We desire to thank our many customers for their patronage during the past year and to ask for a continuance of the same in the future. WE WISH YOU ALL “A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR.” MONKTON’S POPULAR STORE A NATION BUILDER, = A CLERICAL RACONTEUR, Very Rev. J. J. Craven of Hamilton) Canadian Welfare League Cares For New-comers, Winnipeg's Civic Industrial Bureau Is Noted as a Story-Teller Ifyou have “‘one on Pat,” The Compliments of the Season to All , the new De; hearty and wholesome, that your Pal fort is rewarded’ to soul’s content, | ts uestion whether) oir him. “Cheer up! You know the old song: : “Be a man, bea | sorbed in the new fleld, and soon are Stare fate in the ef sarees to find themselves quite Shure, the heart will be alsy | willing ‘to be. classed If it’s in the right place.” “Did r tell you about McKen- Was always declaring it would een money in his pocket if he' ra area pe tharots priest laughs the 2 P. H. BASTENDORFF gloomy fellow out of his doldrums tim slums of East London. | Jeweler and Optician MILVERTON, ONT. It ahs Paataets then, that while en- Or if it happens to be a particular di terial fi Tecmo : gaged in a ministerial capa D werrrr TIT EeeLieeeacacaacd BAD YEAR FOR SHIPPING. ] / St. Lawrence River Has Seen Long | Series of Disasters, | of the season | | e year has been a very one for Montreal bet he | Several have been lost at sea, while | re more have suffered severe in- Juries. The biggest disaster, ef hee wart Rs r Empress St cane suffered old captain, Captain Andersen, on the bridge. ge. Then a few days before the C, N, glancing blow off the St. Law- rence. She made ort in Avon- mo’ safely, but she was put taken over for war pur poses, The tramp Floriston, with a cargo iceberg in the Lesa but on he: ‘d yoy- Recently a cable announced the loss of the Manchester Commerce, under Captain Payne, off the coast of Ireland, the bent shown in his college days, ela Core nal Root me eon aote,, and the work being done by Mrs, — sees addition to thexe accidents, the f + Ma gecel Soot und athore in forming | Salisbury built Ja the Afieen century, colller Lingan sank the ‘Montmagny that this ian quare world—nobody ‘ne Winnipeg Coffee and Lodging | and looking now with ita almost over | Atty miles below Quebec: the Tati it alive, And you want to live? ‘To 2ouse claimed his energies, That led spruceneas ‘as if ft had been just set | Can rammed a tug at Quebec with the ba Auvenrsouidel Pennie eter ake eventually to the taking over of Pri in the close, “It you lived be- | 1088 of two lives; the Montrose wel Poe ae cette sarat®. WHY Mike ‘system of civic rellet by the agociate | Son “tye sons” “auld Kingsley) aground In French waters wlle eas this end the. p: 7 | stretch the truth, | Greenly, an was on the Victory, fis chiefly with All People's Mis! | wi shy me ie Ie Aa ae ouaid work wentaetnetorale ‘a n im | migrants that his name has up to the | present been associate r. Woodsworth’s record _will| show the necessity for this latost yon-| into nation-building, and he, : ‘Canad a, | easy I can’t die for of the flee mel!” Uo Spars Supplies From Canada. merce Depart- ss that 2 = iA among cones sage is r Pat variety claim him —ls that of the incbriated reporter in gtranger ‘Within a4 a ago, an ayidbon, | KC, anout. twenty yard ar ‘onto. Those were the days 8 and under the direction of the shivering guards see boss ed into wo doscend- ing Same time, The Sault Ste. Marie to which the! on. his neste dilated. opathen a roared, “that's brass polish!" een Anne's Gifts. This oe itself i$ Aatguinodit ries hat affo: man opportunities for advancement in the run, if he is only persistent and pecta youn; Hearst, Just turned twenty-five confi- dently” settling himself in Offered, is a good object-lesson for to renee. Canada n the new Premier's obweation wand steady Cnn es to work is the secret of his ment, me has been his sole tamploye ment, and at the epg Build- it ‘ommon for him to remain at his desk were deeply e-Tndiat and guarded most Seatounty, They were buried by the Indians durin, ing the war of and restored later