Eggs are an important ingredient for any chef and so it is for Mr. Neyroud when he prepares a palatable dish. Hrinioinicieinivicdicicinsinicininiicieiiniticicididdiciinitickicininttriciicc iti: RUGS & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING DONE IN YOUR HOME AND READY TO USE THE SAME DAY New and Used Vacuum Cleaners For Sale 985-7704 - ATTENTION FARMERS WHY PAY MORE? Why would a chef with over 20 years of experience in the best hotels and resorts in Europe and Canada decide to settle and work in @ small restaurant in Port Perry? "Life is far too hectic, and the responsibilities a chef must face in the large estab- lishments become at times al- most unbearable," said Marcel Neyroud, the new manager at Conway Gardens, when asked that question; "1 enjoy living in a small community, and believe that @ person, perhaps can add @ few more years to his life by Ng ' fore it's too late,' tinued. Born in Switzerland, Mr. 5 Mrs. Ray MacCulloch. Cedar Creek News rocque. que and Mrs. Bruce Cumm- ings visited Mrs. Eugene Terpanier in Toronto two days, a week ago. Ralph Somerville visited Bob Armstrong at Kirkfield one day recently. Klaus Juilick of Milton & Mr. and Mrs. Roy Poluz of Brampton visited Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Cummings last Satur- day. Mrs. Richard Larocque and Mrs. Bruce Cummings held a stork shower at the Cumm- ings home for Mrs. John Phillips of Raglan last Tues- day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Laroc- que left on Wednesday for a holiday with relatives in Northern Ontario. They planned on going as far as Field. Neyroud received his early _ A shower was held ot Ralph Somerville's home on Thursday evening for Mr. & Mr. and Mrs. John Farrow and son, Ivan, all of South River, visited Mr. and Mrs. Norris Doherty this past week-end. Mrs. Ouimet and Ivan are staying down for a while with Mrs. Richard La- Mr. and Mrs. Victor Larce: | HOMES WANTED 20a) HETAM (18 BEA IOS 985-7373 ATTENTION HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS THE ONTARIO COUNTY SECONDARY SCHOOLS WILL OPEN FOR THE FALL TERM ON TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, AT THE TIMES LISTED BELOW DRT PERRY STAR -- "Man Of The World" New Chef At Conway Gardens training in his native country betore becomming wef at some of the finest hotels in Switzerland and France. 'He arrived in Canada 15 years ago and began his car- eer as head chef with Cana- dian Pacific Railway's Hotels. He has held this position in the finest establishments from coast to coast such as Al- gonquin Hotel, St. Andrews; Royal Alexandra, Winnipeg; Chateau Frontenac, Quebec; Empress Hotel, Victoria, B.C.; Royal York Hotel, Toronto; Cornwallis inn, Kentville, N. B., Chateau Lake Louise, Saskatchewan Hotel, Regina; Inn on the Park Hotel, Tor- onto and before coming to Port Perry he was executive chef for Aero Caterers and supervised preparation of all BROADLOOM Howard's Draperies HOWARD VICE, Prop. Draperies by the Yard Venetian & Cloth Blinds Custom Made Drapes Drapery Rods & Tracks meals served by the major airlines on flights originating from Toronto International Airport. There is certainly no doubt « Mr. Neyroud has all the qua- lifications when he last week ities are excellent and no doubt Mr. Neyroud with the assistance of his staff will be able to satisfy the most crit- ical gourmet sitting down to enjoy a meal. We welcome Mr, Neyroud and his wife Dolores to Port Perry and hope they will en: joy the life in a small comm- unity, They intend to move here as soon as accomodation is available. Mrs. den Boer's brother, Nico Knibbe, who was visit- ing his brothers in Michigan, USA. spent a couple of .| days last week with the den Boers before leaving for Hol- land on Friday. ORCHESTRA The "EVERYDAY PEOPLE" SATURDAY SEPT. 12 PORT PERRY ARENA Couples $3.00 -- Retreshments -- Students 75c 8:00 p.m. to 12:00 If you plan to attend one of these schools, but have not yet registered, you should do so at once in person at the office of the school you will attend. School offices are open Monday through Friday during office hours. Anderson Seen . Whitb erson y hone: 668-5809 10-13 -- 9:00 a.m. Grade 9 -- 10:30 a.m. Ajax High School, Raviv Street, Ajax : 942-1610 All Students -- 9:00 a.m. Brock District High School, General Vanier &.5&., 155 Gibb Street, Oshawa Telephone: 723-5227 udents -- 9:00 a.m. Henry St. High School, Henry Street, Whitby Telephone: 668-6742 All Students -- 9:00 a.m. O'Neill C. V.L, 301 Simcoe St. N.. Oshawa Telephone: 728-7531 All Students -- 8:45 a.m. ees © High Schoo Church Pickering, Telephone Daaatel All Students -- 9:00 a.m Port Perry High School, Rosa Street, Port Perry, Telephone: 985-7337 Grade 8 -- 8:00 a.m. All High School Students -- 9:00 am R, S. McLaughlin C. V.L, 570 Stevenson Rd. N.. Oshawa Telephone: 728-0407 Grades 10-13 -- 8:00 a.m Grade 89 -- 10:30 am Uxbridge Secondary School, Third Ave. Uxbridge Telephone: 852.3391 All Students 9:00 a.m Cannington Telephone: 432-2311 (705) All Students -- 9:00 a.m. Central C.1, 240 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa Grades 1013 80 = 9:00 am. F. J. Doneran C1, 280 harmony Ra mae awa e Grades 10-13 -- #700 am. Grade 9 -- 10:30 a.m ae en § ve., ng Te : 042-0350 All Students -- 9:00 a.m Eastdale C.V.1, 265 Harmony Rd. N., Oshawa Telephone: 8157 Grades 11, 12, 18 -- 9:00 am Grades 9 and 10 -- 10:30 a.m 5. 8. LOVELL Chairman G6, L. ROBERTS Director of Education