Pd > bal ie 2 = ; ae es ie ou hie a : : = SRE eee eae Ng eee ee: © ala not find the ae le sought? , The Lr areruect. Character of Eee gt 2s ore fae this brand han an fata Seis, saan oe thea 4 oY : | e t of a floc c , 07 eS this brand : has an << he geeks: GF mibatantiat tains Syiiia al f bag: Coa 4 . q ae | ~ \ : ; ae ‘Anternational Reputation. BS trees at the head of the valley. S$}, Seat a . | “a , : “ ied sa . that stood in a grove of splendid este Spe Gertrude looked earnestly but not Ng meets! 3 PE RS WF We eae at the crows, for. over there was ee ays : - e . John’splace, Cherry Hill Farm, and the man, who watched them from the big front veranda was John himself. She hadralmost yielded to an impulse to wave at him when the automobile ‘skidded, struck a pile of stones: and | half-thawed earth, toppled and crash- ed over against the fenqe, ee, (To be continued.) - ae ~ ~~. oe oT ee ee Be a Aer hte . ATrial Packet will bring speedy CONVICLION [smoke rises from each sthoustted er Sp meee ee ae Sees ‘ i ; : ie th) Be ere ty kk Sad oe hoe oe B5568 stack : cc = eee And ‘streams in giant shapes across / 5 aasemaaiot ans ciate tegen etuats 4 the sky | g Gertrude Came to em, t d black, = fe. ade | Cher ry Valley 6 pStand saath neath the new moon’s| — = 3 , Fr Silver track, = * = _- Lest when she pause to prink, like g any girl, seer BY FRED J, ST. JOHN These prying wraiths should up her r 7 pathway curl, ae ADS SO Se SSRN ON RR Sn SNR anne Wasa BRE BREERERE BARE 2 we Wa GWA. | And fright her with their grim and a ae tcio a 5 SR BP, —emeatav mad memmencernmnesmnae ee SS ee ee ete | 3 ; “e rye SEP WT NE TE NOME TN i eae ee ne hae rey = poreerney PE phe NN ERSTE eta re: -eoneeypse li be ~“ -“ : 4 Yy CHAPTER II, : electric — that furnishes its own ghostly pack, . SAS f ares ~=, Ra ieee SiG ne se enw orem inaceeatoes nant A en oe Temp ld a NR a NN " el] her . i i . * | power, 18 will give you light all 1 } or ro ryt : x f ry ek = want ea chsh ged nae + over the place. Then comes the mat-|20W im the quiet ways of cates es 5 Se : NEW Y.M.C. A. AT CAPREOL, . | BA es eed Ree eas: This new $45,000 railway Y.M.O.A., now under construction by Canadian National Railways, willemean much to the inhabitants of tle little Like young <Aladdin’s\ jar ~ loosed genii; The fearsome, leaf, stript treetops, should log er of a pressure pump for your wa- low ce akebees eS aa Sirs firs. PatrRon saa ke ph epee ee G ter system. Your electric plant furn-| The windows of the houses all Hee Failway town of Capreol, which has spring up during the last five years, on the main line, of Canadian! National Railways. betyveen Toronto and ’Fesa_ up now! Wouldn't you hate to. ishes the power. If you are going to dark: oS Wasnipeg, and now boasts of a population of between five and six hutridred railway employees who with their families hava located theres. It will have any consideration for the lady} No passing footfall mars the drifted _Provice 4 community centre whera the people.may meet. together in@a social way, and bold meetings gnd concerts, ; eh. The new “Y”' will undoubtedly fill a wide gap in the life of Capreol in providing a community ecitre or chibhouse, with its library,-billiard room, see me all worn out and old-looking ? }* in t i w 2 ouldn’t you rather have me grow| he case vou will arrange to use ices writing rr: afetéria ay : 1 cee oom, ¢ateteria and large main hall or rotunda, which’ could be used to excellent advantage for a lecture, concert, dance, or any large community, ~ULROTING, on Le - . a into a beautiful old la dy?” | es A pied suneentc bel segs That glimmers with a faint reflected a this time i bah * JL ng mac ine, c urn a *s ark, . rh . ; “ . . : J ; > ; . a) * . ‘ Valley far sagt Bi lie oer _vacuum cleaner and a few. other little h ° le pivot fa des dinwt? _ The building has a conerete foundation, its outer walls are! of brick finished with stueco and the sloped roof is covered with cedar shingles, There _ - Vz. 8 of t ; k lik h - o% AS t 8 pa e Virgin moon tac SD, dimiy 7S. 4 larce lower and unne yera Ye} ths ; po : ° . "17 . \ re! 5 . Ted - : the city began to twinkle before them | UPICks 8 tl at. In outline, that is bright Rr Ferctahy a upper verancah ACTOSS the front, supported by a portico of four pillars, and from the centre of the lower verendah one enters, Presently John captured one of dha: about what is needed to create the 1 t Son Or Wien CO asi 4 ieee ey se vestibule into the main rotunda, in the centre of which