p= Mon., March 29th, 1911. 'Albert C. Allen, belov: RE. 1. Bailieboro ed husband of L. Bar. Telephone 705-959-6855. TF + Fi : fi / § : H : a e ? fi "i Cash Rate -- 5c. per word Ist week, 4c. extra consecutive #]/ Ascension for service at 2:00 NOTICE Pine Grove e "weeks for a minimém of $1.00 Ist week, 80c. for ll Bemeta Bo YOU KNOW Watkins extra consecutive weeks. Lu. A, 150,000 LU | Must be paid week of insertion--if charged, and additional 25c. will be added. 50c. ADDITIONAL WILL BE CHARGED FOR USE OF A BOX NUMBER. i : FE i i re in tf =e HE FRE round stream or pond site. Buildings not essential but would be considered. Principals Only. Box 8 nestle ont Be Sora gy 416 - 221.3587. DISPLAY CLASSIFIED--$1.50 per inch with a one inch. All Classified Ads must be in this office not later than -- 12 O'CLOCK NOON TUESDAY Send cash, stamps, or money orders and save money PHONE 985-7383 -- Clip this out for reference. KEEP these dates in mind. Another Walt Disney Film "The Wore Tennis Shoes" be shown at the United Church Auditorium, April 16 & 17th. 8:00 p.m. msored by the eeerart| WANTED - , hy numbers. In Memoriam Engagement en pring spe a EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER s === | star of the Carl Smith Show. lete set of Books for Monthly ILFORD. ving mem : Everyone welcome to a To prepare comple a d poe and | of ecand Mrs. L.. Handyside | Also on the same show Ted) «spanish Night" of movi-s Trial Balance, including Payroll and General = a ~ ae of Scugog eo are eater os mane barge Amen and food at Manchester Office Work ther Arthur Fulford, to announce the enga; n wn, Ginny ; a passed away April Ist, 1964. |o¢ their daughter oa. buckle. Sunday, April 4th. Kaninion Stes nee Please Write giving -- Experience, Wages We often think of days Candice to Brian John Avis,|Showtime 8.00 p.m. Roxy , 3--Apr.14 Expected and References : gone by, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Avis, | Theatre, Main St, Uxbridge. | a CHALET FARMS LTD. { When we were all together; | 269 Gamble Ave., Toronto. EASTER BREAKFAST A shadow on our lives has ADULTS SKATING Only -- Box 489, Port Perry =_ r SUNDAY, APRIL lith at cast, : | Sunday, April 3rd, 8-9:30/ 9. it: Our loved one's gone forever, Announcement pm. Sde. each. | This is the SBF an oe Always rememebered by ast Sunday for adult Skating. |;o QF Lod Adm - i wife Sarah sons, daughter- Mr. i Mrs. Robert Bell JF. ge. ssion in-laws and grandchildren. | \.Sy'o announce the arrival |__ MEMBERSHIP Tea | $1.00. MAPLE SYRUP FESTIVAL ANDERSON -- In loving = 4 ==. Soe a a Membershi Tea on INN CROWD Made in old time style kettle, boiled in bush. memory of a dear husband |pisnne and Sahara Lynn. | Saturday, April 10th at the| PLACE -- SCUGOG ISLAND m.) --_ and father Thomas Anderson Municipal 24 p. -- TEENAGE -- ; Fa away March 30th, ANNOUNCEMENT Come and bring a friend. @ PRENTICE"S FARM e ; ; , ES Wo count being tho oft -- ng gy mek FILM "Ma & Pa Kettle at the D Admission--Adults $1.00, Public School Children 50c. i, When we were all together, | marriage of her youngest Albert United Church, 8 pas.| |. Mesonic Temple Hall Includes serving Pancakes, and Syrup ys But loving thoughts and daughter Renee Jacqueline to Fri. A iT 2nd. ens by New Possible Date APRIL 11th 'i Lave, oils we Mivaver ay of a on th ae Friendly Visitors, in aid of| | Friday, April 9 ai par Sadly remembered by Beere, Greenbank. Wedding -- gr tage $10.00 Door Prize wife Betty and family an tg ty Am rt ae Come and bring your family. from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. Everyone Welcome. Sponsored by Port Perry L.O.L. 2--Mar.17-31 or Sale ~ Cards of Thamks | tne port Perry Theatrical| FLORIDA OFF SEASON 3 SS | Society announces that cast- BARGAIN SPECIALS 1963 VOLKSWAGEN: 1 ~ 1 4 athe? of mat tecbend for the play "You Can't -- Leaving -- ag 9627 It's not too soon to think of that lush summer lawn. PS. and a tamily, T want | Toke It With You" will take| TUESDAY, IL 27th pe A also rabbits. Phone This is the only time of the year that a full to express my sincere thanks | place, Thursday, April E at uaeat nat 7 Nitrogen Fert. can be used fo Reet 28, Bel Cele om. fe ~ : COPIER, 3M-107 in good con-|] FRUIT TREES PRUNED - SPRING CLEAN UP ; : Take advantage of the de- one dian Legion and the Ladies|Church. Director -- Dianne | _* / dition. Maximum sheet size ili Lackie. ae ~ ---- per of |g x 14, Port Perry Star. TREES & SHRUBS FOR SALE sich sig" nan gaa FIVE HEREFORD Heifers, Cali 985-2494 r CALIFORNIA AND GREAT | fteshening in April. Phone aw -- SOUTH 986-4737. GEOFF TAYLOR and SON KELLY--Gerald and Joyce west ante 4 are ne auger Es ruEspAy. avai 20 | GO One better|| Port Perry Garden Service ther Joyce, 9 Ibe.. 9% ons. on DeNURE TOURS G71 at Port | phone yes a2491 ' ° Perry Hospital. A sister for Or wed your local Travel go ski-doo Elizabeth, Eleanor & Elaine. nt i enamine YOU CAN SELL YOUR PROPERTY ripen sme aoan_| ANCE Without An Agent loved w fe at 8:30 p.m. REGISTRATION FEE ONCE ONL Y--$125.00 ' For Details & Literature Call 655-4402 1 ; 3 oe eg hy -G os) oof a FREE to Buyers -- Facts & Photos of Properties Roy of Oshawa and Lola(Mes. {Canch. provided that suit your needs if iY 4 : i : .. Resting SATURDAY, APRIL ; oe Chapel of Gaebormet 900 om. 0 Panabaker, Port for |For Port Perry, Greenbank, i i 5