} WANT ADS Tenders will be accepted by the, Arena Board of the Port Perry Community Arena for an icemaker - Caretaker for the 1970- 1971 season. Any interested persons please contact arena manager, Mrs. Luke, 985-2560 Port Perry, Reach and Scugog Fire Department Application for Firefighters Applications for the position of Volunteer Firemen for the Port Perry Fire Department, will be received and considered until Monday, October 19th, at 1 p.m. Applicants must be a resident of the Village of Port Perry and must be 21 years of age and not over 45 years. All applications to be mailed or given to: WILLIAM HARRISON SECRETARY-TREASURER PORT PERRY FIRE DEPARTMENT 167 BIGELOW STREET PORT PERRY, ONTARIO (Please fill in application below) Name aes Date - | | Occupati i seat --s Faeme | |Reasonable Rates. Phone | | 985-7019 2--Oct.1 Date of Birth ------ hee SS Work Wanted Ee Married ___. Employer's Name _ Employer's Address __ Employer's Telephone Number 7 -- Applicant's Signature phone WOMAN to live in to look after an invalid. Room and 'board plus retainer or free rent, heat and hydro for a couple. One child welcome. Phone 985-7823 or 2720. 2--Oct.8 For Rent ROOMS FOR RENT, | house- keeping, furnished $15 week- ly, 1 bedroom, 2 single beds si $10 weekly, double $15. Phone 985-3366 2 BEDROOM Apartment for rent, kitchen, living room & bath. No children. Seagrave. Phone 985-2079 HOUSE, 3 bedrooms, all con- veniences, Scugog Island Available November Ist. Phone 985-2682 STORAGE SPACE for rent, trailors, boats, cabin trailers, etc. Reasonable rates. Phone 986-4678 FOUR BEDROOMS, country home for rent, reliable ten- ants, near Port Perry on pav- ed road. All conveniences. Available November Ist. Write Box 39 Port Perry Star ONE BEDROOM Apartment for rent. Phone 2864 RECENTLY renovated farm house in East Whitby Town- ship. Immediate occupancy, available rent free with hy- dro and heat to a_ reliable couple in return for 7 caretaking responsibities. Re. tired farm couple preferred Reply with references, P.O Box 100, Oshawa. WINTER Storage Space for Camp Trailers and _ boats HOUSEKEEPING or Baby sitting, days only. Phone 985-7610 ROOFING, INSULATION and LATHING, CERAMIC TILE WORK and FURNACE IN- STALLATION. Free Estimat- ion. Call JWA PARKER 985-3324 LEAVES RAKED and taken i after 4 p.m. _| FOR EXPERT sewing mach. iF with 2 row units. Gord -- Little Britain. 786- LIVESTOCK TRUCKING KEITH GOBLE Blackstock Call 9864747 Dec.24 ine repairs, tals, & nde og ahd service Centre, 16 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa. Phone 795-6555. ILL TAYLOR Coloured Floors Cement Finishings Phone 852-7101 Uxbridge, Ontario SIGNS First class lettering and il- lustrating. Any size. Reason- able rates. Allow one week on all orders. UTICA SIGN SHOP L. Langille Ph. ees F | AL SPEARS | BODY SHOP COMPLETE COLLISION SERVICE Body Repairs and Spray Painting FREE ESTIMATES PRINCE ALBERT 985-3401 Ready-Mix Concrete WG Picked Up Promptly. HAMPTON 416-263-2721 RGWILL FUR FARM R.R.5 Bowmanville Licence 258-C-70 } said the assets of the said sasong the bectice entities among e es en' thereto, ha' regard onlv then have notice. DATED at Port ember, 1970. REER. KELLY, JERMYN & POLLITT, Barrist@ts & Solicitors, Solleitees for png ep ve estate 3--Oct.15 SEAGRAVE Open House SATURDAY, OCTOBER 10th 2 to 5 p.m. Charming older 3 bedroom home, will all modern facil- ities, lot 125' x 272' with frontage on river, and Barn i7 x 40. Call 9853064 or 576-2421, Harry Ziegler,, Bowes and Cocks Ltd. Realtor ' - #IRD LAKESIDE BEACH $3,500 down. Winterized 3 bedroom furnished water- front cottage. Modern con- veniences, dock and many extras, Excellent swimming and boating, road open year round. Full price $10,000 Terms. GREENBANK Country living. 3 bedroom brick bungalow with a base ment garage, rec. room facil- ities, large spacious living and dining room with broad- loom and a small duck pond on a large lot. Asking $24,700 Terms. 4 Miles East of Port Perry 20 acres of beautiful hard- wood bush, some cleared. Excellent building site or re- treat, building permit avail- able. Frontage on both roads. Full price $25,000. Terms. Wanted Small 2 bedroom frame or brick bungalow. Preferred in Port . Close to 8 ng area. If you have such a property please call us at once, without obligation as we have clients waiting. Handyman's Special $2,000 down, 5 room, 1% storey frame home and. gar age on nearly % acre land, all for $8,500, terms Prince Albert a A bedroom brick bungalow, nin, room, besutifully Soepdicomed, fireplace, 1% baths, and extra finished room in the basement, could be used for den. Ample space in a attractive home on a very large lot. $12,900 down, terms ith paved drive, 2 bath- rooms. Large area of this beautiful home is broadloom- room. Refrigerator, Stove a Dryer included. Excellent location, close to downtown. Only $24,500. CUSTOM CORN PICKING | to claims of which they shall] 100 acre farm in Sunderland area. 85 acres workable, dal- ance is wooded with pond Perry, 6--Oct.15| Ontario this 28th day of] site. 2 bedroom frame bung- alow with modern convenien- ces, bank barn suitable for beef cattle or horses. Death in family forces sale. $29,500 with excellent terms. Sunderland 2 storey solid brick build- ing in excellent repair. Four apartments fully rented. Live one ev and enjoy income m er three. Centrally located, an excellént oppor- tunity for anyone wishing art time work and a free ome. $32,500 with only $12,000 down. 3 bedroom brick and frame home in Port Perry. Imma- culate throughout with all modern conveniences. Nicely treed and landscaped with rose gardens, paved drive. $26,900 with terms. 3 bedroom 6 room brick bun- galow in Port Perry, double garage, paved drive, all modern conveniences, nicely decorated throughout. Close to schools. Excellent value at only $27,900 with terms. 1 acre building lot on Seugog Island. Treed boun. dry on 2 sides. Good value at $4,000 cash. 143 acres of productive soil, Little Britain area. % mile off paved road, 1% storey frame house with mo- dern conveniences, bank barn and new steel imple ment shed. $45,000 with ex cellent terms. Scenic highway property 5 acres with 3 bedroom frame bungalow. Beautiful setting among mature pine trees. An excellent opportunity at only $20,000 with $5,000 down. 7 Acre treed building lot on paved road, east of Sunder- land, building permit avail- able. $5,000. 12 acre lot, 2 miles east of Sunderland. Frontage on 2 ved roads. $8,000 wiih $2,500 down, permit avail able. Little Britain area, 100 acre farm, excellent location. 1% storey home with aluminum siding, 100 amp. service, 70 acres workable, 30 acres bush and pasture. $30,000 with terms. 100 acres in Port Perry area. Productive soil, corner farm on 2 paved roads. Large 10 room brick home in ex cellent condition, bank barn 40 x 80. Close to Port Perry and Prince Albert. $100,000 with terms ~ CALL -- George S. Stone F.R.1. 985-2632 Herb Puckrin 705-357-3671