and opposite the door, in a spacious alcowe, is a large brick fireplace. Just to the: slim white hands which did not ro-| Eden you think you are going to have Into the starred and silent ‘winter ea ee aerating thermanager'’s room and office is situated, while immodiately to the left is the Kbrary and reading room. Back of the library, ose to grow “wornout and a out there in the bushes. By the way, night. * NS na ee srom the rotunda by pillars, there is a large billiard room and a games room. An open writing room is)also provided at the back of thd ooking,” es: ped top, don’t you want to commission sae Soe ae y oo Ser pra ie a the ea games room. To the left of the rotunda, between two columns, on enters the diting room or cafeteria, from which, Fy ; ; atch ¢ Te Pee : : tous. Swing doors, acecss to tle kitchen 3 taj T nai 4 ra nit : f +} rj all be ite ve, ote ee We've talked this: aoe dh eects py os es Mir When Man Improves on awhere there is-also : ae ete a nae dhe The main stairs are situated at the back of the main hall bétween the kitchen and an SCENES : over 0 ‘| i a : } ae ‘ : . : wo ! : ,| ° . . “ ne al tal, " 2 “ ; : ¢ \ 3 things That 8, cig pak : Peart) neo ills? You musn’t think she’s been Nature. Sak ri simple treatment of stucco beams with a plain cornice mould and plaster columns is used throughout the main floor. The. floor is finished wit! Satie now I Atay wee hark dha fant pining at home while you've been jin} Nature does not reason, she has no me iby ahaa Pete hoes are of Georgia pine stained and varnished, | or . . * re . ne : Ber eon PR ts en ee 18 Second floor ‘e are i bo 7 : Joge ‘rom the ‘idor ! its ¢ | work problem—for the women—js to ee Se ot ena Allison's having | moral consciousness, she. does hot _baleonies, which may be oan . Be tegen Se ae pele ay say x ~ sage F wy va igh a: Senet me gee ce ae ae | be worked out but—I'lt tell you! met” Ime o er young life, believe economize her resources, she is not room, large toilet and Linon closets and Reubes to Mateontes ese we a ease of fire, she thir the @ are als 1 sing Milby anies Feat et ey Valley and | ®’ -John flinched: “but bi efficient, she is wasteful and dilatory, «#rovision has algo becn mado for two bowling alleys, which will be put in later. aay farmer’s wife. We can solve the’ , vey? a in but his yolce WAS! and spends with one hand what she : Ecuehees thing together and when we do, the ¢2. m glad to hear jit,” he said.| th tl 1 fe Pe 18 saseeiaiianeetindiaecieeriaets mais ~ ¢redit and the glory shall, all be|. Well, I must be going. Just put|S#Ve* With the other, says the note aN . Tart | yours.” / these things down on paper for me, naturalist, John Burroughs. Sho is - Ilake one and one half cupfuls of | Play Safe. a “No!” Her ps went white but’ Will you? You know more about it! blind; her method is the hitand- a et aN Salt codfish and soak it one. hour. | The money value of @ man includes she spoke firmly, “It might not work than I do. Vl be a pretty good cus-| miss method of a man who fights in é aN Boil one cupful of rice. Chop — to- the cost of his upkeep and education” out and I’d just be one more, woman ‘omer if you want one.” the dark! She hits her mark, not be- 7 as : AA gether two tablespoonfuls of green from his birth till he becomes self - ° © ties ees ee _ *1 —— ro = oe ae oo - a ee a ee neil eve : Saat yeaa earner eternal caneaacel soca ere: ees a eee SS fee ata eel eee ©. erificed. Much as I love you, John,! Randall plunged into the plans for/ cause she aims at it, but because she b. | ce Aa pepper—csr more if the pepper is mild ing . Bie No ae , nto { iy dt , BY \ee Pi S: id hain. supporting. He then becomes anasset ‘m afraid it will have to be—all renovating Cherry Hill’ and John| shoots in all directions. She fills the \ : and one small onion, Melt © two] insteaq Me a Hability , BR ata ie ete, worked out—beforehand.” | wave him a free hand. He had com-| air with her bullets. She wants to ; . AY tablespoonfuls of butter in a chafing! phi PAB IO “But how?” he d ded, helpless-' menced the work with 4 Pe 7 E 7 7 ; : rs. ag RRR : ‘Als demonstrates the economie - ly, a cloud of de ie age or ‘ir - ‘the pi fo ” Bill Ra ate thee Se ee i dish or frying pan and add the chop-| loss to 'the community when through — *: 0. Spalr darkening the eart, r Dilly Nandal’s hint tha ur loosestrif and . she : j | Sopa " | Pa 8 is SSSR Se Pe aes BB ae ae si ee love-light in his eyes. | Gertrude was having a better time : ke pe riers wind that * ewe : hie ini oe <Dpers ats a, ses an accident, he-is incapacitated ana She looked at him for a moment,’ than usual had proved somewhat dis- ae : gag Pets 6. 