4 pr : | _~ es ~ ‘ . : . x y 1a, ; Hae rb i ode a Tet her nd 1 , 3 ioe the dei roll of goods de- glosed “her eves again mot 9 “aloep. re ; Viet sith fle og the etzeeto; ra “of, feat ties will remove the ‘crowded and notey quay, ena tbe most spots from silk, but care must : 00 is] oun Pre cts aera eee be aathorto belenss ‘chat thecaye Je | ot or ae ony a vision, an halla. = fast. ‘ ———_—$———-- feal ‘tha am alent dition fo n believe Varnished paper on walls should i 1 Me Pig Mp Bitton, cit sen, ot Selected Recipes. be oleayed with a flannel dipped in ; Or, the Belle of the Season, y the freat Sir Stephen Ormo, ae mn “a desir? weak tea and polished with a dry ‘ catie-ahh pt fea ara bina ‘ob peadetoll Pancakes. — Delicious ~ pancakes | cloth. 7 manoionr bPaken by the frequent visits | may he made by adding to any good | To sharpen a knife, fold’ a piece of imitatt Paes oD Se and oo eS “ales ee Raeeeke flour cne beatea | emery paper in the centre and draw hh ace am 1 j Ps Ik. Thi ; Aaya XXXV.~(Continued), had them nd of fancies List ho UR der sail So. ent ‘une. Taa ey | ‘in te Ms and a little, milk. This en-| tl ie rapidly back and forth Hlowed by thie devout prayer, Ida} 1¥ after & hot night on hore, Bt y°N IL Say eolve On acon fi ee every! thet tint rhe ae batter and noticeably im-| several times. Fo! = ioe cher a Arcane yaaa eh ri dre High Mt don't 46 v2 come gboatd | netlone Wh, “a, dream ut rev A small piece-of glass placed over ieetueene tie ar i ca (ive st fates Ox |” 4 Valation in Seramhlea Eggs] a cookery-book. when, lying open on | \ DISINFECTS sa a farce to make: her: wretc! Beat the éggs, season me aalt and |-the table keeps it open and enables 4 ttorably‘miserabl ea BES, seas é ad ° tate pulang gner tute | epper, and add ; to melted | the cook to read the ‘recipe without i nd t ieranny | Noo he aid, hcekily, ‘and 0 santlcoking woman who had eyed het bubtan in chafing dix WW hen nearly | handling the book with sticky fin- a Ot, tees hieeit must have heen Ene. minty several ti ut who had ‘been mobjledy: add “ dice | ers. ans tout” oa ee Sho’ could Hae hove Peaustinces Weis Dial eee Tees oung lady," She dd bread eut into dice ‘When'e kettledatfutvea”™ tn re thine more, “tna rans ee oftlor whistled and winked to him- lanes i sera and browned. a fill it with water, add a good-siz eae, bh mit scl handetirethere self comprebendingly. | sign, witch, te mary © Deck Stuffing (Beant) — Three- jubig'ar bok nd lee it oily il i ; “i in ; nae ngs which eo i sok it? Ah, well, I've boon of Ae te hg vr of crac’ crumbs, one Then pour away the borax ape . 1 HORI td | Dame ou" tet the. fave $7, a an haat cupful- 0 shelled peamute, sy aah han Aa — “ ull hi ipate tate ik onan er | rae down ¢ i ‘fa, Decraiioh:| finely chopped, one-half of @ cuptul ‘and. Fines thoroughly with cleat : STAG Fei ts] ek ie Se ot Bf stomed, on hal a Si ater THE BRAVE. IRISH GUARDS] st Smee sm tons ot the gale e 1 Can reece, MEd Ida found. hove ten Pa : “ 28; cat he “i x b f . ut al pereelt | own below. and try and “peek Moatli| mg with Gu Intervet whieh. astoniehed het. a Tew drops of onion |, SWeet spirite of mitre will remove AWE , aid 1, “Twill pay you your 12 pRoful face, leabel’s cold | beof and Picles, a cnet two~ talking: » | ink-spots drom wood, Rub the spots anes, aed I was about to do go and ae Tohn'e euncte Fe Cs Sah cae gly ey ‘ it oat ze eer aa th pepper: | with the nitre; when the wood bs when some French soldiers who had vida tuted cian seal aue Tt passed inigredlionts qa bhe one ss+| turn walle; wipe vee with a soft) STOOD LIKE ROCK TO MEET heen ding in the restaurant . Bho throat a ‘few “UMings. into w bag and | He tie file that ‘ ; cotton Tt