S Mr. and Mrs. L. Bescocks. x Mr, and Mrs. Larry Huston oq were visited by her nephew 3 eter well-wishers and Mr. Buddy Buyers of Port ' fun enjgyed by all. Credit. ' Progressive health is wish-| Mr. and Mrs. Les Beacock > joyed being Sunday guests E E > * Mr. and Mrs. M. Connolly of ' Wi Se . Scarboro. : Mr. and Mrs. Murray Lin- bd 1 Mr. & Mrs. Jack Biddulph |GIUD Annrene Win Series wt H . with the Hustons included |!0ns weekend at Rice _ " Win IGA Bowling Trophy ina Larry's sister and brother-| | Mrs. Merle Murphy am > in-law Mr. and Mrs. Alex and|™#rs. Rena Smi e i i son of Port Credit. were visited by # gathering ty The second annual lawnf Harry Lott of Whitby. Club Annrene won the/|ting, still in the 4th B. Jef- Mr. and Mrs. Carl Graham|® 'Toronto relatives and r¥, bowling competition for th Owing to an accident suf- series, best 3 of 5 over Bur-|frey singled and brought hr om "te days visit | friends. <i LG.A. Trophy was held on| fered by Mrs. Love during! yoton's Verna's Variety. Club|home on H. Johnston's hit. ee a oe so. Mr | Mrs. 0. Bertrand, Belleville . Wednesday, Sept. 2nd, when} Wednesday morning, she W8S/ annrene was ahead 20 at the| Johnston and Connors were G cl Har ae of Willow | 22d Mrs. Chas. Clarke, were x 16 teams of mixed pairs vied] Uable to. play in the third] }ottom of the first when J.|brought home on D. Robin- 4 ar calling on several former < for honours. There were six} 8#™me and had to have a sub-/ Gonnors hit and brought|son's hit. In the 6th Burke- Mr. Grent 2 k spent a|Shool mates one day last teams from the local club, four from Oshawa, two from Whitby and one each from Lindsay, Cannington, Peter- boro and Claremont ing was keen and very inter- esting for the spectators lined up on Queen St In the second round Mr. & Mrs. Bill Owen of Port Perry tied with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Biddulph of Oshawa, unfor- tunately the Owen's team lost out in the extra end Port Perry had two teams with two wins in the final round. Neil McPhaden and Mrs. Rose Willoughby were overcome by the Biddulph team and the team of Grant Real and Mrs. Grace Love} were beaten by Mr. and ond Men's Bowl-- stitute. Mr. and Mrs. Madsen pre- sented the trophy and minia- ture rose bowls to the win- ning team of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Biddulph, who had a score of 56411. Mr. & Mrs. Lott were second with 534-6. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Owen with two wins had 5248. Jack Hunter and Mrs. Mann had one win with a score of 43 +3. Mr. donated soft drinks & these were much appreciated. On Thursday night, Aug. 27th, the Cannington Club were our guests. Teams were made up from both clubs. In all, there were 56 bowlers present and a good time was had by all. Open Golf Tournament Saturday, Sept. 12, 1970 Crestwood Golf Club MANILLA, ONTARIO 2 Miles North of Seagrave $3.50 Per Person TEE OFF not later than 5.00 p.m. Prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd Handicap based on 3 hidden holes Special Trophy for annual competition for high gross score. Madsen and the IGA} home when K, Goreski hit a home run. Burketon gained their first run in the 2nd when J. Garnet hit a homer. In the 3rd K. Goreski hit an- other home run. H. John- ston and D. Robinson both singled to be brought in when R. Webster hit a home run. In the 4th Club Annrene gained another run when C. Johnston singled and brought home on J. Connors double. Burketon's pitcher D. Stanley having no walks or strike outs and 7 ¢tns against him, gave way to Fallison, but Club Annrene continued hit- ton gained another run when D. Bradley hit a double to be brought in by F. Argue's double. Final score 10-2 for Club Annrene to go into the finals against the winners of Port Perry's Lee's team or Osha- wa's Club Francais who are now playing off in a series of best 2 of 3. F. Allison for Burketon having pitched 5% innings, having 5 strike outs and no walks. K. Goreski pitched for Club Annrene having no walks & 2 strike outs. week as well as a few in Port portion of his holiday at Sud- visiting bury and district. _ Mr. and Mrs. 0. Croxall,| ts and friends. Manchester and Mr. and Mrs. mo agen egy ards ge Check The Label Friday evening company with} Qm Your Paper Prince Mrs. L. Beacock One recent Saturday after- noon the home of Mrs. How- ard Jeffrey was graciously opened for a nuptial party when her daughter Miss De- nise Jeffrey and Mrs. Bon- nie "Pugh Solomon" acted as co-hostesses for a miscellane- ous shower held in honour of a school chum, and now bride-to-be Miss Jane Hunt- ley. Denise and Bonnie con- ducted two interesting con- tests, prizes were awarded to the winning ladies namely Mrs. C. Love and Mrs. J. Hunter. A piece of poetry was ments for a Wife" by Mrs. L. Beacock. escorted to an appropriately read entitled "Ten Command- At this time the guest of honour "Jane" was ' WATALIE WOOO 4 ROSERTCULP =: ELLIOTT GOULD & OYA CARNON Albert twenty years, but are now living in Oshawa. As a re- sult the second happy feat- ure of the afternoon took place when a former neigh- bour, Mrs. B. Smith read a suitable farewell poem, plus reading the names autograph- ed on a card who had con- tributed towards a household and a personel remembrance which both were presented by a near friend Mrs. J. Ir- ne The stunned mother LINDSAY "Marj." expressed her deep " . The Restoraton Cornedy About What Cannot Be Restore! COL Ae CED prem A OOD PHONO ng CHRISTOPHER PLUMMER SUSMMBIH YORK GLYNES JOM We BOER TON HELL ELE UR DRE COLOR decorated chair and present- ed with a colorful corsage prior to unwrapping the many gay parcels. Her sis- ter "Carol" Mrs. G. Hughes, assisted in the usual duty of reading the giftcards. Jane, the bride elect delightfully voiced her sincere apprecia- tion for the many. gifts. We all are quite aware the bride's mother, Mrs .Marjorie Huntley and her family had resided in our village nearly RACEWAY Friday, Sept. 11th . 7:45 p.m. The Queensville Restaurant was recently sold to Mr. and Mrs. "Enille Kroonenberg, formerly of Toronto. They and their four children have now Pari-Mutual Wagering Same Oy Sepeenen Saat Fee. In the picture above it shows Mr. Kotsopoulor, on the left, looking on as RACING EVE RY Milton Fisher, Sales Representative, of Thos. N. Shea Realtors, through which FRIDAY AT 7:45 p.m. APPLIANCES Sain. sale was conducted, handing over the keys to Mr. and Mrs a SALES and SERVICE ' Sponsored by . oll of Mr. Kopsopoulor is very happy with the many friends he has met while in Repairs to oll Makes Port Perry, and wishes to thank ali those, not only in Port Perry, but Scugog OSHAWA HARNESS Apphences. Inland and surrounding district for their patronage during the time he has been AUTHORIZED -- in bosiness, and extends to all his desire that they will partonize Mr. and Mrs ® SERVICE DEPO Kroonenberg to the same extent.