® could possibly go, and the Home News | performance was perfect. To } name a few of their songs, ; remember ternoon. will remain with us a long, long time. We thank you. Wednesday night Unit 7 of the U.C.W. met in the 'Home' dining-hall to put on a uni- theimy teachers, the/of a young birch tree. All the patients were out who she holds. She was accom. | formed, went and took the | parent by the hand and in- | troduced her. Mrs. Litt was master of ceremonies, and the | program was varied -- there | were piano solos, readings, one humorous, baton twirling an electric guitar solo, and "|a puppet show. And each did his and her part perfect. ly. This was a very differ. | ent evening and enjoyed by everyone. Thank you Unit 7 and your children. We were so glad to we! come Mr. Reeves and Miss Nancy on Friday on one of their friendly visits, and friendly is the word, for the theme of the meeting was "Friendship". The meéting was opened by Mr. Reeves reading a poem which is a prayer, then all joined in the rousing hymn "We have an "| Anchor" led by Nancy. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Crai: head celebrated their 25:h wedding anniversary last week. A speedy recovery is wish- ed for Mr. Kurt Anlouf, who underwent major surgers last week. A bridal shower was held at the home of Mrs. Dave Wilson last Wednesday even- ing for Miss Norma Boynton who will be married in July Mr. & Mrs. Grant Beacock returned Friday afiernoon from their honeymoon. They drove through Eastern Ont ario and United States area They are living in part of George Kilpatrick's house until their new home on the Shirley road is completed. Cedar Creek was well re- presented in the Parade in Oshawa on Saturday. Mr. & Queen Street - Port Perry CENTENNIAL CELEBRATIONS Look what we have Special this week LAA RAAT ASSPSPSPSPSSPSSSSSSSSBSSPSPSSBSSSBVSBSSANVANASAANANASN would like to take this opportunity to congratulate everyone on a job 'WELL DONE" during Port Perry's Mrs. George Chariton both drove their horses in the buggies that led the parade Their son was also in one of the buggies. Mr. Bruce Cum- mings drove one of his horses in one of the Antique bug- gies. Master Steven Cum- mings road in one of them. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Lee spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Dave MacCulloch & Ross. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mac- Culloch and daughter of Port Hope visited on Sunday. Shortly after midnight. on Saturday, Mr. and Mrs Grant Beacock were Chivareed They were taken for a ride through Port Perry and area in the back of Rich Laroc que's truck. It was a warm ed the get-to-gether. We got back to bed by 3 a.m. On PORT PERRY STAR ~ Wednesday, June 23, 1971 -- 7 After the lovely poem was read "The Unseen Pilot", we enjoyed a piano selection "On Christ the solid Rock I Stand", then a poem "Mount- ain Movin' Jesus". Mr. Reev es sang a fine number called the "Keep Believing" song Two poems were read by Nancy--The passing of a mo- dern Dorcas (Acts 9-3 ) a wo- man of our time died, who had spent her life thinking of others so much so that she was called a modern Dore1s, and another one called "Thank God for You". The evening was enjoyed and appreciated by. the pa- tients. O.A.S.A. NEWS continued ination Tournament will be held in Newmarket July 9, 10, 11. The winner will play in the Canadian Champion- ships with the winner play ing in March 1972 in the World Championships in 'Manilla Phillipines. evening and everyone enjoy-} | MIDDLETON'S MEATS Weiners BY THE PIECE TENDER AND TRIMMED FULLY COOKED PICNIC HAMS PORK Fresh Spareribs = 65: aims. 99 Home Cured Bacon 49: FRESH SLICED Cooked Ham = $1.09 MIDDLETON'S MEATS QUEEN ST. - SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSASABASSSSSSSSSSSARASAASSSSSSSS PORT PERRY (Continued newly ordained a8 minister at the recent conference was guest speaker for the day. There was no program number at S.S. and only one lady had a birthday -- Mrs. B. Wanamaker The picnic held that hot afternoon at the church was attended mainly by young people. The time was spent in sports and pony rides which were the hit of the day. At 10 o'clock service next week the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be obser- ved. §.S. at 11 as usual. Mr. Critch would like to meet all those interested in helping with the Vacation Bible School to meet at Greenbank on Monday, June 28th. Seagrave road is still pretty Phone 725-3144 OSHAWA? N26 Simcoe St w. 4s - 985-2562