may be necessary to]... ESN an op “ stood up and said; ‘No, youswon’t. out Lerhpunee and coupe ke: sor Sie taadt amthad teen maul ‘iron mid, foune set taking 4") Ripe Cucumber. Relish. — Twelve | make a ie dese applicatic GERMAN CAVATRY CHARG If this is true that the Irish an ni aad thon ” she fares aaatan hee fed faint the ioleelees inbvements i nbers, four large onions,| When you have finished with, the Scotch do not pay their bills, it is reel ae toy aoa gat of a ai ot A etteeiee Pe ae ee ee ee em Enis thal they So oe eee ‘ih being) re i frienda a ee pee aR ut through coarse knife ofl take some fine coal dust; put it in| & stie Correspondent Tells] Krupps are trained upon them. of good in human nature; and it comes |Meat grinder. Add half cup salt, |» strong brown paper bag, damp it, Their Gallantry in ay are pate t e, and the out quite gtartlingly in. the sugar, one and one-half) ang put it on the top of the fire. erm: om.’ After that f ees ss ae % ana a ne get, mi cold. This: 18 the will burn slowly for Battle. te landlady, oan. usband was Which ‘wore Iaviehed on hers seit, Ste Cee fightin, he front, al Dadke to Howe Dilel dave of | huy'a. roll of bread.” Drevontiy chs ww ees ere iiaahoatnaly ncstey ting: Be can This is the story, as it has -been eke my ran i 7 uD ness, Hor she was |} ‘a at the oppoalte side vena road an ‘buy, and mph a ee havo ¢ sly Chinese gloss starch is mad Seinen ee hich the y mon aunted by the Tenembranee Da eT a oO ea walking: and abe conded if they had one and’all been Datmeal Mush, Win “Apples. =| two tab ons raw starch ese one told to me, of the way in which now signiatisings about the tines that paat wae alma effaced by the | Mae crceeing. when a. huge empty van princetaee of isa For the apples, leaving large eay- | 5 iibjesparntal borax eile in| Irish Guards, oat M met the| seautiest side of the war Those of Se Vision of Statford Westen estan Maude bi ‘4 iWon woking veg pare and cook.-until soft im] one and one-halt Cups V charge of three German éavalry Te! uis at home who, thanks to our glors Palconer at the conee ——— a “Rit iB ‘Aa goon as she ard the servants) zor: bewild syrup made by boiling sugar and| ments are dipped in Thiet rolled giments and emergi from ¢ he N-/ious navy, know be thing ot what tiie about the ho he 4 pale and | weion the hd ne atae se $1 ihe AT D’AMADE. water together, allowl Ing one eupful tightly and left a few hours in a counter with undy ing glory, says *) war mean: re- Mole do patentee | street, that che stdod, hesitating, uncer. sale Ei of sugar to one and one-half cup-) dry cloth before ironing. Havre dispatch to the London Cen-| minder such aa as nip the conte " ‘on or to retreat to , nat 3 F Fenvitiea ott ’ Me aerate wore, Dury, In see, ite ih Davement cite had Tel. Was With the British Troops in} fuls of water, Fill oe ane Battps chow ‘he mada) from de al Eh asa e. wikia ae ent will aiualey aioe Liane tho = mush; serve with sugar OF! of “e' a b or’ some ie: ay jies who late- sornton a aw Nelle ni at git Te ream. T! he syrup should “oe ed en Pree ara ce topaaren 2 e fir-) lv held places pape de society fe aim eee Sher oF sayetiy x er ont To the avera Sir John nd rev erries, sliced |The water from the vegetables, i: ike our own ladies of the manor, Was young and strong and o French’s des pion m ne the mannet bananas or sliced peaches are ex 1 sd . the destitute and ‘begging their bread, 1 ‘The driver jerk the Hae a al thrown down the drain contains meh * 7 pt oncag pt from Iie 6 in spac General d’An val'y Jcellent when seryed with NY | mineral salts or the vital element ot anata eshte the gray ees ol he war has ruined them. It has he the | 5 e | Precept