oud 3 Ww. B. Evans was in London xt on vaitorday 1 Mr. Cyrus Harvey seat a fow days last woek in poate tg Miss Dorothy ny Little, Donegal, epent Saturday last in London. oo Mr. J. M. Erskine was in Tor- ono last week on business. —— Mrs. W: Brandle and Gertrude} spent Saturday, last in London. —_—o— Mare hall is spending 2 Bh Raye ‘visiting friends in ford. Strat- —_o— Mrs. B. W. Swayze of oun biel at the home of Mrs ld —o— and Mra. Wm. Rutherford, of West Monkton, spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. J. Rutherford. : —o— Mr. J. A. McBain went to Toron- to on Tuesday ae where he is spending a few are Miss Margaret t Sangster, of Moles- worth, spent the week-end with her friend, Miss Isabel Wilson. —o— Mrs. Williams of Union, has been ne a few days with Mrs. Klu — Mr . Mies Orvilla Stockford of Guelph, | vieitor in Listowel last Frida attended the Oddfellows “‘At Hom in Atwood on Wednesday Seanines of Moncrief, | the home Miss Verna McKay > epent Friday last at Mrs. Ruby Barton. —o— W. Sherwood, t the home of Mr and; Mrs. A. M. Robinson. —o— Mr. Hugh tered of Toronto, spent a few daya this week at the home of Mr. and Mire Harvey Les- lic, 10th con —j— Mrs. Arthur Simpson and baby, returned home the latter part of last week from the Memorial Hospital, Listowe Mr. and Mre. Wm. Little and two sons, of Monkton,.were guests on Sunday at the home {f Mr. end James Denman. Miss. Evelyn Turnbul spent the week-end and a “io days this week with at: W. T.. Oliver, London. —_t— Mr. and Mre. Isaac Rathwell. of Grey township, were guests on ed- nesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Russel Riddell. —*— E. Eaton, of Loverna, Detroit, were gueste over the week- end at the home of M and Mrs. } Litt Teasdale Whitfield and other The 6acrament of the Lord's Sup- friends in ewenes per was observed in the church here on Sunday afternoon. and Mrs. RR. Kastolla and Mrs. Chas. daughter, June, of Roseburn, Man., were guests on Wednesday last at the home of Mr. and. Mrs Russel Holman. Mrs. Kastolla are Jeaving Friday for their home in the West. after spending several weeks fn this locality. Miss Pearl Pride, fe, Axewiier of Mr. ohn Pride, 12th con. . Gue Wheeler, of the boundary, north of Brussels, were united -in marriage by Rev... Mr. Barker, on Wednesday last at the United Church parsonage, Bruese A wedding dinner was served tollow- ing the ceremony at the home of the bride’s parents. The young cou- ple will take up their residence near russels. The bride is known several in this district. ‘tained the people of this Werriet to of . Mrs, Wa. ine ae char. ala former's daughter, bus! oer) r 4 (Pe jong Robb’ and. 2 wo! ehild- the week-on BE NEWRY, SILVER 00 MAITLAND 00, gem: Sal ttended ; Mre. A. E.. Coghlin. and Mr. verton on re ie om The patrons ot Newry cheese tac Ligtowel at the - home ot Mrw. oly. tory held their era meeting onj chal “Aa setuamed, rade ry _Atmood Casi McMane were in Sie Se si b is & patient at.the Ldsto-| Wednesday afern Wednesday. erent and. | Mon ding the funeral of] 10 a.m.—Sunday school. © =e wel Memorial Hospital. vere, receipts for 1926 © was $39, ky Boe [che late Mr. 8. Whale HIDDEN WORK- 3.9%: the pa received Bs 1927, in the of Robert Camp- sie Ss : ee , ch we $51,510.28;, total pounds of aah ee ales Confired to Homes— 7 p.m.