12 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, May 12, 1971 - Students Win Honours Two Special Services Centennial Week Sehoo! and provided a 1971 OP Ear id ae to rd manufacturer's speci- fications as to R_P_M., ignition timing, ignition point dwell, and such. The autombile was then road-tested by the stu dents and if they felt that all systems were functioning weil, the automobile was turned over to the final judges. Fail- ure to logate any of the detidberately placed defective parts meant immediate dis- qualification. The Port Perry High School team performed very well in this event. They were the first team to cross the finish line and only a slight but costly misinterpre- Mahon of a testing instrument kept them from winning both events. For their skills and know- ledge the students were awar- ded a large trophy which is on display at the High School and a new engine assembly, complete, for the School's Auto Shop. The contest is sponsored by Chrysler of Canada and Chrysler participating dealers, to encourage more mechanica- ly talented students to further their education and to encou- rage them to enter the auto- motive trades. Seanion Motors, the local Chrysier dealer, sponsored the / Attendance Small The second performance of what was originally known as "Snowbound in a Victorian Parlour" and this time called | "Dustbound " was again well received, however, this | tume by a much smaller automobile for use prior to the contest. The automobile was used by the two students after regular school hours for practice and to further their The students were guided, tutored, and accompanied by Mr. Stan LeFort, automotive instructor at the Port Perry High School. The boys have thus gained a long step up the ladder when they move out in search of employment. They and their instructor have proved, too, the high quality of achievement of the Port Perry High School's Shop. knowledge of auto mechanics. | day are Frank Barkey in a Country & Western Show be- tween 6 and 7 p.m. and Diane Leigh, star of WWVA Wheel ing Jamboree. She is no stranger to country music in Canada where she has won popularity through the last five years. Municipal representatives from Oshawa and the sur- rounding area will meet in city council chambers this | Saturday for a seminar, under | the sponsorship of the Bureau | of Municipal Research. The seminar is designed to explore the role of the elected representatives in decision- making and the extent of a | council's authority in setting | priorities and developing pro- grams. Members of municipal bodies from Whitby, Ajax, Bowmanville, Pickering Town-! ship, Darlington Township, | | Clarke Township, East Whit-' by Township Pickering Village | Newcastle and Ontario County | will attend the 9 a.m. meeting., The first speaker will be Professor J.S. Dupre, chair-| man of the department of) Political Economy at the! sudience | University of Toronto, who The show performed in| will be speaking on inter- High School Auditorium with | governmental relations in about 150 persons attending | Ontario. was for the benefit of the Centennial Committee NOT ® MOVING TO NEW STORE e@ on SATURDAY, Port Perry Shoe Repair 233 QUEEN STREET (Next to Port Perry Star) HOURS--Closed Mon Tues. - Sat. $6 p.m. THA To UNCLE BENNY WILSON, JOHN PORT PERRY LEGION, Branch 419, and all who par- ticipated for a job well done on Sunday, May 9, 1971 on their Variety Show held at the Legion{~ The community needs more of from Cy Wilson and Staff Come All Music Lovers to a Century A MUSICAL REVUE BY THE County Town Singers Sponsored by the Port Perry Girl Guides Wednesday, June 2 8.15 P.M. PORT PERRY HIGH SCHOOL A show no one will forget for a long time Tickets available from any Girl Guide, Lewrence Pharmacy, Beare Motors, Mrs. Lague Also on the program, with- 'in the context of external ICE MAY 15th -- PORT PERRY ANTON TENDLER, Owner. NKS ZAPORAZON, this kind of effort. to Remember STUDENTS 75¢ previously an alderman. May- or Chown, a graduate of Mc- Master and Osgood Hall, will be talking about the im- pact of regional government. At Blackstock