(ee cation VIL ANS SHOT BY ENEMY ey rmans Turned 8-inch Guns Against Dense . Masses of Poles. : A “despatch from Petrograd says? x Very great forces are being pressed into battles of mutual destruction] © metimes metimes “the Ger- ae the effensive « itched battles, which ean- not be Mecastheck as a genetal Ger- man offensive, are the fiercest in the he ee soutien sprite ra ae ere the in Poland is on tl » Russians have ietory over jen. Dankl, pies task Sapgarentiy was to link up with the Austro- _ German army on the Pilica, 20 miles east of Nowo,Radimsk, and assist the Germans’ attempt to force a wedge between the Russian north- ern and southern armies... at mensé slaughter, thee taking p these battles, not be abated until the meio hus been definitely establis! oeioD of Boch Ans poured shells into the dene masses men, women end children, and hundreds were ‘tr led to death, The same thing Becuetesl, Bb x: A Russian officer who was ated for capturing six German guns Lowicz ates that 80 German women were fighting in the trench- es. FROM ERLA'S GREER ISLE an oe Happenings in the Emerald Isle of Interest to Lrish- BY MAIL FROM IRE- LAND’S SHORES, mea, 1 the National Hotel, been destroyed by fi Cormac aly Hagan, merick, hag tug - ato! dropped dead eg fSoutlt ne while making fast a line from an incoming ves- bel, According to a, report,of the Pub- lie Health Committee of the odes et ant now licensed pi eh the dey i four Priore ane are, pels Killough, chief of ‘ived ajor-General Browne, County. Down, colonel-i ly 2od Draven: has ree essage from the Tsar with greetings aa wishing the regiment victory Inquiries in Dublin regarding the effects of the war on the price of leather,- owing to ec iaksae d " mands for sadgery, show that loca Beas beet very Iktle affected: A letter from the Local Govern- ment Boar s been received by the Bray Urban Sere with r e distress in war, The og will ‘gold for gallantly attempting to ~ pave the manager of the ‘ocal gun works affer an explosion ot P,, coroner of from his carat Kilisharden, a ‘level eross- ay on ay a ‘an and Leitrim i 80 heverely injured that’ ha Ried shortly afte: Tt is stated that “ 8 NPR of the staff of the Bank ‘ela 5 popes | ee active be allawed | of absence, their posts ke) Rt oven, fee they ie ceive hi ing absei The Miciities authorities i in STR land are drawing up a scheme for ta pings the resources re the county idtricts oe effectively. Vit © conclusion of harvesting opera- vee it is anticinat td that a large ill become aw: sar service will ml Lie utenant Viscount Cas- Dteed each uards (wounded | and a misning), is the heir of the’ Earl a ha ney ane aed sail residing at pwood ines, was radi in the marten Police Court 25 or two mon a in Trelan sing ae ol is seen alony coast. Portrunh wy ite ithereted Yo to bes ‘ting of the Limerick Di ittee the city Ft peated as a means of giving em- She: Cork: L. G@ a loan to carry e district | P) Rail- | oan be QUEEN’S NEEDLEWORK GUILD New Year's Gift to Queen’ Mary From Women of Canada. e following appeal has been out by the Queen Mary Needlework Guild to the women of Canada, asking them to contribute a ew Year's gilt to Queen you kindly allow me, faloogs your valuable medium, to ask the women of Canada to unite with Queen.‘ Mary’s Needlework Guild in sending a New Year’s pre- l the magnifiecent work the women are doing. “Will each woman in Canada, who is working for the soldiers and sailors, send arment-during January ‘through Queen Mary's Needl Yuild for Her Majesty to d This can 4 done very eng “Thanks to Lad the Bank-of Mo structed any of i ce parcels on acc Guild, and such parcels willbe for- peice acaiae cost at Per nm those is no rane h of the Bank of Montreal may forward parcels to the Bank of Montreal at 213. Peel Street, Montreal, at the sending the Bank the charges paid, the amount of which will be returned to them. “Tt wil jeasure to sup- give thelr work but have,not maber- jal and patterns available, This material flannelette dresses. for aed woollen under- clothes for children from two to sipbiiysars old, mae) 8 flannel shirts, socks an IRS. 4 posteard sent to Miss Weller, pe tant Secretary, Queen Needlework Guild, eb Catharines, Ontario, saying how garments made, will rele in material fait stares being forwarded to he sender free, meQuec n Mary, by her unselfish de- ar to duty, ‘and or poe exam- le, has endeared er bo the have suggested