3 t - Serle ‘d EE Nee | SOmL Say BG — half can of tomatoes¢| unable to carry on his work. All the — then said, as the car drew up at her quieting. He tried to banish “the blows, and to t 167£00 ol every cals : oe Let the mixture simmer, but stir it; cost of bringing him to the earning — door, “You'll have to find that out thought but he could not forget about| that visits her dnarshes, no matter examinations far Parents. lover them and loth aiand ORa Biel ‘frequently, from fifteen minutes to/ stage is wasted; and he again becomes for yourself, John.” a certain Doctor Barker, an old ad-| Which way they are going. And in A certain amount of respons{hility | 12 the halal iis = das : Re - ar » haif an hour. If you use a chafing! a burden on society, Ae es All right! When I cOme again mirer of Gertrude’s. This disquiet-| time her marsh gets planted, But fou ihe ae: Mtge Lee ee ty eS Pe isi = ns Tage Nm dish, do away with the water pan; | es a Lames you ai see. | ing sensation somewhat lost its keen-| behold how she has endowed man to : <7 : i ei. $s cr faliure of a child ee >I a EOVaAL.e, ap large OMONs otherwise the figh will not be done: Ww 2 te ae STE ay tie he weeks passed. John made an nees as he got into the thick of his! improve upon all her slack and round- | 1" 8°"00! Fests upon the parents; but | CPopped ne, and boil one-half hour, Wal coed wood & Bust be doing something tobe occasional trip to town but did not remodeling and by the time the last about methods! She enables him to there js ho tribunal before which they} in two quarts cider vinegar, two : ss happy—action Is no Jess necessary to.” os : ho c q * towne . eae * > siti ‘ me a 5 a: n ee | oO ve . ee ae! : - 1} Vice : ‘vale ke oe “jl roqw. arr , so lt . ~ . nod " # ' on teengl 2 ste Mes, nia see Gertrude nor did he take any part touches were administered, his chief cheat, and mislead, and circumvent can be arraigneu or by which their | bounes of Pow SULA, and a half Deco: ated by Both Sides. sis th ie: thought. Hazlitt. pa f Cc ; “er : o rpa ct | APT imitans Aa ‘ rat - | tablagn TAF Qn y Se an Peers we ; NRE age scr Fa dg bee ok hal Soke ee ee $8 her. He steals her secrets, he tames ae Saw! Be Boe oi saga oe soc Bt ales S; Saewt abe : One of the leading generals of Emir ———| dia a oe ig ag ee aa deuce te "i her very lightnings, he forces her eee ue - A igi rs os nem | ea » ADUUSUATa, Qinger -ane Ck k Sisal’s Arabian army is named Jaa-' : - aS . open the door to his happiness, One, glad approval. hand on a hundrd occasions» he turns ndings i Bass eat ST Sane eee | eR Meat tne eninge ‘ne! pu. Savs a contributor to the Red | WANTED “id day when he was going through an| He thad left the big living-room her rivers, he levels her hills, he ob- A ng eum 1OW nearly they come to" ‘ se SE set - TA Ae following recipe Cross Magazine. He is a huge Arab, | o? = Bo : accumulation of farm journals he | fireplace, as Billy had suggested, and| literates her marshes, he fakes her} (&*etving a. passing marl ¢n their} a seat Sg IAEAL 3S the best [have ever who rides a tremendous horse, and in | Poultry, New Laid Eggs aS found one which some friend evident-. had put in an adequate modern heat-| deserts bloom as the rese; - he’ mas-| CP8ations? No matter how efficient aes ‘on like. Thee eee * quan- the early days of the war he com- Retin ee ly had marked and passed on for his, a4 system, As to lighting, he had | ters her atoms and he surveys and | ‘2° By deed & ay, be, no matter how “YS8 VOU ike. I hree pounds-of lean manded a division that played havoc | Boiling Peas, etc, a x4 inspection. A whole page in this enlarged two windows, made a wide| weighs her orbs, he. finds out her : xchat responsipuity they are willing, P&&!, bwO pounds of suet, three quarts with the British at Gallipoli. “for this. Write for our Weekly -Price List a of the par-| 0! apples and three pounds of raisins.' the Germans gave-him the Iron Cross | and advise what you have to offer. — Speclal Prices for Fancy Quality magazine was filled by an enthusiast, | arch between the living room and’ ways in the rocks.