Py ORE es IN A Ne A at eT PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, Jon. 13,.1970.- 48 The Hilltop Herald Now that we've returned| by the students. The evening | year's At Home being held on from our Christmas holidays,| was topped off with a visit | Feb. 12. Heads of the organiza- the students of P.P.H.S. can| by Santa Claus himseif! ation committees are Janet look forward to January On Wednesday, Jan. 6, the | Carnegie, Susan Smitherman exams! (?) To help break the| P.P.H.S. boys basketball teams|and Julian Diamond. The monatony of studying, the| played host to the Uxbridge | theme is "Japanese Garden." students council is staging} boys basketball teams with] Prices are $4.00 per couple * thi ,| the resulting scores. for students and $5,00 per NIGHT BOWLING Port Seniors 51, Juniors| couple for non-students. Total Points-- 71, Uxbridge Seniors 42, Seas Peanuts 19 Juniors 29. REMEMBER Pinochio 17 Our girls basketball teams ? Snuffy Smith 16 . | also proved themselves worthy The new "deadlines" Beatle Bailey bh] when they defeated Brock Display advertising of lar. Banana Splits » a ger size, articles, reports Gumby 12 Pest Sealers "24, Genicen| em SO oe. 5 Om. Chagie Brown a 53. Brock Seniors 7, Juniom| MONMOy, aller dis Couper 13 The ads not later than 12 e Hot Wheels 2 The students are busily play Mighty Mouse 2 the inte ' bed Juveniles was Rob Munroe, : ye 831 assists going to Paul Kane High Single F. McNeil--03; J. Parker |#%¢ Grant McLaughlin. . ° A Seriver -- 376 --786; J. Dowson -- 708;.R.| At present time injuries . thin int Ge Shortt--702; D. Gray -- 699; | 2%¢ hurting the club and it's hy Scriver--831: S. Tull K. Ashton--689; T. Chandler | bard to mix the lines to make ws be ons Vanderby 6g7. J | --©87; J. Stone--680; K. Sker- the right adjustments. How. 5 Thompson = 640; S. Stone--|"**--S78: R. Sweetman--s74; | ¢ver by the time play - offs z ~~ To Trade Up At Winter: Prices Ff ih a entertain 202; L. Campsall--221, 215;| LADIES WEDNESDAY J. Chandler -- 247, 272; B | ' k F. Venning--219, 217; B. Bell NIGHT BOWLING ston 214: V. Rid a . He > -- 202, 200; J. Thompson--} December 30th, 1970 = remap | Durand--248; M | THIS WEEK tS SR SSee- 25, R Wiss) Wales... 34 | Hawes--233; H. Swain--238; . es pi ces Gace | See, 8 | See at win 1971 License Plates | py ger 234; D. es , 234; D. Stev $ x. e tae '| Pistachios 24 |B. Doupe--224; M. St. John - az, ee . Watts -- 232; Filberts 24 || 224; | Doupe--223; A. Duff} wf ' ; ee cae P. bo Peanuts 24 | --222; G. Langille -- 220; J. very Se al ' ay S Se aae: Hazel Nuts 23 | Hunter--213; L. Pholemy--| iF Smits--222; J. Storry--214; J.} Chestnuts 18 | a1 i Ce hhh he hebkekakakahakakakadai tl ALL {POWER HUMIDIFIER § Complete With Thermostat "68 Cougar uxrnew ic 65777 8 s2295. "GB Chrysler 821 of Worony tic 206224 82295. "69 Dodge Charger tic x26 s2895. LOADED & WARRANTY °70 Duster 340 "0 fies" $2795. °69 Chrysler NEw YorKER Lic 77305 81995. -- Loaded & Warranty 68 Statalite Wagon 'SS. 2095. "= NOW IS THE TIME TO TRADE ON THISONE- 67 Pontiac Oe teas 91895. °67 Plymouth Fury Wi cic 501906) 51495. "67 = Fairlane An Economy Car tic 81550 8995. "66 Plymouth Station Wagon = 51395. Real Clean -- Air Conditioning -- Lic X73765 "66 Pontiac Grand Parisienne +1195. SSS SS SSS SSS SST SSS SSS SSS SSS TST SST Get away from stuffed noses, sore throats, dried out furn- iture. Save on fuel costs. Put in a Sovereign fully auto- matic humidifier. = 25) 95 OR HAVE IT EXPERTLY 3 Tool Kits REAL CLEAN -- Lic L80008 913.75 Last 2 1970 CLEARING : * Safety Last Few Mirrors 25.60 SNO JETS Emerald Isle Motors... 1330 MAIN ST. W. STOUFFVILLE i 640-2400 -- 294-5960 OFF FF FF FTF TT AI 777d