Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Record-Star, 16 Sep 1943, p. 4

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Page 4. *= * ame THE OAKVILLE RECORD-STAR Thursday, Sept. 16, 1943 Classified Advertisements All Classified Advt’s. are cash with order. Advt’s. taken bp tele- phone will not appear if not paid for by 5.30 Wednesday prev- ious to publication. Please Report Promptly LOST OR FOUND ANIMALS to Oakville Humane Society Phone 515 Lost and Injured Animals’ Humanely Treated FOR SALE PROPERTY FOR SALE 7 Chureh St; Six rooms, modern. Own- er 3307 Yonge St., Toronto, P. J, Litster, 3307 Yonge St., Toronto, Ont. 1.00p36- a8 “POR SALE — Large size pipe- less furnace in excellent condition. Phone 156W. D5 paz FOR SALE — Lady’s dark brown wiriter coat, fur collars lnty's light coat, fawn; both in excellent “con dition; also four pairs shoes, size 614. Box 233 Oakville Record. 42p37 FOR SALE — Singer treadle sewing machine in good order. Tele- 25p phone 157J, 37 “FOR SALE Three eoloured R movie films, # millimetre, magazine _lond. Photie 5567, 25p37 FOR SALE — Ducks, dressed, 4 pounds and over, delivered on Fri- days, Mrs, Joseph Pickett, Milton RB ReN Shpa7 FOR 8 — Four-burner gas stove. Good condition. Phone 306w. $25.00 Shpa7 FURNITU RE STORAGE — In- hi side heated storage. A As*outlined by Bandmaster Dob-| | The Lorne Scots Had Only sj a Band At Camp Veterans See ] Need For (adding prestige and ‘boosting mor: ale in-the ranks: ‘This 1-turn spre the individual bandsmau efforts.” Also a vetéran .of the 1014-18) scrap and a bandsman for 48 years, Sgt. Art Herbert believed the pres- GnY hek-of service More Military Bands BREAD- ROLLS AND SWEETGOODS GIVE YOU With voluntary enlistments in Canada’s armed forces dropping sharply this sunimer, veteran banda- EXTRA VITAMIN Ba men are pointing to the “ woeful) due to indifferent public “support. tak? _bross banid« in the serv-/|“*And the Is k of brass bands,’’ he | ices ceetng this war in comparison |aserted, “is reflected in the less to the ITER. striggle, wie al Sit sh publie Semeoaatrations DELAVAL CREAM SEPARATORS niost every regument had its own? hop march pasts. Band music AND MILHERS hand, aod martial music played” an ihetiits priite iu the soldiers, the Repair Parts and Service important purt in rousing patriotic l bandsmen god the civilians them- enthusiasm, | sel Ives, wheve the goverpment| for woud be well advised to support } of comparison, j the | tuition in wit) instruments in pub. | J. CRONE, BRONTE, ONT. PHONE 44 r 15 As an instance the second v in succession, brass gand of the Lorne Scots, Peel, |lie schools with a view td reviving | fo greater) brass bands was | Approached with the offer of an in industrial first aid contests. jactive serviee appointment as band- - ; imaster some months ago, a highly At Ningara Camp this summer, re : ei ; i ET jqua‘ified man firmly turned it besides” being first aid instructor! pe, e ; jdowh. “The army offers only the for the Lorne Seots bras «| : iT) A re : : ity of a sergeant,” said this waa the very useful shajiw of the : rE ee lienl offi Eig! f spokesmil it ualified men have negeiment"s ood ies er. Eight ¢ . ‘ —- Snaiieh ake found ty experic t hondling his meh in ‘the band’ already hold] ae * r. Z wip mn anilitary band without tf auth- )St.. John’s merit certificates, and : bala F jority of a commission is such a try wAaeS § tPiin ¥ i : * 1 rede ; mae the. Ra ndsnen. A ing ordeal that they will not at |firé aid, dressing dnd -streteher- | tempt it ma second time jbenring he has conducted industria) | ee : “A good military band is cont: first aid courses In Georgetown, the ‘ pe years’ trnin- hold at mse of men of many hand's headquarters, for nine’ years. ing aud their director must | ony ae : Netst the rank of