Ontario Community Newspapers

Stratford Weekly Herald, 18 Jan 1882, p. 1

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tg Wie, ot the. 8th in cc the wife Pra ne pce ote ete the 9th int. the Gore of Downie, Wife of Mr, John fa East Wawanosh, on the 1th inst., f Hobinson, Ri servant. iy M. it Es Wisthe 8 Ontar ‘iO. the wife | nee ob He Si of the Avonton Tempe la their anatal RIDAY AN a7 areas “ st iM at by ety ae Anis Bae Bi ngs by Mr. AMdanission 25 SONS GRIEVE, Chairman of fea Avonton, Jan, icDonald of 2 ati| THE anal TEA MEETING sce eae in ue ‘Town Bal vi le MEETING of ee a wnie Butter and Cheese M'fg. Co, wi be Kala on Seariacsd the ith inst. at the fa jory, at One o'clock p.n 17-2 IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THER ANNUAL MEETING, aber ‘et WEDNESDAY, 8TH OF FEBRUARY, Next, at ee of Lo'elock p.m. CHAS. ser ten puty-Reeyes of the various ny Heer Porth wlll moet vera Seite Association will be held FRIDAY, FB at the hour of 30 of ofleers 3 the ie A fires ston vin urgently requested. A. ST. GEO. WKINS, GEO. . DRAPER, g Yeur, and for the MEETING of be held at the COMMERCIAL ‘HOTEL, ‘STRATFORD, ere Wednesday, est 18, bok NP. ac soe OOIETY. enna fig of tho 0 North, Riding: Tits aeN fey ee y the 18tl oc ba oman Secreta: mental music ting of the North Porth Lit sharp, for the bes | sane for the oe to tl ent stand, John Monceith as a re. ating stor ere mara ainsely under the Hunanp Doltice, pply y BRUCE Gorpox, Stratford, Oct. 19, 1881. the inju ) death. ‘ishome at Haysville, Something trig! ns and gentlemo thi through splendid A first-cl ost es saa in he town all on evening, fifty every one of them « aA Satire gapidente ahs ‘Seriously Mornington, neighborhood st Sulthaak, The frightened \orsen pulled. en down When they: oe od it was fou they had rei convey ra: Re ‘office of Di Moca | On Saturday hight Mr, Frank ‘Tye, one o the best known outsid rown froma | ‘His Wass atanay morning a tet of horses eople standing sitting on “f tg were Mr. g iat and Mr, Dunbar, of who lives somewhere in the iese_gentlemen, and with the whiffletrees, that e injuries, TI era of se hurts was ascer- we: My, Ounbar had a large cut in the right 0) there were dehat minor inful Abe on his face. broken arm, ‘Dheis se and they are now etely outof danger, Bystanders say red men had a narrow escape from nitchers and ane 1e Stratford public, ale fox ry uM Mr. ‘Tye out of the ie his turkeys and geese When stopped, it was een stituted oe sel, To petit ers grufly, ch, I een be; enim pipe i ama oa hewn sa rs and tone tly South P i pfs business last Weds scala im et cin, |The paper onditic 3 ba 's strit surpassed in this town. which was a lengthy one, was fied, and furnished dances which va | favorites of all. : congratulate itself on the success 4 ‘ tended its annual ball of this year Change ingly. ‘Ths floor has nev ‘ion, and the musi bands has seldom ing i rr a8 or Bate trp | in mA Burtore ee PAID Romeo Lodge ™ in Herald Manag Rol w si ‘hat the ne Says of the neat ae Ta i Ro St, Mary’ Mr. J. M, Moran, Prblie Se chool Insp purchast take Wateerton Honan has been pare ted Stratford Mr. Moran on he continued as a Con: heretofore. wd the Si ‘ational Zeitung. the ee pc as lin Telegraph. Mr, Jan , Publie School Lnspector of ness—a st. Tt is announe D has cl} and has sold Mor teacher in this county. ratford 2 Mr.J. M. Public Schoo et for Sout Bor he joined tl y ing purchased the Seeatone Hanan Afarys Journal (that the