Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Star, 18 Jun 1936, p. 4

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¥ as A, a | bh atl oe eT ES A : ee boo eae) at Tee = 3 = ek eaanENS st THE OAKVILLE STAR " PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY “ph. oe “At tne tie of Publication OAKVILLE, ONT TERMS OF SUBSERIPTION—$1.50 a year. 0 paper TOS paid. except me it the option oy the proprietor, we is not sufficient. * vance will be stepped until all arrears are A postoffice notice to discun- To evbscribers in the Unit ad States, $2.00 a yveur, §$).50 1f patd in ad ADVERTISING RATES ON REQUEST - FINE JOB PRINTING R. A. Forrester, Proprietor Thursday, June 18th, 1936 BRONTE The Heme and School at the schoo! on Tuesday evening. Bronte will have an entirely new stall of teachers after the surnaner hitidars. Miss Ea Walsh of Oakville was! the guest of Mre. E. W. Pickard on Sunday. ; Miss Merenret Knight of Rraut- fond, formeriv a resident of Bronte, Wis 4 <isiter tn town this week. Miss Joun Dawson of mali spending a tie weeks’ yacn ler pirents. Mr. and Mew a ahew: son. Many friends «f Mrs. Fred Dar- Hivpeton a 15 now recovering frorny fl seri Hl- Tess. Mr. and Mra. Walter Fixter of Kitchener visited at the narental home of Mr, and Mrs. Fixter in Bronte on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Pickard and son Fred and Mrs. 3. Mitchell, Mrs. Pieckard’s mother, were quests of Mrs. A. FE. “ord on Sunday. The many friends of A. G, Boswell will be pleased to know thar he is now recuperating at his home after a re- cent serious operation. Mrs. E. W. Pickard celebrated her SOth birthday on Sunday and received the hearty good wishes and felicita- tions of about 50 callers for many more happy years. Many people took advantage of the fine weather on Sunday and visited the ever popular Bronte Beach park. A great many basket pienics were in and quite a number enjoved ii bathing and sandy ey idence, “e, echab ome} re yleased to krow that che | SHERIDAN Mrs. CW, Miss Ri Wilson accompanied ‘ta Duck over the week-end to t De reit. ‘ i: | Mrs. Skerrit, Sr, Mrs. Fleteher |and son of Toronto spent Sunday j with Mr. and Mrs, HW. Skerrit. Mrs. Chas. Shook of Toronto spent no few days last week with her niece, Miss May Pelly. The sympathy of the community jis extended to the MeCleary family {in the loss « f their mother, who died on Monday after a lingering Mrs, inf the illness. Bennett Savage received word death of her uncle, George “Thy of Texas. The Gilby family well known around here and mans will Mr. Gilby in his younger davs. Mrs, I. S. MaeDonald of Toronto has been spending a week with her sister-in-law, Mrs. J. FE, Sinclair. Mrs, Victor Wilson is. supplying at the Clarkson school for the time for the recular teacher, Miss Violet ‘'oCleary. Mr. Albert Bentley, Dundas St., has been spending a few davs with his son, Wm. Bentley. Mr. and Mrs, Sinclair motored to Bond Head on Sunday. Mr. Ivan Shook and his sister, M: Murphy, called on friends in Sheri- dan on Saturday. HONBY We eongritulate Miss Katharine | 5 Hal}, Sop a of Reeve Hy all and atte Hall, on her graduation as nurse | were Tesi | ] heneh which Sik is park affords, at rom thie (Fy ueipli General hospital Tonight there will be a joing pre- ptt ainimg sehool In oo i hitiig room een n to two. brides li mem- i technique ia general proficiency, ters of Mes. Davie <= sx at the; Ass Ho ined. first-class honors. him f Mise Feq Tov TE 9 nas . WALA FAMALY RE-UNION nnd Wie The ai ae anion of the Pall a Wiikey was ‘ m Saturday at the in fe of Mr. and Mrs, Stanley Hall, ; anit The ff ne da iv bre itieshit ont i nid ee - wood attendanes, rely tives he- nf Thete tan me present fromr Brampton, Claurcl- ni ey aaa ville fnelph. Torry, Milton, sootend man lis Streetsrile pnd Téronte. Dinner and joruble & Supper Mere servedl Ly the ladie + at helt tables plaeed on the Jawn. After din- bs eres; tothe litlefaks wt a bre tihese any ny ihe be id pr a at which addresses were given, elec- Ine fhe mnerrv-e-round whieh i< t, bel”. aff ; ; ale es vce | fiom off officers eo ‘tod; sI- metalled at Bronte Beach pasts, Tt : 3 2 <i = sens Als pas * ‘ Ness