Well Nourish ody Depends Upon Vitamins \* | -SCOTT’S 1 EMULS'ON ~Abounds In The Health-Bailding Vitamins. OF - Ced-liver Oil & fe Sentt < Jlowne. Torento, Out, \ , 26-38 ite’. The Manner with views expressed ‘ yA DARRELS OF ADVICE * Sun) f the néw members oft wh" Coun ted t . since . qualified, he has’ given. free of charge, .abo ‘barrels, full” of advice iaé to. how -to -Orange- wines About ‘every “other person he ava scheme\and insists on explaining he how it should be when whont. A few" bie and 1 hammer py have y cording te tule counclied's® Sonica water to the elephant was a snap. NO TE (Stratford Beaton-Herald) The Crystal Palace—so-called—at the Western Fair grounds ie London was burned Saturday nfght The chances are that even ‘the dir- Preserve The life"of your clothes by having them thor- oughly cleaned.at reg- ular intervals. Dust _ cuts into the materials. Cleaning preserves the -£ newness and neatness and keeps the suit al- “ways of fresh appear- 3 ance. . Dry Cleaned and Pressea $1.50 Joe Lockhart ectors will shed no tears about it. and most of them will agree that it “was fortunate that fire finished: it d, It would rank, as it stood, as one of the worst fire-traps in the prov- ince, an old rookery that may have been a dandy in its day, but now a nuisance he only sorrow is that houses around were in danger for a time. MUST PLEASE EVERYBODY a cp Statesman) Rea have you ever considered what a ‘host of individuals of various classes en editor has to please and entertain? A ‘preacher hes hie own congregation, a physician his pat- tients, teacher his scholars, their parents and his trustees, a merchant} his customers and a married man his wife and oft-times he finds his job a very difficult one. But the editor of a2 town newspaper must please ev- huge contract. if he attempts to lease everybody. ‘But we have had forty-eight years’ experience and vould eo trade places with mian in TOO MUCH CASH FOR YOUNG (Financial Post) . Is there nof danger over-doing bestowal of gifts upon eorge Young? The public has lost its sense of proportion and is likely to ruin ‘he character of a stalwart young any ero. Recognition of his great victory is j)something to be greatly commended, but it might have been better for Sir Edward Kemp, so generously opened a subscription fund for him, to have us the money to commem- orate the feat and to record it as an inspiration for young Canada of the re gaments or joints roe icit t r3 the influen ence of “KING O 4! fg ‘THE NORTH BRUCE 3 eile ‘;towards the unseated candidate. Un- ‘their. guests. future. Such a memorial could have taken the form, say, of a swimming iinstructorship at a “civic bath-house or pool. George Young does not need mon- ey. It is being shoWered on him by there who exploit sensations. But Canada needs-.something tangible to keep George Young's memory ever freéh. } { ' (Chesley Enterprise) The majority of Mr. Mewhinney in North Bruce was so !arge that it will require considerable evidence of crooked election work to unseat the elected candidate. With a yery small majority it does not require much evidence of bribery to unseat a can- didate. The history of protested steons in North Bruce has not been at favorable to the parties that tiled the protests. There is always a sym- pathetic vote which is easily ‘swayed less the charges roven are very flagrant the unseated candidate ué- ually comes through the ordeal with increased pres Not many of the proteats lodged 1. We understand in to court in every protested election case in order to secure costs so it willbe seen election imam are no cheap affairs. HOTEL .MEN SEEKING LIQUOR PRIVILEGES (Acton Free Press) The hotelmen have made two def- inité réquests from the Government. First, asking for the privilege of and wine in the hotel serving beer dining-rooms with meals. nd, asking for the pri of acting as agente for th ent in hope the