WB -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Thursday, Sept. 10, 1970 Utica News Service will be held Utica United Church on day, September 13, at 11: am. Sunday School at 10 am. The Explorers will meet im Epsom United Church on Friday afternoon at 3:45. Any girls from 8 to 12 years Charlie Brown. Mr. Bill Brown and Charlie attended the Steam Era at Milton on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Harper of Oshawa spent Monday with Mrs. Cecil Harper. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hill of Claremont visited Mr. Jack will be welcome. Crosier on Tuesday evening. Sincere sympathy is exten-| Mrs. Jack Crosier and Mrs. ded to the family of the) Bruce Beare spent a few days late Mrs. Elva Laviolette in| with Mr. and Mrs. Eric Wall- their recent bereavement. | ace of Beaconsfield last week. Miss Jewel Dawn MacCan-| Sunday visitors with Mr. nell returned to Vancouver) and Mrs. Mervyn MacCannell on Saturday after spending) were Mr. and Mrs. John Ja- the summer with her parents/ ger, Mrs. Florence Taylor, A. E Johnson Cannell. The MacCannels_ visited Mrs. Jessie MacCannell in Toronto and Mr. & Mrs. Ted OPTOMETRIST MacCannel) of Brampton on Saturday. 229 MARY STREET Master Michael Geer spent 985--2383 Friday night with Master BUSINESS & PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY INSURANCE | ELECTRONICS AGENCY ADMIRAL LIMITED TELEVISION SEPTIC TANKS AND & Bookkeeping Services WEEPING Beds ae as see ALEX SHEPHERD Room 2, Post Office Building ARMSTRONG Mcenainn ta Nintenio tei Port Perry -- 385-2226 farm operations. FOR ANY OF YOUR MURRAY Insurance Needs |BURNFIELD Do it the Cooperative Way} PLUMBING & MEATING Co-Operstors ins. Assoc. 110 Simcoe St. North ETHEL NOTTINGHAM PHONE 985-7980 Myrtle FORCED AIR FURNACES 655-4832 PRESSURE SVSTEMS "REPAIRS PTOLEMY . GRIEVE Malcolm Phillips ONTARIO LAND SURVEYOR 157 Main Street W. GULF Service Station cates on, General Repairs wants Port Perry -- 985-3182} BROTHERS CONSTRUCTION Eart Wallace |..." "" ™" VALUATOR FARM SALES - FURNITURE and ANTIQUES --PLYWOOD- Wall Panelling 559 Mr. and Mrs. Ken MacDonald and Carol Anne of Oshawa and Miss Bonnie MacDonald of Toronto. Recent visitors with Mrs. Violet Skerratt and Larry were Mr. and Mrs. Bob Pick- ard, Mr. and Mrs. Milt. But- son, Mrs. Allan Martyn and Miss Elizabeth Noakes, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Pickard and Mrs. Trenka and Miss Kath- leen Trenka. Mrs, B. Westacott and Mrs. M. Foreman visited Mr. and Mrs. Earl Fielding recently. Mrs. Tom Brooks and Miss Dianne Brooks of Sunderland called on Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kendall recently. Congratulations to Mrs. Jim Philip on her success at the Toronto Exhibition on her baking exhibits and to Mrs. Violet Skerratt who won the highest number of points in her exhibits at the Port Perry Fair. Also congratulations to all the Birls and boys who had OAK FINISH -- PER SHEET 4x8 3/8 Standard Sheathing Grade na ser - ut sh 50) Reesor Fu Fuel & Lumber Mrs, Regis Imhoff and sons Tom and Arthur of Bathurst. Week-end visitors with the Goslin family were Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hartwick of Kincardine and Mr. Walt Rogers, Darlene and Angela of Oshawa. DANCE WES JACKSON'S entries in the school exhibits ORCHESTRA ee The "EVERYDAY Mrs. Frank Valyear of PEOPLE" Belleville is spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. Jameg FE. Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bailey of Scarborough called on Mr. and Mrs. George Symes on Saturday evening. On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Thompson called on Mr. and Mrs. Don Hill of Mount Albert and were sup- SATURDAY SEPT. 12 PORT PERRY ARENA Couples $3.00 -- Refreshments -- Students 75¢ 8:00 p.m. to 12:00 LUMBER ANID | BUILDING SUPPLIES United Church WI Annual School Sept. 11, 12, 13 Is God dead? Is religious study out of date? Not a- ccording to the women of the United Church. An overflow registration for their annual school, being held this year at Camp Quin-Mo-Lac on September 11,12, and 13, has been received. In keeping with the times, the format of the school has changed this year. It is a camping, do-it-yourself sch- eol, with teams from the seven Presbyterials within the Bay of Quinte Conference act- ing as leaders and presenting the theme Trends in our Church." Mrs. Kay Bentley, the new editor of the United Church's new teenage magazine, will attend. She is interested in meeting, all who are concernec communication with Lake Seu 'Lake Scugog Lumber Co. PHONE 985-7391 i --<£ | orr