WD -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, Feb. 24, 1971 DET ChE RAN AS Seagrave News For many Seagravers the/ important event of the week was the Golden Wedding re ception for our gone-dut-not- forgotten friends Mr. & Mrs.) A. Bruce The gathering proved to be a real re-union of old friends, some of whom hadn't met for years. Fel- lowing the official reception about 530 close relatives mov- ed om to the Morley Bruce home for another supper. The postponed U.C. W. meeting was held on Mon day evening, Feb. 16th with 168 Ladies Courtice U.C.W. were in charge of Offering with four ladies from Port Perry UCW, Mrs. W. Mark Reeves, Mrs. Bruce Hull, Mrs. Meta How/ sam and Mrs. Sam Cawker, assisting. Mrs. Glenn Larmer, Bilack- Steck, introduced the guest speaker, a life long girl friend, Mrs. Ted Colwell, a missionary on furlough from Brazil Mrs. Colwell and her hus- band Rev. Ted Colwell, have spent the past four years serving in that hot climate and her address was most in- formative on the living con- ditions in the rural areas. Mrs. John Kingstone, Man- chester U.C.W. thanked the speaker and the day long meeting .was brought to a TENDER AN Lucas Arthur Boneless Dinner Hams HAMBURG a smaller than usual attend- ance of 16 Unit 1 leader Mrs. Bruce was in charge of the devo. tional part which consisted of a poem, hymns, scripture reading by Mrs. Reg. Abra- ham and an address by Rev. L. Critch who reported on the progress of the contem- plated union of Anglican and United Churches and discuss- ed U.C. beliefs regarding in- fant baptism. This worship period concluded with a reading by Mrs. Belair. President Mrs. B. Wana- maker conducted the busi- ness for the evening. There were the usual reports and the thank-you notes from the sick and the sorrowing. Mrs. K. Sturman reported the Presbyterial meeting held in Cannington. Mrs. Bruce announced the hospital spring fair to be held on May 29 and asked the Seagrave group to be re sponsible for the bake table. Our spring luncheon was announced for Wed. April 2ist at 12:30 p.m. (Note--this date has now been changed to May Sth at 12:30 p.m.) Other announcements were for a pancake supper on Wednesday, Feb. 24th with slides of Alaska shown later by Mr. Gordon Sweetman. Box Social on March 13th. Service for World's Day of Prayer at Greenbank on Mar. 5th. Meeting closed with a hymn, and the benediction D TRIMMED Ib. 9g: . 5a Fresh Side Ribs + 99° Side Bacon GRADE "A" Large Eggs lb. 5G: 4\: MIDDLETON'S MEATS - PORT Port PERRY --- 985-2562 GIVE SO MORE WILI Perry Heart then lunch was served, Our sympathy goes this week to Mr. Hilliard Martin whose mother passed away a k ago after a long illness. \¥re are glad to report that Mrs. Walter King arrived home from hospital on Sat- urday and hope that this operation may relieve some of her suffering. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Wana- maker and boys spent Sun- day in Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. lan Frazer. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Fishley and family of Oshawa visited Kim Harrison, Press Reporter The Port Perry 4H Club has begun their new course "Fibres for Fabrics". They held their Meeting at the home of Miss Alice Dodd, choosing the club name as the "Centennial Stitchers". Mrs. Karen Jordon was elected as President, Miss Donna Forsythe, Vice-Presi- dent, Miss Mary Clugston, Secretary and Miss Kim rison as the Press Reporter. Under the leadership of Miss Alice Dodd and Mrs. Irene Whitfield they will study fibres for fabrics, man- made, chemical & natural. During this course the Juni- ors will make a dress with the seniors making a match- ing coat. MANCHESTER 4H NEWS The first meeting of the Manchester 4H Club was held at the home of Nancy Webster on Mon., Feb. 