Observes 97th Birthday A happy birthday party at Hillcrest Nursing Home marked Mr. Herbert Hooey's 97th birthday on Friday, August 27. Mr. Hooey still takes a keen interest in world and community events, and is particularly interested in the activities of Nestleton Presbyterian Church. He al- ways enjoys the visits of rela- tives and friends, and apprec- ciates the exceient care receives from the staff at Hillcrest. Among those who helped Mr. Hooey celebrate another anniversary were: the staff and patients of Hilicrest, Mr. and Mrs. Harry McLaughlin, Nestleton ; Mr. Oscar McQuade, Port. Perry; Mr. and Mrs. George Wolfe and Bryan, Blackstock; and Mr. and Mrs. dames Robertson, Unity, Sask- atchewan. HISTORICAL SOCIETY and" MUSEUM: NOTES by Jeanne Elliott As you are reading this, we are approaching the La- bour Day week end, that at one time signalled the end of summer, the closing of the cot- tage, the end of holiday time, back to school, ete. Of recent years we are tending to disre- gard this semi-official end to summer and most of us look forward to Thanksgiving as the season ends. Following this trend, knowing how busy we are in the summer, and by popular request your museum Board is pleased to be able to announce the Museum will remain open until Thanksgiv- ing Day, Oct. 11, on Saturday and Sunday afternoons only Since I last reported to you on the work of the Hist- orical Society and Museum much progress has been made. I will not attempt to cover all in one column, but we do wish all interested to know what a good year it has been. How much progress has been made. More than we had even hesitated to contemplate. As always there are a dedica- ted few that carry the load, but our most sincere thanks to everyone that has contri- buted in any way. You won't be paid in a monetary manner but your contribution has given you much satisfactions I am sure. On Sunday, August 22nd, along with a guided tour of the craft school, our Indian friends, under the friendly direction of our Loved Arnold Goose, demonstrated the art of weaving many kinds of bas- kets, pins, necklaces (One of which I am wearing as I type this and I will treasure for operation was so fasinating it | is beyond description. You have to see it. The Canadian joined with the Scugog Cana- dian indians and it was a priv- ilage to see the many ethnic groups visiting, mixing and learning from each other. I must mention the quills from the Porcupine, the aroma of the work being carried on, all added to the thrill of the afternoon. I won't forget it. On Sunday August 29th, to-night as I write, Rev. Allan Barnes, Columbus, Ont. was intorduced by Mr. Bill Brock at a special service held in the restored church. His mes- sage was excellent, down to earth, his theme was "Re- membering" and that we must always use the truth in re- membering, the good and the bad. There was an excellent choir, representing Port Perry, Reach and Scugog. The offe- ring will help to pay the installation of the lights from Prospect Church and the cost of the heavy wiring that was found necessary to instal! this year. The service closed with the hymn "God be with you." Mr. Chas. Reesor, Port Perry, led the congregation in a rolling hymn sing -- and building. As usual a social bana! oa as assistant served. * The next service in this church will be the anniversary service, at a date to be announced in October. Watch this paper for definite date. With regard" to our long awnited Cairn. The stones have all been cut and sand-diasted, the plaque is ready, and-we are promised that long before winter closes in, all will be in readiness for the dedication of this long awaited tribute. sweet grass, the craft} Mrs. Frank Whitfield have consented to lead the 4-H Clue girls again this year The new 4H project for fall will be "Featuring Fruit" The Port Perry Fal! Fair list was discussed and items for the exhibit were prom- ised by several members. The theme this year is "Centen- nial" in keeping with Port Perry's 100th Anniversary | year. The September mecting will be held the second Thursday in the Municipal Hall, rather than the first Members please keep this in mind. The theme will be "Agriculture", under the di- rection of Mrs. Gordon Shunk program convener Plans are under way to | take a boat trip (Sept. 14th) down Lake Scugog to Lindsay --leaving Port Perry at 8:30 a.m., spending the noon hour in Lindsay, and returning to Port Perry by 7 pm. Any- one wishing to go on this | Pleasure ctuise contact Mrs. | Thos. Bell. Phone 985-2419. A report of the Ontario | County picnic (W.L}*held in Uxbridge in July was given by Mrs. S. Cawker Some discussion was held concerning entertainment for the folk at the Community Nursing Home, members felt later on in the fall would be more appropriate, when the holiday season is over Mrs. J. H. Hardy favoured with an interesting reading Mrs. S. Cawker geve @ brief resume of an enjoyable meeting held at the Lord Simcoe Hotel, Toronto, when she and another Board Direc- tor welcomed a group of tute members, during 2 stop over in Toronto, while en- ence of Women's Institutes held in Oslo, Norway The meeting adjourned and delicious refreshments were served by Mrs. Clark, assist- ed by some of the ladies present. Port Perry Man Given Promotion Following eight years of service with the Master Feeds, Port Perry Branch, four of manager. Ken Fisher has been promo ted to manager of the Master Feeds' Oakwood branch Mr. Fisher, originally « danetville resident began his career with Master Feeds in September, 1963 and will be succeeded by Mr. John Arbuc- kie, Nestleton, also a Master Feeds employee for several years. Check The Label On Your Paper New Zealand Women's Insti-| g route to the World Confer-| SSS SS SS SS SS SS SEATS ' / A 7 A 4 ; ' i A.W. BROCK DEPAR - MEN ei elk casual... comfortable SHOES ij Anson VERS for SCHOOL DAYS '2 Fran, ad DESERT BOOTS $6.98 $7.98 | OXFORDS DESERT BOOTS SIZES 610M SHOES $9.95 | rs. 57.95 S8.95 | ORS. sh.95 s7.50 GIRLS & BOYS GREB