Station! ed hands, M) ged has concluded to retire wish Mie Necks © Ly sae Votksfreund. Mr. James. ford Henatn acne a has old Mr. Miag i A of the 8 cess in his undertal Seaforth bi ee n seilirenigis under me a Government suppor ily Ne n, formerly of thi tf is Vapalaat the Str ~tford ana that pene HERALD is a good pap Mr, Moran is a arge. It will be conti | 8 a supporter of the government, Listowel Standa, M. Mor ran, Mr. for Soa Path, as purchas his new depar ae ou We wish the new r proprietor Peer ois cae Mitchell Advocate, 3 Robb an Aisposed of the Statioot pecae to Mr. ie 5 one’ Et Stratford ae possession on the 1st e she! i ‘The Stratford Hew busi Ve » public sche inspe willy we er ban bem st-class fishing i in the com. is the editor ti a that?” Gjnculated Mr. Robb, “What with eo tmoya — aa the frat spokesman, “Che omployees ss. | °L Your office are in a a nus ‘ ous cond: ‘ They allege that you hay. vn Gala we right thing with Wis for some tim Past, and one of thom, the foreman of a eee epactnent, says you have acted Bie ever sinco you bought the seven He 8 ago,” Angrily exclaimed Mr, ae hey should have spoken befor: “Hold on, a don’t cua “* Pshaw ; said the sea “you me out about M say8 he was he = sa Gants he ia qu to speak of what he knows. But, y better come and hear them f for yourself, ee Bc the are leading the way to tne comn- We pti eet itself there, roe in fa his Bob ohnson out Mtasing the st a “stich Wha: sd Saf His hand, é seven a 5 t his pining ee tO Sch tor fot| ae eh | aforeti m in your whore features were a broke in impetuously, [boysif oe anything I em. wron; tl . Robb, gens th the forerunner, t rant to hear anything from pays you have never done the Fight thing by stemployees, to stato i all oe which th 0 sone ° Vides Haste explain,” * 1 Fourselt jtisel in so doing. ay Tooke dat this moment as if all u the Russias ders and at attempted it but ener and ashe paper, and wndetl wore fully recognized: the justice of his Waterloo Chronicle Moran» of Stratford, ‘has pur ity ho leading) fees frlocens except to in his piaseiet he ‘Henax of that it tows carry the ey County next time. Mr. J. M. Mc | for South Perth, has bk ier sdaneanene repienit overs une the hin apace” patate our. mutual regrets at tho intalligence bc these tions : ran, pubes school i inspector | Bere Hnratp from contin of this expression: of our ae of & a, Sao er ‘With ua is not nes an music lass sa pper and thi ws’ Ball. fo Laas oe 164, I. 0. 0. F., held a Ther hun ies and ipeutlenie Present, aj eemed to enjoy ther ced Ans Mr. as Mr, Aa oran must ed ietor every suecess. ab niendsy sais 8 in the North rd. Beacon. ‘sold: his business to ai t hs charch, the public tibet h ratford. have been of the mos st would not Sutk Robb's retirement ful Eee for the enjoyment srsonal | a3 bin but the ee of a quiet peaceable indepen | een-| vou Jatest. action nection 1s ‘ia this otice have you sewn e to bless it a0 Yi apy So out the “plant” of Tie H ed ap we know a a Tiboral one who mil ng doubt, te ogi ‘cxaniple in hig intercourse with as hae chart sien ig sual et een sige it and ines Ea Bt men-sentient creatures: vw eit of the good mateo oy . Their own int ests sand a Re a Ais ai in er wh h eae i cl sve cony - | below er ere cM ye tena testinonial ugha eretose not learn. | Having Cin "been kin jie rc dinectin i aan peosti Hs” yo ies tnt all ayer, ove who now gather around yoM vit nest. ie that your futare wi be of dled succes: hen 3 Anni ] A