< Pe Be! Snot Bs: ns uae . of farm y baibine Write us a letter on the following insert your advertisement. solution to many a problem. service to offer. Results a guife mcderate. F you’re a telephone subscriber, simply lift the hook; ask far 6] and state your request. service that makes it comparatively caty And Want-ads ofter the There's always one eager to buy, sell or trade; someone who has a are certain and the cost It’s a for yo: to some- is Call not later than Wednesday For Thursday’s Insertion The Listowel Banner QUALITY QUALITY - - - OUR GUIDE Our first thought is for quality—nothing but the best will - ever find a place in our stocks. Next, we try to see tor how little we can sell the best. §) If we haven't your trade, We would appreciate it. And we believe a trial order wil! result in adding you to our list of satiefied regular customers. Send us your order and get real satisfaction. The Banner Office is the place to order Counter Oheck Books, Shipp- ing Tags or Butter Vrappers. There's néver any race, however, ito keep up with the * aduaae in the | mat ter of paying debts “The Soft Answer “it nature had made me an os trich,”’ said old Grouch, “I suppose I could = your S ven ai “That would be swered his Sanuctnetalite nice,” an- spouse} “then I could get some plumes for my bat, R.A. CLIMIE GROCER - - - PHONE 72 Safeguard Your Body Against Winter-Ills With © Vitamin-Rich | Nourishmeni— Take SCOTT'S EMULSION it Abounds In Cod- liver Oi! Vitamins | 26-39 . Scott & Bowne, Toronto, Ont. Read The Banner Advertisements Wed like toknow | what VOU know — About the use of Corrugated Iron on the farm/ OU may have used Corrugated Iron for the covering # subject, “What Corrugated Iren has meant to me.” The prizes are as follows: First’ Prize —1500 sq. ft. Corrugated Iron Second Prize—1000 sq. ft. Corrugated Iron Third Prize — 500 sq. ft. Corrugated Iron The judges are—Mr. Alex. Piha: Wi ames of Pugsley, Dingman & Company, Limit r. Alex, Mar- shall, Manager of Commercial Intelligence Branch of Canadian Manufacturers’ Association, and Mr. Frank Pogue, Advertising Agent—pro' minent business men of Toronto. Te decision ofthe judge i Gna Competi- tion closes at noon on March Ist Write Your Letter to aA bed : Sous Roofers Supply Connery, Limited ODapat hy TGA OM. of dye. Get oe dee oe faded garm rorw you'll have a veloese full o ae “fashion: able clothes Perfect rictte right over other colors. Dye your curtains, Micainae: spreads, too. Give your underwear delicate tints. All easy, if you. use real dye. original . Diamond | flyes. ‘now, from y 'their year’s wor found “aulte a ee beta iy i, Bu» ee in oun are “ae! to thy through thoughtlessress, but oftener through eheer disregard for the. wel- fare of the community of which they are af pert. RUNNING ON PUBLIC FUNDS The Financial Post) No department of ihe governniest of Canada haé any permit a private Suriaees io: finance on government credit. Yet that is what is done when some firma are allowed to take as long as they like to pay their sales tax while other firms, knowing the law, make their payments promptly each month There is evidence of very loose ad- ministration of sales tax collection. Many firms are allowe to greatly in arredrs in their payments. Usually the firms that are slow to pay are firms of somewhat doubtful financial standing that find it ad- vantageous to stave off all creditors, including the government. uch firms are always a menace to busi- ness, for from them emanate price cutting tacticé, bankruptcies; and other business evils. The govern- merit only adds to the troubles of their honest competitors when it fails to exact prompt payment from them. A WORD TO THE WISE , (Farmers’ 5un) More and more we are coming to agree with the man who said that | T people ‘will pay more to be deceived than for any other purpose on earth. For years glib-tongued salesmen have canvassed the rural sections during the pre-seeding season, with “wonderful new varieties of eeed grain.” handled “exeluaively” if not! “originated,”” by their respective} companies. cur farmers bite? In _— R Men who