Ontario Community Newspapers

Stratford Advertiser, 17 Feb 1887, p. 3

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| \ 4 1887 1 = ' h 188%; ive reson mat Monday fare think bly emebslictne qpauel doing Cwritiry ghacdabage 4 0 Armour to two tue effion ray ere. ant T { ae the Goun L i oem a. f iy. 19 —‘Liere] M ailori g. | ont y gui or rabbi a] Inthe ren the.chureh was literally < ],iyimyStouy ad. 13, Peb: n re in Wangham, a. wer packed. The rev.ientleman took fox his} i. Gj, vb apprele: sion tint rae will) Imporied * Pa TONEY ext, Beloved, now are we the sons of ; jiman lives in i d Suitings, # Focus, Row. the young men who] God ead it doth not set appr what we a.m appalling loss of banal the) text = Siig ved with the Pela ton rd Das shall be bit we Kitow that, whien Te shall plates Suow- began, faliing inh 5 rowseri Pat cums for sentence on vas fon- | appear, eH ‘aia ten im; for we shal idle “of Noveu ber, and there is 0: apt Pe rian ghee all guilty of om et asus ceed ec ee ion ifentod’'t mone ofit on dhe geo | than fe i ie Tataa n @ ee lesire. manifested by if ads are £ ec Sens ach #1 and reacher to impart the simple traths Vetha| Years. Mrst or the stage ae tun- "d ° American and Engl olish Hats!” stsomasy — wy el to his hearers an pire them pene cloged up, and, train bebe. Neck Wear of all kinds, mons will (D.Y. fe peach Ean es La Oost canna pa his life | ning at irregular intervals, 80m r Ghastwate reat Methy aneke ed in Waterloo | for them, and the bright resists 1 store} four and five days apart, and the sup: nderwenr of Everv Make, Quality 5 Meth. church. noxt Sabbath, morn.’| for God's people, seemed to greatly effect y hausted. Three Pric ot S.ize ing oa evening, by Ree Vesley Casson, of | the congregation, and caused the groatest | Ply of fuel is alynost exhausted, .R. WILLTAMEO: ae tchell. The missionary meeting on ‘Attention to prevail. days ago coal was selling at $60 a tol IN| day evening will be. addressed by. und eve eniuy fervies the choir at Hort Benton, an now itean hardly J POLAND, Cusson and. Gifford of Sebringviie, tp poeoo Uy RiERIOSEY Pohuer| Peo crag he snow ——. pa Manaorn. aborches,ghtek ‘ded ‘ereatly to that part be punsigaet et Mey pase the and TOGA _ yp eimnany sain Me Literary and of the service. ‘The anthems were very|'8 drifted to. enormous (Op es —_—_—_ ———— AL NEWS qpneionh eniertaipment Wie igaven in Sod ad hioWed bat doheidérabld ine had people living, at mountain part ee se erloo St Methodist chursh by the | been bestowed iu preparation + danger of meting a horrible) _— es Tho Brotherhood of Locomotive engine. | $ouye Peoplevou the evening of Wednesda: "ne Ta MRED ror es avalanche or freezing ors hold their annual ball in the oity hall | 22 ust ood programme of roadiuge, |, On Monday evenings tea moatiog 1a another protracted potas usic is being prepared, Rov | held in the basement, of the church whieh | 60 death. Should ano! pede Cea W. H. Hincks, of Preston, former! me of this | was stehaed by ele ot ae Foon bate storm occur it is bel bela ie (revels sale retail at wholesale prices a Sy wal assist ia the programme. "Tickets {tion and well-wishers of The | would succumb to its terrors sit : al ‘vir's, Herald Bite befor ladies of tho o angroettils Maa eae most en frozen to death Moved io cornet store oppoaite BO. |g Gigs guage SOS wage oth etergetic and succesful in making arsange- | OTe Boobie have bees TEE eg 1088 Smaxe.