LISIOWEL Ma BORING gona $10 REWARD! ~*~» f BList Isabel Gies. of Newton, Seca 14 a Lone: Way to ‘Tipperaty' has A with frien rohing song of the reales oe NC ae se att Clarence stuleaby ‘ot iibank, Ertaninenye mun iss ‘6 zB ry} Baie nt sora "aa ercoura art THE EOPLE’S STORE Tid tonilite zeturs to Bo FDI re Stiga Leave Gou)ter an Miss ae sista’ mighty London Sarasin riah: era Milsenboas.. Guts: 3. of Newry were visitors in town | man one day. , > ite Saturday. Pa As the streets were pav'd with gold. j/ Dlossrs. Harry Roos. of Liston sure ey'ryone was gay; wnat Biotrin Rakb, of Atwood. left tor’ Ginuing songs of ieenally Strand, ronto oh Monday to attend — the and Leicester Square, ob { ¢ e e Dental College. An informal dance ‘Pill Paddy abt excited then he shout, : was given in the former's honor to them ther Friday evening in the Music hall and of HORSES and he was also presented with a watch | Chorus. : ‘the young r by »men in town on the y 45 - HEAD OF B CATTLE AS panna eosin, os ate ge oc Mapa alone War. to Miopbrasy, - OR peste rc onc ake the Ta mst (e0UrH dbs ae et, ‘Tioperary The point we must emphasize is that, while our present | collections sin Rial ei ac iabernte | age Victor emit. of Palmerston a ame ee are perhaps the most complete in Milverton, we can promise nothing “stow eM Te! Min dares poetic oe Seaman hepa eae definite for the future and can only urge you to purchase now, all SATURDAY, , OCT. 1Otn, 1914 seni es pte wean {07 wrote 4 Teo to hi Tesh the materials you will need for the coming season, for the prices bm Saving ‘Sbouta rou not recive it can certainly go no lower and varieties will hardly be so broad. ::: ‘Albee cht. of Foravioh, was rite saa let me Fae n Monday. it eee ‘akes in spelling. Molly any of the 28th regi- ole “Ftemem!| it's the pen that’s bad. dont lay the blame on me, Garbardine, Poplins, Granites, Cheviots, Cordes, Per- mos, Queen’s Cloth, full range of colors,'50c to $1.50 English and French Serges, in black and Hee ‘suit- able for dresses, suits or coats.,.......+...50¢ 10 $2,50 . Pe m Fi Sole rising 2 y id fervent sermon on the Chorus, Sate Commences at Two o'clock wis! Molly Wrote a neat reply to Trish TBRMS—6 month's credit will be gtve:and 0 of 6 pet. cent, per annum off et ayi Mike Malone: vant: Seater ee ee |e CU eae lato een wg Sonia Imported Broadcloths, black and ates to $4 W. D.WHIR, ATKIN & BARR, | Snterspe Teed with an aattaan my, Strand and Pieadilly. or i y Auctinnecr, Proprietor} choir, a duet by t Maloney you'll be to bt re) Si Wiasiow anda lo Mis Bas-| ore fove hae tery “drove me silly Ladies’ New Coats m ton: Koni hoping you're the sa A sham battle ‘and. army ,manocuy- ’ res are to be held in Stratford on — Assignee’s Sale | thankscivine Day and the local com- MORNINGTON COUNOIL, any will. take part in full strength. in Ellice 2 Township 2 hey will leave here on the 858 0-1 “ays counoll met ares Rn) ey 72 Pn, | Newton. on Monday - Octoher 5th, sare Jookine forward with much} {)"t'n” she minute of the earn oes to the outage Senin at's hela on Sept. 2is Wdoptid, At ant Red. Cross $1000.00’s worth of the newest ideas in Ladies’ Fall and Winter Coats. Dozens of them—no two alike— made by the best firms. We iuvite you to see them, even if you do not intend to purchase a coat for some time. First choice is often best. Children’s Coats yonten will i offered for sale by premises, Farm Lot 0 in the ist b Concession of |. the Tow pablo of Ellice im the County of CATTLE FOR SALE Perth A Locke Aaobe te JACOB KEL- Monday, the ath dey af Sotober ie pnbows, Mulvertn : S vei a Court iol Reclaltn once tye We are prepared to supply the children’s needs in the said Farm Lot buble ct to the FoR SALE mer Drainage By-law was held at 3] winter