G@ -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, Feb. 17, 1971 x * (Bffective March Ist, 1967) ARTICLES FOR SALE -- LIVESTOCK FOR SALE _ _ REAL ESTATE -- WANTED -- CARS FOR SALE ' United Chocch." Adulte LOST -- FOUND -- ETC. Children SOc. Cash Rate -- 5c. per word Ist week, 4c. extra consecutive weeks for a minimum of $1.00 Ist week, 80c. for extra consecutive weeks. . Must be paid week of insertion--if charged, * Jan.Feb. and additional 25c. will be added. ' VALENTINE BREAKFAST §0c. ADDITIONAL WILL BE CHARGED FOR Sunday, February 28th at 8:30-11:00 a.m. at Oddfellows * USS OF A BOX NUMBER. Hall. Sponsored by Oddfel- w: NOTICES -- COMING EVENTS -- CARDS OF THANKS lows e. Admission $1.00. H el Wa nted cae Se. a word with a maximum of 20 words $1.00 a--Feb.at p © 352, BIRTHS -- ENGAGEMENTS -- MARRIAGES -- DEATHS BINGO Friday February 19th set Se. a word with a maximum of 20 words $1.00 So ered Or see, g From interested Port Perry individuals. The Co IN MEMORIAMS -- $1.50 minimum for 4-line verse, 10c. Pocono re oe ony Mathematics and Geography students of Port Perry Ne oben Greltiend tee : . - High School are attempting to build a large scale rtd 'Y CLASSIFIED ee pg tne hye, | @model of Port Perry as it was in 1900. If you have _ ok --_s fellows Hall. nsored by orms houses mye All Classified Ads must be in this office not later than -- Maybelle Rebekah Lodge. Ad-|$"Y Photographs, drawings, or information, on iH 12 O'CLOCK NOON TUESDAY Tho tat Fost Faery Rey mission 50c. Prizes & lunch. | % and other buildings which were in Port Perry in the e's are a wi mn on . eS Send cash, stamps, or money orders and save moneyff' ~- 20th trom ae 3 ik tani aia year 19% please call the school and leave your name : 3 PHONE 985-7383 -- Clip this out for reference. is for -- Centennial pro ed by Mrs. Frank Hastings.|$ 2nd telephone number. The school telephone is wT ey ject. Anyone who would like | Featuring three choral groups 985-7337. ee to sponsor a Scout is asked to| Port Perry High School. ° ot { - phone 985-2431. a fon Pre _-- Adults et ler % > 4 In Memoriam | Cards of Thanks <0, WINNERS Fer FE. 3--Mar3 Bp HOPE--In loving memory} I wish to express my sin .00--Don techie CANCELLED--Pancakes and = of a dear father and grand|cere thanks to relatives, een Wilson Euchre at Grace Church Scu ot father Gordon Frederick, who| neighbours and friends for ae oe ee gog, on February 24th will tia away Feb. 20th, 1969. | cards, gifts and flowers, also | $25.00---Bob Carnegie not be held. See new ad for 4 we would give if we | visits while in hospital. .00--Gor Hot Variety Luncheon. . yi? . could say Florence Mahaffy TOWNSHIP OF REACH bg, Hello, Dad in the same old , oo: Yee mele Sen | a came -- be gs i way ' To . John cIntyre, race jure: P cs, 2 To hear your voice, see nurses & staff for their many nesday, February 24th from Re: SNOW REMOVAL Meri your smile kindnesses and also Eastern 12:00 - 2:00 p.m. Admission ° To sit with you and chat ro aa . fnmay ers -- $1.00. awhile friends for the wers P gn ¥' So you ate have father lovely cards while I -- : . ee Car owners are hereby notified that cars and trucks " 5 Cherish with care patient in Port Perry Hosp > township allowance interfering ez. For you'll never know the tal. They were very much P 2 ey Bonnie & Don Gerrow ex- parted on vend = 43 Tin vis ha amumre Eawards | -- ; tives scighiaier snk hile ie Kor 53 wae: <4 you see his vacant chair. wards ves, nas a me } Coming Events pak eae Nag ae = will be required to pay expenses. See section 89,) » 7) 'amily us at the Township . i co a ee ep BENEFIT ng, Fel t : 3 Cards of Thanks For Scugog Bo Only. 2--Feb.24 T. NS, . 