—John Klapp of ies meg and an ample supply of previsions Don’ vt il to hear Misa Stanle wel, was before tne P. M,on Monday had been pro dba which was heartily en- | centur; ‘he ill be a long Y, one pro our Stratford girls in. the “Bankers | Ceased with yin arm fovea by all whe participated. tim disappearing, even it Bevghten in the City hall noxt Monday | secuted was in Tillia’s hotel on ‘Thursday | After 1 juatige hned beer doue tolthi6” bod chinook winds, as a solid sheet of ice t, and too lyer from hia pocket | things provided, the company retired to , kcied t late. i and began to show it round. ‘The revol: te church, whore an, interesting. pro an inch thiek formed over. i i An secommbly wi eld in the Knights loaded, and in his ofraleanatd he # gone through. ‘The chair was| January, and si at time nearly of Labsr Hall) AL eed Block t this evening sauahed the trigger causing it to off, Satecably filled by the pastor of the church] two fect have fallen. The cold has gommencing at 8.80 o'clock, Admission ouly frantic haben pie fgg te beth Daeeals Weeden deus Hyatt varymg from forty-nine pias bound over to keop the ewe wae) Richardson, and the Rev. Me. Benton, or | Delow zero at Livingston ant Helen minee Sravioneny.--Use the Jubilee plane St. Andrew's church, who represented the| to sixty below at Forts Shaw and a Note Puper and Envelopes, A nice cream Bam's Comepy Goarany,—This popular | Ministerial Association, each of whom ph Asainaboine, . In the; viginity of the ba paper, rough and smooth flaish wt 180, and SorapARY all commence a week's engage pede wl ore ach ipa eB ate Jennie and GeaudUentral mines ‘ aire, 'to bé had at J ment in the i ball on Monday next. e all present ¢ * quire, to be had at J. H. Dutton’s. | They wilt play at popular prices, 100 and | The selections of musio rendered by the|,0% Bald Mowntain the ‘stew’ eke ye ‘ Taseaaa is not an ordinary’ mixta 200, On Sony night they will play the choir, and the solos of several ladies were feet deep on the level, and. travel es out its properties are entirely Uiterent arent Sooi , entitled “The highly appreciate: imapasni bls except on snoashines « from any preparation used for ‘Cosutn | oc® Dat Aspe, vaniey, hese together this was one of the most’stc-| Pipestone. Minn, F e of fore ae »| Stratford gi cessful waniversanies ever held in the hi te ds, Throat aud Lung ‘Trouble, nd git, playe’'e prominent (part dn 1} the worse blizzarcs of ty season has ~ polar t this compaay? fod has made quite a repa- | tory of hirty-s@e} 9 A ERMON anable to sleep in bed, unable Sablon Aon: hernelt: gs The collections on Sande resided 8 pana Rusa Reins (che 3 work, unable to take ordinary oxereies rdinary envel vice saapiigte: and the pro-| hours, All trains on the. secs | soe the effects of Asthma until using! yf. uekmarnane Wann.—Tho oase betweeh vee of Monday evening amounted to 9150. | Rond were abandaned: yester Bonthirn’ athima 0 cure, mle paskage Bree omeana. the the setae peakingacnnite indy eae oe thonghr there must be oneal ed,three pac! esos pormmanntly cured, | Ww, pal “ ji suffering in the countr: * ods on Weinesday by Me a 2 rons hearty. shakes of dhe handy Hopl, | suiivting. jn the © ry: x A rte tracing athe a rane) ney Mf: 83 ven and watt honed hs al cin teal DON’T LET THE CHANCES LIKE fo devominntl ipsstenttin of theidie, ington aathetan the defendants es tog that atl existe between the ee wd FARMING Rrivacted fepeated bold hearing hoth lawyers the nde Boe poned | heir former pastor, and plais:! q ” \ Fon aa Bg Vara mae He to ae his decision till Monday ast, when he | ow weloome he © would always ibe to's Strat SUN NBEAMS, PASS YOU BY. | diate | deoided in favor of tho dafendants, on the ft congregation. A Powerful En dea Tt £: eke 100. ood Ac paid "s relief and permanently cures Beot iron and wine @ wold in’ balk ab 760} % yl por imp. pint, Te or's wy drug store, Ontario st., This “fe cer nly ‘the tiost utritious sironethontng toute a pre sent known. Try Ora Masrixo.—Tho Juvenile Brauch of 8 purpose giving an entertainment in thelt hall thie, evening at eight é'olock. n interesting programme wen pre. pared. ‘here will be no charge made. for admission but a collection will be taken up. Cheap Simon has a few more of his Popular overcoats on hand. that he has sold of goo Give more, Ontario dtreet, west. Recomneanbe Text 70 ni Tune Butler, was oured of lung troubles by our Petra, line Plastors, and w ealter keep a supply and posted suakkeesiee et fri:nds.” Of druggists and C. B. Nasmyth & Co. —Wm Lansingburg, N. ¥., wr =I, Mr Hesson will hold’ a meeting in ha i city hall on Saturday evening, and will fa, the:sleavore ch tha: eeastear aE teL | supposed that some of the eee speakers of the Conservative party will be | b present to press Mr eddies fees in | le! the Riding. m Uoncenr.