coats, Never before was our stock so complete sale conditions ther phere was only ons appeal filed and the Children’s Coats so neat and stylish. And also .the es Bteat imple-| ouse and Lot oe further pact After dealing with this Hants and pal situate Bos the} wlars apoly to KO. stED Sn ES a bana " ‘n | ail Wastin Lok. on piston. ten tate 4-41 menera) Busigens. ° By-law of Robert: Hacns, the: Younger.” ‘or | Bremer: a Be ibe Hiyaier de | Fall Weather and Fall Underwear and finall¥ paaped. were issued as follows; — 83,00. gravel contract con. | Askin al the aaid Township of Ellice, Farm 4 Go together. The weather is sure to come. We can upply the underwear. We wish to impress upon your minds that our stock is complete. Fuller particulars of the personal sale will be gold locke 1 chain on Fair 3 and ae “ nder please return to | Sun|* conditions of sale will be announced | gf a #7 € . rt Dated at Stratford th 30th dav of ea a Fry 2 é i 3 ber. A.D, 1914. LUST. iShaltamber er ig Vos ust. Underskirt Special ; On Bair Day a tan bereits parse 4 ta two dollars, Finder please : dAiatanae’e leita. [goneaiping Gre dalans. Fitde ese Made of good Egyptian, with deep flounce 49c $$$. LD : very special at .. pods 4 COMMERCIAL. FOR SALE oe Bae ett Nightgowns " Pall Wheat, «$1 05 $1 05] “3 ure bred Yorkshire boars. " Barley per bushel. fecens 60 60 ol fr taniworth sow Oat ew 40 y in November jar - my i «i Pons ie 1 aie a or “Hig = Made of good quality flannelette, in plaln white, our Flour, 1 aoa or owt. 8 Ist. also ten pigs ten weeks old. rice range . ge) 3 . ‘ eel er 3.35! J, MILLER. R.R, No, 1..Linwood, 25 over roecing cae oat “hf cost : Price range Hasssersserenseeen DOC, 75¢ and $1.00 3 Bb Jewel per ewt..... 3 55 8 65) —_—————— — Sh Seopa 5 ter Coat Bran per ton... TENDERS FOR DRAIN. a Shorts per ton 2 Mornington's contribu; weater Loats a 4 a ee F 0} mehders will be received by the un- Bui i Bogs i p 8 Garstened for the ee struction of the 8. In women’s, misses’ and children’s sizes. A splendid ‘otatoes he Hymers D to 3 o’clock pm. Onions, Largo... mday. October 19th. 1914. A marke selection to choose from. Ladies’ Sweaters $1 to $4, Turkey: to the amount of $50 must ac-|(Hymer drain; G Children’s Sweaters .......... csesecessereeeeeD0C 0 $2.25 Ducks, comnmany each tender a8 guarantee | {1.0.1 ‘ ies OMe eua cei E Chickens of @ ail ¥ lowest or any ten- es ow in po W een A \ rily xeccpted. Pla 00 aarala A, Reibling 5 $. y ti 1p | ad specifications may be seen at the foots roptiniug feuds sO. Sel Ladies’ Rain Coats $3.99 CA) 1B) eerteerok the: Cleskt ceay Bursa: G40, gravel contract con. : j 6 6 ALEX, BEGGS, Taylor. 45 6 HI Reeve ‘of Mornington, open’ ara) by . i 27] RR, No, 1. Linwood, Oct, 6th, 1914, 2} el contract con. ’ ’ . ah i: Balto, 1500, eng Men’s and Boy’s Suits ; award d ; Dlaik and lumber saotied 4 sae nell: John, Turnbull. We invite you to call and see our Seas stock 2 en 0c, repairs to era of clothing for men and boys. We are Lipase i The i ilps ig 6 nal to Suit you at whatever price you shoul oose fers, hax ecole eendare £08 the to pay. Men’s suits $5. 39 to $20. Over 200 suits ' mn and to read the engineer's r che OR A MIL Bl regis to select from. Boy’s suits ...........$2.50 to $10 eeneral busin Ree wredactts Guat Men‘s and Boy’s Sweater Coats..;,.....50¢ to $5 ’ th raamraaes Fail Neckwear, all latest styles at i eae KESVILLE *, Aq : Latest Fitwell Stiff Hats.........., $2.5 ’ Mrs, Orv ald Sug E jana Mies Fo re Soft Hats in new colors , .