-he finds out her: 0° Utlt'frem the shoulders a par- ge: as & writer who endeavored to show how, dining room and otherwise taken care) “> 1 tM ee 4 ee bh ante shone ona ratar duties .thg, @l! finely chopped. Two pounds of and sent him to command the Senugsi | must always rest ‘upon the heats of | Currants, three pounds citron; cut in in Egypt, where one day the’ Dorset’! Gunn, Langlois, & Co Ltd. ithe honsehsld, (small pieces, one-half cup each of Yeomanry cut through’ his troops and . ahr (Dept. W.) Ac ae nt 1 ee | a 7 44 T i | - L fe on the farm would be revoluntion-| of what his friend had dalled the | Ways shes neaxens: Sper, RCOVERS ized by the general use of labor-sav.| “natural” lighting effects. Hastat the most completely hidden thine in in, equipment. the house, barn, verandas and out-.| the universe, the ether, and he has Ee gh, oe ESS : Ks PaeRe parte Teibtescse pase Er, . ohn read the article three times.| buildings wired for electricity, The! learned how to use it for his own pur- oy BUBAL De" -promanls OY half one née Peel chopped, one-, captured the great Jaafar himself. ns ASI Then he wanted to talk with some lighting plant furnished “electric! poses; his wireless telerraphy burn: pAnotner, oF] eclally, to make out a list half cup O41 SACD JuICcCe, one- fourth; When he had been a prisoner at : , a 3 Sudden! he thought of his old | lights equal in quality and conveni-|it into.a news highway: above the Ol bi a aa s velatine to “her echo ashe - orange juice, two tablespoons. Cairo for eight months, Hmil Feisal, _ | mmws ‘ a Walar=" . a , - » | . F 2 } jaa Nop nintldwas Ce he hb TT SAT “Olly ene : Cllmeren, me, Ppp ° etsstul architect. When "he called, city home, Followiag Bitty Meouer| Seas, over, the mountains and across | duties to her children and, to the best Of Salty four cups of sugar—white or! the Arab, decided to Join the Allen |] _ SCHOOL For NURSING Billv was in and rreeted hi . ee su 2 ‘estion. h , 5 sed Ag were continents, it Carries 1S messages In. j i | < ye ee 5a ie a a- mari r otdor Be : ss ve ' eras oe CUDpS and Jaafar begged the British to re- The Jordan Hospital, Plymduth, . 4 ig e im whole | Suge , he put in a pressure DH) | onan tiathie: has “vol the hnman| Pon eacn. one ron Aa narks| CF Cider, one teaspoon each of éloves lease him and let him fight in Fojeal'e Beautifully situated in 12 acr f heartedly. They had a good chat over| With power to force Water'te nll that oe ee ee he Bama she could learn: what her ‘standin 7, rand allspice two tensnoone aah cian. Came ee Be IDR BISAlis | AiO an ae ooking ‘the’ sea, offers ‘te’ old times and then John showed his| buildings. He piped the water to the|!T0™ the inhuman, she has evolved | *"¢ could learn her. \children Tosa, | MON, one glass of currant Gain rial ee oe biee, Was Evanted, and Jaa] | educated: youre womia a) tao eae = , 4 | justice and merey from rapine and | per Cent 18, as ner children learn mon, one Slass oT ye y. far fought as valigntly on the side of = Pcp a he ar Oy eretnas ; our months of whie are hand. , kitchen where a white endmeled sink’ “hs fig ck Oe RS eS I Cages % tasty hapa thoy wd cake Cree ne ie Phas: : How can I make old Cherry Hill was placed and to the wash-house| cruelty, she has evolved the civic ee ay ea be Seg eee Re ee a COR Es Pe ae rats Aaox® Of Aruit the men. whom he hed opposed * at Spent in a Jarge Boston hospital. over ,, unto & modern, up-to-date; nearby, where Stationary tubs wera; from the domestic, the state from the | ane AEFeCt ene questions some-| tree: Any phates favor ora quart, Gallipoli that the British Baye him PO ih og Hospital has a capacity of pine: he asked. 7 conveniently arranged. On the. sec-| tribe. She has evolved the Briton | What, but certain general questions of cider. Let stand one week before the Cross of St. Michael» and St. | aenaeane proak ths homtinnt pape | de os ’ . F » ~1 . ; ry, coy He « Sea oh OE i Te thic won) “6 — : lory. : ’ . _ - a age ae shouted Billy. | ond floor of the house was the bath-| and the Frenchman from rude prehis- | Wil serve as a guide: Praycighed If this seems too expensive George. “I’ve thrown my Iron Cross | § Sdmitted Pebruary and October ane ( rate or months out in the wilds— room, tiled and fitted out in a man- toric man. She has not yet got rid of I. How often have TI visited my | YOu can omrt the candied citron and! away,” he said, when he was awarded chs Pe ahh of School sent om hasn’t been seen on a city paye for|ner to delight the most exacting i ‘orman. she ig | child’s school this year? | Peel-and add an equal amo of the Britis yrati | niger ate e 7 Obody knows how long—and now! housewife. The hou as d >|the Hun in the German, but she is fee is year | ge Bea: “ae. amount -or| the British: decoration. Laura E. Coleman, Supt, fie wants a modern house! This must after a scheme laid the by Billy and fast getting rid of the German in her 2. Is the school building well venti-: Tisins and apples, Any tart jelly i es ee x ; i a : j rs € . = By : Peas 3 sig ‘ } € , ie] “Wh Ms . have something ‘to do. with rtain| adopted onl . y ¥ an"! overseas Germanic stock. The bleach-|Jated and well lighted? can replace the currant jelly, if you pa ng to do. with a certain| adopted only after John had gone zt 3. Do I know haven’t that, but if made like the’ Britain’s N t Sea Gi rye lady for whom you were once! over it carefully, ing process goes on apace. ae ty snow “the: teacher PerSORe vor » pul it made like the re- ewest oc¢a Giant. Up-to-date Methods Pa elieved to have more than a passing; _When all was done, John walked o-— - ally ? | pe ae Is delicious. H.M.S. Hood has just left the Clyde, ” ; f . . » a | y, gs ee : a ‘ , ! : r > +4 regard, Bh? akout the old home in a dream, Ther The Wrone'P; | A. What is my child studying ? says a London despatch. She will re- gona reddened but kept his coun-'he braced himself and turned his ear ees | 9. Have I taken pains to see that! place the Queen Hiizabeth as flagship Bel. JbYwe . is 42} e le t i , ay his *"S¢ J : Tar Ve ayy it : : 2 1 1 . € 4 , . : . i “Well. old chap!” bik he ae: er eae | tn this ane eh eopclaugation the d | his course of study is suited to his! A girl-who was anxious to earn the| Of the Atlantic fleet. Possibly the. new friend. “Maly ane h ve ee id h led Hie it Bile pe se roves of the Jack-of-all trades is. almost gone, | nature and will give the right founda- | necessary money for a few - little Hood will be the last of her kind: it ; : Macs up, owre Hailed him. t Was Billy Randall. and.as for. the master of none, hel tion fop a cccoceful aallnce 2. pete aig fos, See A sae eee gate tite 6 ent ; a probably thinking about getting mar~ “Well, Old Pal! how is the e no wes spails <2 pa Ret a = eras ; ; a 1 for rai agen ESSIL COMNegse a PUI} if? that she needed or ereatly de- 1S SS re ho other W ill be deliy ered Kits : : - i > “ A ee ew 1 SPOS 5 tempe a Wastes Nis} ness career? , | sires hinltina othe neat oe in the next four veares “Sa eee eee ried. eS Some women do want a lot, | Eden coming’ along?” sine To instrata thie “ : = in ; <. 5 # ES rr CuU, thinking the matter over Mm the i Oxt tou A’ ears. Uo ee ke ia as I find every day in‘my experience”; ‘All through,” said John. his Voice! +.14- SAR a se hy egies smite ee Make Ww My business’ ¢o;for a while, hung a modest sign in the The giant vessel, held officially to|4@et Busy with that Maple Grove of | : be a perfect blend of battleship and yours, on sensible lines! } } batthke cruiser, represents (the naval), Cut out that old wasteful boilin fan as hiya * I 4 ese! ts. the sci al ) pot and install our, famous (ORAM. ie t architect's idea ofa practical realiza: || Prom” EVAPORATOR, built eI ‘in ‘ Weg ; ‘ fi : : : ; Never. mind your expenience,” in-| showing Jhis deep satisfaction. _ if? “ . in 7. oe es Bee ~ . OF. 7 ‘ ee ) ‘ Pee =). tion of an ideal fighting’ ship. She em- | srt oes Tene Tis is. “foundey 4 ‘hs | told of a newly married cour'e ‘in a| know every day how he has done his} window of her home 7 “Oh, ver roll.” answe ‘Taw it sv. to Wie ot ee Bo es | money” for y LE ees Ver VY W ell Law erarl fF} iv LO show L ) h 1 oy | ¢ | wihen he rae | when the h spand returned ‘from hie . 9 - 2 : . oney or you-and one hundr ad aero oy el \rke ee ; A Jily ails wel i>} ] mora OFS Ph and wine} ne eo} i. Wi sa LAT lUusvpand returned LTOM .DUSi- (cone ave? hodias . I] the les “AN for Fe a r indre ot P ; ry & A He COME! eH ONESA ON Ages LOS: ¢ ne lessons of the wrr he ents | . pas: eae ¢ “now that the point is setled, I d - ) © 168SOn5 ue war, Hhe cents on the dollar to boot. ri . ' Weapy née sign read,| 4+ nanny + 4 . iT) w? ori ‘ TAs ae Pe Fee 7 1 « 7 } dainty cottaze l a’ Sil rb *] LI GMa 7TTer. | aah ra) army ? = ; e, ike 4 terrupted Jom I don’texpect | to. ‘Now ain’t that too bad?” asked|-* Re ee ne pede GU eer | school work? )in black ettering on plain white: 2X a] on’t rushing to towr 2 f+ 5 | — ehoe : ; NAsSS ‘ nnd ae I, ic iT } t r 4 , cy AL T os ‘ * : 4 ag Ves clea } x] wk eT)? Ay T ae hora — ira. a? . . ons ¥ mind telling you that you don’t " : jiand gone. off "ith nates pong 1p HESS Le SN ie a hie ote Nokes 8. Do I’ supervise his home study ! te er sat rated ig ie ee