Sao oe Re QE ARIA PORT PERRY STAR -- - Wednesday, May 5, 19715 7 os) paged Restaurant q OPENING DAY SPECIAL 10 a.m. - Friday, May 7th, 1971- 10 p.m. FREE Snack Pack and 2 Soft Drinks with : Best Wishes from Congratulations VAN CAMP ema) KEN P. MURRY en to mea ELECTRIC LID. Mr. & Mrs. Goreski Lumber and Building Domestic and Industrial ; ee i st Contemmial Restaurant 5 __ Congratulations COPPINS H. TOOMBS Centennial Restaurant} SAND and GRAVEL INSURANCE we were proud to assist you a "a PORT PERRY PORT PERRY Concrete Dick Knocker & Son cen 'eal Qunt Extend Best Wishes to PAVING CONTRACTOR 723-2132 OSHAWA