$2 and pein ence Sugden. speni ay at Elmira, Mix and Mrs) (nthony*Méyer, «of Young Men’s Soft Hats, new colors . St. Clements. were visitors at \ the Boy’s Soft Hats, new colors....... ....75¢ and $1 home of Mr. Louis Huber’ une Mis. George orwell spent — Mon- ; day in Berlin, mone eon that spent Sunday at the poe of Mr, Albort Ludwig were ; Mrs. Peter, Ament. of Berlin, | Mr. John Sebli iera; and Mies Bessie ‘Smith: of Sti Jacobs. Miss Hilda Moeser spent Sanday at her home near’ Heidelberg. ey Mr. ‘Albert Léhmen. of Weisenbore «< Gonea hie hdussheldy effects, Ina Ths The Store With the Stock .MILVERTON, ONT. tavern he recently. pureliasnd from Mr. Edward Martin. faite a number from here EA, ed the funeral of the Jate Mrs Riviera TE * rad Gies at St, Clements Lost ee lay. Ty i nd and Mrs, Stephen Scherrer i 10) TST. chide ia to proceed to the consummation | Buperintendent and will cel ar 7 spent Friday MAE Be Jacoby, NOTES OF MeETHHO bt ote Mion pon 8 basis to be mutual urinal direotion A ae Rh LOGAN coUNOIL, iN r, Louis Dietrich. of St. Agatha, jv accepted. He proposed that a joint |ifairs. A. B, Carm) i 7 * | HVE La HCN EL BY J | visited is brother, here on Sunday. "|: he Rey.’ T. "Albert “Moore was] ehureh union committee be named by the past. thirty years has been for Si ar aban partenracaie conta : ay | ail mer is visiting relatives! again eleoted secretary of the confer- ee realli re gallant " active eral Superintende mt has eon appoint-| oresited, Tho minutes of the last * f at Berlin. gO ane oe oa oles iyt when deemed expedient, The Rev,/ed Sugerintendent Emeritus and ti a. “He Looks Into The Eye” nator SPE sree annpunced tht 71 Ininisters| Dr, Chown ‘then onflined the - print|be retained In-an advisory" capadie lao ee MEBSON of the Methodist church have volun-| ciples which have been ontlintd tae tee toe next four years at the salary Moorea hy KA. Wood, seconded by As T have decided to take the most advanced course in Optical rye teered for service with the Canadian | the basis of union. that has hitherto been paid him. John Mogk, that in respect to a pom Science, I am pleased to announce that I have engaged the noted East ra. George Stemmler and troops as chiplaleat ‘The geport of | ihc Committos on} The Memorial committee of Coir. munioation from Soh Witaner, te . “Shadow Test” E- famiiy. left on Wednesday for their fn the last four years — there has m quoted figures to show |ence recommended; .Thit the revised| trap on sideroad betweon lots 25 and hadow Test’ xpert home in Toronto. been an inerease of 28.901 in the ion ‘that there had been good progress in|(Oxford version of the Bible be used|26 in the 5th conocssion of the town- r Str, Bugene Stemmler, of Walker-| tership of the church. tho total mem-| the growth of membership. | /‘Nover-[by ministers aiid students in the Moth| ship. Revolved that this nine ine 7 ton. has purchased Mr, Henry Holz-| ership being 868,312° with the num.| theless”. the committee pointed out,|odist Church in preference to the | struct the Slerk to natity Pred. j Mr. F. A Craham of Montreal pe tee pocket ie oe bor of ministers at 2.069. and number| “it is impossible ta be blind to the /a tuthorized version, Toh GW haya wild drain phe fe" cues y U Mr. A. Holm made a business trip| ot probationers at 776, ‘There are | fact that our Church is not showing | ‘The rejection of the proposal to ao-|dition that the ayard called for nt < to Linwood. on. Saturday. ~ $839 Sunday Schools in the|the aggressively evangelizing vower| cept women into the minist: onde. | led. * “ owes sa Ne .) 3 . ‘Mr. and Mrs. 6, Koobel and daugh-| Pominion with a membership of 409,.| we might reasonably expect of a body!» ‘The Conference adopted the recom-|' Moved by B, A, Wood, seconded by. Who will give a Series of Free Demonstrations of Eye Testing ter Annie, of St. Clements, spent Sun-| 632. an increase of 75. 