—"THE FIGHT OF FAITH™ t + ¢ ecelved, 2,598,372; tota)|Alexia Alexander an to report the illness age a 8 pm. —Yoang: People’s - HESSON aldounds-of butter fat, 141,876.21; |MeNichol; solos by flsrold: Park}, The late Mr. Campbel' was bord | 0 week ot "lars. Hugh Richmond| Soiety #/ average lbs. milk to te cheese, | ouse, Miss Alexia “Alexander; Mise mm and when @. young | 114 Mrs Roe, who have i pa ofedesbecfosfeatedenfotepepetebdebbebdebbeb bet | 11.20; average D pound azél Hamilton and Miss Gladys Me- lo igh ag cig acme where. he fol- ccatined iS “their homes. Pa ea ine. Pred MeDonald and| cheese, 16.92; tons of cheese 115 i th Grae forte pears Nap he came’ PNebpirian. Churck family, of Tralee, spent Sunday at|tons, 1,974 ths; number of cheese | 4nd piano|?r Atwood and continued. his trade Entertained Friends— the home of Mr. Jno, iLnseman. shipped, 3,149; petals of whey but-/@uet, Misses ob. and! 6, » tye "Barton entertained a or Rev. Wy.J. West, M.A... Minleter Mr. Robt. Knoblauch was a busi iter 4,58 value of whey butter,| Margaret Inglis; piano solos, Hazel faie a wt oeue Fim h a bat friends at her home on Tuesda: ; ness visitor in Toronto. over thn 1606. 15; ctronh reared by cheque} Harris and Gordon Harris. enown: SoS Dret © mechan ae so ening last, which was spent in Sunda FE bruary 13th 1927 wesk-sad. or whey butter, $704.98 There were upwards of two hund.|°Wins to ae Mr, “Cam euchre. y, re 3 ; Den ane | Hatiey returned Mr. Harry Seehaver js proprietor; bred prtee ig A gpoemen ale mie gr gs sion porta exiinen several year Bint tal “i ay Sai 10 a.m.—Sunday Schooi and Bibia h t t t week ; ° . : t ome after spending the past wee yn 8 vé, salesman, and Mr ening epent in dancing. Hi _ known as a splendid ernie to Dinner— theisinel & study wi friends at Guelph. d ¥ were bonny: visitors at the homa o tele btb? $64 | milk ceived, 2.034,29%; total * | pounds rot butter it 183,561. be | ou DORKING +] average ricrey of milk to-one poun + *{cheese, 11.53; average price pound incnee’ 17e: erg recetvert She EER ee ne aa Eta Se ah ae FP. }a All report a good tim irs. ,Crummer, of the 13th line Weller- ey, attended the “At Home” at il M of Hamil- Stratford Normal School last Friday ton, is spending this week in Atwood, | nig Cream Buying Station, district this week. He is advocating b a b a h ‘and Miss Bertha Speiran, of) W.M.S8. ternoon at the home of Mrs. Cheste le 2 t HOSE always popular doughnuts are our spe- cial this week. You know~ the kind --crisp, golden brown. and cooked to a nicety. Every bite. is a treat. Try ours on Satur- day et doz.,!2c. Try sate of our pineap- ple pies at 20c.:- LADIES ATTENTION! ‘Bring your boxes to our . pHop. next week and hare them filled wif fresh Baked ~ Pastry for the Box Social. Good » gssortment to chocse from and save. the trouble. oe es seems fairly popular with the farm- ers. Be + + * EEEREEEEEEESTAES LEE EAE ESD spent the week-end with her friend, with Mrs. line Auxiliary with ord daughter, Mrs. E Wednesday stown Whaley at Milverton on Monday. with his friend, Charles Jones, Lis- towel. Born—In Elma on Friday, Feb. 4, 1927, to Mr. and Mrs. Wesley —_— a daughter weak with friends in Hamilton: Scotland. "spent a week at the home of his aunt, Mrs. Chas ren are visiting friends in this lo- cality. deleted bt bette eh Eee from-the West, and is ranewing old acquaintances around Mrs. Daniel Spillit, at the home of her daughter, Mre. Joseph Holmes, 2nd line Grey, where a has resid- ed — a number of ye ice and hit her head on the ice, render- ing seve hours. ‘At last report she was able to home instar car lot of flour and ¢ | screen Linseman spent a fev aye aad last peek, at St. Clements. Leo n of Detroit, is isiting with erieuah in this vicinity. Mrs. Thos. Hanley and son Frank no. f Mr. P. Clarke, near Linwood. very was a posineen Mr. Mrs. John Logel¢ eI- dance and party last Friday night. e. Richard Ogram and Miss M. the was ME. L. Hofflee of —_— in th uying the whole milk from the farm ers and installing a large cream eep rating plant at Hesso The iden wefpobefenkecfndesdeeeetesentesterestesteterd eet DONEGAL +t Miss Esther Davidson of Newton, Miss Mary Vipond. Mra. Walker, of the Mornington oundary and Mrs. Ford, of Sask- tchewan, spent a ke pays be the ome of Mr. and Mrs. Bd. Mrs. W. G. Inglis and Mice" “Ag- nes of Stratford, spent the week-end Chester Little rs. Albert Cardiff, of The monthly meeting of