boast of-close ances relationship with the Irish art Missouri succumb to the flow of or- atory quite calmly and aign on the dotted™iine for t bushels a o or three market value. Do they forget that they contrib- ute to the maintenance of a Depeart- ment of Agriculture. which has proved the worth of every know.’ variety in the world, and which has issued a warning against aT) inferior sorts? Do the farmers intend to car- ry'on their own experiments, which invarinbly prove to-be so costly, or if not. why fa it thete is an inclin- ation to put more trust in the words of the utter stranger whom they deal so confidently than in the sdvice of the organization thay themselves maintain for their own protection? NO JUNE EXAMINATIONS (Walkerton Telescope} The June examinations’ in the Public School at Whitby have been eliminated. who make at leas 65 per cent in and cessional ex- aminations, aud whose attendance has been regular, will be promoted next June without having to write the final examination. In Walker- ton. althongh the standing reached and maintained during the -school year and, of course, regularity in at- tendance, figure very largely when the question of their promotion is considered, the final exrmination ia stili adhered to. It is understood that a boy or girl whosq record for the year meets the requirements Is .not always “plucked” if, for some unaccountable feason, he she fails to attain the standard eet at the concluding test. On the other hand, pupils in questionable stand- ing throughout the year have a last chance here to merit promotion, al- though {t docs not necesserily follow that the passing of the last examina- tion will entitle them to more up a grade, if throughout the year their work has been consistently’ unsatis- factory TO COMBAT CRIME (Toronto Globe) * A day or two ago The Globe rais- ed the question-of thé possibility of Since then various .crimes in other parts of the Province, resulting in one case in the death of a well- known citizen of Sarnia, almost iead to the conclusion that either Amer- pices to Ontario or Canadian rooks” are endeavoring to emu. fate the merarol exploits of those acrose the ! on the ine epidemic, if such it is, must be nipped in the bud. Bvidently encouraged by the meas- ure of success Kas attended throughout the Province have be- come more nu petrators balder. To cope w Doctor Orders Vinol nity Sains persons : it there ‘ie one thing that Ontario desires gi delivered from, fanything nj Province should be ‘notead. twenty or thirty, Would not accept liquor advertising times the/* avegardiess of the fean criminals are transferring their ne. Whatever the reas- merous and their per- with these there should be the fullest ee bs 9 For Nervous Woman a cor whi abe ae Be nei = i y was, weal, nary nervous and: anem- w Or . jdanger had passed. men men from the re soy En aca, f Ontario creates apace fi ent of the ANE, ; consipation. of | Drngzgis' your systefp. E. M. rt. and co Bet should be be directed ting thie evil ‘in perc in this Provin LIQUOR SALB LEGISLATION (Mount Forest Con) and Rep.) - “This is a subject of much spe cule F tion and keen interest at the pres ent time, and eome well-founded re- norts have been in ¢irculation. It is stated that, accorfling to the plans of the government, provision has been made for selling & or’ er cent: eer by the bottle with meals In the approved hotels throughout the pro- vince, The phrase, “throughout the Is this form of sale to be imposed upon all communities, whether the majority of the people want it or not? - Good authority is also claimed for the statement that the advertisins of specific brands of Nquor, or general soliciting of ‘business through adver- tising, is prohibited under tha new toward-com- Sida: facipient: act. Brewerles and distilleries can however, insert. general. advertise- ments, such os annonnecéments of change of policy, change of manaze- ment, opening of new plans for fin- ancing, ete. ; it is stated-on-goottegal-author- ; ity, how th advertising through the mail routé carf&mot be ; stopped bhy_ Provincial authorities ITh at.the