A Foolish Young Man;|® Or, the Belle of the “Season. 2 CHAPTER” XXX1II.—(Continued). Stafford pawed hie hand across his ‘ete and 4 wnile, a grim smile, curved “The money eald lconer, rubbish!” Fak “vou thought ony of wouivel, of yout fashewe. good peel iy tell ile pile fa00 set tike!a res you don't ¢ “sone the engagement binding ane, ile: We way Stailord!” he cried, “Tt se not, too late! os sire it back! They are friendly!” echine 10 take backt’ he foward tuked ela, are ine | en agious ! endiat “ean Staton, have y vou ‘con: will leave you practi “I have oon: urd mira ny had brought tin a. sharia gouso of zollet, ag if eome portion ot the hoavy woight ‘had been lifted from his eau. “Ot now we to go into & committee af ways Pe a Btoft, you won't mind my » do? eed Hot say that fun eigel sto a fact ia, etait tha s ing ot the Bank mehich been be hat T ioweb, of toasting should take it or 1. ‘a Uarge him wheth uch a uaa por he fan't mucha for! % pay au fourse you would moan fue to borrow Ww muh afraid that you fatter by ale surdly quixotic yours, ‘winich xe! ou mind de tire thea Waronise, ian piace ot darned, fooWehs nein. However, lot that got What do weld Stafford. He the offer; whe thing Yo I have not made any plans. ing I can do t ng. jo brding, but I'm ‘1 might drive a hansom mb better amen than Leave ana atone, al a and tif eo Le 7 Something of weight that had erudhed him ‘had iitted trom hie ho ww r Was Ire would not be compe Bo to the tas: there to coches Bumeall with an oath to love and cherish one 49; Ry: he Loved ‘another: Lam afraid hho did wwe feol much pity for jraude, lm: Hy pecanae he did not Tealize how much she enred tor Egon eomua.ctziy aind/O In 1d" himsclt somewhere down. by mysiorious , Haat Bn so mU whic we ‘little farther on game upon dhe river ‘and he stood for fateh! moment or two Ww: eome sheep and eattle being driven roa fan, ocean © sight of them recalled ondely snd idas and, no wae. turning nan back Gome WAY co! he harangued tanguage which agh rch | i, a poured orth ts pleas tint naa jovlat iad been drinking uniisely Died noking you eat | x0 you me, jead the man any to his arm, and th way ot wetting, 24d at Ba! if pers. SH ore'n only fF ott ig rae it don't agh, You Yourelt, «iri zather py mou ne i ot 00, a0 | wont tho) oe | OWE. on your tack. i sant see throu ee there's _troubl com proud: to take a ar man~honeet, though Right pu ipaidacie! Faust with genial ¢r lope taftord Honery ‘Joftier, tnd ‘aoybody at i | the eet way of wott 1 dike, ind He with. he Temarke He ny Jomtien When Stafford he at iis sett-ponneesto on him that, eho #b nia, zc iy W v0 4 wait bat 01 Ko hom ? ¢ think’ T phow heen here for ho As she pat her nd Icoked at, him and ot ndoration, fore hi I tell“ ane laughed” es he sald was 1 Sais iy | moment, ."Btallord, doareel, Ye “quay be Shape ed. think of, you ‘will forget, wh fuchsia Baford, who mp Tr win aponen In, monet of I aon ie aris him, one eed St Oh, my ine let me ool ge pare ¢ with get es 10 lon gu oo I eaw you, 60 lo o Ralurea i Hence, tha + Statford, Ee ‘addi. iow val Fie you are, und how weary jon (0 granting. him the foratvenees he} in ae "ein him where the sheep and thes her arm went zeunt hia neck, tars oy aoe Be eer es Suld have rane fgep gore ‘1 Place, Sallabur; | fue dlpa, but Pulford cheoked Becine tho, ft nishment which Sta fest, ould not be here,” be scammer. could ut of nce, the mat % langhed and ained. lot vour Salis She la ied bury Plain, not the place here in Eo ; aset ven, nabs tand, ut, urre-Burra ou you Tor it ou “tainie nat 7 should ‘a Anat he wf ng with this fat Hand fort you, a = Tnughed ‘ogain, at Pee a FS hae your father ‘called a 6 i E the child has a big, generous light to study by. The Rayo lamp saves eye strain. It is kero- sene light at its best —clear, mellow, and unflickering. The RAYO does not smoke or smell, It is easy.to light, easy to lamp at any price. Made in Canada Be fied he {nto his gloomy eyes de math ¥, a rich—my i doe, Te Hater, 5 na Reha ia vamod, but ehe had turned aaide for a moment and did not see the ¢ of her words., “And vou, nave more tha wealth,” ahe laughed, “I reminded 0 of that, and }rabhered him. Ob, be eve (me! for all his nretended etoiciam. my. | ther values & {and at heart at 40, throw hice mot” she Lav take te sitar rit, vera of candles and {he estes a intend ae ina don't. ee ner, beatad be rym im Raed — Mrted her, i ee len 74 sel Fon iste avanti Ihe LO a5 bet a ot ine, cat ai sa hey She pooh him ast ood ‘Advancing to Stafford, looked piraight ota rt iat rather” thas marry me you would yt inte the world pe r afford. aecompin. ited fae tor him eald et nd 5 Nhont rue pe one for a’ ce Shee on on como, Mande? ar eyo, 20) reold to hand on hie with a smile o! Stafford's Es oot a aa nothing dee with a defiant goatare tered! aeparate a by your snireendering could not 6 tro a tigh Ae ne eerie ghe anid, aa if € not bear ‘him’ to leave ter eide, witle 6 Keonly at most men 2101 e. You-vou hat sets! to. Ma bs kent yy ud upon table aya for ja se wok tntend. 40 {med Palconer, ng it, areyine PE one who begs face inking dt the easlest of him, and, to ated the any Masks wld, in the She teataing bl re ng ‘al nits ngs with — thos or Mize oid AR iweskea, and feat T want “ae Someiot pay Teak vata he wh wee Buony ra "on at FBaiiehury bap in whole inde with an h rough, maybe.’ Staitord, “raid shi tor he did not wa further on tho Food our (iving—you? Answer! love mo?” es dropped, al and the moment of Pirstey te envy e room. She torped from jim, her har Wand fone mt her irom W Dodo you to her. Fah “He enhe eer fact ioe OuEns it her areata, i yee mor ae oto ate, hoaree! eet the "eect feamot Os ust work, Ad mi Re. done, are do- e ‘She iene fo 5 Dim, her face’ glowing, her eves wal go with you naw, now; shia: ao? ment, to poverty—to peril, anywhere, Oh, Bentord, Cant you Ace, you value the | I offer y When her Zather had Btafford gank into a hale 24 wae practte: pen What trould! pe rae te Ht Re “A "ee and felt in hie, poe 5 Aa hie atid 60 he sme Pe ner We Spen He Neoked iat, it-vacantly for f TOMenL'GE twor Wee he Iaupnod. Roh that wee not ‘attogeth er one of derision or amitcemont, OHAPYER XXXIV. eto her and hor ompaniment onal oritic! inds t of meane more irritable whose blood nv ly a more lachrymoge; and dissatiafled; 4 eho! arduo the ote 00, character of a evinced ita ‘addrees sitheris he had of Toure, been. particu: larly, not to eay\ nnploasantly, civ to se hie m anner be- om. wre. the 8 ee Teyaht of 4 ayity handed eho | en: shame ing there. “rendy, to Twit have ben ne Reta ene, venvelone Mn hte out to tear tt ze necked himeedt aga anechan ket. ho incider diy amused hi a wholesome manner for but he bad edn mn he reached his rooms. Had. tipped. by. bim and ft was light, ‘and. as ‘ho wae crossing the nigh Mt fa aie and, came Mitretched “Hunde and startled out it flaghed up: ot be there, in looked at ther xc ould 0 nd he * he eaid. ellt oall a drow nea others, Dunning hey were Tas » ie a he shoulder ride, eyes he paid. “But Mande. Didn't Mr. threw back ‘ber ead Ag It an: oat, des, ie: Ta “ae peak said Stafford his daugh- Nor that he tal ioe had fail- ftom er head, scan- Xt mean don't, ¥ lie, aren and seygnd 708 4 fa, with, a “oud tnot? Why hie ahonlde re, and i cen Tenid thie ite vith Maude, Sa te the nd the the faces with for ja BobIe Pare 3 poo hd D927 Mande. , Then eho ayy do sales you «eo that he. is if you, pant he ie. only 90 Have you no touch You, ho conse. of ide with a-gepture, ‘tah be: | yone | h t insolence which Moral her depend: that, her, mest man- wis Intended to with mi or vs! i hier sp! it, hie m ot ‘ahaa familia i sinerity cite to: nu Said “uh raped her sate chink < ALwith Set iin et ips ‘dra | and ste fas tnveviebly: eos up and res fee of the room, laa oo of Joseph sp Be e: ull his an suepic Tdi it for the ther's in er with Tieladon. breath, sh 01 inward ebuddor y resembled that with which Teptile hovee at © gh the Gare hy t paper: but hn arte 3 | require | | wi 0+} peured “a young lucy. who ood | break ‘hora Mend cat's, of run a farm; and thigwaa the only Kind of work she Mahe:wax forced fo the bitter to eicn ths sho would: on living the tif at the bread of the Herone, with ag much patience ae he “ool om: the, hone that some day "some “a0 so hor from 08 PAdUMAY Fob; (priehtnove | ani “acemed bing “thelr matin noe thin and lis Rr techie bree senda Lenpan, thet pee eka would <rai Into, montha ‘and nd ono a ony a country. wal nto fat the he, dys help? anythin, to fo.0n on eat Lae Le life dq death which was ee Se ek fein she saw ai haa! ets there, came a hurried lav, and lanbel ‘entered, in er best altsag BG was flush Nand in a flutter of excite. pt. (Wo be continued.) “Took here,’’ said the indignant ouse to the peddler Aurela woWleatl thats re matehes, Why ¥ won't In at all.’ “Well, ma’am,” said the peddier sanvely, ‘“w. oraiiyeni tata that'd be safer” “Laddie, Lean your temper,’’ an old Scot to his irate son. 8 best, ai thing else ye cou Old Peterby is rieh and si Io he event of his death his rena will inherit “ee property. Kah ie famil, id to t iT rere your nephew i a a marr £ occasion you | ought it to do pomatntte MS make him appy.’? Peterby, Ll pretend that I'm Paageneua ill.” The Irate Pavent) (who hag been trying to satisfy Gerald’s curiosity on every known subject under the 1 d me ow, look h erald, if ask me another question, I oe you on the ! - Gerald W-what spot, Dad? FREE TO GIRLS MIgive this beantiful rolled gol oe co of au charge ote ie Post Cards nd yout oa Het HOMPR-WARREN €0.; > enniless, to earl ( ppenk 48 « Toronto, Ont. 08 even Std cwolten Sips estiied to the | 1), ost a | tion sa 0: it mikes Re far aac than ony-| 5p ieee ol SIR DOUGLAS HAIG, In Command of the First Army of the rans ish Force. Cameron Brig in the! Kites of Fife, Seta he has Comman Binet Hele Corps in} the British Expeditionary Force, was y-three years ago. In due time he went: io Clifton an a He there Brasenose College, Oxford, but the army was his lo’ red tthe Royal eae early in his care se of what was to Sates 1k. he [passed oub of. Sandhur Senne prized urst, Angon Rae was eqn ‘to, ibe ith "Hea heed four ‘3 ln was lucky Soudan Tixpeds present et At Micacleeal Needless to say, this yery. thorough tT it ira ‘en sie ia tiah conestonos he te gag ie foun sesares mica: ‘Of the concert, but it be-|itioned ds > ell Ferner ran ane Joseph’ con. panes Enyptian Medal. A Scientific Soldier, of Douglas is beli ecient: be soldier, and hi called “Oavalry T Sia’ “anihiorship Reined for ‘ie ithe name o om His y passed to be a 3 ye tf ha the qualia ng exal nat ntrance tothe Staff Col- . leg ge and then had sto go before a edical Hi Si ih board announced blind, Haig emuls ated the Scale our army of by ys in ero} got specialii Both land and France to prove nd ihe blind, tihy demned Peeiharhal as! he alle the joard, were obdurate. It pees cortagt that he would meee be able to write As 8.0,” after name, when the late Duke of Cambridge, hearing of the matter, ga ‘him p eae r-in-Ohief’s nomina tion, which ted the. recipient from all ceaminations, saved College “and peeea ‘out y ees duly went to bril- k of the South Af aptain Haig was ap io Sir John nt. Elandslaagte, pointed staff | and was irg, the rel more aienasoetla d rane © plea of vitro vd Js could not a) brevet. melee Pankl a O.B., Sata afterward being promoted to command the 17th Lancers: (“The Death or, Glory Boys’’). Went Next to India, After the war he sis ee India as inspector-geners walry. mal There was Pao bling fin Lae the pata ‘of military Wee wt the nae mm command led him. ait ‘Aldérsho Dartien had done much ie shot. ij more, and it is cer- ‘tain thai the the: cio’ young. and briiant soldier, re is aly: bi the hearts of pa by publiatiings a very: strong order on “the subject of cigarette emoking. no doubt that General Hal He was right, for the wild and fragnant Woodbi ie ¥ reater ha i played VOC, Wil sok oe heants than all the Prete girls Aldershot, and stopped their ie ers of marching more even than tight’ Nae: But was not. ee only one to. come under Haig’s eagle Officers were Paced a spending too much on nough on thei the a hg Reena of a any office: * oe The Clean-Up. ‘Did you ae Pi bats in that lootpad. luck house ra waked nt othiny nit ile. snes aia a come away Xess so I iaeieke lone the tog ‘and a ys of burglar alarm apparatus,” te swer- Why 2 are you so down on Briggs, te hotelkeeper?”’ . ‘He gave me uate in exchange -for a pas dollar,” HOME been ans quainted ie, Halge to and ib was Bere the ler of the born just| Make meat may be ren 6 ted Recipes, Baked Pout Chops With Dress- ing.