the ‘tenth of the Presbyterian was ‘held on Thureday a Petrie spent Thursday d. Smith, 2nd co Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hymers epent with friends at Gowan- Hi. Petrie at- Mr. and Mrs. ‘ of the late Mr. ended the funeral Reid Vipond spent the week-end Jas. Dan brook is spending a wart’ Allan, of few Mr. Glasgow, days laat owan Danbrook and child- MOLESWORTH +44 Mr. William MecNeily is home ere There died on Saturday, Feb. 5th, m Friday, i“ school. while a Saving the Isobel M cclenkie tell er unconscious sit up. Our enterorising flour Lamont, is hauling and feed ings this. week : eeceerevesteeeeenaceazay| GOT 4 “mg 2 Mr. J: McCauley of called on. his friends on this line last gs Carthage}. Sage entertain-} last . L. MeMane, secretary-treasurer. Silver Corners tory The annual meeting of the Silver Corners Cheese factory was hel ently, nag the statement showe the followin The ansiate for 1926 was $61, 085.95; the patrons received by cheque Ba 439.88; “— pounds of for whey butter, $1032 cea have a balance a hand of $136 Mr. M So oy Hastings is proprietor. Hugh Richmond, salesman, and eese Factory The receipts for 1926 of the Mait- land Cheese factory totalled $19, 690.79; patrons received $16,068.2" b cheque; manufacturing cheese a- mouned to .788.18;. whey butter receipts amounted to $521.75; totai pounds milk received, 1,318,391; te- tal pounds cheese manufactured wes 1190 bg anverage price per pound chee 16. ‘+. tons of cheese and 1079 %4} or; Mr. Hugh A. McCourt, salesman and Mr. J. R. Hammond, secretary - treaatrer. Monthly Meeting of . United W.M.S. The — monthly meeting of the W reom a the United..chureh on-Wed-4 nesday, Feb. 2, 1927, with a very The, president, Mrs. was in the ch The meeting opened with a hymn, in unison The es sec. reported preciation from Miss Harvey, isher to whom flowers were sent, were read, and Mrs. Swing and Mrs. Richmond read passages from Book of Daniel. Mrs. Green- sides gang a-solo and Miss Turnbull “Easter Medita- tions." iss B. Laidlaw d e Devotional Leaflet entitled “Faith and Lig eae E. G. Coghlin, Mrs. Harl unser and Mre M. Lucas took the mission study from the book “New Days in Old India." The meet- ing closed with a hymn and prayer by pastor Eb eee ee EE EEE EED + ~ TROWBRIDGE t LEEPER EEF EE CTEE SESE Miss Constance Reddon attended: the millinery openings in Toronto last week. F. Coates of Ethel, was vis- iting friends in the burg this amor Mrs. Robt. Hamilton, who re nearly three — with ber rents, Mr. roturast to her home in Saskatche- = wan, Tuesday. She intends visiting her ety ai of Gretna, Man., on r way The oe f the Lad- jes’ Aid was hel at the home of Mrs. EB. Rea th znd line, held a very successful quilting last 86) i . Sid Robinson- is ‘busy these ag prety: limbs and logs home, wed into wood later with the Toxcainr ‘Baw. strong wind that raged Thureday might aid to wind- 2 Wednesday last . Ed. ouse roo Murphy, of Toron- to, is moving bp the “Water's farm on March Ist, Murphy is an old mocbrions ay returning home, he having been a former bJacksmith in ‘our village. Pee aon Sa ae eee ee ee + 2 8. S. No. 7 ELMA 3 et ee ceing 10 tha: rape wee os 8. 8. No. 7 Elma, geriae | the mor of January. “Those mar ere absent Lge one or more inat exa: aa otal 350, Honours 260, Pass 175 ienfor . Fou Fiann a maerse Oeuae See Jonn EMs- + Mr. and Mrs. mond and daariter,. Ellen and Kath: ; of ye s ‘blow torch “and matlonnged ‘Mr. Hamm -candie stick to match. punoese taken by vig “Bh ene on ahs fell 510 Irvie Se Ball Whe: é, mime Bere es : Third—Ni ras ane. ‘e34, 54.) mad Mr. James Menderes is propriet- a 1.8. was held in the school-|. and the Lord's prayer was repeated] ua The program committee consisted) and Mrs. Hiusser |“ FRIENDS GATHER AT HOME TO HONOUR DEPARTING FAMILY-- SOCIAL TIME SPENT. Eg gn 4 friends called on Mr. John Hiusser, 6th con. on