | the Royal Sapaien Mount a ‘otc SArall ton entero eni“or most. whimsical hatred. of .tobacto. steps foward this are: 1, interest; 2,| May Be Canada’s Next Governor. | oa ston he amnoanced as fl wa protien pee eecuine When King Albert of Saxony went ope: tone it rete: eee if eee r Perry, Gene: "Offi. Gor ent ware houses” Was ‘intro-| Windsor he was! warned sont eRe Tr equation aed e wreatest of these) Lora Byng bt Vimy. The asx | cor Co cominandirg the force with head goes Oe the Beaees was forbidden in the Cast send a upon it all others de- weeds Pees an Tiare Hng-| quarters. at’ Ottay aati Sones ah ss he lighted a long agar oH n paper, ee that Lord Byag will rota; "Asuisthit © fies feats Bae total disability of the 21,900 packages of flower seeds ade t reside magnitude oe oO school fair movye- with three schools taking part. A despatch from Washington says: <I will cost $50,000,000 year to mal and 14,045 dozen of eggs of a bred-tolay | soldie in of Barred Plymouth Rock been di 3 a These figures give some idea of the | jes and United ae fair was organized 357 rural school fairs in the province and the 9,848 home plots and made Tt is eres that ‘ies, Milk, iieht Was ingued tenders Ho torte large hips for the North a present bay service be doubled. ice blockade has also seriously interfered with fish yet wi counts too BS for the ‘teltan sea- whicl aie ae eee Bringing Back Bodies A despatch from Washington, says: bodies of sev States, the War nced, Seen ee gent the bodies of American scaltiece in died overseas, eon ‘Ys @ the situation the Govern- No ind Wes' and the press urges that th the export of fish i erentionn/ adv iecporkee at oe BAL million ae of ped will r atin ease a serious slump in pee er eee f Americans enteen American |" died in England have isinterred in English cemeter- are ready for ae to the tment ie isthe tire defile ‘0 bring back to keep properly, should not ‘o| The coronation of Ferdinand as King tal eeched ;wins, “30% to cine, eee 314 to country points, $17.25 Roumania King to be Crowned in Spring ‘A despatch from London, says:— Roumania tnonin. is expected to visit Wngland king Ferdinand andoubtedly tw the only living monarch who will enjoy the unique position of being twice. French eet Loan las Attractions A des} France on patch from a saysi— Thursday 0 her big Pe eace Loan, which is Es be wanted ami The loa einer aaitonal atiactn of a fifty per cent. p to b given with every Gans ge aatanity, ion Albert heir ee hat Dose raWhee and low. Millions To Keep U.S. Dry ptal who ftcien netssioner Stearns ‘ wel " icy preva until the un- i ae: nor-General of Canada. | | . ton, sanepie stag ote = 5 mee ae wo e ie we pee hl al a see in tl As Sir Tyllan, eae) he was for a time ssistant Contuniaatane done with a hot iron passed over a re Commander of the Canadian Forces Goh Regina: kajutant Sn cetitors wet cloth laidon top of the netked| date Risa ia. alley flee nant tor which; onthe Western Froh dent Newent ota 3 par is garaged, or ae pee at ‘the Croydon aerodrome, and vi rae ta i abe ‘allowed to ges was in pe Aaaglt and Hoe for their pluck and pro- nen a on Queen to allow smoking where oe also keeps a machine. ae irons is a clever let , but, for RR rea- aloni ain a _ cunningham 2s D. ae a of th fight 8 avin, e finest air both Prince: Cee eee | p the fae’ sisirese with it, was conveyed to him that his a ‘ehoekinge’’ At a latter e Henry of Battenberg in- A Letter From London in the billiard-room, but it had to be ‘ollowed by eating cachous to dis- ieciee (ue acta Chit Hatzfeld, the German Ambessador, when he wverlt to Windso1 ced to lying on ets fatmnncies Becacerttra ne oy puff. Ing the smoke up the ch After eae the pecan that the Prince of Wales will. take only two uniforms with him for his Australi tour, one is reminded that in this spect things are very much easier for Princes than they used to be. The break-up of the old European Staté® relieves Ave trot tal ian re- m having to main- e and expensive wardrobe of Ae ee —some of them very ex- inde The glans = a moves three of the most scAltoeti A nations Bee the list, and it has not been cu: ee a eee uni- forms with se ° it is ay an easy matter to decide whe received the largest number of decorations during the war, but prob- ably Warl Haig is the officer . The gallant field-marshal seldom wears the rib- basi of all the orders and medals he ‘Usually he 4s content with a bo. Knight Grand of betel eyery or der in Hurope!—Big Ben. a ene UP FATHER” | OWN AS FAI AS YOU CAN ais THAT 1S M€ WIFE AND 1DO~ YOU CERTAINLY HAVE | ye-rrs A La Oe THIRTY IROOM HOUSE= THISIS A GUESTS ROOM CEE IT MUST BE bo ‘ el D THINK YouD GIT LOST IN HERE 1 SUPPOSE THIS 1S THE STORE- egies Is erowned | wi | marines and now rest floo: CONTRIBUTION OF LAKE SHIPS TO WAR 149 Steamers Passed Out of St. Lawrence For Ocean , Service. A despatch from Detroit, The war cost saysi— in lake d of 297,1 gross an carrying capa- niet ioe nena 3 482,400 gross tons for a single tri Such well- ae Canadian carriers as the Chemung, Carleton ner Donnatena Dunelm, La Beton) Em Poe ‘Walia, Empress of Midland, earaet MUIaA: Queens NGeitr? seers Beet Dalhiisie Schaylldt, T! Scottish Hero, Stormount, «1 many more were victims < on th , Ww. H Whe tale’ steamers Aigohuuti Case German, talia, Georgetown, Pair- mount, ford, Maryland, John Lambert, Tuscarora, ea and Pere Marquette 20. were also lost Government | “ i freanters that went (0 salt water numbered 36 pmenean and 44 Canadian Resta represent- ng. in gross tonnage 157 7366 to ons and ich, with three exceptions, went into the ABantie coastwise coal tra A w lake SERGE erican y_ submarines. pee hg RES Spend Vacations in Canada This Year A despatch from M Montreal, says:— It is stated by R. H. onlty Seereee the, Montreal bra: adian Maritactvete: Hebei that the aie tion was preparing to Jaw wunch minios 7. eS es indues their vacations and do their Foe tours within the Dominion thi It ae setatad' that the ta. “origin: - ated at Toronto, at the headquarters of cS association there, and the step is nto escape the Unfavorable sey fe bershinye Gpiinat Chee and the heavy head ta tart as soon as the various branches have joined with the head organization in-formul the scheme, and it will be United States to thie “cou in lieu of going to Europ Great Prairie Fire Sixty Miles Wide A despatch says: Ayres, sixty Pampa, in the central» part of the ops Fifteen thouse and sheep and much other live stock, are the materia]