—The concert to'be given ‘he celebrated singers pF ie for ed to draw a fall night. the eosanon are calculate hou 4 .Klophel has been appointed con.{ but by the expenditure of money. He ic bor named red ale Wy | ductor on Sha mised ‘acithadinssonbreneks} tetobed poxamal’ ob the gerrymander ri chin with to epi ir D. Kenney who is promoted. | quescion, eo it oe dee ae De We Conductsr Buchanan is)» ‘bat h N. Robertson w: abd) sowed sup | tke charge of the mixed rane “Pore paaastion tos the cut, but the sais ilk nat doubt bear the | Dov: Tudians had fa =" coutplaint mark for « long time to Mr Oscar Noi, formerly of thi hat the affairs in the territory had been cet Tea Lvatideat of Hentarihs oa fo they rhtioaled: ek a Radbldadi ta Ovan bin Bad aWWo wre pleased Ul on Monday, es aba ikcde oiaa trian cpedetafrwiinnlie hopes thaxiham fond acknowledge the meccipd of The Manchester [call Ovoar iy looking remarkably well toni “pees (Ups atouhd bia odikbe. 2804, and sr rae a twelve-page paper, sent us by | is doing well in t opti how, by’ Feturaing ‘hitn; ‘that Sir John’s D. Duggan. Mr. D. jain Taanchestor, sits scnsot Me Javies Kedah pours weomuatahay iets purehesiog & large stock of spring and) nedy, ia heme for 8 holiday. Hashes & pos- B.Cameron in rising: comph: summer goods, Ho is securing excellent | ition on the Canada Pacific Railway. nted the audience on the interest mani- i bargains, which he expects t customers the benefit of in a few weeks. Axormzr Netowson.—Mr J. D ton, better known ag, “Lord Ri rented a portion of Shak opposite our office door, wwbbiot a proposes | 40 oceupy le and store room for tens. He hasllaid in large stock of very choice | j pric Hywexxat.—Mr Charles A. He is of 8. R, Heston, Bsq., M. mnitedhin the bonds of matrimony in London west on Friday last, by the Rey Canon Newman, in tho presenco of a large guthering of rela- tives and frien: a6 to ‘ats Agnes: cae daughter of the late Liz In the afternoon the naan couple let for Montroul. m Nomation.- The nominations for] mber for the Dominion Parliamen Game off in the Court House last Tuesday. Jesgon Esq. was nominated by the Conservative party,and Dr Jobnson of Mill- bank, in’ the Worm interests, | Ab rou ames of som of the Jexdin, ory Ath sides of politics in the Ridiig Were attached to the nomination papers of r the tme didates. eae oatieD s had expat he returning of- | prohibition is bo ree 10 ed. ficer declared the ballot would be ts ken on 1 the cabmen in the city congregatiai he 22nd instant, and nai he polling | in front of the Windsor hotel, previous to places where the vote would he taken No| their departure to meet the trains, to get picking was indulged in and everything | \ shure of the patronage from that house, wont off orderly. x Excethi 9 were prompt- ed by cavity te ‘other ‘thy to cull into the dry J. aud give fp saul Bes 2. of her daughter. thee fwey, heaven. free and Atectonat daughter, but I can God trusting in U8. in the city hall, to-morrow night promises | that will support i Shoah the changing to by i on the same rot teas, which he is going to sell ht Pisscnatla pr evening. merly of the Stra but now Miuienadeet an A oot) out of Fred Jarvis’ window, but oe flood he skipped Bika hehiutng: ft 0 for the | layer at his ¢ ate Are reminded us that ground that. the affidavits furnished by the lofence, purporting to om twelve out of the thirteen parties who voted previous to the discovery of the compiainant’s name judge, however, decided that each of the partios, concerned sbould pay his own ate. fj vm fad effiction bins od tha fait Mian Mra Leo Robie Feaidents aig avout « month eir eldest sou died tro therla aftay acehord lliieses wards their eldeat daughte sith the same disgnae andatter aboet wo weeks’ sickness, she also puswed away. family have the aympethy ofall who ino Robinson mother. o soused bre expresses her grief at thedeath Bap E IN MEMORY OF ANNrm J, RORINSON Great Reform wg in the City abe the Sortg elention, wild Bis, ules Hol, if eleoted, to ao his esson, Esq., candidate, Deluge 'pre hour and’ half in which to electors, and to aie ‘an account of The’ Gouisarvative Doar Annie, God in hi S rt 3 z b=! 