Monday evening to wish them Gé6d- spe their new home gres- sive ae was: enjoyed during the evening, aig by luncheon and a short progra agter eurins Hiusser eang, very appropiately ‘How do you do kind neighbors, -How are you?” The pres- entation of a gaagline Jamp . was e to Mr. and Mrs. Hiueser. Mr. on behalf of himself and made a very fitting reply, followed et by severa) gentlemen ainder of the evening was spent in genet Following is —— of address: Mr. and Mrs. Hiuseer me family, Dear Friends, It is with ‘feelings of regret that we -have gathered here tonight to spend an evening with you before you remove from our mi During the eleven years residence among us we have-always found in you a neighbour ahd friend, ready and willing to assist in’ army project for the advancement of the commun- ity or for the benefit of an individ- A pleasing feature of your re- moval Hes in the fact that you are = going so far but that you will ll have an occasionan interest in r community Our best wishes go with you to your new sphere in life and may success attend your new venture, and we would ask you to accept oh lamp as-a remembrance of our gard and associations during oan eleven years Signed on “pehalt of your bors and gg Jobn neigh- Thompson p vronlig Newbigging Robt. J. Farrel Elma Tp. Lady Dies In London MRS. WM. HOLMES OF ELMA,; PASSES AWAY AFTER SIX MONTHS’ ILLNESS WITH CAN- OER an LONDON. HOSPITAL. th of Catharine Miller, wien. eg ‘William Holmes, of Elma township, occurred © at t London Hospital, on Tuesday sg Rn IB Feb. let., 1927, where she had been ro tréatment for ¢ancer for the past} Mre. Holmes was a daughter of the late John Miller, of Elma, and the township sixty-one un- ago. to Wm. Holmes, who ‘etre one son; Gordon, and one nes, survive. She is’ in"aieo eurvi onl Oe pb sisters, Mra. George Niobergall. | f Wiarton; Mfs.° Isaac fF eingg wer of Elma. Another sister, ‘Fred Beck of Sebringville and’ . erotlies, uecess Miller, of” “Mornington, ees deceas was 2 woman ey sl beers fs well nea The toaral. was held on Thurs- day afternoon, Feb. 8rd, from the Tests prove that» sit can dress. in.45 seconds, bat a why ehe doesn't’ do di violin player. ERVIN AND MORRISON HUISSER > rFeb. acholars, who are leaving the achoo) family residence, and interment was : ; pinetng’ eal be a pieoes to learn tha: made in Greenwood cem > Mil-}y, rned. home from the verton, The services were conduct- Listowel Hospital ed by Rev. William Mackintosh, of and Ms, J.B. Elliott ant Burns rian urch, of which spent . Tnesdav , Feb. Sth from the Atwood Bap- tat ‘ehureh at a o'clock, end} Kaine, pastor of the Un ea” shah. had ‘charge. tnterment was made in Blma Centre Cemetery. Pallbearers were Messre. T. G. Ratcliffe, David Hodge, .John Ov- ans, Thos. Ballantyne, Adam - Wil- loughby and Alex Morrison The sympathy of the community goes out to the family in their sad bereavement. S.S. No. 2, Elma, Honour Two Scholars PRESENTED WITH FOUNTAIN PENS AND PENCILS WHEN LEAVING SCHOOL SECTION. No. Elma, assembled in the S ech ol on Wednesday afternoon, 9th to honour two of their section. The persons concerned ware Ervin and Morrison Huisser. children of Mr. and Mrs. John Hu- isser, 6th con. The family moved to Britton to-day. 8 an expréssion of the esteem held among the a ae Ervin and Morrison-were each esented . wi the presentation ‘being made by Reta Park. Mary Biehn, Willie Shearer _ Leslie —* and the follow- ing address was fr by Mary Sharpe. School Section No. 2, Elma, is sorry to see these two boys leave. The address was as follows: Dear Friends, t is with feelings of regret that we An you are about to make you: departure from our midst. During the time you have becn associated with us at 8. 