a | 'RE? A/D ' =T TIT CLASSI RE-BuUY : fle RENT - SY : 10 -- PORT PERRY STAR ~ Wednesday, Aug. 11,1971! Beal Estate Auction Prince 4 (corner 5 scenic rolling acres with hardwood -- in vill Eleven sq. ft brick home ton. At brick|| and tile floors. Have the dest of two worlds in this Bite chsir home in « vv Ladition.|| spacious the field and painte 69 win seat, <-- in frot. =) wouse, a ; cherry), SA ™ 189 QUEEN STREET, PORT PERRY, ONT. age on ai A , dish, 2 | 189 QUEEN STREET, PORT PERRY, ONT. 3, "Salsarr, Gms™ cae is Uxbridge Port Perry Restaurant and Gas Bar, 2) bull = hw - . ~~ Very attractive new brick 3 bedroom brick veneer | storey frame home with con-| antique bedroom suite bungalow in prestige area. home, recently decorated [| veniences on Highway 3. brass bed (painted), Large living room, dining Md broadloomed. Base- {| two acres of land, possib! other furniture, garé- area, spacious kitchen, 3 ment finished with beauti- motel site, owner anxious to 2 power mowers, bedrooms, 2 baths. car- - ful 12 x 33 ft. rec. room, § | sell for health reasons. Call) Satie ae ° port. Asking $29,500. launeey mom + M, for information. Terms cash a possible m. 4 Close to schools, shoppin 100 acres clay loam in > . I... and supervised swimming. | | Little Britain area. 90 work: > RAE SEES, , , storey 8 room frame a A een oem scugeg iend | | seme. shaped bank bare -- t living room, broad- ing creek ind, 000. loom, sunporch front and we. b. attrac- me ong 000. Jinan = back. ional lot. tive 6 year old, 3 bedroom : . Asking $20,500. Terms bungalow, large family Raglan arranged. 3 bedroom frame bungalow with breezeway and attached | Cannington Terms to be arranged. garage, aluminum siding) Solid brick home, 10 Spa- large separate dining room Ap gs Highland Beach all modern conveniences. four bedroom ranch style brick bungalow has separate in Country Village, Good Attractive, fully furnished || |-426,900 with terms. dining room, 1-% baths, exceptionally large on potential. Asking $20,500. -- panne pa ze sat active. clay |) o™ with fireplace. Large well lanscaped x ee HR BS eae er om, pele weeted eg wn . i excellent view ine Sunrise Beach back lot, right of way to }| site. Corner farm on paved LAKE SCUGOG Attractive, spacious two Lake. Asking $13,500. road, 10 miles north of Port 1200 sq. ft. lakefront cottage. Three pc. bath, auto- petenen 4 ont i Good terms. erry. $18,500 with $3,000)] Wstic washer hookup. Many extras in this lovely age. nsula , electric ' . heat, conveniences, utility Lake Scugog cottage on a shaded lot 90 x 220. Asking $16,000. with room, fully furnished. Three bedroom cottage on easy terms. Call now. " Large treed lot on canal. Lakeside Beach, fireplace, Asking $13,000. Terms. water on son, on 2 lace LAKEFRONT LOTS THURSDAY EVENING -- get Various sizes and locations. Call now to inspect. AUGUST 19th, 6:30 Pm ' So ae $14900," with "good Purniture, Sporting Goede Seven room frame home, d 1 conveniences, oi1 heat, 'Fms. PHONE: 985-3031 Automotive Accessories etc large lot, new 3 30 edienes 7 : including 7% HP. outboard x 45 with 16 ft. ceilings. Port Perry. Store avail- Toronto Direct Line -- 297-1290 motor, © x ® tourist i 4 . Asking $26,000. Terms. fishing tackle, casting able for new business. 