5 t is hard to part with a dear,ever ry, ‘Thy i ACE W: home on high. Yes, dear oue thoi fa testimony behind that thon departed this life in Christ, As I knelt down by ea yt He hed yon told me yon were. fully eet _ consolation PERSONALS, un Gandy tor D. Kenney, has been promot- from the mixed running north to the William and John A hee of ns Thos 8 Rutledge, and Mrs C. eet: fe Bean Pie ing roid Riobmond, in ae city on onda He thinks his ‘ospects are favoral The Hee Dr. Wiliams, was in the city week pastor gin Harmony Tast esorry to heat by the Stiathioy Dispateh {har Mr. Ambrose DeGuerre, fof ford oleate Tnstitnte, ‘tute of that town, is eyenved by ness, from continuing hs dition. ——— WHAT WE nw ahh ouR yANDe ngster trying ig to hook » cream ath giving span n of horvos quite a dose ye t-up” the otber day, hid dose fm round Albert street corner at a great pace. Terryborryie sleigh break down shelves and Gounters are wel staple and fancy goods, and o of vario prices @vorably with any house in : + Hoffman's is an old and re- | Table Louse, and the number of customers « going in und ont plainly shows that bi sie poithod of doing business is acceptable and gives satisfaction. He never tries to pushy his business by raning down that abot ee vters’ ink he does not advertine an at "that he is not “prepaid to back up. Galland give his stock an inapection--two oors east of post offic Wes poet ef week, . Mr. Glindvwick, was charges 1 Pupre Scitoor coi ‘Whilst we syrapat ise with i 4 think they h a cabrio s articles we found eb hat tr. the Market square with aload of iqroiture. On_ being ‘gathered up it, was ascertained that there were quite a large number of is About bvehs dogs congregate on the half 6 eolnute "8 notice, ching & rat which was on tp. George Harknews" getting up & row amongst city _ bill Mr. H. J. Crout, a off ae onthe boards at the entrance to the After scraping off an_ immense 1s banrelsaigocuesase 9 paper, he evan ari with that disc buok over ® pert et a pat the b We hope to pe noes of a Bill Poster,” by Hy J Crout. mei ‘ing friends o in the city, | Do ih + Tobuabus ihe Retort Chadldate, seas | Phe af ft thie | Waterloaitash Mathotint church, address ed « missionary meetin, puff | roe ising’ te tan early day, ander the title utewardsbip. Me Hesson ‘Was pat in a somewhat Mt position Wot kuowing he points in which 16 mould be apticked by Ms eron, He nto @ great ihowing thet ¢ the ‘A. Macdonald ting the prosperity of the country by the National Policy. “That every Industry in the cou ‘outs condition. Ag tee ot Sit Jobe us obtaining situations 1 as Municipal eleotions. He 8: ry Hes! on had saad very httle that called for: aa} repl rH. had not attempted to justly the blnarges laid against the govern: sekenaie govern: if expanses ta 1GA0 yeaye tive goverumenh had re. ‘ehilst the Conserva e He thorouglily ventilated the causes of the aud showed that directly steps were taken to remedy the evils corngtianed of the rebellion sinyed. course that should have Toad and prolouged 4O gang’ of counterfeiters were the “queer” in this city, and to day tion was conveyed the authori was arrested to-night on tho ch: criminally asswulting a et giel sigh +] of the Canadian Pasific. for his own estates ia Yorkshire. ng = ~... Boots, Shoes; Rubbers & Overshoes, ia, charoh aud seminary, two lunge and. gostly | B ed. Henry ay, macl chinist, Argyle atreet, ree of the North.wen ‘Leveitor Ottawa, Feb 8—Sir Sir Jou Lester Kaye has completed Ha syndicate for ms of t t Territories. og ing || , \CHE APSIDE, Nos. 