to thelr present position. missed a day a his office, except ‘The tablets, altar cloth and royal when o tent af George TL, oanere ee cris haan the ity on departmental eae Eng- ne may the membership fh Goy he leas! c Interesting ot these e Not letic club in thi valuable relies retain vi igh [eae eo) but In Wain, He yee ‘nat faavel: st-laden, it still com- SOR Rae ger ae Y a eatin’, pursuit of any 5; has absolutely no hobbies.” Up mands veneration, for its music first He startled th to last year he Braet tae ao ho social stillness of ee oe Cae sarees the Red Mi the olub in T ynsequence Ouse O! Beneath the. shadow of the little watuninow r eran church is Thayendana- eas as a proba! si" ped or fev aheort Zosnah metry es {fess ingly his sole effort xa as rod, Tina ie epltaphteetiges: ee phyateat “outtare ype hee reget ic is ib is Erect (e- mary of Thayondanasea, or a pian fe fh office at the Parlement ‘osep! rant, incipal and) Warrior of the Six Nations Indians, eth, Bie Lengthy becntie| by His Fellow Subjects and Admirers ‘athleti settled at the Soo, he bought sone vies of His Fidelity and Attachment to the Bri rows. Born on. the pomel And took pleasure fa) defy re Cie Sa River, 1742. Died however, abandoned when ee bean ington Square, W.C., 1807.” ‘me Che cure still stands in) slcannay quiet churchyard, a, _sireeres teat monica of ‘Time’s ceaseless | change. down ‘strawberries ‘were bcs Ti aes 8 at London, Ont, a tem days ay woman Pata paleniet Shad del ve tins reste would have still more Ald ° be ‘through your post office or over your same day as Nobody Wente J sary yet? What's iba thatton sold on the , \ the British Upper House, who, dur- yy, ” | tinent Among ar- ing an ked-f Ponaene bee ate lly Thay, is ont ta which have been the subject tous debate, involyin, the all his statistics and ° “eases” are go| Of enquiry are split peas, he pe ap- gravest issues in nation affair, lean-| ing mor and compre-| les, hemlock for laths, dowels, ed over th rai y henst oot oeraneere outlook broom and tool handles, picture preferred t est: “While we're that one Toalltes that if this reform-| Mouldings, office desks and bent wood Chic) waitin’, will shome (hic) noble or had not his whole heart in “doing |° chairs, matehwood and splints, wood Jord pignal (hic) shing a comic totals he a haye made a high| Pulleys, hammocks, chair frai ve- shong? place for himself as a er ti ae | neer formaldehyde, pearl ash, bronze AMl this discloses but one side of ing the past six years be has Selivered, powder, tissue paper, household and . enisitags ; = Rev, Father Crav re an over 500 addresses from Halifax to | hardware sundries, brushes, flannel. A GERMAN SCARE, | *“OALLED" marily rand coseu ver, at the invitation of vane| Many letters have also’ been re- | bt he At ie wee wt the weir Mae socicties, posix ph adil area eine r orn, scholarly, cultured, Cat! regarding the poss! of fin Railway Guards Uncovered ® Real Premier Hearst and Late Sir George | gentioman. 08 ba" Then aN ay afternoon. ah ering @ profitable market in Kngland with Live Plot—For « Few Minutes. | Ross Became Lawyers In 1888, | and a faco that beams with benignity addressed weekly by all na-| 4 View of replacing continental sup- “What's cular " ejaculated ‘the frat mR ne sireamstance ta thei eid Ras ay smiles, Well-inform- tion: Jghly successful attempt to | Plies, and fro wee man, Bolatn earst, On polished, grocotal, aud fluent in make progress in the understanding | turers’ agents and merchants wish- “Lem: tarlo's new. Premier, ‘wuieh will prob- fohveraation, win en est, stoquent of the foreigner’s viewpoint in Can-| Ing to obtain frosh sources of supply A mom: ment's pause, ken : fright. ably afford some entertainment tn| preacher, and zealous, devoted m al ssurance to himuthat| of Laie ich aa) PEs been ened scream from the second person those who take an interest in ;.