b -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Thursday, Oct. 29, 1970 Greenbank News Greenbank United Church Anniversary service will be on November &h at 11:00 am. The Rev. Dr. S. V. Faw cett, Emmanuel College, Tor- onto will be the guest speak- er Special music has also | PLYWOOD 's" Firply Standard Sheathing been arranged. Mr. and Mrs. Barry Han. cock of Bay Ridges and Mr. and Mrs. Keith Bagg of Downsview visiting with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Harry Phoenix on Sunday. SPECIAL 4x8 $4.30 per sheet Va Firply 34.50 Reesor Fuel 4x8 per sheet & Lumber A community shower will be held in honour of Miss Karen Tobin at her home on Saturday at 2 p.m. Mrs. Mabel Mattice of Tor- onto with her sister Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Beare over the week-end. Mrs. Donna Borth and family, Fort Erie, Mrs. Mery! Taylor of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Sharon Morton, Bay Ridges supper guests with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Beare on Thursday. We wish a speedy recovery to Mr. Barry Beare who is a patient in Oshawa Hospital. Week-end visitors with the Fred Phoenix family were Mr. Geo. Phoenix of Quesnel! B.C, Mr. Bob Phoenix of London. Calling on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Almer Rennie, who have recently returned from their trip to Edmonton, and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Simmons.and family of Oshawa. shaw of Toronto visiting with Mrs. Wm. Somerville & John on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Waddell of Bethany visiting with their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Mel MeGee on the week-end. Don Blakely home with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Blakely on the week-end. Mrs. Irene Cobourne of Aylmer Quebec, and Mrs. Hazel Scott of Oshawa visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Blakely re- cently. Mr. and Mrs. Don Donnera! attended the 30th wedding anniversary of their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Johnston of Toronto on Sunday. Winners of the Euchre Party were Mrs. Paul Dia- mond, Mrs. Fawns and Mrs. J. Somerville, the men's prizes were won by Mr. Harry Hill, Mr. Paul Diamond and Mr. Wm. Hill. Door prize was won by Mrs. Robt. Baird. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Hunter and Tommy, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stone, Grant & Peter, visiting Sunday with Mr. & Mrs, Paul Stundinski in Ham- Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bag-| ijton. NEED A SIGN? THESE ARE JUST A FEW OF THE We are sorry to hear Mr Ross Cookman had the mis fortune to fall, while paint ing their new home, and w*s taken to hospital. We sin verely hope his injury will not be serious. Mrs. Walter Hodson of Whitby, formerly from Fina Service Station spent a couple of days last week with the Wm, Stone family. Mr. Murray Empringham and Miss Trudy Brown visit ing Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Allan Empringham in Agin court. Phone news to 985-2052 or Whitby Rejects Amalgamation Whitby council, backed by 49 local organizations, has "absolutely ' rejected Oshawa's desire to amalgamate with the town. The council presented its position to the Oshawa Area Planning and Developement Study at a public hearing Tuesday last week on the study's third discussion paper, Oshawa, ina brief presented to the study Friday, had sug- gested the two municipalities be amalgamated under regional government. This week Mrs Edith Byers celebrated a birthday. We sang happy birthday to her. May she have many more of them. Mr. and Mrs. DeNure spent a nice afternoon and even- ing at their daughter's home. Mr. Frank McNally has been stepping out. He visit- ed his niece and nephew's home in Oshawa twice this week. Mrs. Jessie Tooley, who compiles the weekly news, went to her home this past week-end; while there she was visited by her family, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Barrett, Scarboro spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hol- royd and family. Several from this vicinity attended the supper held in Nestleton United Church on Saturday evening. Mrs. Staples, Toronto visit- ed recently with Mr. and Mrs. F. Holroyd and family. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Davey & Stephen, Bowman. ville, spent Saturday with Mrs. R. Davey. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Macdon- ald, Bowmanville, visited on Saturday evening with Mrs T. Bailey. Mrs. Orval Greer & Eliza- beth, Oshawa, visited Satur- day with Mrs. W. Bryan. Mr. Ralph Grace, Waterloo spent the week-end with Mr and Mrs. H. Grace and fam- ily. Mr. and Mgs. Ken Vickey entertained 25 house guests for Thanksgiving dinner Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rout, Oshawa, visited with Mr. and Mrs. A. Hambly at the gen eral store "Nursing Home News friends and neighbours. Mrs, MacFarlane was able to go home again last Sun- day. Mrs. Jordan, Mrs. Murrall, Mr. Thom, Mrs. Taylor, Mr. Dillman and Mr. Woodcock were out visiting last week. Mrs. D'Andrade and her staff had their first social planning meeting on Wed- nesday night. Mrs. Marg Reyner was elected Presi- dent, Mrs. Lorna Gray, Vice President, Mrs. Iris McCurdy, Secr@ry Treasurer assisted by Mrs. Marion Gray. Social Committee Mrs. Doris Taylor, Mrs. Velma Stainton, Miss Marlene Ives. The first project is plans for Hallowe'en. Any inter- ésted friends and relatives of the residents are welcome to bring their children and as- sist with treats which will be given out by the residents. It is nice to hear that Mrs. Pogue is out of hospital, also Mrs. Shirley Evans. Both ladies work in the kitchen. Sorry that Mrs. Mary Van- ham is in hospital and hope she will be better soon. We old people will welcome the young Hollowe'eners on Saturday night. Come along kids and let us see you in your costumes. eta, ORNATE ND HELTON COLUM 985 - 7373 SAVE ON PREMIUM QUALITY GAS A new DX Station TO SERVE YOU AT * ¥