Premier will be strong constitutes a meal. It known in days past that a crust i bread answered for a taal wi which to furnish liquor. We do not know just how far this would ex- ne ag Government. in providing stigeor for This, we believe, open to the very gravest Sippenerd and should be op Stren- nously wenld te SS aateee: = ‘and the last. Men: GE ata be ree than the Treg Roya patie Py : i (Owen Sound. oan Times) iegothar Holiywood star of ‘sube. had his name dir ‘Sainst roars carrying eing a help to. him, blic is concerned, “hing ‘OWN-Uy bof e the result of his al wanlona It is» ‘igaiticant that or Martin of Quebec the charges made ‘b in her suit for aese, pe ‘banned His” “weilth; far from far bas siderable uatdieaa it {e-a that the: dear. "patie" Zather takes a horrible delight in the mis-! an eps and the sow ata “ef the very res iat Chaplin. “attbou he haa S good ee to cou ens Ute a Sena in the ae far as “will bea ‘con after reading y Mrs. Chaplin, | ¢ ¥ cases; In in very great. It has found that any considerable decrease ‘of foo much than‘too. little moisture. from the normal moisture content. of the machine causes air to hen. due to an insutt meubator. In. DP ; of ‘deal moisture use castes, cndibeane in. the Incwhator ‘it. ative “that m ‘ rn ve onidty of eens be em fficiency ve hum sf ¢€ ma ae 4 the Sina. 308 Yyerometer. . dhe best’ re-. Sys-. ter to err on the side ¥ given perimental Farm One method in general use consists draw too of placing water pang.or trays of wet bs ler ot on at 3 — i h: ure be! a ze it momel nateh tel whieh ko pry in) method” toa thickness of greater, method is "tat pei of moisture ant tat that point. : umidity*of from 50% to 60% ia and moist air around the’ ntl ly settles to the botto wtantly coming in co 3. ‘The wih moisture laden air up of their moisture to the air and 8-0f ha “boa: . to the. bloated fee Bringe waste matter you. wever thou in your ful for chronic pepe ole CREIGHTON, Draggiaty: egEs, Se surrounded air, give up less au ~ oft ata ag when it was unoccupi-| PUBLIC ii Et SWIFT AND SU. gm Jase z . t * » a there is three. Your Own Prize from’ the List To Be Given Away Me The greatest its WORTH There is no ‘catch in Choose “answer for the Big Cash FREE—$7,000 In Cash Prizes-FREE The Mail and Empire’s $7,000 Gold Mine Offers $3,000 For You thousand do THE MAIL AND EMPIRE 0) and win a share in: $7,000.00. greatest i eee ree eee et mine of them all, the greatest chance at riches - PUZZLE EVER MADE. it. There is nothing pare. rs do. he picture below. Within its borders articles, the anes of wi rts’ of ming. that Srnaie’ ake the letter “C’—there o. of @mn are citbealane ing right on n this. page with ‘i, 000 buried in them ready for you. YOUR ANSWER TO THE “C-WORD” PUZZLE MUST BE MAILED NOT LATER THAN SATURDAY, FEBRUARY: 19TH ives to-day. m earth arri For every man te ds it The Mall and Mey There is nothing to risk. And : It is a large picture. ch begin with the letter “C”. is a “Cat”, a “Cigar”, and “Cabbage”, etc. rds. Easy words. Wait- See how many you thie’ puzzle. The a {Secon woman offers a chance to share in $7,000.00. Here is crer me, the Bnet afer over mada, FOR R SIMPLY FINDING “C-WORDS” IN All the objects starting with “C” are Ma is the for to the SEV U “GO: y cash prizes will be given for the 60 best = of tethers submitted in answer to ha Mist nswe and Setinian in the vou = start with the nag om _o ‘will be awarded Second ANSWER THIS PUZZLE--WIN A BIG CASH PRIZE FFERS THIS baa papa apache. TO iis MAN, pening tp CHILD. How Many Objects Fiivinninig With the Letter ‘‘C’’ Cask You Find in. This Picture ? We publish this picture to-day énly to start you on your.road ‘to riches... there and easy to fit. And EN-THOUSAND-DOLLAR M ng the largest an of visible objects ‘First Prise; $7,000 2 ne your life is what The “Mail and Empire is offering you tm this Picture Puzsle Game opportunity