breweries and’ distflleries lw a have the right to circularize the jpeople of the province calling atten- }tion to their various brands. Postat | restrictions come within the jur’s sine of the Federal government. rtain amount of ‘restricted } bill board advertising is also said ta “ permitted. The newspaper adver- ising only will be under the han. _|Pat will be hard on some newepa s that claim the right ta adver- tise anything that can he sold, but it will not affect of rural newspapers who at hd price. Jenial fs made of the statement =. in some newspapers that the Government intends to place a liquor store where it thinks one is needed. vote of the people. We trust this denial will be impli- mented, and that, #6 a matter of course, shops will not be established where local option was formerly in force, or wherever the vote wae ai- verse to Government Sale at the re- cent election. etem on- coming tide of alcoholic beverages} | wherever and however pdészrible. ry districts. vent). this the veult weight and torent of the iin the recent Provincial election {North Perth was $3800. Returning Officer. Sheriff ee gag sh nie at Chesley, Mrs. Ed. McLaughlin of Listo- el, was a recént visitor with Mrs. Geo. Cobean.—Elmira Signet. It is not'too early now to emis cee pouitry supplies for sprin . The-incubator. and brooder will eon be neede Mrs. Fred - Westlake. and two children, of Listowel, epent several days last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.. H. topf.—Culfiord Express. No up-to-date business man ne- glects his show windows, but some merchants neglect advertising. The window is seen by a few of those The newspaper carries Excellent for ‘gevonite a CREIGHTON, furry Mother! A teugpoontul of. “California Fig Syrup” now wit" py gc! clean the ifttle bowels. nd in a few hours you have a well, playful *child again. Even ff cross, feverish, bilious, constipated or fult ° ~ gg children love {ts | pleaéant Tell your druggist ' you want aly. the genuine 2‘California., Fig Syrup’ Which has directions for babies and children of all ages printed on bot- — Mother, you. must gay “Californ- ” Refuge any imitation. window, as it were, into the homes of the town and district and gives the peaple an idea of the goods car- ried, If the goods are right and the description right the people can see the sioeck and -w be interested in the werd picture. er Order for Bulbs— Nic Blokker ‘of the firm of tan’ t fIoj and Blokker, bulbgrowera of Helloo, Holland, spent Friday ev- ening at the Rectory The Harti- cultural Society: placed a large order for ene and fall bulbs with Mr, Blokker Cost of Perth Electicns— If money means anything, ference between defeat and the dif- victory in The state- menps of cost filed by the financial agents of the two candidate with the ow a spread of that amount. aides Ps J. D. Montelth'’s statement acute expenses of $1,234 and Dr. R. Forester’s statement, $900. How News Travels— Posted at Hanover, news is waft- ed over to Durham, where it is re- viewed and chronicled, then timed “nd telescoped at Walkerton, and “azetted at” Mildmay. Taken over to Markdale, it is standardized there, egilded at Dundalk, sunned and =e oennered at Orangeville, reported at a ar lag and advocated at -aisley, It 4s displayed sith enter- then echoed at Rev. J. Goforth i. Sees Strife In China. MISSIONARY KNOWN BY MANY | IN LISTOWEL TELLS OF TROU’- BLE IN CHINA—SEES ACTU an|' COMBAT. rs The February number of “Good | Tidings.” the Woman's Missionary’ Soclety paper of the Presbyterian! Church, has a letter from Rev. J.) Goforth of Honan, China who is well known to many in Listowel. “Lest you be dnxious about us here since I said in my letter a few days ago that we were in the midst of war between two armies. I send you this) short note to tell you-what, happen- ed 60 that your mind may be ‘at rest. “On the night of the 14th, the mountain below. us and the railway attacked by the i the morning of the 15th reinforce. ments from the northern or Wu Pei Fu side were being hurried forward. All day we watched the battle goinge on below. By sundown the