Our candidate has knocked on ° . 7 : Hf j i rfl f ff tL IF 7 real ' H i | ret i of Keswick spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Eari Fielding. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Miller of Cooksville and Mrs. Claire Brockman and Michelle of i eT AO FOmM Ne Miss Linda Yent of On Saturday, the Thomp- sons called on Mr. and Mrs. Lioyd White of Oshawa and on Sunday visited Mr. and Mrs. Jim Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Don Hill and Mr. and Mrs. Don Mc Gillivary of Mount Albert Mr. D Thompson had dinner with his mother, Mrs. R.W. Thompson of Brooklin last Wednesday. Don't forget the euchre in Utica Hall on Friday evening at 8 p.m NOTICE OF HOLDING AN ADVANCE POLL ELECTORAL DISTRICT OF ONTARIO more than 4,700 doors during the past three weeks. It is impossible for him to meet everyone during such a short election campaign! After October 21st, Robin Russell hopes to have an opportunity to meet everyone during the next four years as your representative at Queen's Park. 4 We hope that you will give i him the opportunity to serve Z everyone as energetically as 4 he has tried to meet you. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A POLL, FOR THE PURPOSE OF RECEIVING THE BALLOTS OF TSSSsesssss® Utica News \e é VOTERS WHO EXPECT ON THE DAY FIXED FOR POLLING, TO BE ABSENT FROM AND UNABLE TO ' : f VOTE IN THE POLLING SUBDIVISIONS FOR WHICH THEIR NAMES APPEAR ON THE LISTS, WILL sp BE OPEN ON: y Or 4 As SATURDAY AND MONDAY j ° # las THE 16" ano 18" of OCTOBER 1971 Be |) my 4 she é eve FROM 12 NOON UNTIL 9 P.M. ' a Leg y ON EACH OF THE TWO DAYS Be haga aT é Be / Fe POLL NO PLACE DEPUTY RETURNING OFFICER J ( 100 ANGLICAN CHURCH HALL, PORT PERRY MR. RAY McCULLY 7 - 10) «EVELYN HOTEL. UXBRIDGE WRS. CHARLOTTE MILLS ms 102 © TOWN HALL, BEAVERTON, ONT WR. JOHN MARTIN 103 COMMUNITY HALL, BELLHAVEN WR. BERNARD THOMPSON, R.R.1 KESWICK . elit 104 RUSSEL REID RESIDENCE. RATHBURN MRS. MARGARET GRAHAM, RATHBURN ; ( v ur THE BALLOT BOX OR BOXES WILL BE OPENED AT THE SAID PLACES AND THE VOTES COUNTED i AT GPM ON THE Che 21* OF OCTOBER ' ; ° , DATED AT ----- PORT PERRY SEPT. 30/'71 Gr 5 Jai See Bogen erases SEs we sess CHARLES REESOR tur ee ES ee screens orn, ame ELECT "1 Cis ROBIN RUSSELL i. { ROBERT TIMBERS -- HAROLD KING ° i fur Official Agent Official Agent On Octob e 21 r+ MARGARET WILBUR CECIL HARRISON r st - Zephyr, Ont. Sponsored by the Durham Liberal Association Campaign Committee 3 Xk * . <=* .