ont not only rove Bie the women of weal the Heat Rie of d ing useful, garments to the Sldiehs and sailors, the refugees, ne beds and needy, the waifs and: s anoning aly ‘the iden ne a New Year's gift to Queen Mary from the women of Canada will meet with hearty ds believe petit ‘# faithfully, “(Sgd.) C. WELLAND ME RRITT, ‘Hono: rails Secretary. KILL ae OF ENEMY, 1} Two Manchester Omecrs Get Vics A desp: ae “ios seis “conspicuous | bravery ° October ht maces two and nile ‘sixteen pri- = eatin, hat fr. rc At at-eating Greeks ts Ser lunroe 1 he, bask sate atrocities. .. Urges Use of Poorer Fouds, » Vossische prints an appeal b, “ofes o an pro! starve ‘use” and we ae Meaatans do everything’ pos- sible to economize in the use of our o,f oat the see says, ie acon Proved Wy Many Exhibits, A despatch from ayes ae says: ea exhibition is being Th fooned ee A Slow Caller. ere “home to 8 1K lad, a mies This, .doubs eas ‘vill F o) shh reeitt tet rse| mines is qui rr | Whether unskilled men | use@successfully would be one the pioneers ary, ‘hasn't ee Peds ce The P into the very firing lines. Thougl ship as a. ‘rookie, arest wis is wag asola Web Expeditionary. visit to Fi Prince and wi are recovering from wounds r _ Permitted to-aecompeny bis ibners as Ca aon COAL. oom FOR C AN ADA. She Has Fiormous, Resources and War Will Make a Market. Could Canada come to the rescue of the warring allies of Europe if those nations continue to draft into their fighting armies the 600,- that are needed mine and market the coal supply ! The coal resources of Canada are estimated at something over 1,200 at depths "ahaa than 4,000 feet, which could be used as a last re- serve. And yet. last year-Canada °| imported nearl opeahalt ab the coal consumed within hér borders. f The total ppsdueton of coal in Canada last year was 15,012,178 tons, and the santas of men em- ployed iS ist this coal was about which 13,736 in the east- 7, tons. ciable amount of coal to Europe would haye to come from the Mari- time Provinces, which are estimat- ed to have # total reserve of 1 000,000,000 aa i Provinces. during 675,000 tons, went ‘St Bins United State: e largest oat fields | in tlenunda 4 sts a Alberta, where the estimated reserve is over 000,000 tons, but the long Apulaze’ and the lack of machinery pre een to work the ining a a large scale at a short n eerugally exclude thie enor supply from Europe. Last year the mines of Al- berta prédueed 3,300,000 tons, val- ued at $8,000,000, and seer ee 8,- e guestion of obtain- 4 |ing labor to work ‘any . additional problem, as min- ers are skilled pore and every miner in Canada is busily Mein he the’ ray roblems that have to solve. f Canada ns develop. her. coal) indie extensively in Jobe: ie nation has be ‘to the present pre- | of quiet Bees “Tefe is surgeons Samuribat er an ac- e pe but the distribution’ of pop ad) vantage being eet eet War 3 «| foi nos ete i rf vand. ‘ail aes that before” Aho: ony of next year, should the wa tinue, Gandy: willeHeus Hevalaped a market that can- nee. de least: 25,- 000 tons of ourcoal a res Ha will Denied oes the war ie de- of Wales Mare! Since the outbreak of the war, tS dearest wish of the Prince of Wales Lk eae to go to the front, th. sadly disappointed a number of tim risen the ‘heir to the Bene throne ee one regiment to another until he had served his it was eee him. *' The photo shows the Prince marching on. Jeorge was in the daent ader of the British forces. made a tour of the,base hospitals, cheering ceived on rie pate lefield. The Prince was elated over the fact that-he was French, » ‘the King, at last toca faa ing on these tow ng to Join General Fre’ h’s Army, mes by Lord Kitchener, who trans apprentice- Here he met the young the men who have been told them. The impres- sion which they. give, and which they do not conceal, is one of ter- rible and immense weariness, The enthusiasm of ; Hae yaee ago has dull a intoler- able anguish ‘high seers evident in every instance. In the towns of middle and south- ern Germany which he passed Lied wet no more recruits were to een. The 1915 class had been pale d to the color nd the racks are absolutely many, has at the present moment enrolled all the effectives at her isposal. Those who are not in the fighting line are packed on the frontiers in concentration camps “The army po longer has and wall ot ihe able of an immense effort, reinforce one front except by