northern side under the immediate command of our neighbor, General Chen, showed signs:of giving way. Being moonlight, the battle continued. At out 2 p.m. the es from the guhs-as--well-as rifle —fire-showed that the troops from the south had worked round and wen attacking | the tunnel from ¢ That made it certain that the north ern side must lose. We got so sleep in spite of the tumult, but a- out 3 a.m., the battle on the moun tain was the hottest. An hour later the northern men were fleeing down the mountain. We were eager to see what was going on, but the uumming of bullets made us rather crouch behind stone walls. “We had been hearing such ‘re- ports about the terrible “Reds’’ from the .pro-Wu party at we scarcely knew what to expect. ust before suntise we saw a body of the south ern troons coming right into., the midst of the miesionary valley and hurried to meet them. They greeted us in the most friendly fashion, eay- ing, ‘Peace, peace; we have come to protect you.’ They were Hupeh men and they -passed on in pursuit of the ehemy. Later Hunan men came and when the officer leading saw me he took off-his hat» and in ge most friendly way came and hands. everywhere. Al o j et at Collingwood, and loses itself in D | «on-Herald grenseaateagseeauaauaeTa THO TST OTRE TE Wiarton and beazoned at South- pton. Timed again at Port Elgin, is news at Teeswater and starred ’ a Bxprecsed at Clifford 1d represented at’ Mount Forest, it ‘uns through the globe at Torcnto, | ind then is finally examined at Bar- i@, packeted at Orillia and bulletin- .=? Sun at Milverton.--Hanover Post. ‘ommpeted in Contest— Mr. Harold Siegal represenied fstowel High School) at the Boys’ Oratorical contest held Marys Collegiate Institute last day night. There wére three petitors, Anthony gp ge ford Lawrence May of b “nd Harold Siegal nm Listowel. ‘nudges were Dr. Donald Ainslie and *rofy Collin. both of Lag Uni- iron, AL EF com- of Strat- London, and The winner wi Anthony Srend of Stratford, who spoke on ‘The Future of Canndn.”’ The Bea- the following re- varding Harold’s address. ‘Harold Siegal, of. Listowel High School, was 4he second speaker and chose to speak on “Greece, Ancient and Mod- ern,”. giving a very fine address in our modern refinement, Scientific, progess can be traced back to .aticient Greece.’ oe oe . Postesd. eefertootonds . eee rent oa BECAUSE THEY ADVERTISE % Mary had a little lamb,. + its fleece was white as snow; * it strayed away one day, *% where lambs should never + go. And Mary gat her quick- + ly down and tears etreamed * from her eyes; she never + found her little lamb, for she % did not advertise. And Mary + had a brovher, John, who *% kept a village store; him down and smoked a pipe and watched the open door. And as the people passed a- S S a F 4 fe ofe ofe'afe Seteeledebeteeeiedebeleeieteiedeteeieteteteteeiedet long and did not step to buy. + John etill sat and smoked his + pipe and blinked his sleepy + eyes. And so the sheriff clos- > ed him out but still he ling- |. ered near, and id to drop with him, a sympa- * thetic tear. How is it, sister, + ean you tell, why other + merchants here, sell all their + goods so readily-.and thrive + from year to year? Remem- + dering her own, bad luck the> + little maid + other fellows get there, John, + becanse they advertise."—-St. + Peter Herald. + o, fe celica rire Preserve Thejlife“offyourfclothes by having them thor- oughly cleaned at reg- ular intervals. Dust cuts into the materials. | Cleaning preserves the i newness and neatness and keeps the suit al- ways of fresh appear- ance. : Dry Cleaned ‘ond Be isocl $1.50 Joe Lockhart Sold In Can git 9 oes Coanctian Be Maat te Primevett g sce OV RLS: ne Weadaor « der ; pmodorine- fer axeeee hody ake " spirativn and odo: $1. eee or Sahiba 8 Drugwixts f Frances: ea 4 Bagltah spokes eet south strenmed up. ev- north. of ore on ¥ phn of oor Man M bags with the ‘confirmed and the moun- robably .wi) two or fhree h ousand men -engaged. we. have found the “terribie reds’ as friendly as any soldiers we have ever met. All opts that nat even one af | are.so tha our