Transnctedd, * ager) (hes prmusement vehicle is mow beuw eon. PaO it elced a ence of the President. Mr, Anson Thurston structed at- the garage.of Gear e Mae- Leo. and will be equingesl with small Automobiles instend of the ustal hor. Bis, The death cecurred here on Wed- mesday morning of Mrs. W. T. John- ston, in her 52nd year, The funeral will take, place on Friday, the follow- ing being the pallbearers : Leroy Sarzant. Roy Thirston, Arthur Smith. Thos. Grice, Bert Low, A. Dobrashion., The Toronts City Mission has | again opened the doors of its «umamer home, and a-great many tired rothers and little children .are looking for- ward to a vacation this summer at this restful spot, This institrtion is very capably managed hy Mr. Fineh of Toronto. On Monday evening, Miss Eileen Flumerfolt, a btide-eloet af — this month was entertained at the hame of the Misses Oshorne when about twenty-five friends presentd her with sn heantiful table lamp Bridge and eourg whist were enfoved during the evening. and a deinis Toneheon was server, A seftha lh testi vettae ory ino Sethe amir the 4 ure girls af Prente.” Practietes apie h “ng held cook TrHeslay the *- hos! PLD | it Fr: Pon eFveT ing on erunds. ond genes are hetree Oren trae] with teome fim they conmminities Mr. Allen Belyea’ is 7 H a - = of Coboute, Mr Geo, Wilson acted as ‘hairman. Among those who spoke were Rev, Geo. HH. Purchase of Streetsville, Mr. O. R. Church of Streetaville, Mr. Victor Hall, Reeve of Trafalgar township, and the host, Mr, Stanley Hall. Mr. Geo. Vilson, of Churchill, was elected president for the coming sear, and Mr. Perey Mall of Hornby, vice-president. Mrs. Alva Houden of Toronto was re- elected seeretary-treasurer, In the afternoon there was an interesting program of sports, — largely responsible for this new or- ganization. Miss Inez Joyce, daughter of Capt. Win, Joyce, died on Thursday morn- ing last in her 46th year and was buried on Saturday, heart failure being the cause-of death, after being an invalid for a lengthy period. Rey. Alex. McGowan officiated at the fu- ueral, service being Weld at the home. Fy request Mrs. A. E. Pickard sang “Beautiful Garden of Prayer.” One sister, Mrs, Cantelon of TWornby, and one brother, Ear] Joyee, are bereay- ed. The pallbearers were six cousins —Orler, Warren and J. P. Joyce, Sam and Fred Perkins and Warry Fertile of Toronto. Interment was made in St. Jude's cemetery, Oak- ville. ‘many attending from across the line. = ¥ Miss L. Marshall was @ visitor on Sunday with her, sister, Mrs. ADT, Cranunond, of Mimics, who has been ll for several mouths, Mrs. Joseph Peacock and. Misa Myrtle Peacock, entertained the members af the Sixteen chureh | Ladies Aid at their meeting Jast week, Mrs. J. Stepliens, Niagara Falls, is visiting at the home of ber brother, Mr. HT. W. Albertson, Dundas high- wav east. She came over for the Digear reunion on Saturdar. The Aid of, the Sixteen Prestvterien chorch aré holding a ‘Milestone’ tea on Wednesday after- noon, June 24th, from 3 to 6, day- light saving time. This will be held nilic 4? on the lnwoa of Mrs, S. MeLean. We cougratulate Morley Peacock ond Howard King on loinw awarded third standing in the judging of sheep anil eream respectively, at the annual Halton coumty Judging Com- petition at Milton on Saturday last. Many relatives and residents of this-distriet attended the funeral of th® late Mrs. Joseph E. MeCleary at Sheridan on Wednesday afternoon, We extend our sincere sympathy to the members of her family in’ their horenvement, Mrs. ©. W. Conover and sisters, Mrs. 7. Daly and Mises D. Barber, and Mrs. F. Allan motored to Toronto to witness the Miller-Carpenter wed- ding, the bride, Miss Trene Carpen- ter, being a former member of Tra- falgar parsonage, Miss Florence Marshall of Saskat- chewan, was a recent Visitor with her aunts, the Misses Marshall. Miss Marshall is leaving for her home shortly after attending Toronto Tni- where she graduated in the Houschold Science course. The ideal weather of Saturday last favored the annual Biggar reunion which was held at Dundurn Park, Hamilton, with a registration of 200, > fine program of sports was run off, in the afternoon. In the