of to “play and learn" while eirning « big cash : All you need is ano THREE THOUSAND DOLLARS, prise. You can't help enjoying the hunt for “C-Words” in this Puzzle. eye: Let's all join in and have a jolly good time. pencil, and Bobby a pencil, and the wife & pencil, and the oldest son a pencil. Make it a game. find the most “C-Words" In ten minutes. You'll fina sad fun. Give Mary a See who can It’s easy to do, it's Ragone a maaran it's amusing, and When you have. made up your list of “C-Words” send it in along with one: or tiie yearly sibscriptions to The - 4 Mail and Empire at ast per year each or $6.00 it delivered in Prizes to be awarded promptly | 50. CASH PRIZES--How Prizes Will Be Awarded Hamilton or London, which will qudlify your after the close of the Puzzle Game, March ‘Ist. $7,000 00 CASH PRIZES + REE sortie é The “C-Word" Picture Puzzle Game te a campaign ‘to increase the popularity of The Maif and Empire. It costs nothing to take part, ¥ don't. have to send in ca subseription to win If your lst 2 W ls a cy Ae Seddon Me will win $30.00; we are petevi-and the fol Lieto speci ffer whereby you “an win in oe ot THREE prizes by sending ij yearly aubeoriplons to The Mah and Emp ~ Here’ sHowBig PrizesWill scawaidea mit * instead. of $39.00 ‘be’ awarded $1,000.00 i2iSe sree tine in” ee Ae bg Rel agleye Si cea hag at oa Em at per ; pe $600.00; Third Prier, $300.00, ete. . (Sce Hi 3 ae i ) are sent , 1,000.00, ete. ( Soe doowed ie Prise Lins in + ena cl for prize at least one new subscription Be _ in, “that's not all, We will give extra amounts en all in the = ace = your answer fa qualified and you fourth “you well sacrive: $200, ea #0, fo rth ao; wih prize r subsstiptions to wet becriptiong pire to qualify your answer for the by. far the best daily LAUGH, LEARN AND WIN A SHARE OF $7,000 DURING YOUR SPARE TIME Rules cf The Mail cod Empire “C-Word” Picture Puzzle Game T —K EASY KULES TELL YOU WHAT WeEne ee AND 7" WHAT WORDS NOT TO-U . Any man. woman or child who. Uves. in- aia and is a scatioes ot Toronto, and who is not in the employ of The Matt or a member or = employe’a family, may sebrajt an Bd picture puszie games conducted by The 4 Empire winning $262.00 or more ere not eligible to Mall en participate er this pussle eA ees Unt he mailed by Saturday, Kebruncy, 18. 188% 4. All Mats. of zones should be wrilten on one side of the paper only, and words number conneeatively 1, 2, 3, ete, Write your Vy page in the upper right-band corer. : Only worn that are nouns: dom as are found in Webster's New be deupmigy's Dictionary, 1928 edition, will be counted. The no i as , the ae ee ot ¢ oblects Been in the picture. Do not’ use Bahar Pings . De not use compound words or eae fermen the Sara bink tiie ef two or mure coniplete English words, each which im abstr at name concrete objects Where the plural ia used the alngular cannet be fog Sa ° geed more than enone Pame ect of vinible conerete o ects shown fn the preriend that begin with se jeast or feweat nm @ ba ™ o Neathoan, atyle or hand. no bearing upon deciding the winners. any one household, ora: than pana of auy ‘Froup where two ba more have been working together, %. In case a tle rewalte from two Maite having the canto number rect words, the Hat of these two having + Fs In the event of ore eas contain ipere cl ptlons both wound re at ste ear by mail or $600 per year delivered by ter boy dn Saonitee Londo: aM be Soe a eens In qualify- Ing oats ye $2,000 prise a yer ome w subscription must be went on in. becr pion tor ‘selive ty ref a tect City of Toronts will be yao to qualify ane il.* All new tubeeripuoha wit! be carefully verified byw the ot Piers erage as new Candidates. marking forfeit the credit of such cad scription os qualifying the same conzide: Sctihe Manage will powitively for priaes, I} answers will reecetve the prine winners and correct. The Mali and Empire ten oat