oe nee plainly discernible | eon dong pa ji > views and one who mabe deal justly with them, He os , and then the boys and a pa for the it Hera. ye” wont tibet thels work as ee: ifs iain h a BRITISH MORTGAGE LOAN Co. *% + Meeting of the Stoekholders- ha and Sa- ry dng of tho stook- porous company ores stratior Mon ith, presiding, and te Cyr. ie secre- eat Fa epee a British Mort able ve Dire aes ay migrat lato the ener at three ye oa ny Ws reno ho prevent managen Bastteas has increneewentnanae nfo the filo table illustrates (his, sc lt To Dee. 3 1881. med 196,829 0: 13 21, 4 gages Loans on Mort; Figures tke these tell hake on tal, and need po camment. cn appropi an equal gr m to the mos Ga nan the ing kere aren towa 8 the and during, 1874 ee waunpany, the: penne fncurted making for eet 10 nt ‘on the Wor tae “pi me ber oe doing tn oe witty eon an ee ome ins Bhat wg have in Hered et of Magen tha Siow Come Me 1st Tiavingt eo-quarters oni etween one-h: i ‘fe hee a it three nn our Resources. for pearh the seustye hawt ‘woul now have ex: te total of over 8 p year has ;er . porannum, , 1981, 81 811.005 :pro- Vision for div tend at td same’ Fate, cn i 2, 1882, 85,7 Fest on, depos! oat’ of mhanggemen $2,525. sions ‘on Hpans, $43 nt 000; left to the credit Sn fone ‘ccount, 6 otal $29,901.72. vr of the large request would-be art ipants in the Company's bene © t on terms such a able stock for Count to date agi srexal of 146 holders, w little over 33 i funds e ne te for panos no outat a profit, fers have been strictly united to the terms, jents, on whic jock was orig uti per cent ed to us pan or two yenrs.ago, ble to continue to divide tion of the profits amon to further strengthen { THe eoaown Vk in the saving mail,and | pai 's bu 08 i one Balt of the cotin penses of the company. op mming tree od ccatnts ong and ofllcers pusinss wit Of agents, and without being | lays, aa to the uncertainties of ye” about of the good things provi © speakers wi ‘> bata MeDonald, Charity Encampm: ee 10.0. nF. Stratford, ring to i iter e Keepi ing it ipo tion, 'm- | bottles given away at your ane store. it may be ir madi true” and rity thequgh the volume, Signed on ebaincr eal a ge va 1 BYERS, For type-high” pie Stratford, Jan. 1 ia ited] Whien the reader of the above had reach: ed the end of the ‘ a8 non- : at e ar- re etre at the Variely Hall of Jon lied with d fe lit els eal fees Mart Hae bale. comleee pe red. thi ‘his sai sable for for him to can al all this be tee , Coughs a oF ace while ¢” coughing, iim. to be. heard: se etal iia had esteet ba har Kindneat! uowaver ine ie oss gail he would never ioe tit. He had tried 0 ilo a me. indi sm all happiness and reeperity under the new proprietor of THs Finan, who, he could. beste them, was the d evo iva mich au passed uy meet work oF 0 Yor oftener, rrpose, an property in the nny abies te company from th ei@e Separate pe page ue urities Rm beer'made by the manager, accountant and au- ai joined are the cash account and the state non at a A yapany. President. ethem to ‘stratford, Jan. 39, 1882 a OF THE BRITISH MO) on porno. ‘HAC Seszes Eee pele eexKes 0. b-paid io Janu end No paid in July other expenses, includ ing alae ‘Auditors’ and Direc- tors fees, rent, taxes, printing, ad- vert! ete. Ome when he months or PAR AG RAPHERS. IN Ei LOTS OF LESSER Loca LINKED, | hoosnet What Has it Trans ~ 2 Municipal ree Other Ci poate ay ‘Sales oy cies Concioly —The Stratford hide inspe 3, a ita thro his