One of the highlights during the skating party was _--trees, was set on fire. At one point flames leaped up- burning the Christmas trees. Flames soared high into the night soon after the pile, containing hundreds of GOOD CENTENNIAL START Skating Party Huge Success A crowd estimated at well | adults slipped into skates, but ward 50 ft. or more. To the left of the fire can be seen some spectators and the lights from Queen Street. : Council In Turmoil "2 Employees Quit On Short Notice : E PERRY 20) | » Volume 105 - Port Perry, Ontario, Wednesday, January 6, 1971 -- No. 11 Port Perry council was con fronted with a most surprising and rather untimely problem to settle at the last meeting of the year, held on Tuesday, Dec. 29. One of the last items to be dealt with on the agenda, was two letters of resignation from the two municipal clerks, Miss Janet Cannon and Mrs. Port Perry's New Clerk. Treasurer ' He has always had « deep interest in municipal affairs Township council in 1961.) He was elevated to the posit- ion of deputy-eeve in 1965 and served on various comm- 9 ttees in Ontario County Council. While a member of County! Council, Mr. Doble gradu- ated from « three-year clerk- reasurer's correspondence | course at Queen's University. For the last year and half} ® vir. Doble worked under Mr. John F. Raines and with this| added experience he should be well qualified to take on this responsible position of| clerk treasurer. . Week Ending Dec. 31, 1970 Admvasions 38 Births 2 Deaths . Nil Emergency Treatments . 100 @ Operations o* 9 Discharges femmning < Visiting Hours 3 8 pm. 23 Will Grow Beard Don't be alarmed if you see a number of "scruffy" looking men walking the streets of Port Perry during the next couple of weeks. To date, 23 Port Perry and area men have entered | into the Centennial Beard Growing Contest Late entries are still. wel- come to register at any time, so lomg a they are clean shaven when they do so Registration can be made with any member of the Centennial Committee. The contest, which will Pay Increase For Reeve, Dep.-Reeve Before the close of the last council meeting of the year, the councillors all ex- pressed their appreciations for the mutual efforts and close co-operation which had existed during the last two year term of office Councillor Ken Jackson who did not attempt to a re- election this time spoke in glowing. terms about the | council members and in par- ticular about the dedicated work accomplished by reeve Robt. Kenny and councillor Phil Orde during the trying summer and fall when the sewage project had been un der installation He strongly emphasized the importance of increasing the remunerations for the posi- tions of reeve and deputy reev positions to $30.00 per meeting from the present $20. Mr. Orde was elected deputy-reeve at the last muni cipal elections. A motion was passed recommending this to the new council. Linda Bright. The letters were dated Dec. 28, the day before the/ council meeting and in both | run from January until June, cases the resignation was to take effect as of Jan. 4, 1971,/ giving the council only one} week to find replacements.| Both letters also stated that they had found the work | interesting and had enjoyed | | working with the clerk-treasu- More Fires =!" ' The surprise was thesudden In 1970 resignation on part of the two employees, of which not : a single member of council The local firemen respon-| appeared to have the slightest | }ded to a record amount of/ knowledge | calls during 1°69. From Jan. __Continued on page 10 | 1, to Dec. 31, 60 fires were | attended to compared to 39 in 1969 Of the three municipalities | the brigade is protecting. | Reach Township was on top will be judged during Cent-/ ennial Week in June, 1971, and it is expected that there | will be more than one catagory} in which to enter. These will! be ennqunced at a later date.| of the list with 29 calls, compared to 19 in 1969, jam imerease of 10 : Calis in Port Perry amoun- |ted to 18, compared to 11 in 1969, an increase of 7, and .Scugog Township 13 |compared to 9, and increase of 4 calls In addition there was a |mumber of the usual false | alarm. The firemen wo assis- | ted in recovering s drowned person from Lake Scugog Attend Meeting The three new councillors elected in December, Grant McDermott, Gerald Jackman, and Howard Hall was getting their first. "taste" of council work at the last meeting o 1970. Invited to attend by reeve Kenny, they were able to wit- ness the work at close hand and one of the most exciting meetings of the year Deputy-reeve Bruce Beare attending his last council meeting after nine years of service was asked to take over | the proceedings. Reeve K enn | Was present but indisposed with « throat infection The Legion Open Howse, New Years Day was « tremen dows success. This was the first function to begin cele brations of the Port Perry Centennial Year and 260 tic kets were sold throughout the day and evening. The second event was the skating party on Lake Scugog re ported else where in this issue over 1000 persons attended Port Perry's "Old Tyme Skat- ing Party" on Lake Scugog, Saturday, January 2. This was the second major event in 1971, to help celebrate Cent- ennial year. On January 1, Port Perry Legion sponsored a "Gala Birthday Party." Adults and children ranging in age from 1 to 70 years covered the ice surface which has been under preperation for the past week Many hours of flooding, scraping and shoveling by members of the Port Perry Fire Department and other volun- teer workers were the reasons for such a success. In a last attempt to make the ice surface smooth, the Cleared area was flooded until 3 a.m. Saturday, with hopes that the cold would keep up j and the icé would be ready for that afternoon. Unfort- unately the cold spgil broke that night and mil temp- eratures prevented the ice from completely freezing, causing wet spots in some areas. Saturday afternoon, hun- dreds of children and some Approves Gas Franchise A by-law read the first & second time in September, 1969 in regard to a franchise agreement between the Vill age of Port Perry and The Consumers Gas Company was read a third time and passed by council at the regular meeting last week The third reading comes, following a hearing held by the Ontario Energy Board in November where the Con sumars' Gas Company's re quest to extend its mains to | the Village of Port Perry was approved Dancing started at 3 p.m in the afternoon and a buffet supper was served between 5 p.m. and 7 p.m., however food was so plentiful it was left on the counter for late comers to enjoy Dancing continued again after 7 p.m. and was extended to midnight rather than the advertioed time of 11 p.m | }ion was that considering the 260 Enjoy Legion "Open House' the real success of the event was in the evening. Hundreds of enthusiastic skaters, some trying out their blades for the first time in many years, covered the entire ice. One gentleman was over- heard to say, 'I haven't seen some of these people out skating for years including myself."' Although there was some criticism as to the condition of the ice, the general opin- mild temperatures the ice was "not all that bad." Some comments heard during the evening were as follows: "The ice is awful rough terrible." "Why didn't they flood the ice?" "I'm having a terrific time, we should do this more Continued on page 16 JOY THOMPSON NEW EMPLOYEE iy 4 JP ¥, 4 Mrs. Joy Thompson has been engaged by Port Perry council and is replacing one of the former employees who resigned Monday Mrs. Thompson has exten sive experience in administra tive work, and should be very well qualified for the position she took over on short notice She commenced duties on Monday, danuery 4 The day was a combined effort 'on the part of Branch 419, Royal Canadian Legion and the Ladies Auxiliary. The ladies in the contributed above picture a great deal to the and seen from left to right are, Mrs. Mabel Mrs. Gwen Ballingal! Marjorie Jackson Ruby Adderley success Cooke, Mrs Mrs and