have | 18 860° feet long, with a @isplacement We"mako it in 28 different sizes e at - pYleed | a3 xOnE a, another mai luweter nine -had “bn ve ry <P 7 od Se SIO Oa a ae : L done for e cents? Children’s ep 4 } S > for ever OV Oy Ae &s a) t a tect. . . ALLOVIIEr Man! i Wetllel PID: LAG Purest, Oe: LVOINS ) and proteet thi trom All mterruntia: poe LOL went Cents. Unildaren’s | of 41,200 . tons, has a horse-power of ultable EO wait sized grove, id a designed ‘speed of 31 pay anything*txtra for that. It’s a Billy of nobody in particular. “Here| @verything in the house gave ce: m-| 7*How does he rank as a-studk modern house I’m after.” | e’s gone and-fixed it all up pretty | Plete satisfaction. But one evening |in comparison with others of ‘his c! arr i oy F 8a, aR, ! 97) spe ry snag! — tf lps - 7 , 2 : ; . Pe ee ae a ae tii Ty an architect. You need a plumbey So?” John tried to conceal his aius~/ were flooded; and the carpets.. which be ae SD eATT TS Geet Ad weak ee rppons aiso-made like new, | 144,000 an Hor main armatient consists | The Grimm Manufacturing Corapany + * . | . . 3s } \ and an leetrician. The modern| pointment as he. asked, “‘Who’s thal... vs. 22205 . | ) Hin ody Rs ae Re ee tO ee Oe T : : | ; Lt ae } a. : : Fi p ' : er , : we) WOLTe tIs.- Special e. Were Heinr Tey 4 oe? in renovatine her Own War Inna ohn | knots NoOuUse, 1@--Wwent. on seriously, “le. | lucky party? ; ed bikis, hat Stuy 4 / : NV EAMES RR AP VE WerOrOpe SN} ANOLS, ele MAW Che San Aa te : PS uae) Satie PASS ASS ah > . | Spoiled. BENS i AGS moder nity on its sys- Doc sarker. I saw them drive’ z PUTRI Fons: conta tivseti aed) ore ’ RES LAG Oe RECDS: 'Pemalar “pe ; ey ‘ee Se : t; m of heating, lithting and power. | past her not five minutes aco, And | VW Oil, “HO Salama patiently «f nis | nours, and do fT insist ¢h: t social wat. Cleaned perfectly. She used it in'the ary armament of twelve 5.5 inch and i ei) 1c 4 q ‘Oe wr . 1 Ae P 2 4 c Te _ - " . mag os ae 1 ita *‘Sorh dian’ 14 Vv) = 6 7 M ‘ . ate tea ater a 1 > oy T]- aie he +f A a » . “4 Ld : ! +} [| 7. 4 vy / ¥ u will want: to keep your big fire. it’s getting tobe a regular: thing, | Ye REAL SAILS pee the | ters GVO 10 Inter uth hie séhoo] chalk form for gloves and in the lj- four 4-inch anti-aircraft gung. Her | ta . l= F es Va oy + ‘i € J . - VV, ae c ila | j ; ) WwinmnaA mn (Sinra as F, hints in ai Die mel, F; : z! wipe as | oor + yes a . , K4 , . 2 . * t . po ence "a Thee Phat is a-feature You can see them akmost every day,; Pike Ups “lve me a hammer and Tl | work? } | quid form for ribbons. ,tull load of oil fuel is.4,/000 tons. ; A ‘ va ay AT)? ys ¢ igy hy dorm ga he Ky tine oiroae faws : : . | ( it In ¢« 74 “Ghels akae . 7G) ava oy be yo c Bont a " “UnTiGs ed | . » #3 b n 1tseé r nen put in a modern he iLL J don’t see Now Doc takes Cafe ot his | do it lili a tw nkling. « 10, Arn I takine Mv share of resnoy- | Soon Oy ders began to come in Lrom blister renders yer unsinkable by : people who had light gloves that soil-. any existing torpedo, When com. ing ‘systemy hot air, water or steam, | practice, sunposine he’s oct anc vl tie ent the tam me {5 J TYly JU alr, Mater or steam, pracuice, supposing he’s Pot any. [| Fie got the nhamMmmer an ct pounded sibility in the mental aad moral wth of my child, of ani} exyecting ed easily and from mothers who must pleted Yor sea the Hood will hayé cost : ©: make a few ribbons do long service for $30,000,000, and the annual cogt of her cy SR | \ | § MWA ATete Dik. *'r PTT} : ine Half-Price Lady. a> 4 : pay ten cents for having your! Write now for our Free Booklet LJ a bed BR Nae BH ape See 1 at i are ; en : . : lad ciscovered a Simple mixture that of eight 16 inch guns and hor second: 58 Wellington St,, Montreal, Que. ea uaa) athauat — Sidhe MN id lid le a gL > | ¥ é ee ee L? Wh > 0 AA Ya | in ie ae a ee | eee ‘ eh Le ¥\ ' et] Ln - r ~ a, ‘ f , @ XD < roa er. ty 4 eet d= § a i ra, oe 7 he Le! irs i be 4 ¥ ade " F PA ce paaad A r 4 i. Lh ths AT aay ‘ i $y 4 Gal SRA REDS ASE 4c GRR MORUAN th 1! SR ee : ‘ony ho EE Vii ee oe. eal ik 7 es ee eee ee ree Assessment System tome |reckon, though, he can afford to let; away at'a pipe down inthe cellar “Next comés the matter of lighting, it go to some fellowwethat needs jit, | nit ees a Ka Read’ be a sac ie am | natural and artificial, The natural Doc’s got money, you-know.” Pars, it Re lab ee ae Piast uke ar aoe , . lighting is accomplished by making! John. did not’ call St Gonetidule oes ee Or ene heard