| ter, he is revered and beloved My mall the ‘adopted try is” anxfous ‘| drawn from Ger) ther con- and two pairs of feet scampering ing out coincidences. He alley | creeds and cla: the of him to help himself. The Foru: Mnentel “countries waited 2 the away, a maddened rush, a frenzied to the Bar at the end of the Wee a Galt, where he has labored for fifteen en permanent headquarters now me, LETS ‘ » as term in 8. As usual | years nets going to Hamilton a the splendid auditorium of the St. OG PTET oe ‘What's — what's the matter?” other men were similarly Reisen! on | short @ ago, a model ocelesastie John's Technical Institute. Turkeys In Demand, ped the first man, after he had the samo occasion, among the! and casuip lar of all-round good o: ne f the chief objects of the| Canadian Trade Commissioner Ri followed the Aina md at a dead heat quite a number who have fet ence zenship, the ing out all in- of Birmingham Mae Sri shied vera wie for, some 1S The utes ly distinguished themselves an it, in this poneeden one wero Termetton looking towards” the solu-} be an incre: gla; A Nae re8 ‘o-glycerine —in lic life, Of these, the mo: tell a ito: the same {ion of social and economic problemas, | this winter for Canadia turkeys snd tnt can,’ guid the s second in turn. ing, in vie recent devel He jean’s own che) id raising the standard of eitizen-| pota' T has cut down the ‘Nitro-glycerine!" echoed the fir: wage oe pas Btn, George W. Rossy, ished “‘lisht,” if Lam not mistaken— ship and national life, It is a social | jaya supplies available from Servia, ronouncing every syllable, his eyes cours ch | maybe ight not detract from the service clearing-house, where ever: ry, Austria, France and Rus- » The two stared at each older in Hears e|dignity nor impair the sincerity of community in Canada—city, , or | sla, without Marat 20, wert the Provincial Gor. | this passing tribute to the virtues, rural district ean learn how to initiate | ‘Trade Commissioner Bickerdike ree guards 0) way in ol trent ves then, but he t e | chi ti al capabilities of th ny new activities such as the s! ‘ports from Manchester that British dy | port a was. thelr custom s examination: hese re- | New Dean of St. Patrick’s, Hamilton. of child welfare, care of {mmii a » grants, food supplies have not been interfere qd Lede of the ceived ‘his call to the Bar ateng with | Heffernan and Murphy, at the: noon public healt! ‘ood e using, city |ed with to any great extent by the atom et jer elr bridge every ee) young, cial Base nt who was des- | Rous were discussing the planning, formation of philanthropic inal Vegetables fruit are byecaked r tined to follow him later on in the institutions, industrial organizations, | ually abundant, and prices are lower at Wel, ‘ita. bie hes The boss. Premiership. ies har-rd labor, this dbrain- social porter ss and the study of | in former. y tt find In the same class of 1888 there | dlggt declared the former. r ms. vere ir. "pickerdike repo rts that Can- e, lapses el som 4 ar aduated among others, F. A. ‘ “Tis that, indade,” assented the Be |ada’s whet exports t» Great Britain ‘Oh, a hh f. fers ai ne of the puisne judges st | latter. “Now, for a nice, clane, da- IN SALISBURY CAMP. ey month pote iB $11,000,000, the it fart is ue ane, Es nDESS, Court of Canada; cint, as well as ‘aisy job, Heffernan, —-- increase o! f 000 over eee y .P, for South Wellin | gimme a iad Stonehenge and Tombs of Ey aia tember of last yt oH 8 jour sbip- | Chiefs Are Nearby. ents decreased by $500,000, barley New Pension Act. Likely. eee séssion of Parliament wig Bee Fire Insurance a Tax. 1 ‘Th pe ere wat pte will be at | 1 Fire insurance is no doubt an in- jeast a good eight miles north of the | Hraved and se rasep eet 209, ate stitution of great benefit, especially plain, for the grea La and Bul- 9o0 bacon. by to, 000 and wood fter a Nevertheless, tt 18 ford and Ludghershall sees nothing | pup by $245 i} entary upon the of Salisbury except the distant spire, | ng business judgment of the Canadian gays William Conacher in T re sepranes is now also star Weekly. The plain itself in some characteri 's is topographicaly not unlike ae he omen git baying and selling pro- W pension act passed. ie _Pen- pon the ontire community; Ta aera ccepl pein eiien Racooe einen husibeatounl that every additional fire and every banks of tl | ina