33 Open Until 9:00 pm. trolling reds & reels, badmin Country Estate Soot frontage te unain hems ton set, children's games, 3 Lovely 4 bedroom stone ime, STA, OPH a Manager - MARJORIE TRIPP 985-7606 air rifles, 30 - 30 Marlin rifie nw he By acres of good repair Stast be on in case, yy ---- large living Te0w, ai Asking $35,000. Terms. bre, 5 shot revolver, hockey veniences. , stone sticks, car springs, stable. ,Blackwater area. Hobby Farm lamps, coil ; a = . Asking $39,500. with ex- 100 acres, partly wooded, wrenches & tools, Hub caps, cellent terms. ee wuns oor pend b= area low und with stream, ---- ; tool chests. tow chains, elec. ac we it site $3500. Auction Sales tricall | on 120 Acres - Sunderland small barn. Good 1% <cn gusee' down, A uction Sales machine, 2 foot operated Es 1 rkab} om i on Port AUCTION SALE presses, iron & pip tate sale, 85 wo e veniences, oi --_------. Auctions' . aluminum trim. acres, balance bush and Perry area. Asking $49,000 Highway Ferm With View REG and LARRY Seay Ntanemee Ena 7:30 = automotive & house paint, asture, four bedroom Terms. 100 acres medium clay loam, JOHNSON pm -- Located off £2 High-|electric stove, washing me. a> ee 2 spores 8 room brick -- AUCTIONEERS way. 4 miles north on Altona /Chine, radios, antique settee » ces, barns in g repair, with all conveniences, . Experience at we Hi ile | & 2 chairs, 3 rocking chairs, suitable ior bent or a par mg ae gee oe living comm = a Livestock & FURNITURE cuath of iene on ai 6 antique kitchen chairs } a very productive farm. ; ture window wi mi buffet, ice box, bed springs $45,000. with good terms operation. 276 "~~ cabs, || view, double attached garage. Sundetees Gen as7-s27e | oon 4 A arly mg ie mattress, floor tiles, win city, new modern patos || bank_ barn, excellent pond ao China , ete |G0w frames, dors, screens, Hobby Farm : specifications. Good --~ 3 site. 5 miles from Port Perry a -. ----, ly Ha ay BF Port Perry area, 50 scenic bedroom home, conv Call for information ee dee ty |ers, soldering iron, skin saw acres overlooks Lake Scu- ences, oil heat. Profitable Owner Anxious Ray Powers ments accepted HENRY a ~ TV set g0g. good 8 room home, business. Brooklin area. KAHN. Auction Service ---- : ---- =" modern new steel barn, $75,000. Terms. ee eee Phone (416) 6686189 or - is), Ro _ a. = pig operation, puilt fr Valen. AUCTIONEER 294-0426 i ---" --_ ee eee wneee oa THURSDAY » bf BRUCE FOOTE Terms. , Seugog Ti wih ANTIQUES, , EVENING oe St in dank barn, ex FURNITURE - FARMS "Tivea Wilson & Tel. 942.5032 Atkinson, Mgrs wn and Auctioneers > 1 deep | SATURDAY, AUGUST 14 SATURDAY, AUG. 2! ver Crosses | Auction Sale of Farm Mach- Auction Sale of Farm Mach S®-linery and Household Furni imery and household furn yong |g ty : Janis Wauron wt Spreader 5. Thorsh Tow . 1994 Chev. > . building lot | rolet Truck with Dump Box, 2 miles south of Beaverton ideal baila. | 120, Dodge Ton Truck Pick Rd. 10A or € miles @ ideal build | up . Separator, Port Bolster. MLE . Hay, Grain, Mower 7 fi. Rubber FINANCE ASSISTANCE AVAILABLE Quantity of er. Bair en wagon - Spreader, OFFICE HOURS 9 am. -- 9 p.m. Scenic 1 acre building lot Dep Kettles, Antique a? --* *- near Blackwater, $4000 with Glass & China, ---, @ $1500 down Butter Bowls. The si ice pitcher on of ROLAND C. DARLING. pg bisck » Lot 22 Con. 4. Douro Twp., what-not. wicker H -- CALL - 1 mile east of Pine Grove Pine cupboard. George S. Stone FR. pom gt RF Boy chair, Lawn furni north. Terms Cash. at Dining room table & € 985-2632 Lo) pm. No Reserve. Ward 6 cape cod chairs, 21 CARL HICKSON, Auctioneer Pm. Herb Puckrin "3 Reat Onter! LARRY JOHNSON, * SIX OFFICE LOCATIONS SFRVING YOU 3671 ma 705-324-9059 me Sy