12 -- PORT FORAY STAR -- Wechsday, My 7. 1971/ likely be otherwise reported. Mr. Clifford Moon started summer school at Toronto University on Monday. His = |mother Mrs. Marjorie Moon from his garden that long. We note some improve- ments here and there. New attached garages are appear- ing at a couple of places in the village. Mr. Chas. Short is having a new pole barn built and the Hunters have a new boathouse at the lake. Church services for Green- bank charge are on summer schedule so Mr| McNeil got back into circulation by oc- cupying the Seagrave pulpit on Sunday. Considering his age and his recent hospital stay that was a wonderful come-back. We note that according to the church bulletin we're supposed to have an anthem but right now we haven't even a choir. Attendance was so poor for both church and SS. that we are ashamed to mention numbers. Raymond Nobbs gets a mention for remember- ing his birthday. LAST CALL PORT PERRY RECREATION " z it During the month of July & Sunday, August Ist. union services will be held in the United Church at 10 a.m. with Rev. W. Mark Reeves in charge. Nursery facilities will be available. PRINCE ALBERT UNITED CHURCH Services will be held during July and Sunday, 7% Ist at 11:30 a.m. with the a ister in charge. - PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. William Black, F.R.G.S. SUNDAY, JULY 11th-- 10 a.m.--Morning Worship Guest Speaker--Mr. Bill Nicholson. PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH SUNDAY, JULY 11th-- Interim Pastor John Adams 985-7922 9:50 a.m.--Classes for all ages 11:00 a.m.--Morning Worship 7:00 p.m.--Evening Service United Church of Canada au SCUGOG Pastoral CHARGE SUNDAY, JULY 11th-- 9.45 a.m.--SCUGOG 11.15 a.m.--MANCHESTER Haidi tie E ? § ait é Z ge article. Tot Lot's very special event this week is a Hike. We will the Fair hunt, playing games & roast- ing marshmallows. It will be for lunch on Friday. Next week's special events will include swimming, a Tin Can Derby at Tot Lot, a Hike for the Seniors, and a Talent Show. PLUMBING sor H f £ Fm } 5 s i ib i + = z ER' g I : h SH agé = 3. & 7 4 HEATING Sports - Sales QUALITY WORKMANSHIP UTICA SIGN ART PETROZZ! | ema SHOP Wustrated SIGNS ond POSTERS Any Size MURAL PANELS for home, office, restaurants, etc. PENTECOSTAL CHURCH FLOOR PLANS for building permits. Rev. R. Batten, WEDDING RENTALS - floor candles, Rev. |. MacLean 10 a.m.--Family Bible Hour 11 am.--Morning Worship 7.00 p.m. Evang. Service ting cushion, etc. INQUIRIES WELCOMED CALL 985-2916 Clean water is - Look These Over! || oshewa Business 1/4" Firply 4x8 $4.80 per sheet} | sncing July $ te 3/8" Firply Sheathing 4x8 $4.80 per sheet 1/8" Hardboard 4x8 $2.00 per sheet Vinyl Coated Folding Doors $11.00 per door Gyptex Texture paint -- 3 lb. bag $3.80 per bag Reesor Fuel & Lumber PORT PERRY, ONTARIO 985-7951 August 13, 1971. ACT NOW! Only a Limited Number can now be accommodated of Class Schedules-- Accounting - English - Svelling - Mathematics - Penmanship - Office Procedures and others FREE BROCHURE AVAILABLE Register by Phone, Mail or in Person 18 Simcoe Street North Diel 728-0052 Malcolm C. Barnett, Principal! Hon George A. Kerr, .C. - Minister, R. D. Johnston -- Chairman; 0. S. Caverly -- General Manag@y your heritage. | Respect it. help to make them work. ® Don't drop garbage, drip oil or gasoline or put anything that pollutes into our lakes and rivers. And be critical if you see anyone else doing it. Remember. It's our . water. Let it live. Did you know that Ontario has more fresh water than any other part of Canada -- even the world? And did you know that this "Fresh" water is becoming polluted? OWRC is continuously developing programs to stop pollution, but you've got to Ontario Water Resources