HAY-FILLED BARN ON CROSIER FARM LIES LESS THAN 50 FEET FROM FIRE. Volume 105 -- Port Perry, Ontario, Thursday, Oct. 8, 1970 _ Number 49 Three Throw Hats Into Municipal Election Ring Port Perry's election race; is off to a fast start with three candidates already having tossed ~ their hats into the political arena The election date is Mon- day, Dec. 7 from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Nomination night is Wed- nesday Nov. 25, from 7.30 to 8.30 p.m. Reeve Bob Kenny says he'll be shooting for another term as head of Village council and rookie Coun. Joe Podres says he'll take another crack at a council seat The newcomer is Jack For- ster of 2 Simcoe St Other council members have not made up their minds yet or have not been available for comment Coun. Phil Orde is vacation- ing in Europe while Coun Ken Jackson and deputy-reeve Bruce Beare say it is too early! to decide REEVE KENNY Seats on the county school) board and hydro commission will also be decided by the election Nomination night will be held in the court room at the municipal! building Voting for council the school board and hydro com- Imission will take place at the ALEX JOHNS he enjoyed his work { following polling subdivisions Subdivision No. 1 - at the Treasurer's office, Roy Cor nish, returning officer; Sub- division No. 2 United Church basement Frank Slemmon, returning officer and Subdivision No. 3 the parish hall of the Church of Ascension, Mrs. Evelyn Allen, returning officer Reeve Kenny is a veteran of municipal work having ser- ved" 10 years as councillor prior to two-year stint as council's chief He is 54 years old, married land lives at 378 Rosa St. His children, two boys and two girls, range in age from 14 to 22. As reeve Mr. Kenny is an PLL LLL Election candidates are asked to inform The Star as soon as possible so rate payers will be given added time to chose their new j municipal representatives. PLS STPOOOOBBTOAOOSO ex-officio member ot the hy- dro commission and is on county council There he is a member o the County Labor Relations committee and the committ on County matters Reeve Kenny says he would steer the Village into regional government which is fast app toaching. He forsees the end of municipal governments they are presently constitute with the advent of regional government Continued on page 17 $136,000 Annex At Flamingo After months of planning, | a$136,000expansion program is under way at Flamingo Pastries Lid The building, being con- structed by Lake Scugog Lum- ber Co.. is expected to be completed and in operation by August 1971 Owner Ken Jackson told the Star the addition will cover an area of 11,000 sq. ft. with the dimensions 200 by 55 feet When completed the new area will be devoted to the/ manufacturing of butter tarts, while the existing site will be gin production of brownies and possibly another product he said continued on page 13 Woman Hit By Car, Dies A 77-year-old resident of the Port Perry Community Nursing Home was struck and killed by a car Monday as she walked along County Road 2 to Seagrave about one-quarter mile north of the Village Dead is Mrs. Sarah Weir, formerly of Jackson's Point on Lake Simcoe. She had been missing from the home only a few minutes before the accident occurred at 8.45 p.m Mrs. Weir stantly was killed in Gordon Panter, 20 of 284 Bigelow St. Police say charges and an inquest are pending Hospital Report Week Ending October 3rd Driver of the vehicle oot Admissions 34 Births 5 Deaths l Emergencies 122 Operations 29 Discharges 29 Remaining 39 TOO MUCH SMOKE TO SMOKE: Bill Harrison (No. 10) asks a fellow fireman to take his cigarette as the smoke from Crosier Fire becomes too intense 2 Fires Strike Withi Fire Prevention (Oct. 4-10) in the Port Perry area got off to a smokey start when two fires struck within 48 hours of each other A blaze about 3 p.m. Fri day destroyed a combined ga rage and implement shed on the farm of Doug Crosier on Scugog Island On Saturday night about 10 p.m. a blaze razed the garage of Robert Cameron of 159 Queen St., Prince Albert Firemen rushed to the scene of this fire and managed to save the house although siding on the south side was scorched The fire at the farm caused the most damage of the two although estimates are not yet available Bob Taylor, a neighbor of the Crosiers who are vaca tioning on the East Coast was called to the fire by their daughter Sharon Crosier and managed to save a late modelled motorcycle from the flames "But it was too hot in their to save anything else,' said Mr. Taylor He was also afraid gasoline Crosier Week | | explode 48 Hrs. tanks on vehicles inside might A two - year - old Allis Chalmers tractor and a pickup truck were destroyed in the blaze But firemen managed to prevent the fire spreading to a hay-filled barm fot more than 50 feet away Cook Now Fire Chief Cooke chosen Png of the Port Perry Reach, Scugog Fire Depart ment in the department's ann ual election Monday The former deputy-chief succeeds Harvey Mahaffy who resigned recently Other new posts in the fire department are: Charlie Lown, formerly a captain and now deputy-chief; Merv Den ure, re-elected as captain, Bil! Harrison, a captain from sec retary-treasurer and Ray Pen ny as the new secretary -treas urer The election was ducted by three member of the Fire accepted con Commission who the results Reach Township Clerk - Treasurer Alex Johns Retires After 11 Yrs. Service From now on Alex Johns will have more time to enjoy favorite pastimes taking drives through Haliberton and other northern Ontario districts one of his leisurely The Reach clerk treasurer stepped down from his poat yesterday after 11 years of service to the township He will be succeeded by Victor Malcolm, formerly clerk-treasurer of Cartwright Township Mr. Johns was born in 1900 in Emily Township north east of Lindsay but attended Manchester Public Schoo! and Port Perry High School HELPED ON FARM After leaving school in Grade 9 he helped his father on the farm where he lives with his sisters Margaret and about west of Jessie one half mile Manchester The century-old farm has now been sold = Mr. Johns completed the deal last Thursday = but he will con tinue to live in the house along with 2 acres At the age of 18 Alex's father died and for a number of years he helped his mother run the farm before eventually taking it over himself A bechelor, Mr. Johns had farmed actively until he re Placed Grant Christie as clerk in October The amount of work since then has incrensed and Mr Dorothy Robinson is working full time in the mun continued on page 6 treasurer ase now vic MALCOLM