1G -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, Feb. 24, 1971 -"ROUND THE TOWN' Mr., Mrs. and later with the Seagrave congregation. Throughout the years, Alvin has acted as elder steward treasurer, S.S. supt. and teacher while his wife Fourteen Women's Insti , approximately 130 persons at headed U.C.W. and WMS. tute members had fun at '| the hot luncheon on Friday. | #roups and did much §.8. fondue luncheon at the home} The ladies are to be congra- teaching. of Mrs. Rey Cornish on Fri |tulated on the variety of Now this week the couple day, February 19 ltasty dishes that they served |#" celebrating 50 years of : : | during the eeem heute | married life. The reception Mr. and Mrs. Wally Mac oe: 6 « | took place on Sunday after- | noon back home at Seagrave Millan of Orillia visited with} burch. where about 950.10 |church, Ww a 4 Mr. Bruce Richardson of friends im Port Perry last) Toronto spent Sunday with Friday evening. Mrs. Mac | Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hvidsten Millan attended a shower) Jr, held for Miss Susan Roach at the home of Mrs. Don Car negie ) "ae ae Women's World Day ot| Prayer will be held at the| Church of The Ascension on| Friday, March Sth, at 3 p.m. The Theme "A New People| for a New Age". All Women/ mvited to this service! which has been arranged by} the women of Guyana, Jamai-| ca, Virgin Islands and Caribbean. The speaker will be Mrs. Mabel. Cawker, solo st Miss Nancy Warren and/ are the | } the organist Mrs. Bruce Snel grove Collection from the service go to promote Peace and Education. Kt is hoped that as many as possible from a Ge om Port Perry will attend RED ROSE TEA BAGS = --1 LANCIA MACARONI A. Bruce well, have a social time and partake of a lunch served by the local ladies. Recently with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce were their family, Mr. and Mrs. Morley Bruce, Sea- grave, Mr, and Mrs. D. Clarke Toronto, Miss Marjorie at |} home, and Mr. and Mrs. lvas Bruce of Belleville. Their seven grandchildren were all present and numerous others from such places as Stoney Creek, | Hamilton, Oakville, Toronto, | atives and friends gathered to! Acton, Uxbridge, Orillia, Lind-| | congratulate them, wish them) say , Oshawa and Bowmanville, ! as well as the local village.)Mrs. Eagleson and Mra, Ann Misses Donna and Joyce) Clements. Bruce were in charge of the Greetings were received « guestbook and presiding at | from Gov, General Michener, the.tea table were Miss Almer| Premier Robarts and M.P.'s Ploughman, sister of Mr.|R.C. Honey and Dr. M.B. Bruce and old neighbours,| Dymond. £ ROXY THEATRE with Arthur Kennedy and Jim 2 p.m. "Tick, Tick, A "Myre Breckinridge" COFFEE bekah Lodge will attend a spec : eeting of Ganaraska Celle 69: 2b. Lodge, Port Hope on Wed hay nesday evening of this week i A special program is being | tinn prepared in honour of the| 9 @™ == - oe == a= ene ye ne eons aoa = CHOCOLATES ; her official visit to District | No. 6 Oshawa East : . r " OLD TIME VALUES OLD TIME VALUES ne ladies of 3S ohn's ere OC EES [end men SD I ey 7 ee oe -- = le Lolienahineel rresbrerian Church served | WOMEESE suces 33«| CAKE mixes 2:35. BEANS srs 26.|SOUPS =~ 2/47: | memewnen [CRACKERS 35. JELLO + 3137 Display advertising of lar- ger size, articles, reports from meetings, etc. 5 p.m. | Monday : Classified and smaller dis- | + play ads not later than 12 C leanillateaienadtted oo noon, Tuesda: : ) DETERGENT FLOOR--:1.29 WHIP a een mare sot se 2 AA OT AMS e ROSE MED PALES §--2:69. FANCY BISCUITS "=~ 3ist |-o IS @ nS ee eee owen ee ar anes CHUN KING cunese oomers 89. ROYALE TOWELS 21> 58: : ! . ges» TREENMEEB NGL Spinach ee ° * « * oo " Velwe Check'é - Branded ~- EMIELS OLD TIME rr! ; PLACE ROASTS -= (Queensdale Restaurant) | eq Lip Smmeckim Lown end Meaty Where Good Food . ts On The Menu | ROT TAMPONS _ = 49% Features Every Day as oO woe " 5% Have you ever tried our home made oles apple eet me» me Heinz, Tomato or Veg. : varitia. You wont be sorry that you did SOUP Take out Fish & Chips ust phone CONDENSED ous-aees and we'll 10 of. Tin 10- "