ville. @. and Mrs. 0. Bowley, Fg rat ps tae relatives of Mrs Stapleys us es eC jee muskses pike stopped in during the week Larry noe mayen hegre : wma ° = 'ane 'Contnued lakes in the Kawartha Lakes, thought he saw s carp with ; fect humans," the medica! of-| of which Lake Scugog is the)» disease spot on it about « T Te ioe Sey nae all most southerly, * | week ago, but he wasn't sure ae 4 onal According to Mr. Rosbor-| + far as researchers knew |"| couldn't say for sure, but Mrs. Mel Cannon has left|ust returned home after) 1. au including }oush, the disease has also |be added, the disease had jit docked Hike s apot" Mr to spend 3 weeks with rela- | *Pending an enjoyable 4 days guests -- Miss Denise Jeffery,| been found in fish in other | Bot been found in types of |Mabley bas seen diseased s tives in Scotland. This will|*#™ping at Round Lake). 5 nenure Debbie fish other than the muskel-|muskellunge this year for be the first time in 25 years ° ° . Freeman, Jackie Harten, Den- lunge. "That is what we are the first time that she has visited her native} Kathy & Clint Stapley,|ise Cook, David Tripp and A. E Johnson trying to Sind oxt-" According to Mr. Middle country children of Mr. and Mrs.| Darlene Gibson (Junior). But Norman Middleton, |ton, diseased fish are cover- bathe Robert Stapley, Prince Albert |- - OPTOMETRIST proprietor of os ed with > ee Lorne Duff is in Toronto | #¢ spending # 'week visiting The Label 229 MARY STREET Meat Marke: Perry |twoinches in diameter, Orthopaedic Hospita! inten-| With their grandparents, Mrs. Check os and an evid fisherman, said blisters around the . sive care following surgery. |G- Stapley, Trenton and Mr. On Your Paper 7783 he has seen the disease on "They've been around . . . and Mrs. George Bailey, Belle- os tome other species of fish.|for 20 some years," he said Mrs. Duff returned.home Saturday night from a coh: ducted tour to western pro- vinces, Calgary stampede, the far north oil fields and Alaska While in Dawson City, she met Mr, and Mrs. Fuller, former teachers in Port Perry > * * Mr, and Mrs. R. J. John- ston of Elmer Avenue, Toron- to, were entertained at a family dinner party at The Guild Inn, Scarboro, on the occasion of their 50th Wed- ding Anniversary. Among those attending were their 2 sons and daughter: Mr. & Mrs. Robert Johnston, Don Mills, Mr. and Mrs. E.G. Johnston, Port Perry, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Barr, Toronto, 8 grandchildren and 1 great grandchild. > . » Mrs. Muriel Bentley, Ajax spent the weekend with Mrs. Wm. Day. . > > Mr. and Mrs. George Jack- son and Kevin spent a few days last week at Wasaga Beach Mr. and Mrs, Bryan Read- er and Jeanette, Port Perry, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fielding and Carey, Oshawa have re- turned home after attending the 50th Wedding Anniversary of their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Hegg, Crystal Spr- ings, Sask. They also attended the Calgary Stampede and visited other points of interest in the west > > o Mr. and Mrs. Jack Findlay and Craig, Prince Albert have ul FRIENDLY PHILOSOPHER sc} Go "EMIELS PLACE" | (Queensdale Restmurenti | WHERE GOOD FOOD Is | ON THE MENU EVERYDAY! If the mosquitdes are biting you and the bugs are bugging you and your getting hot about it - why not come to EMIEL'S PLACE to cool off We serve all kinds of meals and snacks and we have air conditioning for your com- fort and for ours. Take-Out FISH & CHIPS and PIZZA Phone 985 - 2066 BEST BUY! - FANCY HALVES or SLICES Tri Valley PEACHES a9 | 39 MAPLE LEAF HAMS "1.49 ALCAN FOIL =+~69- HEINZ VINEGAR 33. COFFEE Eorly Riser 79. CRISCO OIL »~« 99: KETCHUP «+ ~».3:79. BEST BUY! -- APPLE OR 89: FEATURE! -- NEW ECONOMY SIZE- YORK BRAND 32-Ox. Jor amSe Pas a PEANUT BUTTER Frestne Peace 4% CELERY BACON 59: Smoked Ham Slices 88: Red & White Bread Ponytail 24 oz. Loaf widget < CHERRIES 22 lb. Pails CRACKED WHEAT PURITAN STEWS 24-Ox. Tee 49 POR PRED Oe LED t= he to ORANGE Crystals 79- FRESHIE 10-49. are --«¢ > Sam TOMATO PASTE 15 ATUNER SOers === 2i23 RAISIN 19-05. Ties PIE FILLERS store TOWLET TISSUE 6 Rolls 79: <