closed the meeting' followed by the "Institute Grace" after which a social time was spent. Mrs. Robertson, who was in charge of the programme, "Alberta Wheat". Miss Dodd, the president » | announced that Donna For- "}sythe and Donna Carnochan " ""|would be the 4H leaders * een ie to take the course "The Third Nov. 4, 5, 6 in the Royal Meal" also was able to present a single . c On Sept. 29 a course on| rose to all of the guests "Institute Procedures" will! through the courtesy of Miss be given in Greenbank. Audrey Kent, who grew the The "Hymn of all Nations"| roses. thank you notes from both Mrs. Barthau and Mrs. Dia- mond for remembering their wedding anniversaries. An invitation from the Rev. William Black, F.R.G.S. SUNDAY, SEPT. 13th-- 10 a.m.--Morning Worship Subject: "A One-Way ces with rally day service at church at 10 a.m. THE CHILDREN'S BOUTIQUE WOULD LIKE TO ANNOUNCE THEY ARE MOVING TO 187 Queen St., Port Perry (Formery Honk's Postries) CHILDREN'S 'PORT PERRY Beard ef Session will meet BAPTIST CHURCH * B : Pastor A. Hern the Lounge of the Port Poe Chane ge Fort | SUNDAY, SEPT. 13th-- the Church School Staff and | 10:00 a.m.--Bible School. PASSPORT the Christian Education & Adit Canes ° ittee are urged to 11:08 a.m.--Morning Worship PHOTO THURS... FRI. SAT. attend. Se ne cactus Reber Unltean B O UJ TI U F Bring in this ad and re- « as SEES of _| United Church of Canada 985-7383 ceive 10% OFF any pur- CHURCH OF ASCENSION |SCUGOG Pastoral CHARGE y ANGLICAN Rev. George Teskey PORT PERRY STAR 187 Queen St. --- Port Perry chase in our new store. Rev. R. C. Rose, Minister SUNDAY, SEPT. 13th-- SUNDAY, SEPT. 13th SCUGOG--9:45 a.m. Trinity XVI CHESTER ' 9:45 a.m.--Morning Prayer SARCERSTED--11:15 e PENTECOSTAL CHURCH ST. JOHN'S BLACKSTOCK Rev. R. Batten, SUNDAY, SEPT. 13th-- Rev. |. MacLean Trinity XVI Family Bibl 11:15 a.m.--Morning Prayer \u "og: Hour 11 am--Morning Worship | The preference among seasoned telephone users is Mini. The number you write down is easy to re-call. Furthermore, our slim new Personal Directory fits into pocket or purse. May we send you a complimentary copy? PLUMBING -- HEATING SPORTS "-- SALES Scorpion Snowmobiles Art Petrozi -- 985-2581 For your Mini Dial "O" (zero) and ask for Business Office READY MIXED + CONCRET FOR ALL PURPOSES Count on us, for quick, reliable service LOW COST! Call on us for Ready-To-Pour Concrete swiftly delivered to you in quontities you wont. Specially mixed for your exact needs and at low cost. Call us soon for Free Estimate. Serving Ontario and adjoining Counties Port Perry Superior Ready-Mix PHONE 985-3236 DIV. of DOUGLAS COPPINS LTD., UXBRIDGE PHONE 852-3891 A? ene Pore LLM AAA LD TAABABA DIAL IIIDIABABBS SE AB ADP DO POROCOOPOE. one +) s pers