dim- inishing its forees on another front. hat is why General Joffre, who knows all, is able “y say that our position is very gor The truth is coms to light, de- Spite the precautions taken, among the mass of German people, and the aa full of the agony of its last hours, feel that the- fatal moment of collapse is at hand. es MEN SPRU Peculiar Cases ‘Preated in Hospitals the Front. ‘The extraordinary eft of shell fire w those who are forced to undergo it are Pei Hinclisued in the British medical journals, git English surgeon now attached ital eayorts the DUMB. ee Pers men who lately. no trace of bodily eat bu Oo are now Ut his care. ve: om raed a fa per “Tha tat th, man's mind blenk. death me eth in Ww de S under aratgaeg circumstances a man dies first 5 slowly phere atipcrare, mee i given off by aaa a Whe wked by her teacher, | “whieh of the feathered tribe cai lift the heaviest ws ights ”” a little ane." palit nated}: per | shot, 1915 EXPORTS MAY BE BROKEN Trade and Commerce Department} * Issues Annual Report. The, epesengnt of Trade Commerce has issue a annual a pars: the fiscal year ending March last, eentan record trade year. The trade total amounted to $44 480,276 more than the total for the pre vious year, reaching the Hoi ing figure of #1,129,744,725. The ports totalled $650,746,797, a de crease of $41,285,595 as compared with 1913, (but an increase of $91,- 426,263 over the total of 1912. Ex- ports for the year, amounted to | $479,997,928, an increase of 765,871 Deputy Minister O'Hara, in his ue aR ‘ce “For several years in presen. the annual "report a3 thisd Sadar it has ~ the increase has exceeded the midst sanguine espectationhs ‘This year, owever, in view of the European ar and the ‘inprecedented ~ dis- turbaneée in trade throughout ‘the ; A despatch France says: of the exactions by Front Northern unt tons of oats, The forage shops have reed to provide eld glass nine: German officers gratis. Den- tiste are obliged to give, their: per- 1,700 packets of tobacco ead twenty | si vices and to supply cartificial teeth | nes os Huge E004 ‘Exactions, Are Imposed Upon the ne ‘; poverished Civilia ; * —_————— ae ? 4‘ ‘and ud gold fillings wi Wedi it me way | the Fen seat had ¢ fhe of 60 FAURE DEH rely i in edt of ove d tharassed ed uniforms the troops give the im- pression ot ae “gbookuvely aphee alized, ihe. livers, Sr their ahs diedainfil m: INDIANS ARE ADEPTS. Show More Skill in in Fighting Than Buropean Comrades, The great endurance and ‘éghting ability of the native troops from 10 have come rt war against white Sadia on Euro- pean soil, have against whom s well as al xcept the Briti only question which ar in the British officers’ mind was ae: Indian peed ue roe to to been answered in the affirmative, and ‘they have proved as stendy wn- der shrapnel fire as the best of their Ghite comrades in arms. Not only this, but the commanders of the allied meives aver that they sl dash and fearlessness to a remar! able degree, and haye on ma easions displayed initiative se Higa! most difficult cireum- sta Taide wine carga sats) before the entrancd of a field covered with many Reaalee sireot tents stood a bronze figure ft still as a statue ag a Bilh i es uniform of khaki, guarding the itarium, in which cones hndsed> of his slightly wounded or ailing com- rades from the battlefield of Flan- warriors from the Punjab and Ben- gal, as theiy fellow-soldiers, the fittle, hardy une and Pathans an ats from the mountains on the Afghan frontier, generally bear the variations of climate with the | Greatest fortitude. They eclure] they are fighting for thelr ‘ray’? or Emperor, and it is not for them to Just as well drilled and disci-| Bee Fen ee soldiers of any Enro- pean r. they go into battle with A be full ‘amicance Bors they. will be y first went into ato they Sonate the protection of the shelter trenches, and darted across the open at their opponents with ‘their bayonets knives, much to their cost, They have since learn: like all the taber troops engaged in this war of rabbit war- ens, to bore their way through the earth to a at’ their foes, an have proved even. more adept ai this of fighting than their Euro- ere comrades. —— te THE FOG SHUT DOWN, British Sailors Tell How German. aiders Escaped. Naval men whose an oe re~ turned to Harwich, England, after taking part in chase of ni raid- ing German cruisers state that escape of the cnemy was due