8th. This unit is the Jacket Dress. The meeting opened with the 4H Pledge. Then officers elected as follows: President: Karen Davidson; Vice-Presi- dent: Connie Sutherland; Secretary: Carol Aird; Trea surer: Margaret Oosterlo; Press - Reporter: Dorothy Brown; Social Committee: Nancy Webster, Jessie Oos- terlo, Rebecca Clugston and Margaret Wanninkhof. Points on the pamphlet were discussed. Also looked at different kinds of ma terials. Meeting closed with the 4H Motto. On Sat., Feb. 13th the 4 H Club along with two other clubs were invited to attend a demonstration given by Mrs. Schmid at the Commun ity Centre in Prince Albert. She demonstrated spinning wool and other different fibres. Her demonstration was appreciated by everyone in the club. Meeting two was held at the home of Carol Aird on Thurs, Feb. 18th. The Roll Call was: Show completed sewing box and tell one thing you hope to learn in this pro- ject. It was answered by all members Business: Meeting opened with the 4H Pledge. It was decided to call the club the Manchester Zippy Zippers. For group work all looked at different kinds of mater. jals and also did "Choosing a pattern and taking measure- There was a long discussion on Fibres and Fabrics. The meeting then closed. Dorothy Brown, Press Reporter . . Phillips ONTARIO LAND SURVEYOR 157 Main Street W. Stouffville, Ont. Phone 640-4031 DUFF Electronics ADMIRAL TELEVISION SALES & SERVICE 985-7993 or 985-2728 PORT PERRY Septic Tanks Cleaned By PUMP EQUIPMENT Septic Tanks and Weeping Beds Installed ROOFING @ ALL TYPES @ FREE ESTIMATES Satisfaction Guaranteed Tel: 745-7684 Collect Complete Sales & Service my Specialty Henry Kahn Auctioneer Farm Sales - Furniture Real Estate, Etc. 'Get Action By Auction' Call at my expense Whitby - 668-6189 Fu Mrs. Bessie Fishley on Tues. On Sunday Mrs. Fishley, Mrs. McMillan and Mr. Cecil Fish ley had dinner with the Wal ter Fishleys in Brooklin. The awards for the Young Worshippers' League had not arrived on Sunday but Mr. Critch called to the front those under-téens who had attended 90% of the services. The names are very familiar -- Diane, Keith and Brian Barr, Joyce Bruce, Joanne & Raymond Nobbs, Bonnie, Bill and Larry Short, Carol and Mark Sturman, Janet Abra- ham and Calvin Nicholls. Last week's cancellation of S.S. didn't help this week's S.S. program, but Mrs. Dow- son was on hand with her Burnfield PLUMBING & HEATING 110 Simcoe St. North PHONE 985-7960 Forced Air Furnaces Pressure Systems New Work Repairs EMMERSON rill of Bowmanville--the old- timers should. We've had considerable precipitation lately but there « will be another shower on Sat. evening at the church in honour of Mr. and Mrs. Gene Hurst. PUBLIC SPEAKING CONTESTS . The Ontario County Board of Education will once again host the county finals for public speaking contests for elementary and secondary students. Thursday, February 25, . 8:00 p.m. Brock District High School, Cannington. One contestant from each The county finals will fea- ture both impromptu and prepared speeches by the @ contestants. Tax & Bookkeeping Services see ALEX SHEPHERD Room 2 Post Office Building Phone 985-7031 Specializing in Business and Farm Operations Malcolm Pallant ACCOUNTANT ATLL RR. 3 PORT PERRY Phone 985-2085 Evenings & Week-Ends INSURANCE AGENCY LIMITED General Insurance -- Port Perry - 985-7306 PTOLEMY and GRIEVE Gulf Service Station GENERAL REPAIRS -- Port Perry - 985-3182 * Brothers Construction ° Hove your house built by experts. Also General Repairs, Cottages Raised, Foundations etc..... For free estimates call Harvey 985 - 3203 * MYLES KING °* Auctioneer and Valuator FARM SALES - FURNITURE and ANTIQUES OSHAWA -- 725-5751 or 723-0501 SEE US AT THE PORT PERRY STAR FOR ALL YOUR PRINTING NEEDS LIVE ale 1971 a a ae ofA se i ez wn