—S\ ssing as-you would chicken or any fowl. Place pork chops one on top of the ete with dressing between. The fat on the ends of ae pres makes enough grease for bakin Simpler Cookie “Baki ng, — When piece oul o fit your oven, raised sJightly at he end, or one can have # handle on pans. at dat ges lo pans, ete. wasted room e zinc can be scrub Bread Souffle.—Souk two at t) ied pais ‘till Tighe ona soni one-half teaspoon salt one- "fourth teaspoon paprika. Put tablespo: 1 butter in sauce pan and a half the mixture at a time, cooking more sone than an ome- let. When it is set, fold over the ges and serve immediately, Potato Soup, — potatoes, three pints of water, one pint milk, one egg, one: dunce or more butter. Pare and an) eon snail “ples the ei aie res, add the milk, uae ell beaten eggs. The tbe mixed with D0) ad and w er beating should bb a iii of ne soup before it is ad t water should be add- 4 from asl to ane to replace that lost: by evaporatio ‘Marsa low Apples — Wi ait ipe and core the les. Place i aes and fill the iloa egret Bb a small piece of butter of ee are gh, Tomer place a ee hits top arénah nd place in oven until aie marshmallow is a dainty bro The flavor, is delicious and when ys look BBS ail: hi e them out of thi crea cre and put in this will preserve their make the shell come off e six eggs water, cold rater color and sily, Roll, either a ‘cold fowl portions, envelop an egg in srry dip beaten egg, cover bread-crumbs, fat, which must the cover with less than two g: a teacupful of best barley and peas, let it boil, add 124 Ib. of good, fresh eef or mutton off the flank, one are cut into very small slices, one quarter of furnip the same. Cut poe fee ae lire slices and a hal your le tek all boil Ceciges for an hour, then add another carrot grated, and quarter of turnip also eer ea ts cop We| Ea te a ape, Aiton. poy seit koe F leeks, two or three potatoes out into. pieces. Let all boil for two hours ‘before dishing. Let stand a few minutes, then skim off all the fat into a bowl, an ut aside, This with EL ee makes a ate two davs’ dinnep/for d family of » or eight. Ways of Saving. adly cub mien of bread, wnat Diaen left ov table a bread uidelng "Save every scrap and crust 0 crumb up for stuffings or to use ri breniing scallop dishes, cro quets, 2: Manos the sinew from the legs | of a fowl te it is drawn and the meat of the leg will be as good as t of the ee joint. 3. Cold rice. should always be aved, it can be added to a neue mselied into eroquets, mixed wit! eggs, and fried like hominy or used ina Latest ish 4 wer vegetables iba the amount is oa small ti be Pay it and ‘boiled for a ragout, or used separ: or jumethes for a salad Cauliflower, potatoes, are roken in covered with grate fed ina baking rved ps with dish, ae a eimall portions of left over acele may be added to Hy pan- cake abies and yt greatly im- prove kes, Or hai may; be rolled EA alls aed friend, or add- ed to the soup stock, 6. The tough moon of steak may be chopped’yery fine, se ed well with ‘pepper, galt, titan, a little onion juice and formed into ates or br ee craps whit mixed with a white sauce warmed up and niche with parsley and aie ed eges, e oats ey of the bones of roast: areca Gs ar to make a mpensitiiet soup. Beef fat and See and the fat from hould be hapa any legs Sy) £00 sei over are “be used for corn. bre iddie_ cakes, singer bread, ‘and er biesniee Tt may bema into cream cheese or qurned age a ing drink by icing it and we reaeeh oa ut five minutes Honschold. Hints. Geonomy in fuel must be ¢on- s Heke Sate BEST YEAST IN: THE WORLD. DECLINE THE PERU IMITATIONS THAT E.W, GILLE' WINNIPEG 5 INFERIO: e ARE BEING ‘OFFERED sidered a ror, important factor in wise planning of meals, vayhiih a grated white raat paver Use a bigyoie pump to clean such parts of the erie machine as you cannot reach with a clotl Bofore pate ay jet them staid in water, then pee vend the eyes a not smart « ether, pasa ee aie? pS and naphtha and water are all good solvents dor rea: Braising is best for large pieces of tough, lean meat. Sear, add vegetables and