a Hieutenant if te hint amilitary band is no tem: lis :0 do the job expected of. him." jyurte, behind-the-lines outfit, ix! . worne “Scot ~gimente [stinwn by a glimpse of Drum Major| The Lorne cots Regime nt i! LA 1" FP , y , - \ Brass Band, although having its 4 - ani ; a itadhdad brat Great War Nghe | poe quarters at Georgetown with “T was buried three times’ “ee Company of the Lorne Scots by shell explosions,’’ he reeatled,| Reserve, ig truly an organization prepresenting the regime al area of ‘tthe first time face down in ft Foatimee Kikai Merwin ear ncies Pee’, Dufferin and Pfito When ereck, where ri t by com- = oer CUR eur by com on parade at fall strength aie com rades. The water washed # holeimunities supplying players are: lthrough, that brought air in, aud Georgetown, Milton, Acton, Orange kept me alive,” jville, Shelburne, Brampton, Glen Williams, Limehouse, the Toronty Canada’s armed forees in this |#rea and surrounding districts. war greatly Jack brass bands in|. The band roster ineludes stud- comparison te the last war, Their ents, compositora, knitters, a spin- seureity in reserve army regiments |!" 20 sleetrician, plumbers, mach. is given as one re ason, botevertorins aeyat paper-makers, shoemakers, : piklove makers, a schoo! her, far- of the profession raise atiother ane ners, an editor, paymaster, florist different reason. tind so on, to's 48th Hightande rs and holder of the cup for the best overs pnd 16, said, COUPONS AFLOAT rhe oe, More than 70 million food rat-jin the military dist dict in J ion coupons aré in cireulation each |‘*Band music is essential for i week in Canada --10 for sugar, 12}morale of the troops. Every hatial | _— fi for butter and 48 for meat. ion had its own band im the st | r ; +08 @ war and proved the .vatue of the DEFINE BLACKETEER musi¢ wn route marches, concerts : and at officers’ messes."’ | A Black Market is not a place, “Anyone who has seen troops pie DRANBACTION. | Anyone coming in from battle or route mar: | who deliberately violates price or RO 7 ff av! listribution regulations is dealing|.,_ s, dropping signs of fatigue ay Ue 5 : = & stepping out proudly when the afd | iv Mr, Man- pe TAO, a Black Market. | [strikes Op, will confirm the necea-) isity for brads bands im the serv: SWEATER TIP iees,?” he gid Raglau® sleeves in sweaters can! Military bandsmen are not soely | taken out and reversed en the | music : ‘imy,” recal SEA CADETS WIN SCHOLAR- Dufferin and Halton Reserve Bat-|the old-time interest.” tulion was the ouly organization of Oldest ~mber f ti | HIPS ; : : . t i dee nein ter “a the sre 5 TO “NAVAL COLLEGE its kind at Ningarn Camp uring | Scots musieal outfit Is 57-yeur-old aie ite two weeks under canvas, HIN George Smith, first altu, who began Five of thee six. Roval Canadian camp at the same time were the jhis band career 7 wiih Aelon Sea Cadets who qualified for ent- Grey-Simeoe Foresters and the Al le itizens’ Hand under the late John} rance to Roval Roads Roval Can- gonquins pe re pense oe a Ne }Hilk Youngest member is saixaphon ‘ vance ge Gin area from Port Credit to Oakville }jgr Morrie Herbert, 13-year-old nep- eitnn Bers colege: nea ararnod on Lake Ontario, north to Georgii Uihew of Sgt, Art He Phork: Chairman scholarships by The Navy League Hay, east throagh Simeoe County jof the band committee is Sgt. Ken. of Canada, Exch scholarship has ajand north as far as the North Bay | MacDonald, a bandamau fae 33 out value of $1,000 which is sufficient }4tea. The other two regiments hadlof his 36 veare in the militin and to pay for tuition, lodging, meals bugle or trumpet bands, but the lreserve and now ‘plaplng under the = » Re “Dey sft oe be ete ae and uniforms for the —two-vear rotieh chews MeL vanes Say penn elausrysn course and denve- about $150.00 over | Yor