r it Ui i iim ih H Z 7 qf 5 H : gE gs H 5 Fe i i i FEERE ; } i : Ee Li; : r if ETEs iif e? Ht th Le F 4 & 3 5 g : e é 4 B EE against Bay Ridges Gulf Int., |inning by Bob Smith who was the Lumbermen struck early |hung up long enough to al- Sennen int. a lead off single by Bill Wan- amaker while Oshawa had Aug 5--P. Perry vs Uxbridge ? VILLAGE of PORT PERRY in tae sat | Wine en Jim Lee in his first start . w a with the Lumbermen this » , os imbury or Markham PART OF -- BY-LAW NUMBER 1592 ag : A by-law regulating the use of public and private sewers Rn -- wager? one Oe JUNIOR ."C~ and drains, private sewage disposal, and the installa- h _-- wa! Aug. 16--Mount Albert vs tion and connection of building sewers; and providing iad seven. The losing pit- Port Perry penalties for violations thereof; in the Village of Pert | "D*" #5 og | Hughes who! aug 18--Port Perry vs Perry, County of Ontario, Province of Onterle. allowed four hits. Mount Albert The Lumbermen playin A Th THE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF PORT PERRY Centennial Park on Wednes| "sme ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: imner to meet Thornhill : " : 4 day and are home on Thurs. Sto ; 8 All excavations required for the installation of @ | nicht against Markham Int. " _ building sewer shall be open trench work unless At 8 pm. lease Note ese dates are | otherwise approved by the Superintendent. Pipe subject to change Sa ae STS BRS PARPENTRY with AS.T.M. specification C12-19 except that no backfill shall be placed until the work has been ALL PHASES OF CARPENTRY Courtesy, Imagination and Estimates inspected. 9. The applicant for the building sewer permit shall notify the Plumbing Inspector when the building sewer is ready for connection to the public sewer. The connection shall be made under the supervision of the Plumbing Inspector or his representative. In the -- FREE -- case of new dwellings this connection shall not be made until the roof has been provided on the pre- mises to be served by the sewer, to the satisfaction te BOB BERO e8 of the Plumbing Inspector. SEAGRAVE, ONT. -- 985-7027 10. All excavations for building sewer installation shall be adequately guarded with barricades and luminous x= signs so as to protect the public from hazard. Streets, sidewalks, parkways and other Public property dis- : turbed in the course of the work shall be restored in a manner satisfactory to the Village. lL. Storm water and all other unpolluted drainage shall an e nz es be discharged to such sewers as are specifically de- signated as storm sewers, or to a natural outlet ap- proved by the Superintendent. Industrial cooling ~ water or unpolluted process waters may be dis- 4 charged, upon approval of the Superintendent to a MOTO RS LIMITED storm sewer, or natural outlet. 12. Grease, oil and sand interceptors shall be provided at Dundas the expense of the owners, when they are necessary | 1250 Street East for the proper handling of liquid wastes containing Whitby ~ 668-6843 grease in excessive amounts of flammable wastes, sand and other harmful ingredients except that such interceptors shall not be required for private living quarters or dwelling units; all interceptors shall be of a type and capacity conforming with Ontario Water Resources Commission Act, R.S.O. 1960, Chapter 281 and regulations thereunder and shall be so located 'y é e as to be readily and easily accessible for cleaning é 0 and inspection. 16. PENALTIES. . 'hi - - Until You Are Any person found to be violating any provisions of this bylaw except Section 16 shall be served by the Village with written notice stating the nature of the violation and providing a reasonable time limit for the satisfactory correction thereof. The offender 2 Door Hardtop, V8 Automatic, PS. P.B., Radio. Crimson red in color with black viny! bucket saets. A fud dle duddie car at 2 fuddie duddie shall, within the period of time stated in such notice, price. Lic. 326700 $1795. RALPH FAIRMAN 1967 HIREBIRD Convertible. V8 automatic p.s., p.b, radio. Pear! white exterior with mat ching bucket seats and console shift. Tremendous value for the young et heart. Lic 64848 $1895. 1870 Caprice 2 Hardtop, V8. Automatic, PS. PB. Radio, PW. ei conditoned. Emeraid green with matching pleeted in- ane $3495. Lic. No. 70703K permanently cease all violations. 1%. Any person who shall continue any violation of this by-law beyond the time limit provided for in Section 16 shall upon conviction thereof, forfeit and pay, at the descretion of the presiding magistrate, a penalty (exclusive of costs) not exceeding three hundred' dollars ($300.00) for each offence. Each day in which any such contravention occurs shall be deemed to be CAMARO . a separate offence. Such penalties shall be recover- 1970 BUICK 1968 tees ve able under the provisions of The Summary Convie- LeSabre, 2 Door Hardtop, V8 2 Door, Hardtop, 327, VB Auto impale 2 door hard top, VE power, Automatic, P.S., P.B., Radio, matic, PS. PB. Radio. Jade sutomatic, PS P.B. radio. Emeratd Air Conditioned. Deep see Green in color with al! black green in color with luxurious match blue with matching puffed in viny! interior, A sporty buyers ing interior. An ides! family car for tions Act. 21. The owner of any houses, buildings or properties used for human occupancy, employment, recreation or other purpose, situated within the Village of Port terior. OT eden. the tamity man Perry and abutting on any street, alley or rightot- |B ic wo. 207138 =SB2BS. | de. no. ros SIVBS. | cic ssr2 $1695. way in which there is now located a public sanitary sewer, shall after a period of two years, either con- 1966 BUICK 1966 BUICK nect to the public sewer in a manner according to the Sk Riverie hard top, V8 automatic 'ylark 2 door hard top, V8 power . . provisions of this by-law, or shall be assessed charges atthe nt | Ps.P8. Pow. seots, AM/EM Dial Direct as if the houses, buildings, or properties were con- nected to the public sanitary sewer. 22. All existing septic tanks after disuse shall be pumped out and filled to the satisfaction of the authorized agents of the Village. Fire red exterior with black viny! stereo, 17,000 miles plus air con- puffed interior. A winner of car et aeons: 985-302! @ winner of a price. matching vinyl interior "Lie. 6758A $1295. | vic. 188847