iz -- ! | iu " i § Those attending the meeting cafeteria of the Memorial defined as a service for homebound individuals who are unable for some reason of lack of strength, skill, equipment motovation to Following a round table * discussion two committees were formed, organizational and financial Mrs. McColl suggested meals initially should be provided Mondays, Wed- nesdays and Fridays and that @ quota of 10 to 12 persons would benefit from the meals to start with She informed those present that over 2 drivers had been obtained, but more were needed. Two sources of "providing meals were available, the Community Memorial Hospital and Community Nursing Home Prices for the meals to be charged were 75 cents and $1.00 respectively, however, the latter meal is a bit more substantial Two samples of containers were on display, but it was suggested to have more practical and lighter equip- ment designed. Dr. Wm Cahoon and Mr. Gerald Jack- man agreed to tackle his job Sept. 22nd-- Cedar 16 Elm 14 Ash 13 Willow 12 Beech ll Pine 11 Oak 10 Maple 4 Lilac 8 Spruce 8 Birch 7 Poplar 7 High Single-- Shirley Cummings--225 High Tripie-- Gerry Langille--ses was unaware that the Department Labour PORT PERRY STAR ~ Wednesday, Sept. 29,1971 ~ 7 . |the 4 percent of his earnings. Fund was turned down by He will now receive the dif- Council. ference owing him. Council agreed that a In 1960 A request from the Town of grant from the Village Whitby for a grant in aid of the given to the St. John's $10.00 applications welfare were agreed to by|" Council Village Foreman Peter are 985-7196 and 985-2360. Contribution have been received from the Lions Club, the loca! branch of the Legion and Oddfellows 'Lodge. However, additional monitary assistance is needed and any amount either from dividuals or Vitamins for the whole family TABLETS-CHEWABLES-SYRUP * Drop in for CONTEST RULES and ENTRY FORMS *Regd 1 Trademark Bombarcher Limitede 1971 Now that new cor time is upon us, gosh knows, we hate to decide to put a new car in your own yard be the ones to spoil all the fun And why we suggest that that new cor be a Volkswagen After all, what's more exciting than taking the family down to For while we can't promise you how long one will last, see the shiny new models orfnaybe even to pick up a free balloon? we can tell you thot over 13 million Volkswagens are still It's just thot during all thot hoopla, you moy not wont fo pick the rood up one of those exciting new cars We owe it all to ao decision we made 24 years ago: T For the unpleasant fact of the matter is that junkyards are spend very little time making our little car look better doing @ thriving business on outomobiles thot seemingly just And a great deal of time moking it work better yesterday were showroom stors So far, that one decision has kept Which is why we suggest a trip to the junkyord before y of trouble "' Werner's Service Center RR. §4/PORT PERRY /985-7162