i = aver the K 's horsemen and the thin] made them line u ith the child- Sage aS ti SRERE cu pi and should never be Sina ot Bevters [San oe EROS cee ae ment mec wnt no. more than “thal *lup and prepare a medium-size in nee te who, with bayonets fixed, | bread. “Remember this, and while ¥ nch comma “nd ha I Bab to[f0Wl a8 for fricasseeing. Cover } «agi sat will do well to try going ree hoping that England will remain uty valiantly and well. But 1 with water, and cook slowly, re-| without ‘bread and expecially with- | These same Britishers had ional tafe to-morrow as ehe is touiay, tes ee, yiiasy mH ame | moving the sum as it rises.” When it ee Ba oktln i ae an acid, |houted. their adieux to member that every one of us has his Bong “whic Bishonagats pelts Pal alread. ip nerd ating and peak the ahisben is tender, take it up;| atthe same time trying 4o find out re who-had been wore eis barb to play in assuring’ that Stroot, though other dircetion would ar. General d’Amade has already . hborhood, and | swfe Haye alted hot a wel al het, Til have your hime aid de ee te with, the, Engieh strain and return the broth ro the | how much fat ean be tolerated, but-_| their immediate neighborhood, and] swfety. ¥ roa er or ee es ee By ied petite reat He went] Kettle. If there is not a quart-of it| ter, cream, or the fat of bacon, and | the ae, interval before, —— Tig. "Sho kaow well enough cones feus, was eartled to the London Sos through the South. Artery War a as ihoiling ‘water. Add dne quart) ¢o forth, Fats do not stimulate the sp came the watchers could pod nook Him Prisoner. eet tan ene See eae ~, in the white, painfully | French. military attache, . ‘and | of oysters’with their juice, and. the| gastric juices, uate lack stony is told of a British gol- haps an attic in the plainest of ees aietling: ward, witended by although thes Saeed the Boer bul-| same eigen of ane ng mil e os By pele | dier in ‘Belgiom, His colon mel, ab: ‘ ie ahie sought for mito, not- [leta,” he! fe ai violin Hou comer LOO. e with a little salt an 5 serving him one morning wending ee at etrese nnd toil, | eno, my—typhoid. pepper; also a little mace and nut- KEEN-EYED K. OF &. minal thelr vexcsllont spirits. 1) his way to camp with a fine rooster or he city for pity and ed aout “whether iti Sh if liked; - Thicken with-one tea- ri ’ am told that w ae the German oe i H carly an dt wae, eireamed -aieng | | 20 me swith a heart in her bo- atch it, spoonful of flour and butter rubbed | Interesting Ancodetes of the Great|@lry was only 200 yards away: einente. she turiied off Into one of an coat law atone it eA xa a ah together and just before it is se Soldier, man momentarily put dow te “No, coldnel,’’ was the reply; ‘he of Coineldence which | “Staffor Day and nigh the white. igs is escort ed stir one- halt of a tea cupfinul of le and begged a cigarette from a] just saw bart ol Lh ratte on suurte ‘itele into all our affairs, led her Ecamed, the gece ih tars rd Stafford or and wherever I go,’ hot ‘cheata ‘ite ithe soup. This See of 7 Kitchener of Agech tah which he coolly lit. _ | the wall, red to walelt Stalford had 30 ein Yery, NEA sg nha wrote Sir Jan Hamilton when he Fe oup nek oe Nehed wh Pe Theat Cee DY eee ared to eed ae England, " “4 wouldn’ resi spear ab ge teen ibtac! oe j os). {larly called by the Englis savalry.”” and di etter o} 80 ook him prisoner,’ naa? and. tpechianicaly ¢ barxtrs CHAPTER was parineues 2, tte Japanese stat” Batata Muhghy (starred potatoes): ey ene oe aa or ie ee lean i: li n he order hich reigned there, Por. pen ada came to ag freed the Rister a Matonneine is ae unceasingly a eel a dozen medium-sized pota- | ?f and wit a pe ess excitem