the voice} The parent who has not - visited their little girls. hey are still com-| maintenance tn commission . will be 7| OL his wife at the lop of he stairs. ling’. $2,5000,000, windows, openings between © rooms,!or two, drove home with a } ~Howard,” she. said, “the gas has | £3 | PAT OG, | leavy fas “| tirst question. On No. 2 she would | | it erior ¢ ’ ; " : ’ rr Pe ey , r « " Sgr . ip ‘ ey t ‘ } me z. ; / \ : £ . iterior decorations, tints and tones heart. The: reaction from his hope| ®0ne out and the water 1S sul run-| get zero unless the general condition | C1ved om week days, except Saturday | _ The Landsman Afloat. | Hoole, Family. Insurance, a , . : Wo : ; » : . . Speaki . ne oma > St ntar Stover 4 Shton fi sedicier “eh coe pat pric ae 1t bg pet c. ughieve. that ),.” He sent tor & olumber, ater’ ait, her. In. most cases she would get} M@0Y 48 sixty pairs. AS the material; Speakingvet @ dinner, tn New: York, aia retes ai chee ate batady eo nt Stange Tn 7 ' : Cc se, hin “|b @ oir rad founc t @ pros ect ‘ | . y Cases Ss pes : : : ' t i] ne : PAR ge the same mark on No. 3. If she should: used costs this girl only two cents for about the Turkish navy. given it desired. water power available at your place? hadéno place inher heart for hj 0 best pesaible peentment | furnishes * a " 4 : bg a mand ’ : . . . « ~ } r . Well, you can have a small isolated Cherry Valley. ; pay, but less land and plenty of active! questions, it is not probable that she | aay week on gloves alone. The rib-| Turks failed to do much onthe water) the children of our adult members | ue aay hy in 8 the average rate of. er | oy tbe Order has already paid over $680,- time? At first she thought Jol t—————=| Of the oth en yards a day, and sometim bs Bre ; onn sensi ae, t e others. . ‘ ; oy a IMeS aba maritime people. The story goes, } mearly Seven Millions of Dollar t Ine. it TR Ge herein nny, perhaps | How many parents could honestly’ much as seventy-five yards on Satur- he cen | Suranice, uf ee : | Then she believed he Wie, BRAY tty. SC ATIC A grade themselves high enough to feel | fete te , If there te ! really try- | A) ee oak severely censuring a child | yee ae foe cect e omesiand the; much embarrassed by the lack or {cF or full information. wire te are om F orestali clared he would find. When he did Would b that has failed to pass? Hons is five cents, so that that nay nem OF | the following Officers: 23 pe | Tind, n he di ould you be rid of that a branel ‘k brings | Yr iG not appear, she gave up trying to sickening pain—that sharp ——- (e ‘s ipch of the work brings in fout dol~ ‘had no word for mainsail. no word for | wow Gan enelilor Grand Regorder ¢ id find a reason for his action ‘and solatic nervy 7 _ / \}tars and thirty-five cents a week. She’ | Wy. Campbell, J, H. Bell, M.D, ) ane Sap } ‘Ve-course at 0 S, / covering up the real ache jin her heart, Rede ovement? Thou. Reader:—Can you tell me of any} and forty-two cents a week ayer Se, AiMeulty. the Tutkarstieg ani ee : a fo such things as vegetable; if. One advantage of that kind of work! . Getables to the dit as you choose, | | School to do it all? | the most of the daylight by means of home and after discharging an errand | school at all would get zero on tne, , , ‘/ | “The average number of gloves re-} nemesis PL, ») ry. . A : . Pie en he : 7 ; : 7 ‘ler fur 3 Th) % and that sort of thing. For your arti- and elation plunged him deep into | Hine. . lof the building: were well known a is fifteen pairs, and on Saturday as’) The Order furnishes insurance to ita | Adm. Sims said}some amusing things Sick and Funeral Be ) : I ti sp © Th : i Beneflts are Wate peeee ry lab greene iad oh hee ogee ae rorbidding and so Lots of land and big lk ill} d I he f hree, & Pair, she clears*more than four dol. | gene ) i uscles wi eserve on zero on the first three secre Ses ned Pr dol. “1¢" r Ae “that th m y : It's no wonder,” said he, “that the the best possible insurance benefits to And what of Gertrude all thig| brains may pay better would deserve a better rating on any | * ; c i - é . ' , in ly ee 1 Alec Tara +s UY . ‘ ! this a B | any iin the war. ~The Turks were Hever | 000,00 in Sick and Muneral Benefits, and day. The cost of cleaning &yard bf}. 