65 & 67 Ontario St.. J. R. Strattord, WILLIAMSON. ull Boglishinen, anid’ the: place the oupitel stock at tie high figure of 00, raising in ousands of persons. Si 1 for England w York on Saturday for the farms are looted at points along the | thoroughbred stoak will be imported from Bugiead. The ayndicute hus secure mous ext erbeen completed fort h4 nd head of cattle Thin vant herd com- 8 prises all ol att i driven to the. new feeding ground in the spring. Each department under ployas, tents, wud 0 rawn. prinoipally. Edinburgh, the Lide ral 4 n Mrs. MoCo} t | party. Moutrenl,, Feb. 11,--Mrs. Mor who | was injared by anivicle falling. op ies from gt ae] Wi 1t er’ ¢ nt Jisco inquest, { : — 4 —— = Coy, who was killed by to-day L storin has been ragin since Wednesday. Digests ‘ilsckadea. Toronto, Fel The Saturday Stnday trains Montreal were laden passengers on their way home from the carnival. They say the carnival was abig aM eiufad A Sscviation-ott thios ity *injaaited to der J. A. Hospodsky, editor of a Bo- Haniiautpapeny and 2 BA inember of the City one and Hospod- ‘Tao attempt.was inotted by articles which were publi ished in the pa making fan of Anarchists generally apa Mrs, Parsons, who spoke here recently. Ou Wednesday night last seven Anarchists B¢ Fi new ively teeling tke new feathers. ca's8] STOVES, FURNITURE, ETC. Prices Cut to the Bone! = x | A. J. McPHERSON. FUR GOODS, UMBRELLAS, UNE HUTEENG, ETC,, If you yess to sleep well have your feather beds and ce renovated by rocess which makes the feathers fresh and clean, giving them a Those wishing to have ‘thats feathers Upon at 25c per yard, where ticks can xs ue ‘alone cad the prices of all Music Books and am now selling them Richardson’s Method for oy Piano, $2.00 Sy a Smith’ “ boards i ‘00; Paper 8 i w ticks can get first class ticking at my store be made if go desired. been’ invaded the continent. was & case “* tale Billak what you want,” for the Montreal police Getz" ” ir gee Powerless in prevent- | Te you want a e0ok stove, coal stove, parlor stove, box stove or any other kind etz’s OR ee Witeved Yoder ape : House Furnishing stor thieves foo! to thousands and thous. seve you can get it Cheap at the City Hou: gS IN ADDITION T EaE WE ii ands, speak of what gumble: A large Sey af dining tables, pe tehso aad bedroom suites aren O © ‘0 THESE WE HAVE other swindlers got away with. suites, cane chairs, rockers, perforated chairs and rockers, Childrons t ~ nibs, Neb, eb 14-—A:'plo¥. bila’ been , let sets, glassware, preserve stands, er and Chea: rina, Neb Seb 147A plot bas eon) An) low chairs, carpet, oll loth dishes, tonet ee /elmewirs prmerv:sten per Instruction Books. 1 ps, gem jars, crocks, tinware, baskets, bird eages, Iemps, ig writin desks, wa drobes, and a host of other things all sold cheap at . 10 have on hand Sam Jones’ Hymn te the Gon Hymns, “Whe Christian Choir ; " ithe « The Gospel Choir,” and other choice music b ae “The Great Awakening” | Whyte Bros. Hymn Book, City Furniture Store, Market Street. JOHN MYERS. PROPRIETOR i) cep a fal stock of Strange & Co's. Music, Anything not in stock Ik He ordere Liberal discount to teachers and to Sunday schools for requisits. hediot cewterand Fak he iaae on the just closing, the losses have enormous, in some: places amounting | of tically to the annibilagion of whole | i, An Indian Territor 8 the report from all parts of the Lui Territory state that stocks wel! and are in fair condition. Pittsburg, Pa., Feb. 11 ian Telegrams from a Bastern Ohio state that a terrible wind | im storm passed over that section to-day. At 01 id olen fae- tory were blown ig jee waa lagi lltue a Linea railroad laborer who had taken shelter un- 4 der it. (rery WeyueInd Feouary 11—The Maa- ee, StJoseph and St. Mary's Rivers rose velfouttlast nigh (isnd tad ecraae sucee 8 5 t| works with dykes. watel | within a foot of the floors of the p wi much to try their P oa in tified in slamming re of age, fee pe nts . k any teacher is jue h