8. No. 2, you have formed many friendships which we hope will last for sometime to come. You have both chown an interest ip the school and its activity and ne willingly and cheerfully given sistance to “= our Junior Red Cross work a success. We thou me we. could not let you depart from us without showing in some small way the eseem in which you are held here. We would then ask you to accept pens and evereharp p ene of our appreciation for you. We hope that you form many friends in your new school, and that our loss will be some one elses gain. May your future be filled with succesr and happiness and may you continue to do those things which make for high manhood and noble character. Signed on behalf of the Strong Hearts eas LE ~ c. ae teacher. a James homme. PANE EE SELES PE EELEECERE OE HT * BRITTON + : De a aa a ee oe i Ol Bee Thelma Lowry. spent.a few tford. rs. 4 Sproule on Thursday afternoc’: of last wee ti el Johnston was in Mil-: verton on onday, attending the funeral ak hia ag Mr. 8. Whales. ~Mr. a ex Mayburrv spent satis with friends. in At- “The m any friends of Mr. B. New- meth. of: wg vt ag jp wi lds her Misa MJ. Biakuson spent Tuer- Ww at the home of Mt. oe a secotior of the U.F.O. and B. Wo was held in the hail here: Sopa pai mena - meeting of the Liter: y will he Held on slrdpenar Feb. 16th. A good th in Stratford on Friday evening last,’ fountain pens and qveraherD pencils, ool Di at two-thirty p.m. ; nee of her daughter, Mrs. ,| Barton, Mre. received a bad- ly sprained left ankle, and wil) be confined to her home for several wee Novice Exhibition— Wednesday evening, shortly be- Somber of ‘triends to dinuer on Tues- of Messrs. William Hume, Fred} Besides his widow, who was Miss in Fisher, John Ovans, and James New-|M-. Parker, of GJen Huron, four var aes SE: gging. A vote of thanks was tend- open and. two so0ns~ survive: | Council Meets on Saturday— ered those who aesisted in the pro-| Mrs. oseph Swanson, Pontiac The regular meeting of Eima gram Mich; ure. David Ibbotson, Toron-|township council will ‘be held on to Mrs. Thos. L, Vines. E'ms|/Saturday, Feb. 12th. township; — n and Cecil, Toronto, an iss Christena Campbell, Col-| taking Nurses’ ning Couse— . } Presentation to Mr Hugwood . : Mies Isabel Wilson is leaving Mon- ° ae funeral was held on Setur-/day for Stratford, where ehe is tak- niurees’ training — in ga Stratford General Hespits Entertained Friends— Mr. and Mrs. W. Brandle enter- tained a few friends at their home on Wednesday evening. Horse Ran Aw A little excitement was caused in Atwood on Monday afternoon, when Mr. John Hanna's horse ran away. Some damage was done to the cutter. a Skating Part masquerade skating ety took glans — the Atwood rink on ane day evening. Everyone was m and a delightful time was eenjored by the large crowd present Spent Social Time— Mr. and Mrs. 7 —— held an enjoyable euchre at their home on Wednesday evening, and a ant time was spent. A dainty cae eon was 6erved by Mre. Campbell. Attended Sale in Brussels— Several farmers from this district attended the auction sale of horses. harness, sleighs, etc. of Mr. Nesbitt “Iamilton in _Bruesels on Saturday last Attended: Normal At Home — Rey. and Mrs. C. C. Kaine were AE Kaine, ts a student at the school. Hed Nasty Fall— Mr. Chas. Lucas had a nasty fall on Friday last when he fell.on the the barn. Mr. as fell on his face and received weet bad cuts on his nose and forehead. He was able to continue his work on the mail route. “otnrns from Hospital-—— We are glad to report that Nirs. _ H. oe was able to return >» her home on Saturday last, after hates a patient at the Listowel Mem- orial Hospital for the past few weeks tv. BW. Mecting— The regular meeting wood U.F.W.0O. for February will be held in the Forest- er's Hall on Wednesday, Feb. 16th. Roll call “A of the At- Valentine Verse.” Literary Friday Night— Friday night's Literary be interestin program will be given:by the chil ren, it being called “Young Canada’ Night."" The committee ‘in’ cuarge r E