DRYDEN HEATING - ELECTRIC CARPENTRY (ETC.) OUR PRICES ARE LOWEST LET US SHOW YOU PH: 985-7757 out. teed. We also repair. onable Prices. Call Caesarea 986-4624. TF SANDRIDGE SAND and GRAVEL e LLOYD GILBANK e Blackstock -- 986-4868 Picked up Promptly For direct line call Long Distance and ask for Zenith 32800. Call anytime ED PECON! & SON Woodville, Ont. Licence No. 324C -66 BILL TAYLOR CONCRETE CONTRACTOR Coloured Floors Cement Finishings PHONE 852-7101 Uxbridge, Ontario "SUPERIOR Ready-Mix 40 acres clay loam in Sun- derland area, partially wood- excellent building site, $15,000. with $5000. down. excellent pond site $3500. with $1000. down. Highway Farm With View 100 acres medium clay loam, 2 storey 8 room brick home with all conveniences. 21 ft. living room with large pic- ture window with 30 mile view, double attached garage. bank barn, excellent pond site, 5 miles from Port Perry. Call for information. Owner Anxious Lakeshore - Pine Point 2 bedroom frame home with aluminum siding and attach- ed garage. Forced air oil fur- nace and modern bath, hard- wood floors, full basement, beautiful fieldstone fireplace. excellent storage shed and garage, 20° x suitable for boat storage. An opportunity at only $18,500 with $7,000 down. 46 acres productive clay loam, wooded with excellent view and buildine site. Corner farm on paved road, 10 miles north Port $18,500 with $3,000 1 acre scenic building lot near Port Perry, % mile from paved road, ideal build ing site for only $3,500 Scenic 1 acre building lot | near Blackwater, $4000 wit» ., | $1500 down. Port Perry Beautiful 3 bedroom brick 11,000 sq. ft. home. ex cellent location. Small down payment. Full price $24,900. Bui Lot ayy 1 80x150 feet deep. in a pres tige area. Excellent for a walkout treed. Owner sell. Asking only $12,900. Call MARION HOPKINS 985-7215 559 Queen Street Port Perry REIGER REAL ESTATE LOW cost. You can call to 10 p.m. today for helpful courteous service. Prompt Bay Street, Toronto. Call collect. 366-9586, EVGS. 231-8146 REG and LARRY JOHNSON AUCTIONEERS = ry SALES LICENCED AUCTIONEER Phone Collect PHONE 942 - 5032 AJAX ONT. Auction Sales SATURDAY, JULY 3rd | Auction Sale of Furniture & Appliances, the perty of |BERT CHUR Bobcay- geon. Excellent furniture & ia \ fw jlances, including beauti- 9 pe. dining room suite, Feievision, stereo, spin , refrigerator, lpm Auctioneer, . Lindsay. '| milk glass ete. ete. .' Cash. Sale at 12:30 sharp Auction Sales hold 'ARMITAGE, at 145 Pi 'AGE, at 145 St, JULY 13th Epsom Join hands, then, brothers of the faith, Whate"er your race may be! Is surely kin to me. Just a few lines from a hymn we sang on Sunday at ehurch when the Rev. Mr. V. | sad news is that there will i i EEL? vi : | g é : e WEDNESDAY, JULY 7th Auction Sale. Estate of late W. H. LUNNEY, 53 William St. N,, LINDSAY. 1953 Stude- acetylene, welder, W: Hood Vent, generators, many nuts & bolts, Wrenches, tools, | etc., Refrigerator and bed (new 1971 )other furniture, ete. Sale at 1pm. No Re. serve. Terms cash. ORVAL McLEAN, Auctioneer SATURDAY, JULY 3rd Auction Sale of Household Furniture and Ani the Fey Mrs. J Mac- be held near Bre- chin, 1% miles west of Bre chin hotel (on beach rd.) Antique chests of drawers, clocks, Toilet set, 6 pe.(good), Pine cupboards, - Not, Tea Wagon, Round oak table, Spool bed, Sideboard, Jaco- bean Sofa, re-upholstered in red velvet (good), Chicken. chairs, arrow back chairs, clocks, emg i Carnival glass, Bullseye ¢ let, Mustache shaving mu Tron tea le, hun. dreds of other interesting items. Pickle blue Terms cruet, Cee Ghee, Sart, REG & LARRY JOHNSON. Auctioneers Ph. (705) 357-3270 be no church at Epsom or in August. & Mrs. Thormin were luncheon guests with Mr. & Utica week Mr. on exercises for the Ex- lorers Judy Foreman and cates, achievement pins and ette Houghland received their second red star. guests with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Taylor. Sunday visitors with Mrs. and Miss Olive Wallace. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Cawker of Whitby were recent visitors. The Bailey family enjoyed the Angus Picnic at Winfield farm. There were about six + |hundred to enjoy the barbe- "leued beef dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Roy MacDon- ald were at their summer cottage for the summer. Auction Sales SATURDAY, JULY 3rd Clearing Auction of extra goed Household Fergie ete. for DA Mc! at 115 Church St. N. NOTE -- sale, Owner mov- ing to U.S.A. THURSDAY, JULY Ist 7:30 p.m. "Hh Auc- tion". Locted off #2 High way, north on Altona Rd.. at Rouge Hill, or 1 mile south of itevale, on Altona Rd. Featuring every Thursday Night: Modern and ) ge ete Furniture = Glass, China, Appliances, bottles, crocks. brass and copper Knick-Knacks. Auc- tioneer's Note: A Good «ele. tion every Thursday Ni "Come where the tion te for July and the first. News Mrs. ae5Fi Hy ef i 5 s Don't about twelve-thirty. The fol- lowing Tues. the Dist. Picnic -|for Ont. North and Ont. South will be held in Elgin Park. Both will be pot luck type dinners. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mar- tin of Bowmanville were dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Allie Christie following decoration at Pine Grove cemetery at Prince Albert. Mrs. Christie attended a Trousseau tea at the home of Mrs. Angus Reid in Toronto for her daughter Winnifred. Later called on Mr. Clifford pects to be home this week. ' Mr. and Mrs. Donald Card ; and Tina of Uxbridge were | supper guests on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Geer are enjoying a holiday in the north. Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Wilson and family of Ashworth and Miss Georgina Murdock of Oshawa had dinners with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wilson on Sunday. ' Miss Joyce Wilson has re- turned to Toronto after two week's holiday in Edmonton and two weeks at home. Mrs, Jean Millman, Mark and Fred visited with Mr. & Mrs. Donald Asling on Sun- day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Barry Bushell of Rockton, Quebec were }weekend visitors with her parents Mr, and Mrs. H. Ash- jton. The girls remained for a week's holiday. All the rest of the Ashton family spent some time at the home farm during the week-end. We missed a few as phones were uncertain after the big thunder storm.