spa tho wreeonce of the sheep, and.eattie | O° Hea aetttne taces, | target for curious eyes. There is no| toes,-hollow them oub through a |i" aud the American eos eg ifthe d heen about to witness ‘ayurputhy ‘with thee howto a hare y © hoapital show help for it, I know, but in course | small hole with a sharp knife until |Sime the oo nandeaaine hee ish eae Leger, Three re- a a Se ed | and every clroumstance bein invariabiy the ¢hell is about as thin as an| Ute. Soine ne are new, and more] ciments of German cavalry, gplen- heerful is 0) : a er 2, "6 in- With'Gno-hand resting on a rail and a| to rank with the ablem contained in the a orange peel, and fry them well with credible. One Gaga and in nore in-|Gidly horsed, splendidly equipped, hag in the other, she watched ihe ‘mon aq thet that an undenaker is nearly ‘always |an intense longing for one of the | butter. Mince into very small pi an Fi t tis h Tone ot hich ja a regiment of Irish in- 5 2 Rog rg ana Of ccurve {dn/asked tho usual questions; | $WO, most secluded situations in the |» suificient quantity of lean, tender |i that © ya IR fantry. The men who had been jok- HOLA, ie rht"amaay with @eloueh hat | “Where am, 12" and “How ‘long’ hay otld—the deser' ahara or a ies ides SHOTS Here) WTR Mae Tea ing And ernoldng Gash ue HOnEGe yu lon the ‘back’ of ‘hi & pipe in| been here?” an ister e a rhb ab Se ay mutton, a proportionate quan-| 4. there are pins in # lady's pte rk of the ornet of his Aid pot] eho. wae sin, th the sleeandra wy had Ia South Asien | bs/made frisnde| 2’? of pine ined season the mix-/The- original. version, however, | them bristling bulwark of giants Srevent bin 6 noting and bein at ‘the | London ospital, ant tha: he ul So ai of the-English generale) (Ute with salt and pepper, and fry} seems to be that brought from holding weapons of steel in ateél there like one of the casks, and in’ the : > * i ‘thoroughly. Stuff the S/ South Africa at the time of the|8™P5- avery. Sow and ston glanced at” 8 Raton ay Hing aii sata h the frien n| Boer War by a beast young French The Shock of Arms, . anced ata ta 4 ' ; y ] 4 . Ht, waa ovident % Rtg teas rma wae by joni Mons. Jean Cariere of} For a few minutes there was an | J Better Light and fenced Ida, tht the 1a saucepan, Put some tomatoes, |the Paris Matin. According to him, | awful chaos of horses, woldiers gray |B Pushing nbout ou deck in the haeto. "and ot, | a little ise pn tat st a pst or 80 soldiers yellow, ‘glittering More of It ae igeret| badly ee that ne SK EN ‘we rere | of water in the pera ee at ie fort ‘ Meas and ayo! onets, we spat 3 hl Ken, very 10” case—thal potatoes over a x about| trifles, one day came to Lo - he flash et ee tn adda tose snoltindi | ge Sr a eke pe baits bee sie Hite Becdio: bau lene Biitigiee & fon Inara kage: midst it all the men | [4 EROSENE eM fhe, Beer, bal set ig ed | mail carts And that poor, woman epnoelt generally be nrocuned at any Syr shit Cae wiih in Soaeeinnee | in khaki “eal ae et) light is best for in na the last of the pean wore driven | go ‘irmg and. @ collar-bone Band: the | with a fashionable faney of the mo- ‘and without budsing: they threw ‘ un “the eangway and disappeared. at Tanuatn't harrow, you with ou, bad an grocery store. If they are uno! MB, haps you have come trom enother Heron, ‘quick ry? tainiable, the a may either be |ment, he desired to obtain the gen- back at the bayonet’s point, in ut- young eyes and old GARR tmember. ao sou. Hook ee ee used alone, or in ce pasion with eras aut ogra, He Ge aes troops of |F] eyes alike. The Mins Stok Haru "ede chan hip Sedat Lene ngredient. of K 2 ae heated ee ei the men who terrified |\By } een” a BE a rita os