election of officers, the honors-came to Trafalgar, Wilbert H. Biggar being elected president. Harley Bigwar, Niagura es is secretary and Wm. Bisenr. . Catharines, past president. The reunion next vear will be held at neenston, : re Sat eg oo 3 Beles e) 7) Zz ss = "TRAFALGAR | SNIDER'S guest ot a shower PALERMO “he haewhall tevim plavedoiar AN the peas mt Saturday giv Tire. Mr, amd Airs. W. Sunday MeLean, Mrs; Wendover : et presente t the Palermo W. To at the Achies ement ie in Milt w last Satandey Mr. and Mrs. Flecker wnd Miss ‘lecker of Mimico and Miss Fhomas of Toronts were guests of Mrs. Ada Hall on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. Pemberton and family of Toronto spent the week- end with Mrs, Pemberton’s father. Mr. Davidson, here. Tt is expected 6,000 women will be present at the conference of the As- anciated Country Women of the orld, meeting at Guelph today. Dr. J. Carrique and friend, Mr. MelIntyre, of Toronto, Columbus Carrique of Hamilton and Mr. and Mrs. O, A, Lawrence of Sheridan were guests on Sunday of Mrs. ‘owan. Sunday was ladies’ day in the United chpmeh and to mark the oc easion the choir was consposed ~ en- tirely of the fair sex. Next Sun- day the men of the congregation will compose the choir. 4 SS rerat HTT with Mr. i Mrs. Ehret Dundas highwar, Trafa! Representatives from Palermo to the W.MLS. of the Hamilton preaby- terial held-in-the Memorial hall of the, O.A.C.. ‘Guelph, on Tuesday were Mrs. TH. Inglehart, Mrs. A, Hill. Mra. toy Fox and Mrs. David Sargent, Two representatives from the Domin- ion board were present. KNOX CHURCH Rev. C. K. Nicoll, Minister — Morning Service, 11,00 aan. Giy- ing God a Chance.” Sunday School—10,00. acm, . Evening Service, 7.00 p.m—*What must I do to be saved.” Miss Thomas, of Toronto, was a week-entl visitor! the home of ‘her brother, Mr, W. 7 bomas, Several membirs of Wesley Sun- day School attended the Trafalgar township S.S. conyention whieh was held in Milton on Wednesday. Mis= Grace Fish and Miss Viola Lunau gave the report at the session of S. 8. on Sunday morning. Several of. the ladies of Wesley spent Tuesday morning at the church for the annual cleaning. In the af- ternoon and Wednesdav. the ladies quilted the autograph home of Mrs. A. Fish. will be exhibited at the on the 23rd. - Mrs. J. E. Dunn was hostess to the Wesley WMS. on. Thursday after- noon, - The program was arranged hy Mrs. H. S. Lovering and Mrs. R. K, Gihaon. Rev. Me. Lovering gave on address, Mrs, presided and This quilt lawn social Cribsen quilt at the Mrs. Lovering sang a solo. Mrs. Noy | Fish eave a short report of the WLM, | S.. rally ichich gens held at Me Weill le is earlier in the week! There itfendanee of twenty-four, Mrs. Maurice Williamson was a last week atStreets. | aret Cook, Was 01 vile in boner of Miss Marg a bride of this morith. Mr. and Mrs. FE. A. Fish rotored to Homilton on Sunday amd brought finck Mrs. A. Fish who had been visit- ing there for a week, At the fiftieth apniversar of Westey ehurch on Sunday Rey, T. Albert Moore, D.1D., Moderator of the United church, will preach in the morning and Rev. W. of Oakville, in the even- will be held -at 11 @elock and & o'clock, daylight saving hme. Mr. Ss. i. Albe *‘Tison, ot Oak- ville, a former niember, will be the historian. On Saturday, Donnie Albertson. young son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Al- bertson, fell'on one of the farm im- plements, cutting his leg severely on a bolt. The doctor was called and seven stitches were necessary to close the wound. Mrs. S. Osborne of Whitby, is visiting at the home of Mrs. A. Fish. Of the original building committee ReTVICGSs next. . Caswell, une Serr te ts as<e="", js recorded the dateemt bap- - tism of his father Tenree April [5th, 1840, eldest gn of William/ and Amelia Albertsan\by the Rev. Tlam- pon nes evening next, “MERTON June 23rd is the day.set by the Home afl School elub for the annual plente 6f the sehoo) children, the pluce is the school grownds and the time 2 o'clock. Sports are being ar- ranged in whieh adults are: included. Prizes will be awarded. Bring your pienic baskets and join in supper at 5.30, This being the ocension of the celebration of the first birthday of our Princé as King, a snitable pro- gram of song and 1 Tks will be given at night at §. o'clock, Everybody please come and make this a day to ‘e remenibered. ELECTRIC WIRING For lighting, jn hh ranges and appliances D. RICHARDSON ELECTRICAL-CONTRACTOR PHONE 841 OAKVILLE Old houses wired carefully W.