. THE PORT PERRY | PASTORAL CHARCE The United Church of Canede "Rev. W. Mark Reeves, | WNDAY, JAN. 10th-- The Minister's theme wili be, "If Looks Could Kil" Services will be held at Port Perry at 10 am. and at Prince Albert at 11:15 am. with the Church Sehools meeting at the corresponding hours. The Port Perry Board of Session will hold its monthly meeting at the Conway Gardens at 12:30 p.m. CHURCH OF "ASCENSION ANGLICAN R. C. Rose, Minister SUNDAY, JAN. 10th-- Epithany I 10:00 a.m.--Morning Prayer Church School ST. JOHN'S BLACKSTOCK SUNDAY, JAN. 10th-- Epithany | 11:15 am.--Morning Prayer Church School PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. William Black, F.R.G.S. SUNDAY, JAN. 10th-- 10:00 a.m.--Sermon - "Creat- ing the Atmosphere for | Miracles". Ist in the series of: a) Miracles of the Mind b) Miracles of the Soul c) Miracles of the Body PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor A. Hern SUNDAY, JAN. 10th-- 10:00 a.m.--Bible School 2 adult classes 11:00 a.m.--Morning Worship) 7:00 P m.--Evening Service United Church of Canada SCUGOG Pastoral CHARGE SUNDAY, JAN. 10th-- 9.45 a.m.--SCUGOG 11.15 am.--MANCHESTER PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Rev. R. Batten, Rev. |. MacLean 10 am.--Family Bible Hour | 11 am.--Morning Worship 7.00 p.m. Evang. Service Blackstock News. turned home from Port Perry Pec sad Hospital. stock is extended to Mrs. Rad-}| Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Tay- cliffe and daughter who mov- lor and girls were Saturday ed into the apartment in Mr. | dinner guests of Mr. & Mrs. Hooey's house during the/Carl DeLong and family. week. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mc. New Year's Day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Larmer Laughlin, Janis and Kelly | amd boys were Mr. and Mrs. were Wednesday evening | Eber Snowden, Courtice, Mr. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ted/}aad Mrs. Harvey Yellowlees McLaughlin and family, Fene-| amd family, Solina, Mrs. Mc- lon Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kelly and Leigh Ann, Burlington, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kelly, Bob- Dougald, St. Mary's, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Larmer and fam- ily, Mr. Ray Essery, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Toms eaygeon, Mrs. Reg. Boundey,|@2d Mrs. Courtney Graham Port Perry, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- bur Toms, Mrs. Velva Bailey and Mrs. Courtney Graham were New Year's Day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ger- ald Kelly and family. An excellent crowd atten- ded the O.N.O. New Year's Eve dance at the Recreation Centre and enjoyed a fine time. The evening had an unfortunate ending with the _| discovery of the theft of three coats. Mr. Richard Wall has re- INVEST NOW! VICTORIA & GREY TRUST Guaranteed Investments 8% FIVE YEARS WES LANE HEATING - "tf mt - ELECTRIC - eg ORT PERRY 389 - 2473 were Sunday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Slemon, Susan and Fred, Haydon at a family gathering. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Ar- cher accompanied Mr-& Mrs. Elmer Archer of Whitby to Beaverton on Wednesday to visit Mrs. Archer's sister, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cook. Mrs. Ferga Avery of Til- bury spent some holidays with her mother, Mrs. J. A. Johnston. They ail spent the Christmas week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Keith Johnston and family at Belleville. Miss Hyacinth Booth, Tor- onto was a week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Larm- er, Douglas and Craig. Miss Booth has completed her post-graduate studies and re- turns on Thursday to Jamai- ca where she will assume the responsibilities of a pastoral charge. School resumes on Monday with both teachers and stu- dents returning from holi- days hither and yon. Perhaps the one who travelled the farthest was Miss Mary Fran- lh ees Grills, kindergarten tea- cher who spent the holiday in Bermuda visiting her par- ents who live there. The annual Ferguson fam- tly reunion was held in the Recreation Centre on New Year's Day with the follow- ing people attending. Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Mountjoy, Paul & Gary, Dr. and Mrs. Wayne McShane and Julie, Bramp-| ton, Mr. and Mrs. David Hud- son, Allan and Stephen, Nes- tleton, Mr. Ray Mountjoy and Miss Debbie Rombrough, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Mountjoy, Miss Judy Mount- joy and Mr. Carl Gilbank, Miss Linda Mountjoy and Mr. Bob Kyte, Mr. and Mrs. Bry' an Mountjoy, Guelph, Mr. & Mrs. Murray Byers, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Byers and Jeffrey, Mr. and Mrs. Les Bushfield, | London, Mrs. J. A. Johnston, Mrs. Ferga Avery, Tilbury; Mr. and Mrs. Bud McNeil, Donna and Sharon, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Dorrell | and family, Mr. Gerald Hen-| ke, Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Dor-| rell and family, Mr. and Mrs. Roger Dorrell, Ottawa, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Wannan, St. Catherines, Mr. Harry San- derson, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hoskin, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hoskin and Craig, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Graham and fa- mily, Mr. David Rylance, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Fletcher and Diana. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Dor- rell, Ottawa spent a few days | with Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Dorrell. They were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Dorrell and family. | Ray Suggitt and Joe Brown | COME AND Ger cul FOOD VALUES + WATT) ---- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, Jan. 6, 1971 - § returned heme on Sunday, the home of Mr. and Mrs. January 3 from a motor trip| Merlin Suggitt. to California and Mexico. Miss Rosemary Fox, was a They lem on December 18] holiday guest of Mr. and Mrs. and travelled approximately 7,000 miles on their trip, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Thomp- son, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rick Thompson and boys. Mrs. Gerald Warren and family, Kingston have spent some holidays with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Ham- ilton. They enjoyed Sunday afternoon snowmobiling at BILL MILEY UGAR Whitby were Sunday} day evening callers. Vernon Asselstine and fam- lly. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet White, Oshawa were Satur OW TARGET EVERY TIME Port Perry Star Spice AND Continued From Acton. with long hair? "Slacks for girls? I have three girls and it Boys would save me a lot of money if they would be able to wear slacks to school. As for the boys wearing long hair, I say, beg, preach: let them be! What makes us want to tell youth what to wear, how to look? If a child or young adult does not know what is best for himself, we had better take a second or third look at our- selves." That's just a sampling. There's a very sensitive letter from Willy Blok Hanson, who is an artist, but I can't find the darned thing. Oh, yes, here it is. Sum- -- "If the long-hairs and beardies of ay would follow Jesus also in his actions, instead of only in his looks, they would be very acceptable indeed, to day, tomorrow, the same as yesterday. Why not? wearing slacks? Girls Cold is cold, for boys as well as girls. Whether they both should wear jeans to school, or slacks, depends on the quality of the sub ject matter". Slacks for sexy math? the letters. novels? Skirts for I'm bewildered. But thanks for --The Argyle Syndicate GALORE AT OUR 7 ib. Bag Red or Blue Brand Steak - Roast Fresh Chicken Legs or Breasts Cottage Rolls mepie teat sweet Pickled Fresh Sliced Beef Liver Maple Leaf Wieners FLOUR SPAGHETTI 2 ror 35¢ KELLOGGS Corn Flakes 12 oz. Pkg. 33- ROYAL YORK Peanut Butter 49. SOCKETY 19 oz. Tins DOG FOOD 2 ror Be STORE HOURS Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Saturday, 8:30 to 6:00 p.m. Thursday and Friday 8:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. FREE DELIVERY -- Phone 985-2492. Free Draw With Every $5.00 Order Or Over. 79 Hillcrest Margarine 4 ibs. 99- Mount Royal Choice Tomatoes 2: »:. 27- FOOD MARKETS EPP ss