hureh. |v ; aren rincipal the door i the face of Fine geen ner Central | Wael vdist . dyes, and the sity must shortly be ou ich or poor, if they £0 hat ra 0 ICE». off from cummunication by waggop roads Fie ee Pecomplains, Tr ee ern tO ue ton| ANNAVERS! aARY SERV wa the north. The saver i8 sing six make on courtesy demands di crenata inches an hour, and rain is falliuy. i q vel oe duet tothis- x hs anniverery fast Sunday aod a the license fee, and it was ates ovine aks _We are pained to have to Cae qath and nd 4 ah dh ‘nidnigut hia iafaeando Wid PTs CONSUMPTION CURED all pox, of Fre ‘The sermons 0} lay We Tt was carried after a liyely discussion oy cesgrd the death, from 8 féepect-| ‘The pearson of Listowel, The old physician retired trom practice trick Drummond, eden aor atthe ake Sy a stors of the Curoh. | 19. 0, M7 perry cca Gel a placed invhis bunds by an East ei townsman, at he deceased | o% fa large vengregacion was " ted (ia Missionary the formula of a simpte 228 years and 6 mom Par renders| nes grea iutorest was manifested "Ste jan in Macdonald | is expected ¢°] vogotable remedy tor the speedy and perma will be remembered by MUNy © ployed in| present, Bi’ © Phe preacher took for his} bo,” Hull, North Toronto, Wednesday | ment cure sumption; Bronchitia we state, tha a. eo for some three i jaan (6 chsptet of the ig Ay eee of Ee ight, Cutarrh, Asthma and all throat and Lun; registry office. by all who | tex! ‘17th verse, iti toe at Hie was muoh respected PY Kt “yg | James, end to jalge aren | Serossutae Bek ; Ne 3 Knew him when, resiire pployed in the | 180 ty ol earnestly Peet aight wok tain ;| years of eu0, 169 Bpa ts, ted i weet of his death he was Smploye, OT of | no prayed ex arth by the] with a serious Didént Bh fskiurday Wodhy | ourative powertia thapeand of otk, has time gutial Life Insurance Comper oy [and it Fhe and six mouths.” The} whilst di ‘@ team across the Grand| felt it his duty to it known, to-bi Brook here he pasiness. When | pace 0° is full of encouragement for| Travk Railway crossing at mber. | suffering fellows. Actuated by this motiye friends by his attention bape ascortained | Sermo! : mk aayasaed prayer, und many} Que of iffletrees became detached] and a desire to relieve an suffering, I the nature of his disease te hosp: ital, nest and comited bovis sa uncient and] and whilst repairing the damage a froight| will eon free of charge, to all who desire it, fhe vas removed to King’s Conny stant: 08 instances Tien) whéte prayer had been| train approached, unnoticed rrvns.| this recipe in German, French of Boglish Brooklyn, which was op is bis gait rings | modern Wit answers yen | Ho was struck by the engine, and both his| in ful’ ea Preparing and wee he. 7h death terminated ° motery, Crean the faith a or petitioner. les were broken. He was remoyed to the Send bi y mail by addressing with He was interred in Sade pts ily tiny th ice et shat ES come under the he pital. Last night he was re) A to ee! this wuhpety oe A. Noyes, 149 Poker Brooklyn. Basie SpA entire 00} Tn insane owledge were fivon, and ye doing Blook'..ochester, N. heartfelt 8} nie "3 ent, avert ly in this sir 8 the eet peel ota 1, | holitlay trade, have wintered ate. imported direct from G deous frou $luy sololy by the Domihion organ and Piano wad toned and who aro rying to make Stratford a business centre, especial, get better value for you ‘er, | trom London or Toronto, great city, and it can only be y | the man whose interests are most closely allied with our Bere J. H. DUFTON, ‘CITY BOOK STORE.” NO 4 OLD ALBION BLOCK ‘VOTE. VOTE. VOTE. yote mae influence is solicited for the undersigned whe vill give you “JINGLE | JINGLE! GO THE BELLS. f yes north aud % if llowstone r, with dius of oa " d miles - + <a 1: of ie point. Ueto sua she stock} “Fiano, Plas Organ, Piccalo, Concertina Violin, %, , d not suffered much from the severity cf r _—_—_—_—_ the winter, but daring January and half of} Accordeon, Guitar, anjo, Mouth Organ, Jew’s