holiday then banks in the Village couldn't close and businesses, even though they * may recognize the day, would required to pay staff holiday Two Birds One Stone Coun. Howard Hall is going to kill two birds with one stone this Satur- day. The councillor will take his wife out for dinner on their wedding anniversary and at the sarne time attend the Port Perry Kinsmen Club charter night at the Legion Hall. Hew ill be attending the charter night on behalf of the Village council. from the Village solictor, Tom Jermyn. A definite ruling on the holiday issue will be made at a council meeting soon. $500. Development Fee For Lots Considered Always on the search for additional revenue, Village council has come up with a new plan to enrich its coffers. Details are not yet complete but what the council has on its mind is a $500 develop- ment fee to be assessed against building lots in the municipal- ity. This may include singlét separated lots but more likely will apply to a number of lots being developed as a sub- division. In the mill at present is an amendment to the bylaw covering subdivision develop- ment which is expected to include « clause containing the $500 fee. The amendment should be presented at the next council meeting. At the council meeting Feb. 9, Coun. Howard Hall nesses. The eight male and 3 10 female models are ail Dur- ; ham College students. j For further information see advertisement on page 14. explained that when a lot is | separated it costs the Village ~ money because of the add- itional services it must supply. He said that any lot which "7" is sold should be charged a development fee to cover this ~~ and should perhaps be ass- -- essed against the vendor. a Coun. Jerry Jackman said that while he favoured the fee he was against having it assessed for the separation of one lot. This brought about a dis- cussion on what construes a subdivision, which according to Reeve Robert Kenny could be anything more than two The success of Port Perry High School's 3rd annual Winter Carnival is a credit to those who participated in the project. Snow sculptures, games and races were among the many events held at the high school last Friday As in previous years a Snow Queen was chosen at the dance Friday night and this year's winner was Anne Carter, 18, a grade 13 student. The position of Snow King went to Paul Stone, 18, grade 12, and Snow Princess and Prince respectively lots Jessie Oosterio, 14, grade 9 and Bruce McLaurin, 14, grade 9 Council decided it would consult neighboring municip- lities regarding their method of assessing the development = 5. . ou fee before making a decision, ~~ we saieeetsiliaamtin A happy "King," Paul Stone embraces his two Snow Beauties, Queen Anne Carter, left and Princess Anne Oosterio, right. Bruce McLaurin was absent for the picture. Photo J.P. Mvidsten ® Admirable Centennial Project High School Students To Build Model Of Vill Year 1900 : ode liage, rear Selected students in Math-| 1896 road survey, On loan] project will occupy over 400 ematics and Geography at/from the Municipal offices,|square feet and will be on Port Perry High School have aerial photo maps and topo-| display to the public some- decided, as their centennial | graphical maps. time in March, One problem : Project to build a scale model] Mathematics students will| encountered by the students of Port Perry as it was in| collect information on houses|is the lack of information 1900. Geography students in}and then construct scale] of buildings existing in 1900. order to develop their skills in | models of the houses, stores} Any readers who have infor- reading aerial survey mapsjand other buildings which| mation of any kind which and topographical maps will| graced Port Perry's streets in| would help the students in e construct, to scale, the relief} 1900. The scale for this pro-| this admirable project are map. They will work with | ject will be one inch represent-| asked to call the school at Port Perry town maps, the/ing twelve feet. The finished] 985 - 7337. | ( TAR Volume 105 - Pot Perry, Ontario, Wednesday, February 17, 1971 - No. 17 - gta < Sale Of Li Plate The fur may be flying at the Port Perry fire hall on March 15. ; e For on that date hundreds of dogs and cats will visit the} More Ontario drivers are] to"1970 as of February 15 or cen = trying toavoid the last-minute] and found he had sold 200 ' es a on eto ee a wile cats, cats the meeting could) The Ontario Department of] ;- apes hae ~ | be exciting. Transport reports thet, by the in 1970. Many persons in this area are of the opinion this year is the worst for snow since 1944. The clinic is free and in-| end of January 31. 1 percen Continued on page 12 * The car buried above is certainly enough proof we are not lacking snow this year and | iections will be given from] of the 1971 plates had been Hospital Report won't for some time. The picture was taken in the worst "snowbelt™ in this area, just |? '° ® >™- issued, compared with only 2 . west of Epsom ' Photo Joe Jordan Clinics will also be held at| 25-5 percent of the total at} Week Ending February -11 Reach Township Hall, Man-|*he same time last year. Admissions... .. . rs ashion chester, March 12, 10 a.m. - A _ | Births ......... . Nil VILLAGE HOLIDAY F Show 12 noon; Township Garage, Ping = ae AES oa Nil Feb. 22, 23 At} Columbus,2p.m.-4.30p.m;| 07" sesor, Toc TsnUer | Emergencies .... . 67 ' ~% tame ce Pr March 15, Township Hall,| © licence plates, the same | Operations .... . . Bs Public Or ( ivic Durham College | Seeger, 10 a.m. - 12 noon;| "end presents itself here. | Discharges ..... . 34 ney cat Satieein tei be March 16, Community Hall, Mr. Reesor madeacheck | Remaining............ 41 ° i : Visiti = highlighted at Durham College Greenbank, 2 p.m. - 4.30 p.m.! on this year s sale compared isiting Hours 3 8 p.m oses FODI CMM | Fevruary 22 and 23 during g Duropus III, the College's © ¢ There will be a holiday| pay under terms of working third annual Open House im Port Perry on Wednesday,| agreements. The fashion show, organ- June 9, to mark the Village's The Village already has| ized by the College's Business 100th birthday. That's for| one standing "civic" holiday| Department will be held in the sure. a year and that falls during the] 2¢w permanent building in the But the question facing| first week of August. Most] "A" wing which will be used council is what to declare it -| businesses remain closed on|by the technical division a "public" or "civic" holiday.| that date. commencing in September. S Either way it could have To clear up the matter, Students from all three ~~ legal ramifications. council has decided to get the] divisions will take part, and "7 For instance, if council| opinion of the retail mer-| this phase of Open House will pronounces the daya "public"| chants and a legal verdict| involve local stores and busi-