incrdentaln, The Seots’ bandmaster, eorgeent Algert. Dobney, veteran of Toron- 1 nell, Imperial Station, phone yy Clbows show sins of getting thin,| Bandmaster Dobney, ‘‘the anda =5p37 according to -Consumer Rraneh, | Played for the “troops, acted as} WAPT.B. rained stretcher bentrers in battle, FOR RENT | | formed burying parties, in wd | detonators in grenades, acted ag! ROOM. TO LET — Large front) UNRESERVED jrunners and on orensions dug tren: room suitable Sill eet OF AUCTION SALE jehes and generally made themselves] lady. Apply 14 Reynolds St. 2 5p 37 | of FARM IMPLEMENTS doubly useful."* ROOM FOR RENT — With or; Aree ‘For the second vear we have! without board. Phone 492.3. 25p37 The Redesigned has reeelved in-[the only brass band at Ningara) a«tructions fre Camp. | wonder why other regim if LOST | MR. BE L FORD SAVAGE jents do not organize their own LOST — #€22.00 in -small linen | f° Kell by Pati ie Atetion at the} geben The Lorne Scots’_band hans} bag. Needed by sotdier’s wife. Fin- Premises; Lot 2, Con. 3) °8,D,S, on} been obliged to act for ceremonials| La Ah Tow 2 ‘a Ler tle jand other general ‘parades?for the der please return to Mra S: Street. lomn., Line angen One mil hat E Thi P, steal 39 Kerr BT pRT’ north of No. 2 Wighwaiv, “on whole camp, -Thirty vears agu the Thursday, September 2rd, 1942 [regiment without a sc hedal bani was WANTED at 2 o’élock p.m, D,S.T. ain oddity = The following: International Har- Bandmaster Dobney has been oa TRACTOR WORK — Ploughing, tester 10 “0” Tractor, rubber tires, j|band conductor since his 1th wer, diseing, spring-tooth harrowing, row Used three sexsons; Cockshatt plow, ; ; Winning the Ontario championships j ‘ > \ cu'tivating, trailer hauling, All 2 or 3 furrow; double dise, one see. | ith the Westen Seniar Band Druni Majer Jacl k Crawford, right Trreqaf the streteher-hearers have; Werhert, linn sek Norman Long; medern equipment, Mhone Oakville tion, new; spring footh harrow, 3 1914 and joining the army the next tor ¥A ound, * ntends the hanyl- emoved their shirts to wrap put-| Fred Morri Herbert is the AoW, S7pRi-ds seetions: team disc, 2°" steel wheel |¥ i overvens: tat y neo ting of a Sh ail wounl casnalty’’ |ient, lacking blankets, From left tolcasualts WANTED —-— A woman or girl WaQOW, 2” farm wagon and rack, the Ist Batta ‘iow. luring turing fivhl trining of Lorne | right: Set. Art: Herbert extreme for housework 0 ty 4, 07 three va Sleighs, hav rake, rol’er «teoel, root tie iran fith. Brigade Band. Seo Bin o1 dat Niagara Camporteft: benrers Harvey King, Tom Box G26. MW paaed7 paler: raaspherry eulfivater sep Taster it Sats fini on ees ral aes “Er Saseng s ames _ 2. ieee aaa 7 Houhle -breecehine harness ealt: SiR PUNT Te a 1" et : sp ‘ ee = WANTED Accomodation Te biiilew: oA sible see craa ‘ Aaa Pa fia sas Sir reyes wih ES My h, a : ' perform more RASEHA Sappers mre mative ou oral oe spi Wy vnter lady and girl 2 yrs. old in Oakville , : : ; | ne fuictinua 2 ie ‘ maine imipyies. In) etary ‘Amazin aheinectua * iy for ‘winter, Be Tox Ua! fork -amd L50-ft. rope, jorKe | WY funetienia wt ert geercehe Win ne Ren ts di mah m | c tl newt iff g a. dal aes corm marker quatters. At present li i ; vee Sale. ' Petey Gort aio No, F231 Oakville ji ptt srs hare ere aii thn a NTE othe pug tag i i ‘ et 1 1 er lo leek vokes, in r t made rook fan bth on-alnek Crawford, aod ish ikee is} sit siementce hd : eg Seals donk let trees. Cockshutt Jr. pow, fri itt “Toronto desi ‘ lend fi ; - WASTED vat, Slawenn Ti + the mustenl “etivittes «af ment wil " from work in beve* pris Yanter. eireoine (eos: Orga atearintt, tal 7 1 ? : F Lins + Ku 5 ial Oakville. Apply i mylowment « ‘ ar 1980, good Wier in musical contests ‘ ' 4 Crawford dy river bettors lea-'0r Selective Service Offies, WAL Sixth yippee, ack