lequate to meet the conditions extra fire ard ten o1 increase It in resulting from the present war. T! his t lle every precaution for stretch of down land trom 400 yers0o | Cabinet and the militia couneil hav in tl ber lessen the petal dr acd ies ch ol rehis' x7 octaee their lives in active an must e cost of in- hervlco and algo to disabled soldiers, huring hls goods to the consumer, of old Skrush dominating pes mle, | Larger pensions will be paid than ee not are, re ihe ‘eygaeh tr ihe this silent expanse of pasture land, it cost of doing business, he is entitled 14 caught, by a, dome-shaped nore | to a profit on it as wel BOY ET eee ue tGMbR. of prokistores let the amount of rent which the DUS eee ee eae ot eee omiscuousl 8 | . influenced’ by Which dot ie plain promiscuo! property edd tthe premises oc. Just south of the camp at Bultord. is ied, and this tax, too, Is concealed Yired in When the military Toga to in the selling price of hi om appear: =| Gann Tost thelr ives by the is fre insurance tax must also be , Sou ‘rican war. added to the selling cost at every Wander in a full circle and see hardly ensions following upon casu anything but solitude save where the | tin roofs of the encam| attien, to eenta! in active service The handling between the original raw material and th e finished article — “Conservation.” man- the militia rn fpr mene at une Bost War pined even for the dust of | department Ladd be dealt Mate st da Boyd, Ballevite, has the Long Valley at Aldershot. But! Will come up next 80 ‘yt saeatvee ri ving ria a pe i in doubtless ian Aten uaa mee ingland, saying that in Vot nt am, things more homely b> now. Certain- 2 a village of about 500 people, within ly there is no town in England more yee 4 eae Rallwi , 20 alles of Tendon; about 20 Bel- homely or comfortable than Ames-' Lake herring are to be caught in Cans refugees were being cared for. bw , Ames- great quantities ys ‘all nets aes. the Railway, and it these pomeress eeeo were had ert of a eel spe: both , to have ended her di ine of the Hudsot he establ! ini | try 1s belfeve hands and feet off, Raa one wo- the Conte i to be man ene had a thumb pulled out. of | ploomin; one eee Asa, trout of te aah a4 her hi to got the finest cold beet and dra as many as 40 trout a Searrea Pee 4 cat ae in England in a fine old inn ‘bat ‘pounds haying been caught with a Elgin County for Refugees? eae coaching tae and coaching | ras net, The Indians state that , of the Immigration De-| Ways. e quantities of aa weighing as ‘homas recentl; The cliiaate on the plain is pan a as 20 to 25 p is can Bee ob- looking niu the matter of having bee ‘acing. One accustome: Ss ese tained in Rebruasa, ae reh. Stur- a found in nearly all the ms for Belgian refu- oO Western Ontario cities | ’ tees be visited by the official also. Big Order For Sw eaters. It is announced that am order has been placed in the Dominion for six rT coats for erg to ing delly- e most profits ade With Japan. ‘fanadian tr ee commissioner that the German 8) or about | whic! tree jt tas 000 yearly town, ‘ree ling . yearly is no’ adaitional time, Nene ely ‘atehenor intends |tirely cut off to make free a in almost negli- , this account find Japa: et ike is for senate fore ‘0 DI Reco’ ¢ | glue, Main, if at 1 rest. There are bolts and ot! tie Sor Fronten tinty, reports x lsaieung, STO niet 5 Quick Lunch, t—I'd like two eggs boiled Sea ardent dare | mark th caer ihpee teenies Bee pop bis yield belie 473 Dia tail entan inte Rtarra Mince MAG. eae ees Give ‘em an Host—! ney * astitul Gothic cathedral of sasy death! my supplies; the three days through the parting of a low rope as she was clearing for Aus- tralia and New Zealand, while the river steamer Berthier was burned to the water's edge at her berth at Vic- torla pier. Beside these there have been man; groundings of river and lake craft near Montreal and smaller accidents in the early part of the season due to contact with the ice floes of the outer gu ‘wo new liners have arrived this season, the CuSaedar mi unia and the Cc. P..R. Missani new | freight garrica has. been seciired cently by York—the