G. oe ge Be age mea M. Erskine, Mies Evelyn Turnbull and Miss Evelyn West. Has Unfortunate Accident— Mre. Alex McKay, 8th con. met with a very unfortunate accident on Friday evening last when she elipped and fell on the ice in front of the fore eix o'clock, of last week, when peace quietneas reigned in roe village, two" of our popular business men met in the tonsorial parlor, and te make things interesting for those resent, “a rough and tam- pa as you tenn” scrap. ter several rounds . of up-to-date push- ne. mauling, tearing and “pulling ving a in a most friendly spirit, ne referce threw in the towel an Tacas was over, Repairs were daichds made.to th staves stove-pipes. ere then brought in, to play # most nrominent part in covering the nude forms of the two pugilists who made gs earned supper. In the old days the measure hospitality wasn measure. always ~“lqui but ed | hip wa a ica while es his cutter out of}/s the month of| ¢ , ete. and overcoats} their departure for home and. after a change in clothing, enjoyed a well of d Domestic science may be taught, ae ay of holding a baby on one fe frying pancakes is a gift. 11 a.m.—Morning byt ge Subject “THE PRODIGAL PROG 7 p.m. Byvening mdi mr IAN LIFE A KE- OF CHRIST'S Monday 7.30 p.m.—Y.P.S8. Wednesday 8 p.m. —The Ladies’ Aid Society meets at the home of Mre. Lorne Vallance. Thursday 7.30 p.m.—Prayer service. Ke Jones assisted Rey. Ww. J. West at the evening service Presbyterian Rev. Ww. on Sunday last in the “hurch e . At the February. meeting of the Tadies’ Aid of the United Church. *he members decided to hold a cali- -o socfal on Feb. 26th. This will be » sale of articles made of calico, ar *fternoon tea will be eerved from o 6 p.m. s s The Young People of the United “hureh held-their weekly meeting in ‘he. church on Monday evening with Miss Carrie Hymers in the chair. The ge hymn was eung after which Kaine led in prayer. The scrip- wkd lesson ‘Mark 7th ‘hapter was read, Miss Henrietta Denman gave a rending and Rev. Kaine gave a mis- sionary topic. a . held the ty ehurch last Sunday over two bund- red members were present. Many members were unable to attend through illness. At the pre-commun- jon peor conducted by the minis- t n Friday eaes making forty additions-to the poll since Mr. West came ten months ere were four infants bap- tised at the eervice. 30 on Monday evening the repulse’ weekly. meeting of the Y-.P. . of the Presbyterian church was opened with the president . Seripture lesson was re interesting . meeting closed with the Mizpah Baneticion and the rest of the evening spent in the rink. sqncsuiteniciblaisinineecmniti societies Pete eb hd PPS EEE EL EED * f + BORN * + Le a er a a ae ae as eae babel nl Talhah takai ed DONLEY—aAt the Listowel Memor- fal Hospital, on Monday, Febru- ary 7th. 1927, to Mr. and Mrs Alex Donley, a son. VINE—On 6th con. Elma, on Tues- nll Feb. Ist. 1927, to Mr. and Mrs. Thos. L. Vine, a daughter. NUTT—In Elma, on Friday, Feb. 4. 1927, sto Mr. and Mrs. esley Nutt, a daughter. HEIBEIN—In Molesworth, on Sat- arany, Feb. 6, 1927; to Mr. and Mrs. @eorge Hetbein, a daughter. + Love cannot be bought but some old men think they can rent it by the evening. Maybe they are saying it with flowers, but you don’t hear the voice of any modest v Of course a married man is more eg than a single man. He has to mpty heads bing a be » filled with aaythne but sen BVERYBODY’'S onPs COLUM Ten cents a acitee for first in- pra with minimum char of & do. Gubsatnent insertions five cents a line with mini- mum charge of 25c. HOUSE FOR SALE Brick cottage for sale on Matt street, Atwood, known os the Harrt-- son property. “For particulars ap to James Hird, Atwood, Ont. 2-17 t the eacrament of the Lord's y Supper h in byteria: ay. eight members were W.F. Mc LAUGHLIN LISTOWEL AND ATWOOD Embalmer and foneral Director . BP ee oe of Canadian , embalmi