648 in the| so strong. so well organized and of|merdation of the Superannuation| J, Mogk. that tho time tor the clerk Ms) by the new *‘Shadow ‘Test’’ method of looking into the eye. day at Hesson. quddrenniam with an increase of 161] such traditions, In common with all eet Bets to increase the annual al-|to have tho Collectors’ roll completed Thieshing ‘ploughing end apple] jin the See! of schools. The Sun-|the Churches of Christendom. — the | totwan be superfinuated ministers |bé extended to November ist. Carried Bi I a mia the order of the day day,School force totals 459.087, whieh aged boy ant is pet ei eal tal ifram $10 to $1 - ce a year the]: Moved by J, Mok. seconded by F. ‘edding bells are ringing. inefides those attending union ‘schools the demands of the age w nivalis ae eienate ate TA iebe active thintstry. |'A. Wood. that -counsillor, Gaftne emonstration Starts Thursday pate and rs, Henry Isley, Jr. and] the inerease belag 81.973. ‘The nam-|eonauoting enthusiasm | which bas ptaerhaataen) spointed to have the Colle toe bond Oct. 15th, and Ends on Saturday and Mrs. Wm, Gjrodat spent | ber who have signed the pledge from| swept her onwar& in the great per- DONEGAL, duly signed and returied to the olor October 24th, 1914. ea taeys le the home of Mir. and ars, 1910 to 1914 was 127,273, Nearly] iods of advance in the past. Phen ta celtig” Sluis cake c | Carried ctober ’ . rae 11.000.000 was raised in the four]. For the past four years a special takin qavauténe ot the fine wea econded by F. i ron. Coe acu Leelee |S cane wale aay Sth eel ca ag Noli tl Ne YET ON: ‘ual amounts being ; for] bum: a “| which are an excellent thi | 3400 or worl se wk eng a pep ie gn oe Boe Bar: Snr bg ee rh get el | mu ee cana | ete te eyes to come while the specialist is wit! learn the true ‘Miss Mabel Robinson “ot t Wellesley ot en $1,462,428, 9 subenitted. The new a will havo aymer, were guests at the Carnochan | tificnte. Ourried. , Sipe in ve ihe Demonstrations conducted bea day and Miss Laura Bean The total.amount raised for ini 2 Laughlin wedding at Tralee last| floved by F. A, Wood, se econiled by p.m, Evenings are as good as daytime, as all ture spent a:day. last weak ltt he | ions hinioe’ en ast GQabeehnl out J. Mogk, that . Lynch Ynd W, Hinz ook is anes ie artificial light. eal pacientes Skeenmae ering of atts ats ramets ar ne ber of yolime veanle attend. | be a8 “rata $6.00 0 ein ta ‘sheep je ninth concession. e . Nv " i ball at Carth; t Pri 4 a8 per valuator’s re~ irs. Joseph Mastin, of ailverton | eat ae with ‘the vreceding| ned im collaboration with a apecial|/¢a, the balla age last Friday [filled py does Free. Retciged am is swith, he 2 panaine Ey sundosustun. es P ie ie tant get ca ioe bret phe f 7 Moved vor Sohn atone, seconded by ‘er - of weeks wi er dat ev. G. D, win, one oO! | 80 ty } Glasses Supplied Only When Necessary. tots, Wan: Scott, 9th achter superintendents of (he conference, | iMrtadbitorians are embodied in. the eg a ae | f Se rand a, 5 oval o Listowel | said in his dare at the afternoon book in question. gr itt at els Sun and Deily Globe ver yoar 88.75 | 8 wee via iting: ita on | ses! ‘anadian Met ism is ev. Dr. - 5 the sen tine and in Carthag looking wil at expectancy to this} ous and virile ap 3.25 P. H. BASTENDOREE J (cp ecto at tig sate Pest Tetints achyet| Stintod an evenure of the Buperaty tis pe Geo. Hawthorne’ ei on Oct Oct. Bap- on tl ia ae sirsaetanoe | oats und. He held ‘the of i JEWELLER ti ‘ill also be dispe wil eri xregat-| fice since . He was given a big & OPTICIAN MILVERTON tee “Huston Jobaston' dad Mf, The Methodis Soe asin eee aOR 3 ane é B i 4 thank: Ne. Graham Does Business Only at my Store so Beware of Canvassing I Eaeohorn a Gee ak : Bee ee eee nL Chaya hbx beaten [</ Wavmitielue tive eabances iapaees pointed to the position of General ‘and other dailies.