le good The Lorne Seats) Hand ii] Lae \ ‘dL Ainhubt 70 miles an howt vilets ntti New Toronto, Ont. Order No. ¢ipes. 1 ; » i Be : <aeae an ‘ I ds rT | ‘ weeesity o JedG-35 Every particle ated will tw solid ‘ = natant 44) ans diel APE Heeotna withtut reser is the ower hax rie +" a ment betseeon Ookvill ne furt! use fi array, . t inland tiie Ii le Credit. Phone Pint: TERMS: CASH “HOMESTIC HEL’—Fab or part Jokn Elifott, Auctioneer. _, le37 he ' time. ve ih of out; 2 children j ho Gererous wires, Aymnlvy Bas 1 | : Moeord Stare xiii? NOTICE TO CREDITORS a lian = WOMAN WANTED Ta work AND BOF HERS , m in lome he ohanar art Flesh. af = : Manes AUR Oe Sih MERA IANSS SIN THE- ESTATE OOP THOMAS ee sa MpAT CARPENTER HAGAMAN, Dp Hseet ih K WANTED Young girl ASED ! a yY wittts work in-amall jiome, 1] ar 2 All persone havi enines weainst t Phirters ire I childre mn. 4 ring: 14, Ojmha cat “ arc WAR SAVINGS “WANTED — Oe ihird or fourth Wek Site = ceinishe alts CERTIFICATES Sinton’ CHginloer ‘Te or eon train mau wit af “1! expe rienes, for Joent ' f = ee : fereuer No. 2528 NSS. New ‘ 4 yah te ss ee Se — Ii Turonte i 7H | UES pes elo arto th TA dy He'll Appreciate Th: Home-Town Paper two odults and two teen : + ADEN, tall quartigula rs of ‘ ’ li inity Oakville and Port. Credit. eae ASE ‘It’s just like a letter from home’ Mr. Caonlson, (arkson 148. : gebee be sli ai ] j * wi —— \ “4 Ls sais . Li ] W ANTED TO RENT tate wil! be dlstritmited am ink'e eutaple, a small house. =..08 angst “sis parties ontitled thereto, | i foempiy rooms, unfarnisher Or having reward only to claims of] | winter months, Bur 234 Record Star whieh tne uudersigned shall then} ATpAT have notice t ' WANTED: — Inniedintely— — ()f- Dated at Oakville, aes this | fice girl vapable of operating bill: Oth day of Seritenber, 194 | ing omnehine, addressograph, ete. FHARLES LEROY Ree WIN) arrange refresher course. . exeent or, afer to-Onler Now 1659F, Emplov- By - W. N, ROBINSON, KC. Onk- | ‘ment & Selective: Servire Office, | ville, Ontario, His Solicitor, | 131 Sixth St New Toronto, i lea7-391 “WANTED — Apple pickers, Part time if neeessary, No children, | 8. Reri¢. Phone 179, 2337 ae WANTED too can ERY All kinds of live poner Abe} Cort Kitty, sclf-appointed maseat to pligné: Set. Art Herbert, who plays solutely highest prices paid. the Lorne Scots Brass Band during the monster instrument, is seen fac call for them. nd Bide its two weeks under canvas, loved ing the camera. | feathers wanted, also old feather, to-play in the Well of the big sousa } ticks. Phone Jas. Turner, Oakville | 4 ' | 980, or phone Stan. Wood, Bronte | Es Se LL od ates or eae oer Zener, 402 ling given thirty of its members fo) a5 wit of tie Roval Army Med- overceurt « Toronto, $8-42 aetive servive foores —~—a—aatibar ja mt Corps and during his four years | - equivalent to an ecatire ovanivat- on aetive service was in the thick | Send It To HIM To-day! FOR QUICK RESULTS | ion, 4 T have no donbt.*’ a=serted of the worst at Galipoli and Salon- | f i the bandmaste~, “that nov Reserve ika, deing duty in advanced dres-} 1 year ‘( in advance) $2.00 Army reginental aren line enoueh sine stations, operating theatres anc rE TRY A hawdemen fn ite various communi!- on edrgicnl dressings. He won hi e ies to form a regimental band. By first certificate of merit in the St. Th 8) k ll R d St CLASSIFIED ADVT. their intelligent and helful attit’ Joins Field Ambulanee Corps in e a Vi e€ ecor °F ar nde, our commanding offieer, Lieut. 1912 and now holds the first, see} 4 IN THE RECORDSTAR wat cnvines STAONS Co!. Bertram and his officers show on@ and third medallions, nine Colborne Ste “ é sr ‘ Oakville, Ont. that they recognize a brass band as ‘‘Jalicls” and has won seven medals t

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