. MAPLE SYRUP FESTIVAL Made in old time style Kettle, boiled in bush. PLACE -- SCUGOG ISLAND © PRENTICE'S FARM @ Admission--Adults $1.00, Public School Children 50c. inctudes serving Pancakes, and Syrup @ APRIL llth from 1:30 to 4:30 pm. e (Weather Permitting) Please wear overshoes and warm clothing Everyone Welcome. Sponsored by Port Perry L.O.L. HANG THIS UP We carry and service Lawn Mowers and Pioneer Chain Saws. Also Hardware, Plumbing, Electrical Supplies and Building Supplies. Cement, line, seal bond, weeping and glazed tile. Also Farm Wagons, Fiexo Harrows, Ductalloy, Plough Shares, Hog and Cattle Water Bowls, Fencers and Fencing Supplies. Goan stretchers). BEACOCK'S Hardware and Garage (Formerly Hoskins) BLACKSTOCK -- 986-4971 eS... | a - setting. Dungalow, 1% baths, two Landscaped water - front off master bedroom, lot, 3 bedroom winterized rec. room;2 fire. cottage -- completely double se finished interior, Tor- plus in ginal & broadloom floors, qeaten home. Asking special kitchen, four piece terms. bath, furniture and appli- ances included. ing $22,900. Terms. 2 year old, 3 bedrooms, bg ag kitchen, L shaped (West view og tines and living room, 75 foot waterfront ont lots tie floor, garage. Excellent ¢d, panelled, ing, insult location. $34,500. oil . Some furniture & appliances. Sleepin = eo Wel pt area. . with Part Posey $6,500. down. bedroom house with many Waterfront lot conte eu titan tetek Il, 85 foot, good shore lire close to schools or down. 0" the sunset side of Scu- town sho gog Island. High; dry lot, ng a natural slo to beach with white birch trees, few cedars. A picturesque cot- tage site. Asking $8,000 with $3,000 down. age io land, Must be seen. $27,000. farm bulidings. corner arranged roperty, 1% storey stucco Terms Con excellent condition, 3 bedrooms, modern kit- chen, conveniences, oil Port Perry heat. School bus road. 3 bedroom brick veneer Sunderland area. $35,000. home, recently decorated Good terms. and broadloomed. Base- ment finished with beauti- Highway Farm ful 12 x 33 ft. rec. room, 75 scenic arcres, 3 bed- laundry room, den and room, storey and a half possible 4th bedroom. brick home. All conveni- Close to schools, shopping ences, good barn, drive and supervised swimming. shed, ideal horse or hobby $26,500. Terms. farm. Full price $45,000. Terms. in | Lake Aree miles to Metro. 50 acres New 3 bedreom home, dir. igh, scenic rolling hills ing No. 12 hwy 25 with hardwood bush, trout may ae Clone t> --Stream and beautiful view. 0 © Asking $35,000. with half Asking $23,500. Terms. down, good terms. Retreat 50 acres, stream, --= wooded, off paved Port Perry Sunderland area. $20,900. nee room family home, 4 Terms. rooms, dining room, large kitchen, utility room. Retreat Property Treed lot, good garden. 68 rolling acres, with pan- oramic view for miles. $21,500 with $8,000. down. Barty wooded with stream Low priced home with two or three bedrooms in or near Port Perry. Client doesn't mind making repairs. Call Lawrence Morrison. INCOME HOME A beautiful two bedroom apartment down and a one bedroom apartment above with a panoramic view of the countryside. This property is in exrellent condi- tion and situated within walking distance of all local facilities. Asking $23,900.00 with small down payment. good en: frontage, close Call Marjorie Tripp to No. 12 Hwy. 0,000. : pwer" Good terms. POSSESSION MAY Ist Permanent home, attract- Port Perry Area ive 6 year old. 3 bedroom 50 acres all wooded, large bungalow, large family pond, 12 feet deep, gravel room. electric heat, Scenic lot close to lake. $18.750. Toad into homesite, front- Terms to be arranged. $11,500. a od a Here is your chance to purchase a new brick three bedroom home with plenty of extras including an iron railing around the staircase leading from a central hallway to your family room. Try $3,500.00 down pay- ment. Call Peggy Worr. FINANCE ASSISTANCE AVAILABLE OFFICE HOURS 9% am. -- 9 p.m. Toronto Direct Line -- 297-1290 Open Until 9:00 p.m. Call: Port Perry 985-7386 Oshawa 723-0302 Toronto 364-2516 Manager - MARJORIE TRIPP 985-7606 BILL PEETERS 995-2934 LAWRENCE MORRISON -- 705 - 357-3395 modern conveniences, Carpet = home, Building' p permit available. Full price $4,000 Cash. $2,500 - 3 bedroom home. modern conveniences, sliding glass ddors from 'dining room to patio, rec. room facilities. In an excellent location. Pull price oan. % 2 bedroom cottage overlook- ing Lake Scugog, full base- ment, furnace, modern con- veniences. on nearly % acre lot. Well treed access to Asking $13,500 with lake. terms. Call MARION HOPKINS Port Perry lient for perman- $3,000 down. New| area. Full ceivt o 985-7215 TENDERS FOR MAIL throughout. Access to lake, CONTRACT on a large lot. Road open year round. Asking $13,500 with terms. Latah Beach . Lore. © ay lot 100 x The Canada Post Office is inviting tenders for the conveyance of Her Maj- esty's mail Perry RR. No. 1. The service will operate Mon- day to Saturday, inclusive. Tenders will be accepted from any person over 21 years of age or business firm residing or operatin in the Port Perry particulars as to the Detail of Travel, Ten- der Forms, t cles, etc., may from the Postmaster at Port Perry, Ontario. onto will be Wednesday, 28th April, 1971. over Port of vehi- obtained YOU CAN SELL YOUR PROPERTY Without An Agent REGISTRATION FEE ONCE ONL Y--$135.00 For Details & Literature Call 6554492 FREE to Buyers -- Facts & Photos of Properties A that suit your needs (Country Branch) R.R. #1, BROOKLIN, ONT. FRED COOK REAL ESTATE MORLEY BRUCE BOX 254 REAL ESTATE INVESTORS MUST DO THEIR HOMEWORK group of businessmen recently purchased a 300 acre block of land on the perimeter of a large eastern city with the thought of developing it as the city expanded. ey paid $4000 would soon be r acre for a property they felt much more. There was an un fortunate "but" in the picture, however, they failed to take into account the work of a regional planning commission whose recommendations decreed that the city would expand in another direction. Their $4000 per acre land became worth $350 per acre with a zoning law change. to be learned? rty of by ye oe & in another field: What is the lesson all kinds, in all sizes of cities, is affected not immediately visible to a business man Planning studies and subsequent zoning laws, of course; proposed new street and high- changing traffic patterns and expanding in dustrial zones. way; Most imports ledge of an muni from intly, to see an opportunity before an actual law change has taken place (and driven the yg of Ls pryeerty up), requires "inside" knowledge vee be has nhs 7 Tt is the working know Realtor. His finger on the com- s pulse there to protect his investor clients falling their "homework" ut Nee) os ee