hs the Uranium, fleet hi the announcement. that Edward and the Royal George will be seen in Montreal no more this sea- are required by the Ad- Back a the North, William Boyd, who formed teres of the expedition undertaken the Dominio 0. ada, after six months’ absence from elvilization, ted to last for over a year, bul the party were, fortunate enough to come across an an whaler, and by taking aavanteg 8 ot southwards, they aiiniad the Heat ot the d, chance tom rovers Are tle 9 wi some interesting tae ‘to tell regarcing the trip. , who ted from the taculty of forestry of Toronto Be yb of the duly reported to the Government, Registration of Aliens. mi sary ti ve only place of registration in Ontario for aliens of enemy coun Hon. tawa, but not at present In Toronto, although, if he found it advisable to do 80, one there. The Government is opening offices would r be opened will proceed with self. The comtrol and direction internment will be under the tion of Maj.-Gen, Otter. Molybdenite Wanted. g the past week or so the at- Mining piper ot recs Government has been turned towards the possibility 6 of On. tarlo Talnerals supplying many of the So Tart acids, the supply of which n limited since the outbreak “ad die: Numerous port neh noe information have been epartment from manufacturing ‘cad experiment- gnized many of the acids most con OnNy used are obtained from certain mineralogical ee aut the desire ind e and Info! ornate ropared ae Department vs , wishing is <a pecimens of the maine named have been tanh. ty jon in Hastings County and oth- er er sections of Ontario, The expedition was cal- |i, m3 |"The Bedford’Stu } Gas Below Standard. (|. The gaa inspectors of the at fon I sland Revenue Department hay oun, re Meonditl ities, 0 the axa report of the rye |mant Fete its In regard i illuminating power | 21 tests out of in Victoria, B.C.y | showed the gas to be below | standard, 102 tests w ‘in Ottawa 26 out of Ba the same. In. Toronto, Montréal; st. Jona and the majority of the Other olth “up to thi at long distances apart nat wo et a nt ted that “this bb a ae ‘nl om meee by alien within the country, The Governmen found that the a King of! Otiawa to make eodetic surveys, The lights we! towers at night to ablish accurate distance! Kindly Warning. County Consta oe Ward of W: ton visited our neighborhood ‘ast week giving a kindly warning that be law would be rs concern= Som ing raffles in the futur tending a ratte; a the law provides a heavy fine for “tte Violation.—Cole poys Bay cor, Wiarton Echo, Single fare weed Hoing Déeoom be x Sk ey 1191S, retarn Ym 5. on tind 4. Satary ' ete it augue 4 mam Charge 250 Partioolara trom CPR Agents or write M. G. Murphy Ticket D.PLA. ‘oronto, F. L, CRAWFORD. AS XMAS PRESENTS— Nothing is more appreciated by your friends than a por- trait of yourself or famil SITTINGS UNTIL SATISFIED, | Open Daily (Tuesday Excepted) ENROL NOW — atthe — LISTOWEL BUSINESS COLLEGE Thorough Courree taught by Com= petent Ts For particuls, EDWIN G. MATTHEWS, Principal CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. Ontario's Best Practical Training: Bch so}, We have ‘horoualt cow ced inetr sal, ceed and you fenton ‘our see, ‘free catalogue, for D.A. Write McLACHLAN, ~ = Principal NO TRUNK S\ rem! Christmas and New Year Fares SINGLE Fal retarh unt —Dee, 24-25th, Rood es; ROE nln Ime AAS, valid for re- Is and ie FAR INE-THIRD — Dec. 22.28- Be ME ON Tor tetum uni Dee, ae sater 30 and 31, Peat id Ja 1915, valid forreturmuntil + Above reduced fare Huron, Mich Bumalor Mack Rock. Sat Fale and Suspension Bridge, ‘Pickets on sale at G,T.R, tleket offices, J. 6, CUNNINGHAM, (Phone 1), Local Agent The British Mortg Established 1878. OF ONTARIO age Loan Company Office: 27 Downie’. Stratford SUBSORIGED CaPITaL. Deposits 31% aimecomp ay pay interest pwards are accepted by the haa oe Dehentures 8 Ay and. 5% cae eats Se intat ues at’ ees ated te At per coke payable hale JOHN BROWN, President ed in pipes solute security to the Tepatter ra a the Investor in the Debentures of theCompany sat there is abe | 4: AL DAVIDSON, Manager See ie Ty LOCAL AGRNT. —