°S. DAVIS Notary Public Real Ectate - Insurance Money to Loan if you bave any morey to invest, | can place {t safe:) on tirst mortgage, at good Inleremn. The ssmpathv of this < goes out to Gihkdvs MeCleary in the 'ows of her mether, Mrs. Joseph Me- (leary of Sheridan. of three of Wesley ehurch of fifty vears ago. only Mr. F. A. Forster re- mains. late) Hiram Albettson, treasurer, and Chas. IT, sccretary- Ae@clrow. Captain and Mrs. Wilfred Ogg, of Owen Sound, were visitors for the week-end at the Same of his aunt, Mrs. Ro KK. Gibson Miss May Bur- nett, of Torouto, wis also a quest. Mr. S. UL. Aber On, who is to be he historian of Wesley church at the ith anniversary, and lawn social is a direct deaeendant of tive pioneer families of this district, the Albertsons and fhe Sniders, On lis mother’s side, he is 1 grandson of the orignal. pioneer David Snider, after whom Snider's Corners is named, Mr. Albertson at- tended Wesley (° rmerly Snider's) church from “Thood and was prominently: jdes*"ed with it until his removal to Oclville about 1920. In the records of the ald Nelson cir- ‘nit of which Snider’s,was one of the ilten Biggar. Thert®foll ow, Alea the names of the other eight rhildee ‘nh in the family. day, with date eech nome. all baytized on the samt of birth following Among the names were father of Herbert Albertson, (who was-ehoir leader for and Iiram, typeurer of the building eommittee Garrett Weasley, many vears), Ssecretiry- ring the time the present church The other members were the W. Alec. Chisholm Barriater, Solicitor Notary, eto OMce: Colborne &t. Oakville -DUNBAR M. HEDDLE Solicitor Notary Barrister Money to loan on First Mortgage Security at Lowest Rates Office in Post Office Building . a Telephone “ Residence 504 Skinner & Caven FUNERAL DIRECTORS CEMETERY TENT _ HfATED AMBULANCE HOSPITAL BEDS Open Day and Night Office 306 "ORT CREDIT - Phone 17 PLUMBING & HEATING Contracting and General Repairing (ESTIMATES GIVEN FREE) E. BAMBER Box 511 - OAKVILLE Phone 299 BIRTHS COREY —On Saturday, June 13th, to Mr. and Mrs. Harvey B. Corey, of Port Credit (nee Jennie EF fham), a daughter—Tamelp” Jene, McDUFFEE—tTn { Oakville, Thurs- day, June 11, 1936, to Mr, and Mrs, vas being built. Manley Mx Duffee, : fly fon, CANADIANS AND THEIR INDUSTRIES—AND APPLE GROWER: “Hello, Peter, how's the grape business?” Grape GROWER: How are apples?” Apple GROWER; “Likewise. My young trees are growing like weeds and the old ones are in fine condition and bearing well again. And my financial side is good, too. I've paid off my loan for seedlings at the Bank of Montreal dnd the Bank has ae to help me market my crop.” GRAPE GROWER: “So you're another cus- tomer of that bank. I’m not surprised, ‘ though, the way it takes care of us. I don't THEIR BANK -“FRUIT GROWING . have to worry L always keep my agreements with them. You will remember, Jonathan, that I enlarged my vineyard last year, and the Bank financed my new posts and wire.” “Pretty fair, Jonathan. Some of the domestic and ican and all Growers: Business chequing accounts; save ings accounts; trade. and credit information, foreign; closest rates on Amer- about credit. The Bank knows Bank's services used by Eruit eos es a hw classes of foreign exchange; Special wire facilities to speed transactions; e safekeeping of securities; safety deposit boxes; money orders; letters of credit; travellers 4 cheques; banking by mail. ‘ BANK OF MONTREAL ESTABLISHED 1817 + HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL “ae F « Oakville Branch: H. L. Read, Manager ae \ Bronte Branch: F. W. B, DEJEAN, Manager 4, (OpenTuesday, Thursday and Saturday) Re ce Clarkson (Sub-Agency): Open Monday, Wednesday and Friday . MODERN, EFFICIENT BANKING SERVICE.....THE OUTCOME OF 118 YEARS SUCCESSFUL OPERATION

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