hoped aay "lacing round tom Sai Kraut’ and Cucumber taniod it over, turned ib se pnsant Millogere a Belgium and} B < < ouch hat, fe yap ae: zen gt sites eld Moms Bory Picklos,—Cut cabbage, ‘Ane; . using meted: inspected ite. quality, an Frane 5 : oO. jouc 1 do for | nodding an encour Faniis Ff Sf ; hey wanted something to pub or "Bact ou a Meine, noa| atte Shas tie toe Ka A'tounded tablespoon of sale apd |, TRA ix doubtless your sister's) «naiy banner, asd their casa list |p dimniug es here else; he handkereh hie rian?) ann mili {1 wan ¢hit gontal Aue: tor est i ee won ‘wo are ‘one: Ea Se an iy, seeds, No.” eenlied the officer, ‘it's sit et wee cae | wen! gives you 4 THO and atrote wwially proud of jemand, TaN 2 i lium size cu 2, e r keg fe in a wh Ghat not to vay if the beat! of nopsing. } : eh kerosene light atits youd come to aay ‘good-bye! | You are wi eoued aight and day, aud you cumbers. On the ‘bottom of an Meo ahood:Wiphenbee! bi Freagh woldiere tell ne that, rising tits Wah it wag ial fat the ‘east wee little thing you wants if from the ranks of the Irish, just best — a steady, vo an idea % i hate! 7 before the crash came, there reach- BO. ar pid “im Gato'to stay ore, but will like baler he Mgt at ‘back, iar i generous glow that oon, a vy | cout eee ee earn ae ina do| iad never heard before. A French if soldi i i you wear?”” 1 captain, oe aad, ar oh jot inpdttones mae eal [el LT ag It the story is not trup, it is at/#sed face and a bullet in his baek, or, beaten’ fo er, ag You havi pressed down with the palms of] jeast ihvented § in harmony with the ene to repeat Ate man of K. a which ov ave ‘ike enough, fie ain't comin’, ate, Jot. | Over fh Soide “Them kind 0° genig is ab | fome of the dare sat we Ce our hands as of excumbers. Con-| known characteristics ol yo alleen wonderful ‘what's cholee of acoldents | you ji 5 f tinue until jar is full, using cab-| who des A tn ties and affecta-|made out to be that of ‘God ile one nas ood tas hind. Boo’ anuctt Cr ied ihn ota icon) ag Gengent Diaiyads: id as Meet liven: Over all put a| tions. eae, wife of one of | Ireland,” and I have gathered that a en 97008 lta eh, aie 2 wed ah eelek she ym Se par i ite cloth and a white plate turn-| his former, ‘ofr, ‘te! iN how, at |‘ AEG uM said I,’ was an-/F4 nickel-plated. Itis easy ito ara cet tan einai turn h cer ey a8 aoon senges, oan a pos oint of being | over with a weight on it to kee; y observed a) other of these strains. A a i at a - co i hore and able ‘to am abe amused by] contents under Pas. Add dike young Phuket! sporting a mono- The generosity of Mr, Thomas to light, easy to clean, Iyoush the wank te ents oe Reoe Sa Nused 0 He Sues Demy his escont, ‘ary ‘pore = exemplary | water later as needed. When ready.| ¢! kins earns for that adaptive gen- Poo. eo . But most of them and when did walk! to use elice cucumbers lengthwise| ‘(Does your “eyesight aia you] tleman tributes of surprise and ; Maly and loudly, atid they passed aldo iitalagg de 8 vay Pt imptessing| for the table and boil kraut as| to, wear th att”? he inquire miration from. the French soldiery wide on to the veasel. "yOu ost suspicious sentry with his} youl, “Tt doe: replied the young} He aaa ive everything away Baad Star dear tow iy was nome, ot |S Ce od intentions. An attache, let it) “Bread,—One Jorge ciyp mashed | M2, hastily. his jam, his ganned meats, eerie it ae a trick of the imeeinalion, ae ihe tara, 29 | be known, runs a rik of being!» ctato, two tablespoons lard, one-| ‘Then 1 report ton -norrow morning monly ‘Daher delicdsled Wheatus fe ot awe nied a nd nd ovarstrattibd brain—but | your eyes, and iva auite hard a 't0 pa part tt from ‘breated as 4 H he shows the!) ai edb sugar, ‘Bent allaato mash. the line of « or-| is provided. He believed in shéring | like it wan to that of Stafford! It disap: ay Peeally ‘nui ale fo you! least ainahetion nervoushiess. 