mae and ont ong and slowly 1 pa get aan fy zit Sa buying mia food a apt to overlook the facbihabtorahe beet physical re- sults we should use a variety. If a bikie. dish bee Wen spate ed or burned, fill i o Fo* Pes BS, spongy, if a Pinan As er, with the chill om is put into ihe cake mixture dire ting in After w eggs. ashing quilts ae while they are “ail on the & y dry, beat them wit rpet Peat and they will ee i aodlereally i The annual coat of oil not only prolongs the - aie y and cane baraitices but it keeps it from be- comin - so dry that tiny splinters sticl ewig ‘baked bread should be lightly covered with agclean cloth while it is cootae, and if it is not it penile tox) the ‘Or dhiinngy where wood is burned, if put into a | tar and boiling water poured over it, makes a healthy drink for house and garden plants. ove perspiration stai from Sey sponge the place with a clean rag, wet in clear, seb wo ter, “Then cover with dered chalk and ca off eata0y with a nett brus! en. seep te the whites.of eggs rotary egg beater, is ee an angle instead a th in a the omplishes the work itn a ing the bea ag ab Fe straight vu vl, This ab seh quicker, BRANNS OF BRITISH ARAY SAT DIE WAR OFFICE WHITEHALL. SCE No Place More Busy in Old London 1,700 Persons Regularly Employed. ise is if place more busy in iL Lo} o-day ‘than the War Sie the home of the “brains of the Army,’’ says a London paper. Little can the aries civilian see 8 -eN stances; one can early morning. an there is a ae eeae stream of men and wi case, present, ind ped, the open a ight—‘‘waiting’’—and one of the Niphest officials sleeps on the premise: Every Rank of Army. ay ea aoe are supposed to at 6 omen, all © on official, Buanehs, the War Office is cea m.; that is, the ay peas dicts later for the present than in normal times. Among them is every rank of the there OS] There are also a large number seabed ily m ex non-commissioned —ranik, no longer smart clo are scores an pkey essed, girls men, the ‘offi ee whom 110 are on the 81 are also a dozen “official”? oats. Boy Scouts. icial ade ie th lors of their jome, provid ss a with orders fro: halls lows—! sergeants in the 3 Sai ns they have ba the time of delivery e employed payed over feet tall elongated in ig Eve , and looking still cig sont these trained and drilled bo; eae Popular, ally ab Ree ‘kit are in and is “all smile: a gal bake i sponse, ant as when J was a ready typists and clerks—leaving ier heads ; om and scores of faded. looking elderly wo- charwomen, of ro petite into a bats and he neg- assis sel poring their country in war almosb a soldier, é avearing Remi Bab ea raeae, ‘but ere and scores ot Braityy ‘staff eer have been lew days over 00 Boy Scouts trom “ treats i. has buen judging ol 7 Bkeeoes bicycles, are read eshte silent little fel- h mee Ne nai with envelopes of the lets delivered marked long, willowy fellows, close upon six more ana oe ry low, is del lighted ith te roe "ot uniform—gener and out of the War Office, and occasion- ally a motor car dashes up with a@ soldier-hauffeur, and a general or colonel, with aide-de-camp, sett out-and disappears within. netimes an emine: soldier is gnized, and then ere is o cheer from tl wa, recognized h a smile or a swift touch of the khaki cap, The First Lord of the. Admiralty, Mr. Winston, Churchill, seems to me! caller at least once day. coming very popular, Me is froauently hailed ard hame, Aunt rept le Beatrice, were you very bra WU the - dentist'at Beat: Seb T be, bets ntie, Twas, Aunt Ethel—Then sei 8 the fifty cents I Prowings 7) one now tell me what he did le pulled ont ps oe Will 1 The old gentleman’ 8 wife way lecte: “You are not “ gallant, Joh when Twas i me exclaimed, in gentle re- re- ‘ana you ne £9 ‘yuoy> Tocluding Locomotiyo, Hoe ee coaches, HAS na Tina atronm slockwor ke aneah: anien a a aces ne of metal, Hh eraphed in cot a crit yond Soul topete oF Seen sig other pout toards to (wie autiful éneda i send ue the ‘yoneys an the prise, all ohary Nahven Warren Co. DEPT. @ TORONTO. Geil Wt 20 conten get wv. | Whei iN FREE T0 BOYS Mechanical Train & Tracks iarge ovat, rola you Why take ichances by asking for “A Dollar’s Worth of Sugar ?”. pepgoses