0 tt When they came to set| ““600 Councils in Canada. up a navy in "T u rkey they were very not one in your locality there should be ‘Ing to work out the way he had de- naval words in their language, They | J. Ll. Davidson, W. F. Montague, knife-like thrust along the Home Queries f om Ss. , .. fore-topgall ! nn € ; . ger : . aie altopather erat sieht dotianet peallant, and so on. To get | Grane Cr RaTner. Grand Med. Hx, sands have found lastin . : \ viel ‘a S way of cleaning the edge of a com- went on as usual with the social activ-. relief in - ferent sails aiid ropes | f ities which the customary demands|* =. h 15e AR 5 bE tek teeta tyes hh. forter which has become . soiled by/:. | and the men | ¢ 5 aah of her life made upan her, Tem leton’ eas Ree: Re AG 80) d by. is that the worker can systematize her learned “their dutte: , sd | { {, Dr. Barker had long.been her ad- 3 a aie ODES, without. washing Me labors in’such a way as to leave the! «. 1 Ere Oe OR Ps AA Wess . Rs Wat = . whole. cover? ’ 2 Ret. wate a wh Mands as: Iniluenza mires and now improved the oppor-| § . ; ne. ~, What will clean oxi ;aiternoons and evenings. free. The} + «praies SPO KA pheag tunity. ‘Offewas by John’s absehee. CUA ig dized lamp fixtures? . | | pressin and akentan : . Hoist the potato! ‘Now, then, my ve te Gertrude.mage vo\attempi to analyze a es 1. Clean it with gasoline a ‘pitt oa idewhctisr the vers Put hearties, let go. the tomato with .a Me * Rn Om eR Se, “4. J ‘ P F s eh ¢ ; t wh lert ces ‘ . ve . ! . sae i = ; ' hex own action but went about pied Capsules ~ 2, The word “Oxidized” simply | ated Por iveetcasn Bahan eo eet WAL ee AT hands aloft to reef the bec. Tak } ap Heyer enjoyment of the doctor’s s means a dull finish, <I ¢ould not tell | ; tir a: at Neti te when she steak!’ ” ano | society. . . Many doctors prescribe’ . what 3 iS Rafe aa Pee ee eta , pa banemenee sitions ae . | {On a sunny day in April in faci the them. oe hays rh pai ccs he wee | Many other girls could turn the plan; “ AU-H cf day following John’s trip to the city _ Write Templétons, 142 7 une fixtures were brass, iron or silver. ! to account, for the- number of ribbons. 7 © ‘Needed. the doctor came to take\her for a , te, Sn A Toronto, for _ Washing with Warm soapy water Will ang gloves that ‘need cleaning ‘a; e dnive. He proposed that they drive ee Sold: b ones deiwetite remove surface ditt, and a good silver , byesuanihe ve rematkable: meee < ali O1 into the eountry. _ everywhere for $1.04... or brass polish should do the rest. | all the venture annie AD nei oa | a shabbily-dressed figure in the street, | ‘ener ‘ : : ; : ‘ % # - ‘ ‘ i eel IL @s t tm! : > eas ? r Agata We'll 20 out through Cherry Val- came : “ The. common scouring powders, such cept industry and patience x | understand he is very rood to hiss Use’. Bovril in youy ley, om decided promptly, when he Pend as bon ami or sapolio will do for gun 3 - a family.” f cooking. It flavours, on- pe ai Boe Uhey should PASTHMA “} | metal fixtures. Seri : , “Yes,” replied the otter, riches, nourishes mores = Ade thay hirled ald) he thought ee ; ~Mrs. H. B.:—I am asking for a re-}| A Hint Vor a Savory Supper, sponds about $100,000 a year on his! 3 | of the last trip she had talien eves 3 Templeton’s RAZ-MAN Cap- cipe’for making chowder with green] On cold winter evenings, after a day, wite and daughiers,” \ ‘ ‘ i * 4 Q “igh ‘ io) ne / 9 “@ Ar ; , z “ ns -- - ' . 4 fan wd ‘ < bs as ; " a i ai | ge das Hep ate de ae Aah the same road with John, on that gor- ASTHMA. Don't sufferer: tomatoes, cabbage, onions, sygar,|}spent in the frosty ovt of doors, a’ “And whatsdoes ‘he gei out of it, p Phe from 10 10 20 tines the amoun of || | aous October day. Dear old John! ae a 4 | Spices and vinegar, and glso oné for| supper party is always welcome. Here an BORN cee EERE | - Bovrit taken = fler heart was sore at his reglect, Ww. (Ras rah 9 FEE mice Ets. making mince meat with meat. ~ {is the recipe for a delicious meal that! “Why, a place to eat and sleep when . : pry dsc heaters : The name of the relish is “French| can be cooked either on a stove or in, business permits, a dressing-gown, an | Had he stayed away all these months} Reliable druselate cel “ ; bie druggists sell them a ae wg Sree . | 10¢abox fe Pickle.” Chop one peck of green td-|a chafing dish, and that will satisfy easy-chair, and a pafr of house slip. | / “That's, oly Cashleigh,” \whisbered te man to anothor, as they passed casa “| : puzzling over some. silly plan to sat- —"s isfy her fussy ideas? And suppose . seeeeneeieeeeee rommmmens matoes fine, sprinkle one cup of salt} appetites made keen by the icy air: j pers. ' What more does a man want?” i ie —_ y t d 7 4 sd 7 4 % “ * ) ¥, 4 ae sate +