DITORIAL Proclamation PINION Minor Softball Week "We 'are proud of the fact that MINOR SOFTBALL in Port Perry has the support of many public-spirited jeve of the YOUTH of this community prompts them to contribute much of their time, talent and experience towards the sponsorship of our local MINOR league. We should focus our appreciation and recognition On these truly outstanding citizens and organizations who are making a most significant and valued contribution to the community in which we live; as does our grand summer game of SOFTBALL contribute to the healthy, competitive recreational endeavours of our YOUTH -- and to the entertainment of SOFTBALL FANS. SOFTBALL isa team sport for ALL -- for the young, and the not so young. Its heritage is a proud-one for its eapacity to develop character, self-control, good citizen- ship, gentlemanly conduct, sportsmanship and respect vee POrt Perry. etery is in beautiful condition. i zi i | for authority; as well as for its great physical develop- Preseott's 60 acre farm to ment qualities. Mr. Staton of Oshawa, Mr. We commend you to "GET ON THE BALL" with Irwin's orchard to Mr. Reese. "MINOR SOFTBALL WEEK" and to make a FAMILY x ~ a effort to demonstrate your encouragement and support of our YOUTHFUL sportsman -- by attending the 25 YEARS AGO entertaining attractions programmed for all of the Thursday, June 17, 1946 members of this sports-conscious community. Mrs. Gwen Nott entertained Don't Send -- FOLLOW your boy to the "Ball Park" students, teachers and parents of Port Perry are invited to attend. o . oe iL MILEY Bice . 15 YEARS AGO UGAR AND PICE Thursday, June 28, 1956 Citizens of Port Perry were sorry to learn that Reeve Harry Peel is confined to LOOKING BACK ON For many of them, the year past has Oshawa Hospital with « heart A10- YEAR TERM been a blur, or a dazzle: endless hours of **tack. preparation and marking papers; and a Mr. and Mrs. Lawson Honey # At this time of year, the average school- Combination of great leaps ahead and celebrated their fortieth teacher takes. deep breath, lets out aneven #0nizing prat-falls. wedding anniversary deeper sigh, and wonders where in the They're looking forward desperately Dr. D. C. MacMaster re name of all that's ridiculous the last teach- 1 vacation, because they've really been ently completed « special ing year has gone. through the wringer. They can scarcely short course for veterinarians Looking forward to it in September, elieve that they have come through a '%t the Ontario Veterninary it seems endless. But that doesn't bother Year of teaching without anything worse Ollege. you, You 'are refreshed, full of beans, full than a slight tic or a voice several decibels An induction service will of plans, and full of that once-more-into- higher than it was in September. Quite te We So Saw Cue the breach-dear-friends spirit. a few are even more "dedicated" than when Scudog when Rev. Braham Looking in either direction about Feb- they began. will become the new minister --_ . ruary is a depressing experience. Behind Some of them, fortunately not many, f° Seugog Pastoral Charge oi yl lies the ruins of your buoyant Septembe: are soured on the whole shambles and Rev. Wylie of Port Perry will self, Ahead lies a trackless desert, with the have decided they don't like kids, detest *@dress the new minister PORT PERRY STAR a Ae Beet ae hee. eS But looking back, it seems to have Ministration, They should clear out withou ° ° ° COMPANY, LIMITED flown by at the speed of a mallard. You *% backward look, if they want to avoid un- 10 YEARS AGO usted, you query whether you have happy lives for themselves and all those accomplished anything, and you are ready about them. Thursday, June 22, 1961 out of the breach and into a Teaching is a reasonably well-paid job, > with a long holiday thrown in. But I've good time for a quiet assessment never met a wealthy teacher and never will. 3 : gE [i i rf i 38 : contributed anything more than a fairly six o'clock to drive his daughter to work. job of babysitting. But to those who consider it as a wooa- S™ima it poet Perey, Poplar young teacher especially, just finish- tion, let 'me just say it's a helluva tough Sak t& now than first year, has had a genuine job, It's not for the weak of will or the Fire ChiefGuy Raines and eye-opener. First of all, he or she has discov- faint of heart. two Port councillors Member of the Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association | the "learning process," as the There are certain prerequisites, You and Port Perry atten- Member of the Ontario Weekly Newspaper Amiciation jargoneers call it, is vastly different from must like, if not necessarily understand, ded a special demonstration on Published every Wednesday by The Port Perry or she had imagined it to be. young people. Who does? You must be the property of Guy Raines, dhee Gn 1k, Pos Sern 6 brighter ones realize that they have able to get along with, if not necessarily like, when fire fighting equipment more than they have been taught. your fellow teachers, It is perfectly O.K. to designed for small commun- Authorized as second clans maill by the Post Office learned that kids are people, that loathe administrators, Everyone else does. ities was displayed Department. Ottawa, and for payment of postage in cast are never as large as they look, After ten years of it, I have learned to A fire in the home of Mr Second Clans 'hail Registration Number 0265 eager nae mek fle te own roll with the punches. If you don't, you'll and Mrs, Robert Midgley, , 'or some of them, most get a broken neck, figuratively speaking. 1 Prince Albert damaged the Subscription Rates: In Canada $4.50 per yr, year of their lives, because it has have learned that that mob of hoodlums I iat colt ec tie a0 Elsewhere $6.00 per year. Single Copy 10¢ first year in which they have been faced in September is just a group of their home. Mr. and Mrs. totally involved in a real job, with real peo- highaprited youngsters. Midgley were away at the