109 potato while ad. ites dered Lord TitobSehe, crisply. Pid ae tbalds Wecech and, with sigh, sho wis, coming ag eta ee her goes forth to obearve the cups lukewanm water and strain| 40 net require mon with: poor eye- rinhay-ho Not Bi Tway ‘viet gue ware the: tro ten coming eet eart | country, he must never avoid the Elipagialh aiveara, Bia) Wge 6h AE sight Ry Headtiuaree ate” es nee Pere Cham one caorixe Layee anes er paating a4, fait rr) hor ‘canal ton sould a eye of patrols‘ or let be ‘ leapise . rising, Sats ea ae Tho fat man wae talking and laughing, rao Brown had said, she felt oF) See landscape above mixture one pint flour, | ang’ ¢ apt ight mh lait said ‘to me, “We like the ‘tie Ee vite aah an ee. blue marge was grave | 1OW. merged for long in m ed, and beat till well ad. {and -bas never Dug P vs ‘y: fw ‘log in thought rani "rama and feo in bie ‘ori [it is nob = nin alion-lookimg| warmed, and beat dill well mixed. |Whon he 6 éan, he evenpes Honing; saldiers, but the Seottish and the kan 8 paused, tho younger | fendered cheerful enough by the dovens ot gentleman of° military ‘bearing to | Some brands of flour will require] and he ap Trish are not good men. They won't ROYALE CLs bck des ea ga stinnmer a ‘turned in’ ther airection | pictures from ilustraled papers, wiiich | a> pear too suddenly round the cor-| more than the ‘pint ae thicken. Add pat ts he Be copra t the pay for what they haces No 1 Wea tients euttie® Sind her tounge ieee | te vaeen and great bowls of tower which|ner. But by confident and casy|one yeast cake dissoly-7 1 pne-half| public, except so far as it helps him | this was'a slight on men of my own | | THE IMPERIAL OWL CO., Linited nig Toning for cleht of him called “he her ee ie he Paes i ving, and ev: ‘timely sand tosaniy on Ids. york: “Bat Be ob-| race, and T asked the good pat-| 1] Ferg, Seg, alr | Mena Reet MRA vie he | are fell, alee! _jream: | noisy, blowing of} the ‘nose ‘on ap. Servant eye discriminates as keenly|ronne what, sum she hel lost by | fa 5 = Fishing daticinationy i wag she ‘inmeit | that she had ali, at ae rivers quite prouching. the Sac yas eee ak in other things between the real] reason of their faulty commercial | 1) emma tio, etood tore, ig, taco, pate and. hag: | Or stn stbourdly content. | General GrAmede and Sir fen eon: | ti and the artificial in popular re-|ystinets. ‘Twel ‘as | ETE a eum wae boi Wad sanding ilton have anecdotes. py ue Toi), makes a lighter Erskine describes how pod hor hand ripped the “iron rail it is possible to go-through a cams| time or early mext mi an elaborate function in his ert own, ning warm | after ai a % " she gaid.| paign without being taken for a} two and one-half quants fl Bn at which a Benet 8 master én yon asieon | Pommbatant, General d’Amade’s|(or more if not enouigh to stiffen |of ceremonies had delivered a. vo ¢ ay Oxou agar 5 bearing is fit. for Ail cocasoee add one tablespoon of Nee ulogy before a distingisied “ It is hi right- 10) ens ponies ie?" abo ‘asked, | ee ash 24 heen -ramblin oa faa Jn he Hr aizesti the bearing of @ first-rate e gponge into. this|company (boring him, most ren 4 ek | what have tania?) You How fy sine y Tt has tho alaority and| four until medinm stiff dough. is| fully), she and her husband retwrn- Do you say decisively : : “Your things are marked,” che expla | finish proper to an Serene af shat formed. Knead and’ pound well and ing noe on | horseback in his com “~ ncaa REDEATH Behr ‘ ait aie maw no