faa ring ‘1881, ir. Kastner, prose ‘er Ser bck 's hotel, ide ronted a ‘aie huss total Wednesday lout Mr, Ereoghe, P.O.1 es Arrangments for the distribution mail the County Gouneit of Perth bs. we nly h of business on the 24th, ac ording Herk’s announcement in’ an thee bs 8 Post 's Ague Cure we have emedy for a ever and agne nd a arial disorders, me nl i arsenie or other injucions drugs chemic anc per triumph of w or Arkansas.” Tt is im terial ‘whieh Pronunciation in ado pe this case, but quite erful th i a [eease || 8 of Arkansas Ww vith 7 est of th ig (NESE | Staten and the Dominion should be soled Fs ae with ood pens. Hsterbrook’s ure popular, 2 ee i reliable and standard, og | ‘Local Personal ge pr leaves for Manito i ont A, 1. Str es for Manitoba 2. | Slement, of ‘thin town, lectured ' i on temperance in St. Marys on Friday : night, Mr. B.D. Passmor Mere of Omemee md ie ef ford, rs as bought the Port Dover lh eae ident, > Mis , formerly of tratford, haw ne tania he Sth Depart ‘Mit we school for ms uller, toe ot the Ontario, Manele tion. Dr. Hamilton has ucoumbod to te orthwest fever, Ho will probably n reach Betefonth Mis couple of Mr. tie 0! e thr We trust he will soon be ‘ble to rosumne | du Struthers hal regained his ural: i sand. is able sociation. 1878 elections het pa in the matters w1 Insertion 3 an they have found their great clearing with the vibe that they earlier. Their intended svertament ayes to secure of th rie tm mense muine 6 loa learing sal ih Re- fosson & Son are going out and must dispose of their large and new tools 5, R. Hr sson & Sox. ‘The Cheap Cash Store. he eee re apee Societ: ‘The annual meet of the ecretary-treas” rs Sinden, Nei, Barker, Bee: Buran, Lawren Ph son, and J berts, ai sohyaabeids tb te See ok ee before this year. ¢ 20- than ever THE BUSINESS Boom. What is New in on gaara Col- Stratford Gas co, Disks a report in natant el linary !” “BE See Ferguson's col- umn for e: pee etry on. Phi erson’ ee RF an want Mrs, 8 servant. Apply at sformington tet egent iat announces a gre and fan ry ry shareholders of ua Downie bis 4 ies E “ ese factory on ordon announces that his for ten days will be Jan, 28. Annual meeting of the Perth Mutual Fire Insurance Company will le bel at its offices at one p. m. ¢ Wer soedny, h Feb: ruary. Mr John Spackman, ¢ ber agent, will be at. the ¢ the 24th for the pany’s business. &J ur Struthers la Queen’s transaction of hot the com ofadvt. meas received too late for ins ition, Partion wantin goods will do well tocall old roliablé. HancBOsiie warehouse ‘ducing the next tROCWeBLN@hile they aro stool takin We regret that po excellent a business man as Mr ay ec decided to remove to V inthis tford cannot af ford to'looes auch mbrebanta as ie is, bat this week we have no time to moralize about | the circumstance. All we can’ now aa that he has reduced the prices of hi rather than ship it to Manitol will doubtless be many who wil him of a portion of it at the present low prices,, See his adv. Do Not be Deceiv In Ses edicine tisem erywhere, it is truly gratify everywh 2 oe ue medicine that is Y do ee rouiht tor ly, and_on hey iny saat Sold and can at fifty we them a et ea a boas re =e ggists Bucklen’s Arnica best salve in the Bruins, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Core; Kind ot Skin ‘Eruptions.’ This to give world for 2,525 89 7 90 48.75 0 96 (Continned an 4th page.) — $451,708 91

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