5 BS BI 6 RESET AS --,; ° Feb. enemas wn? We would like to express Annrene. é . ur thanks to relatives, ONTARIO § COUNTY | = a el F ae .t ad re. A riends and neighbours for . TYPEWR _ rs, j having a community shower Cales, Cash Registers, Desks, CORPORATION OF THE ea ans - buting =s beauti- Y as, oe new, a e 4% oil painting, many Dhank ou! tals. ice. Discou ces 1 h f a thanks to the committee who Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Bruce| Open Tues., Wed. Thurs. own S | p @) eac made it a lovely evening. will be "At Home" to their| Bill Hamilton, Brooklin ® Mr. and Mrs. Frank Melton| FOR YOUR CONTRIBU- tomily and ay 655.4179 TF. . TION TO THE CHRIST- oce: m of ti -- I would like to TONTENTS from Model TENDERS ; sincere thanks to Dr. W. 2 MAS SEALS IN THEIR | Pntvary Dist Tom 2 to 4] home, chesterfield and mat- et Cohoon and Dr. Antonevych AGAINST : ing chair, dining room suite, yen, p.m. at Seagrave United . The Council of the Corporation of the Township of Ty Memoclal Haspital'sed ati| AND OTHER RESPIRA- / Church. Best Wishes only. | SS Stereo TV." broad: {ff Resch call TENDERS for the Services of an Inspector others for their help during FOR. THE poor -- " loom rug 9 x 12, coffee and |f] and Spraying Supervisor, to enforce provisions of the . my recent sur | HOT LUNCHEON end tables, ete, ete. All items |] Warble Fly Control Act within the Township of REACH. mamsnedhechmnne-cnmed (tI iy a Pog Mag gy TF ||| Required remuneration to be quoted and NO TENDER I wish to express my sin 5 11:30 -'1:30. $1.25. ' necessarily accepted. Tenders to Close at 12 noon on cere thanks and appreciation} THANK YOU FOR THE 2--Feb.17 go one better March Ist 1971. to abe See. Seae and| GIFT OF GOOD HEALTH ay "ait an ae oe onan KEEP MARCH 10th open for ski V. MALCOLM, Clerk thanks to Drs. McIntyre and "In @ Victorisn Pariour" by go * oo » Martin, nurses and staff for ONTARIO COUNTY the Lake Seugog ope their kindness and care to TBRD ASSOCIATION Society, to be held at me while a patient in Port Port High School at bel 4 Perry Hospital. 8 p.m. atch for further ' owns Ip 0 bac Irene Fieldin, details. RD MARIN 75 att to eaten an tie Births Centennial Dance ~/60 $ E see Aa RSE cere thanks to re Saturday, February 20th at) Sales and Service neighbours, friends and U' Club Annrene, in aid of Cen NOTICE OF ® a, sft. ay = ase, cant, visits| wn Hh Ae tennial Fund. a See our full line of Ski-dtoos. MEETING nee in Port Perry Hospital, Spe love the arrival of their first |ugins' 9400" per coupte.| wen Nort Bie We tenet TO CONSIDER BYLAW Form 3 cial thanks to Dr. Dymond) born, Glenn Robert, 7 Ibs.. | srusie Geo. Beare & his| 2 complete line of Skidos The Tile and staff of Port Perry|12 ows. January 10, 1071. i Merrimakers Tickets avail | trailers, clothing and access. Drainage Act : aa able at 985-2350. ries. Hospital. q " TAKE NOTICE That a By-Law for raising the sum of = $200,000 under provisions of the TILE DRAINAGE ACT, * Shney Suectean will be taken into consideration by the Council of the Corporation of tie Township of Reach, at the Town- png A ship Hall in MANCHESTER at the hour of 8 p.m. on a tributes and Tuesday, March 23rd, 1971. donations at of their bereavement. and i |