entire- ly torthe fact that the North Sea ny enveloped ini a thick mist. 3 Te a Seacsrataly peat lines on jer of the crew of Fe) were abso- poms bring baat yore us,”’ one of fhe hie : itely ce: world resulting therefrom, it is not | JP possible to reach any conclusions as to future possible trade expan- bee of than t rve that from the latest information avail- able it would appear ports into Canada for’ Bid 1915 will show a Sainte lecrease, notwithstanding the very G iniporti 1914, but that aa exports of 1915) will ‘probably equal. if not exeeed,. the record figures of last pages je re] timiekes * speci: tion of the fact that the war a wiped out the export trade of Ger- my and secbigtd fennel arjourting to. almost, cent. total export : vows oF the wor) “WON VICTORIA CROSS. The: Dekeg i om eto tind Pea ison, 2 Sets as vis ain e George Wilson’ 8. fin ietoria the London Daily Tele; son discovered fight, were on their tracks they scuttled away like aipilened tabbite, Tnfor which rmation whic males other quarter shows that the abe ‘of ‘the Mons vaurbs flotilla which en- gaged the cruise: Eh ‘before the latter ce pec e rery plucky fight. They: were ata a ea a Sisgseaniege:t in Sine themselves against vessels of 's superior, tes il pi they replied with] great. shia be oon teige 0 to the ray SA ‘account ath ae ines contain ‘ina h in thi #3 who idan sno muy opponents, ainek the counter eo wellbds. eeeebue tos ete re gunnery of the Gennan Another “of Hike erew ree German ships Li shells at them, but made ve nat eeovral a German affair at: oper | powerful German ships. a In hie desperate venture he 4: the Girma iP of a private of unt ifson, pance on his ission. cone he the, ee and enti’ pau tips ho wren, o! ‘ icin of ae gun: sana feo i rah pall of epee ‘ilso) ing neva ae the prtrriy "1 his native. al in y. Of Edinbur, made off, however, w dange: powerless to st am. Be Oceurtonces not and iitecty ‘they uae a A i put) A +f ishon of From MERRY OLD AGL NEWS BY MAIL ABOUT JOIN BULL AND HIS PEOPLE, the Land That Kelgas Supreme tn the Com mercial World, Fifty-nine British’ officers have been Ns Pia the. Distinguished Service Or The British Admir ralty announce: NAS | that so far 7,343 lives have been lost in the nayal service, At the feast of All Saints the Shoreditch bells were’ rung half muffled for those fallen in the war. One a ieth and thirty residents of the Sa on Army shelt ii Middiboes. Bizect have gone to the war, There are about 2,000 Turks in Manchester and district, the great majority being engaged in the ship- ping trade, Two bine sold by auction Covent Gardens, London, on be at halt “| of the Prince of Wales Fund, veal- ized $17.80. he Germans’ still) think they will win,” said Lord Kitehen tT wonder how eR they think it take them to win, News has reached London. that Lieut.-Col, Wilson, ‘commanding su Royal Horse Guards, has din action: “Neveu has ic ae 10,000 en in one month. the ‘Tyne- sido Scottish, 1, oe ena were Gbtained ; in four $25,000 was pained in a few min- iverpool towards the co ot providing a bathers: Base Beran at the front, rathcona has contributed the pane ooh of $9,000 of one 0 the six armored motor’ mre for the London Mounted Briga Payi fol their own peasases covery two y went over from Kibgitous Jamaica, t the Surrey town of Kingston oh ‘Thames, wor join the rie foree Mr. William Stone, "ahalshibe of . the Albany ‘Trustees, has. recenth Ae a ‘tablet-in the Albaay,: Piv- > eadilly, to commemorate the te dence thee in 1847 of Lofd*Macayt- “hy tl the death of Earl Roberts the Fonsi ts ee being the only mem- ber of the House of Lords who his gained the Victoria Cross falls bie a Scottish peer, the Earl of bu Weed London County Coune'l Ful n Committee recently propos the me ttn a limited number of Dyin students be employed as unsalaried peReransnage teachers in element th, soho The fist woman town orien England is to be seen now at Cl sey, in the person of Mrs. By whose husband, the giles oa the finan the Kensington Co: recommend sveh in ing has ealled away a mbers, and the a ue especially are depr tage of nein ne H. q 5 Lge wounde, A faye ‘geottieh fo. the? late, a: wustal sight was see: | deny enat @ large crowd) of Be ea have cf told you to stop. th ise 7? mie (refleotively) — "ey en,” Ola Aunt—'Johnnie, how pa [ Doctor—Do_y ~ Aken, ea Re 1 “Fa see a People’s! Alaa clergyanwn vet Sabie 'b ask 0 tions, -child. ested ci