Vil Form Amateur Theatre Group cating high school plays. ment of amateur theatre Educated in Winnipeg and | UPS. Mr. Sweeting has tutored in French as a young- ster, Mr. Sweeting is also in- well one Canadian nee ~ and producer, will attend a meet- ing arranged by local theatre meet with Port Perry enthu- said that he will be happy to| well PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, Feb. 17, 1971 - #9 Ashburn Mrs. D. Ashton Divine worship service was attended on Sunday morning, Feb. 7th. Rev. Wm. . buffs for the purpose of es| yo) siasts and to speak to them] Black chose for his sermon, - tablishing a Port Perry ama- wine : Breneh theatre. from his own experience. "The Grace of God" which is One of his projects is a teur Theatrical Society. Set| group of bi-lingual touring Everybody interested in| the first in a series of ser for Wednesady evening, Feb-| players joining an amateur theatre} mons on "Eloquent Stones". ruary 24th at 8:30 p.m. in the , group is invited to partici-| The New Testament lesson Municipal Hall, the meeting} Greatly interested im the/ pate in this organizational| was read by Mr. Russell is open to everyone interest-| 'ultivation and encourage-| meeting. r= Batten, reading from 1 Peter « | # Sim play production, 1:182:9. An anthem by the : Known locally for his con- D choir titled "Now I Belong nection with the summer AN' ING to Jesus". i theatre at Lindsay, Mr Morning worship each Sun- Sweeting has many irons in day at 11:30am. Sunday the fire. The Touring Play- every SATURDAY at school at 10:00 a.m. Every y See ane oe te - any, Dennis ©) * See ser) Club Annrene (2% «So vn part of his schedule. Week- Toronto were with us last cods he is involved with|? Saturday, February 20 }} sua evening and were drama production at McMas- featured in our Youth Night ter University, and during|( GEORDIE BEARE & HIS MERRYMAKERS one po ce the week he has been adjudi- in charge. soc' . . held in the Sunday School v hall, where we all enjoyed a sing song and a good hour of fellowship. The Sellwoods from Toronto sas me with us again on Sunday, March 7th. an organizational meeting to form a Please keep this date in . ~ mind. x Mrs. Alfred Fisher enter- ort erry mateur tained at a trouseau tea on Saturday, February 6th, in e e honour of her daughter Mar- Theatrical Society | \ssnees°x Arthur Matthews will take m : place in Burns Church on Pop Top Now Kops Girl ee February 13th. Wed., Feb. 24 Municipal Hall The sympathy of the com- Mrs. Mary Cannon, a member of Port Perry Pop Tops 30 p.m munity is extended to the | has finally reached her goal. She is the first member of the ao family of the late Mr. Harold | jocai chapter to become a KOPS girl. At their meeting on Everyone in amateur theatre is invited to attend. aor a _--" #way | February 9, Mrs. Cannon was presented with a bouquet of enly a higy .s . ' Special Guest: DENNIS SWEETING Miss Vera Leach visited at | omations and a KOPS pin in recognition of her success. the home of Mrs. Gordon | Reaching her goal she has reduced from a size 18 to a 13. INFORMATION 985-7637 EVENINGS 985-2284 English, Woodville for a = Kops means Keep Off Pounds Sensibly. Photo J.P. Hvidsten - days last week. 4 MEN'S THURSDAY K. Irvine--710; K. Dowson-- NIGHT BOWLING 700; R. Hutchinson--676; N. February 11th Standings-- McNulty---673; J. Connors-- Can. Tire 19 667; J. Stone--668; J. Dow- P. P. Stars 9 son--659; C. Wilson--658; J ' Causeway Kids 25 Healey--644; D. Keetch--644; ° Ballard's Lbr. 18 J. Cornish--643; K. Ashton-- 638; M. Lyle--639; R. Gra- ---- 17 | ham--642; B. Owen--637; K alien : Meie - Catherwood--627; D. Durham Jy ons Me " Majcher Pont. ae OE <u; 5. Marper--Oas os VANITIES er * é = Eden's L. Strikes 23 % Foo Dowson's R. & W 33 3 S -- WINSLET 35. 00 PP.LGA 28 pa ~All Tor High Triple-- ~ plus sales tax J. Parker--813 High Triple W.H-- a ; 4 FOOT -- wiITHoUT -- pe sll D. Wallace--356 ce plus ilies High Single W.H- os K. Dowson--333 Triples 625 & Over-- 5 FOOT -- WITHOUT J. Parker--813; D. Wallace : a = 204; W. Sandison--705; 3) Port Perry . plus por os tax Hadley--770; F. McNeil--749; es I C. Watts--730; D. Gray--718; Star BARKER BOARD {Prefinished 4% x 4% Patterned in Squares - 4' x @ SHEET -- sas we] 00 a:«f SHEETS 315.95 each SAGEBRUSH wd SADDLE 595 =. Use your CHARGEX card and re- ceive 10% Discount on Cash and Carry bases for February Only! LAKE SCUGOG LUMBER Panelling ' Draperies