adres. no MOK | Notitest of the ants, Clem set away to rise, When light mix On the way they passed a EDPATH”, i Your triends, or we would ‘have done eo | made has done a great ee renin asa a eacigeacnal shabbat erect Gadts Cie wiles Ot 1 the Wessel! Towant t6 go] You wil tell im where to send now, will! Cte GF the foil and epee in Eng-| por hy bread. W: the four | Which were decorated with cheap i ‘ aahosa’” he eaid, hoareely, you a for better brea arming the flo hth phx. of Viet: th ; - oe. x omer stared aw in, then Iaughed. | Fda ated again and. felt troubled. pee ae has offered prizes at Lon-| ;, part of.the secret of this bread’s| !ithographs. aise n Victoria, the rand: nods tanatanied ke © sie iy. “Hold on Mosk queer tike? bor | sonse” Sho vhdderal clightly aa-ane.ple:| and ape how. useful) os cellence Brince’ B, ahd, Kitthenes —in the Original Package ? oy vit] on eh ered ol AS c: iM . re + . b es Jou, I bee Tat fit fared per couain Sohn wandine Beale the comet and disp’ ejatia be weet is ka K leaped iden fourans fe] hee aby, a right: ere the ewer a leagant- ns fia _ 2s! o CK rf regu, Hs ie ugh ot he Sand | ute” no aed ond Renan a | Dvendiogs ne Houschol Hints, Portrait with the tip of his wing Or do you say, thou : 7 ° , + , Sell Sway. Here, ‘ake cea ‘of ar ‘You'll | burnim Villa; and Ida ded the pro. More than. would ha the pu with By dipping a broom ‘in boiling whip, and “A quarter's worth of Sugar”, of Wore Mirust, 4 ‘Raak ink fo ‘Sait i, | SBS OnStiatsen vintage as neppelabmer tal iY moet Englishmen, able to keep | ig) Snes a. vk oan Hares andl ‘that only “A dollar's LN ey and get ree s: and, ~ j but Stafford out te away, fr regard the’ srospett of Fesuealng \t9 the earcal erate intact under) 64 for longer eR ant ess eal nknown quant J m4 nets Serta Sil Jaen Fito! Sopearing fda eae Trl | pile of social attainments, A\ man Linen inca. closet, atm Hears Little, er omer aunt bi Bt rape You ‘would rather remain quiet-|of about fifty, with grey moustache ae x , Ee “ ight hie a oe as al, was ton in fore days, Mieg Heron?” she sug-| sng nd_gray-blue eyes. A illiant apd perl veiled, il son be Sones iB sliaven about allt he % 4 nisl gested, lished! valor, - t ~th looked ternaturally |}horse man a of estab! valor, > to ng.” We oan soo=and aud vigor viclet orbs in her white face—boaal | the, Jp the best type-of the able and| One yer of sheeting ne ie) p mG pan wea Sr) ; { = Hearten a en sani aoee nel Be aly. if Tmay, hall T bo ill fae poles who aoa = gh Te sian ior te. oe ‘Not particulary he’s as dent ; od aes 2 leavin’ | ton How coon will it be before I can | +] joner ‘ranee in the gen ania % homo and frie friends ae Bete fe al find 1 ap- post i Stafford bit hie Ui ied t joult to get 4 definite encounter. | His allies can Pong \ Higal soasiuee ine titles at ie aout Nee enw dete fitter sorption than as ie is on nf te ‘ab ail gig ngs Diwekve The Paiiahiaene gina Bu the Bale, tnee. the airliah,. wae: eta care your me he en, officer and a gentleman. ae also iat it to he: i rf h roice W: ‘e muet ni —Statistic: he sa rare quite strong; in fact, $aioula ‘ot rat Golde d chestnuts served on lettuce} Mrs. Strapp- Statistics show tl i met jXoure right, Mr Joftler. It ie too late | tet, you You Tie quite still and St ea with French dressing, make | married men live longer than single Extra Granulated Ss UGA \ 11 thouieht T ear samoono on the | and sleep sea if you can; and you ici ‘have eon fancy; think over ‘you, tee eof the imaginery ate a tere ‘and seasonable salad, | men. = ‘auto iste ra we Set would probably make us Scrappy—Yes, it serves them jUGAR REFINING CO., L sympathetic wink. love you, I've “Tl unhappy if we had right, you,