Har; - Bo >| ‘ ebrdery, srieakee 2 1 Banjo, Ban, P Body[Bells, Back Bells Shaft Bells, many other things, too numerous to mention, which are kept in stock in eat number and varicty’ all of which are marked specially low in spies for the Having just received a large stock of most of the above named erates Lam enabled to sell at retail as low as st dealers can buy at wholesule, Ihave an immense stock of Mouth Or- aot comprising Holme’s, Thies, Richters, Emmets, Davids, and other first class wikers, rating in He from 5c up, I have a ver; assortment in accor} Unbreakable whalebone Whips, si A cag Mare wae Pete cilia me acing in in pres from $8 to $75| Come and test thei Before Buying. Nothing Vike them ever seen before in all spe al AO iat a db; I desire toes a Ps cial atteation to the very fine piat in maige taped By, SMOOTH GLIDING SKATES ae Bros. & U w Yora, which are kept i us stock. pisnoe are with Dexter Bells, Derby Bells, York Hye§Belle. SILVER PLATED COoNGS Great Variety and at Astonishhiug LOW PRIONS, Stratfor Tete eS uatuohtios te oot exes stractore, Partially: demoliated’ “Net © | cug@oubt Salt toa a iano made in the United States, and can be bought e Acme" in four Different. Quahties;-and_the Price isOh ! Bo Low dnthat theouteutating-es aan bata will Yeuch over $100,000. At Wooster, a te muck lower cavarcatnity-ofsbebcading: ctahd piancs can be got. aminteen at ee Woes ches, Clamps, Bolt, Heel platen, ie sivas Since bakit Seen enti ‘cousiaerea, Ard) Onio, the residence of W. R, Hurd was | Call aud Seay Hea HEB, “autre Star," “New Improved Cham, stane. ae le tour abla addveasen, ever| Wrecked and the tewer of the Lutherian | fT See aire to make special mention of the latest and most 1m| Hickory axe Hanilen ONLY 35 Ob iat sl oc ak ceased Beoona Growih Beard in Stratford, which lasted tg hours, Soe lodict ckarcl Bevenal Lourcg | PoHant improvement in the manufacture of organs, uamely, the patent ey Daily at the now famous : rth 40 Conte,j § Now 3 arriving by. ectnk. 4 poem on Candi,” anid) ware nnroofed, and trees and fencon blown see bs Dominion Organ and ie a ocprtteny the vt ‘The loss will be heavy, At Tyrone | do! gans by dust and mice getting into them. This patent is controlled) Cheap Cash Hardware Store Old Albi i on Block Corner have secured it. large outlay, but as usual are determined SI Ma ia the world in the uty ot heir organs. Don’t purchase any other till you have seen the Dominion, the most popular organ of the day. Every effort will be made to please customers, no need for residents deal- ng wth any of the numerous tramp agents that rnlest this city. Support yee when it money, it may sound better for the moment, to ee Batisdbenber waste trying to make Stra ford . one br a united effort, therefore I say vete for R. R.GOULDING, Stratford,December BARGAINS, TO REDUCE STOCK! sah MAKE ROOM FOR SPRING-—— Pe . J. WADE, |IMPORTATION OF CROCKERY. oIty taal are ALBION BLOCK, STRATFORD. 44-Pieoo Ten Set, Stone, First Quility:. ve in Stock a very fine concert flute, (second hand) Solid silver keys Fie: cout yoo: will be sold at's sacrifice. 40 Chamber Bee Pies O ee ey, Colore as M0 | Dinner Set, Fanoy, Colored... ; ? 5 S = * ppnner Set, World Patta c’armers, Now is the time to oil your Harness, with | Quantity Tea Piatos, per dozen, jauicers, per dozen. Balearics Mc COLL’S ALLIGATOR [a Bera ‘extern Sele trom "TBo. o $1:80 var abiben, Wehay Tacos. G5 te, with Fancy Shades, $1.25, Odd Tag Basins and Covered Chambers te HARNESS OIL- Ss match any Pattern in Secreta | ‘sold sep: E. K. BARNSDALE & 60, OWING TO THE OVER- M LUS MILL MEN USE OVER-STOOKED FRUIT MARKET “ We are Selling Oranges, at L5c, a dozen,’ 4 AND LARDINE CYLINDER OIL. WARRANTED SOUND FRUIT, The Best in the World, McColl Bros., Toronto. Jefirey Bros., Sole Agents for Strattord. a onl - rok Fe OUR 50 omuen TEA Is still in great demand. Other Grades always in stock, from 260, up. : E. K. BARNSDALE & Co

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