Miss Ethel Chapman, whose contribution to country life in Ontario, earned her an honorary Doctorate of Laws degree from the University | of Guelph will be guest) speaker at Blackstock Recre- ation Centre on Saturday, | May 15 at 8 p.m. / | in Halton County, Born ; Miss Chapman was educated | at Macdonald Institute and) has done considerable Home | Economics Extension work, throughout the province. She is a talented writer, and is the author of God's Green Country, The Hometseaders, With Flame of Freedom, From a Roadside Window and her latest book--Human- ities in Homespun. Her experience includes several years as Women's Editor of the Farmers' Maga- zine and later, Editor of Home and Country for Fed- erated Institutes of Ontario. | : St. John's AC.W. are es- pecially happy to arrange this evening with Ethel Chap- man, and hope that many of those who enjoy her writing | will be present to hear her and to meet her personally. Contact Peter Hvidsten 985-7383 PORT PERF A hi-light of Centennial|spiritual side of a Centennia Week in Port Perry will be| observance and make plan - the holding of two special/to attend these services. services, under the auspices of several village Churches. Capacity Crowd Sunday, June 6th ot 11 4.M.| At Variety Show- The first of these will be on The United Church has been} 4 more than capacit chosen as the site because of crowd enjoyed the Variets the size of the building. | Show, sponsored by the Roya Various clergymen will take Canadian Legion on Sunday part, there will be a guestlst the Legion Hall. speaker and a Centennial Choir The show was made up ot under the direction of Mrs.| tient trom a radius of thirty Grace Hastings. miles of Port Perry. On Sunday afternoon, June} 'The performance consisted 13th. an old-fashioned service,| .¢ . 1 piece accordian band camp meeting style, will take) median, dancers, singen place at the waterfront park.| ..4 groups and country It will follow the parade of| music, ete. . antique cars. Taking part will) Master of Ceremonies, Un be the clergy and choir in| cle Benny Wilson, added muct costumes of many years ago.|/to the success of the day Many of the old-time Gospel| Those present expressed songs will be sung and it) opinions that more entertain should be a memorable occas-|ment of this calibre should ion. Gtizens of the community| be scheduled again in the nea are asked to keep in mind the+future. Township of Cartwright NOTICE TAKE NOTICE THAT CARTWRIGHT MUNICIPAL GARBAGE DUMP Hurons, Midland, Ont. --.a two day "festival" begins May 15 to celebrate the opening of a dramatic new museum, the final phase in the reconstruct- ion of Ontario's first commun- ity, Prime Minister William G. Davis Q. C. of Ontario will open the museum on Saturday May 15 at 11:30 am. The program will feature a\ message from His Holiness Pope Paul VI and a live telephone ad- dress by the Superior General of the Jesuits from Lima, Peru. During the ceremonies the 17th century French flag will be raised over Sainte-Marie, the first time it has flown there since the destruction of the community in 1649. The festival continues Sat- urday and Sunday with the participation of Compagnie Franche de la marine of Montreal. The Franche marine traces its history back to 1622. It was the first regular army in Canada and was x associated with all of France's colonial past. Sainte-Marie itself will come alive during the festival with costumed craftsmen recreating 17th century skills in work- shops and cookhouse. Canad- ian Indians wil! be describing the 17th century culture of the Hurons. The site is open to the public for the two days and admission jis free. (half mile east of Blackstock) IS FOR THE USE OF RESIDENTS OF CARTWRIGHT ONLY -- THIS WILL BE STRICTLY ENFORCED WARNING @ NO DEAD ANIMALS ALLOWED e BY ORDER ! A Free Rose to the first 100 Ladies on SATURDAY, MAY 15 pa" Sih ANNIVERSARY Pentland Jewellers Ltd. 193 QUEEN STREET -- 985-7641 -- PORT PERRY 4 A HEADQUARTERS W Lovelace and Columbia 2B ; Z DIAMOND RINGS Gam 4 Brand Name WATCHES to 2070 : GETS (16 & 20 piece) * ieee eee eee eee eee eee ee