FOR ECZEMAS AND RASHIES MoE Sciatica Vanishes Instantly If Nerviline Is Used CAN YOU BEAT THIS CASE? LIKE BRITISH SHE QUIE BENT IMPERIAL GUARDS REPORTED - ANNIHILATED GERMAN PEOPLE AND WAR 65,000,000 OF THEM WERE OP- POSED TO IT. French cig Great Admiration for ‘ommissariat, The sp i correspondent of the bat Meese in Belgium, M. Thie- io ordinary liniment will even re- S (sad lieve Sciatica, Nothing but the most hault Sisson, is greatly impressed ‘ powerful kind of a reme ane by the epta of the British is i f Small trate through the tissues and finally troops, which he finds highly prac- Kaiser Himself at Head o' reach the Sciatic Nerve. al- tical. He are that there is no ways depend on tne old-time “Nervi- leery’ except marks in War Party. Which Overbore the ea ta few yards’ distance, be Gan he uniform of the” officer: and mi He arree at the method and There bre sixty- Ger- Sixty rey suiion ee them mans. ce ob Want war. This other mil- aa wap anit pat Fas en palace i be calm shown in provisioning the ion is the war party. That its in- jout an equal in reliev! pth - nor troops at the front. The commis- ence. immeasurably ontruns. soreness anywhere. line cariat is really the point, thet ap- ME WORN i culiate Decmitde stephngs ok pacers pee POLES ERY am Ch numerical strength is evident from ater inedalinar re Aa en rs to have made the greatest, im- pai your variety and the fact that they not only wanted Te chres Suiktiee te to bi dimply.a pression upon him after the equip- beara firs say for war, but got it, The voice of the miracle, For years 1 suffered frigh interminable line of cov- Clark's sixty-five million was as one crying fully. I ruined my stomach with in- aia carts aa lorries ‘eee the in the wilderness. It has always ternal dosing. I rubbed in gallons of army on the march, and the quan- been eo in Prnssianized, militarized ety and ea ee eat Sith aver tity and variety, of food earried ep: a2 : writes Frederick William villne relieved. I kept on rubbing and pears to him astonishing. ‘There is | jw, DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Bireet Wile 1 in the Outlook. shortly was cured, My. father cured Peta hay for the neti ‘Toronto. No list of members of the war rheumatism in his right arm ai caves of tea, cases of Cocoa, cases r You WANT TO BUY ©) avid has ever been published. It mother cured hersélf of chronic lum a sugar, boxes of tinned meat and | 4. Fruit, Stock Gr Grain oF t Bley ac no official existence. But who He ei eRe eos vegetables, and immense jam. pots a| Colborne St. Toronte, compose it fas what it has stood for OE OTHER BORIC EARAIS alse: nate foot Bigs str : the jamping | EW. DAWEON, Golborne Bt. Toronto. are an open die: our noms We find that for ex- stcht : } round is reached everything: 13) ———————$—— a: The Kaiser would deny the most ternal pain, for coughs, colds, earache, The itching, burning, suffering and | readly, and in a few minutes th NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE. vehemently of all thet he is affili- such minor ills it is a veritable family | loss of sleep caused by eczemas, | men are able to attack a hot meal.| oD. WESKLY IN LIVE TO wy "honk al ith Kri r its physician,” tuakea’ ancl tenitatinne: oo teaaabtns ay respondent also praises his | uasinues ie gemnest oR Pra 8 fit fortunately, his epeeches agate ——_ tk __. commissariat arrangements. | $4: 009. ore era |. Wilson, Publishe him. He has talked too much, and BROKE IN THE WARS and scalp are at once relieved and Tha Eacealiae ee Epitorucit ibe "ih iiecgaanre 18 West PRT Perse. too often of h im] ambitions, MBP ete permanent skin health restored in |the designation boards eleine- EED POTATOE! set the ed te aenny hi How Wounded Are Cared for. in| ™0st cases by warm baths with keretead CS eG ae NRE BRUNSWIOK SEED ‘Porarons.. the ears with his blatant apotl ae “S Present-Day Battles. Cuticura Soap followed’ by gentle Gare de l'Est, or the delivery vans wary a ett i ‘of Mars and Neptune, to merit the ne picture snows the crack German regiment when on review a tew Appltations-of ‘Cuti of Bak great Paris shops, rumble to diadem of a peace prince. months ago by the Kaiser, A despatch printed ty the London Ne The proper care of the wounded) *PPUeations of Cuticura Ointment. | the front with immense stocks of e . ays that the regiment under the rince Frederick William, declining |#0 war is a comparatively fet pecans Rone sett oinsraaas ane ead Corcemieds meat and provisions. 6 point, 7 Prince Party's Archpriest, to surrender, were annihilated by Britis and French near Paris, innovation, Caeing from the time of Beatie on thbcete ant brie lo ich, wih ace he says, he wishes the Bene offi Seeeceeeer piles IL,’s_ ebullient son and | ———— —_—___- — ——|ihe Crimea, Before that things tena pmerg. Aaa Per Dr muz& cheer, |cers would imitate the English, and JARGER,, TUNOKS, LUMP, Epc: r; the Crown Prince, is an avow- a 3h Te Ee jeeiad were left pretty aisle ‘to chance. hat is in their treatment of spies. ‘and external, cured with: in the ma er predestin THE BEST MEDICINE First aid was pnkoown, Those bade Tt is false humanity, he says, nob to | out pain by cur Thome "tgeatment, Writs ed’ vadlistenty almost, ate arch-priest = of the war party. w-mem- bers are, first of all, Plt: Solel at Levy of bya bi 40,000 paleted martinet to pray for war, These tone o 2 goose-step, through their paramount peat in rman society, lected nf entire so-called upper sce their belligerent view The war pasty, therefore, includes perdom, It embraces the intellect of the cedlvecstt pro- ional element at tl uni- Ruisltss, the Delbruecks, the Wag- ners, the Schmollers, the pase, and all the other super-patriots who tread i ih peer by ‘Treitschke, the prop! of . Germany's ‘‘final peste with Europe. Varsity Men Next. Following idolatrously in the trail of the political Professors the under-graduates of the ' paeattioss or at least that overwhelming majority affiliated en Fak corps. Verbin. dunge: rschenschafter the equiv re a our, own fraternities, se youthful Soir we have had nee sacredness drilled into their souls in classroom, who shrieking “Krieg ! Krieg!’ through sei ee Linden in the feverish nights ding he actual launching of ‘ie. Kai: thunderbolts on tl bd east ee weet: the war party, too, we tht Prussian junken, in aA japuabdl, the agrarian tee barons of ga \er~ East Dlbia, Brandenburg and 2 dees ns who look upon hecabines as the salt of the Teuton earth, the props of divine right and he monopolists of power and posi- mie lern German; nd last, but noisiest, are tl Aaa warriors of the Father- aa the retired Pera and ad- pike and colonels and naval cap- ague, n ster a the Wevy Fewer) and hundreds Jess notorious. The Other Sixty-five. If I thus far seem radical in ex- pression an » let me deat forthwith with the sixty-five mute. meek millions of the Fatherland + who crave: . For years| “It was bg fee some blight they © been excoriated by the|from heave lescended upon war panty as a craven, corroding |the German jot Fass get them influence, destitute of riotiem, | in an emb: of ” declared a ignorant ol ata ys BIN oe oi 2 member of the American branch of n who returned to which was Ser the thahaslnad bike after a visit to the bette ‘ le had gone with an heninlhioe calleot wounded sol- arent and caren describes the scenes . which met hi +} Here's a ""T saw trenches filled with Ger H fF ft by be ai ain a ger ‘left. by rench guns. It w: appy | not ¢o much the mere sight of d ‘that, 20 appalling; it was the Hunch-- fey Gaaetst postures of these rigid Post Toasties and cream for breakfast, lunch or sup- per. Choice white Indian Corn, rolled into thin flakes, and toasted to a rich golden brown—delicious! ‘This food comes in sealed to serve at a moment's no- tice. Post Toasties make mighty satisfactory dish it ‘any time. . —sold by grocers. Canadian Postum Coreal Co,, Ltd, ‘Windsor, Ont, goal, sdhaioab le only by the envy ment of siege guns noughts. These mute and meek millions, I say, did not want war, ed peace and a continuance of iste Bounding prosperity h brought Germany to economic might. They ey and navy to be that Rc the r had grandisloquently asted iad soticae? and only tha! ilar of peace, not Bu wit of w Thess e the sel ation of the German public up to the descended upon their inoffen- cared not a fig for They feliared, Peat OL itera, ‘ies should some nd a sanguinary estate but they did not look upon the aséassination of Archduke 2 nanz Ferdinand ‘and his consort as thi oceasion for forcing the colton. Brought On By Austria. It was only Aas the Austrian de- mands tained Servia pete ahene os measurably r—mare it, as we have seen, in ic opinion, shrewdly molded, nee denly, reluctantly, came to the coi clusion that conflict betw Se German and Slay might es bey be fought out in this year bold to Seoslaioy “hat ‘the emacs went into this bloody busi- ness with a wy heart. 1 hea their ‘Sontiend bret ices Wacht am Rhein’ their march to aeath pin re viet city, town and hamlet. saw flaxen-haired Prussian idens tossing roses to guards and the the spirit only infrequently ‘expressed by wo ntiment that the ar Was essary, cruel, unin- salligihls, “that i if ought not to have TRENCHES oR Ca WITH DEAD Line of Dead Germans Stood With Rifles to Shoulders, the look upon the faces. {am sure’ nothing like it has \fighting had been iest, the |srey light rested upon a ghost-like ent company. Ch corpses ith rigid arms and legs protruding filled the bottom. Along aa with riflé to shoulder and Pod beni along the bar dead. had ied upon the firing line and lies were held in an opts position by atound them. . Upon the faces o sions of eight or bor Nartor: had passed the Peony of center, Never have 1 rath ay ee so terrible as t company of tilt figisee in the oan dawn with tho qui et of a fresh early day all about.’”’ Intercourse with persons of de- cided virtie and excellence is of great importance in the formation pe [icleciet ne ea TiE colds and simpls fever very hour | ® fast, inevitable—that German pub: | J rd | would dominate the B: A AIL ae Are Paying Tribute to Tt was as though a bie af he FOR LITTLE ONES 3 Own Tablets are the best ones. They are guaranteed by a Pi retiibe ane lyst to be wupnighnce safe and never fail cure colic, Baby’: ing the Concorning therm |? Tablets for my two ¢) medicine dealers o1 cents a box from The Dr, Williams’ Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. AUSTRIA AND ITS PEOPLES. Only 20 Per Cet. of Hs Population erman, Time Wis the war that it mi had with Pr was recognized as the leading German nation, Germany, with the King of Prus- sia as German Emperor and with yanced ' itals as feed. The unification of |€rs. They are much #l ein ap- pearance as the others, but the arbors Taschen ss larger and abe number ly hurt were often left to die or re- carne as po ak, is the Naveonat vcd neat A’'m battle may extend over a front of thirty of forty BENG ‘or even mM upon 1 along behi: tis far- oo na ee in rear the advanced infantry, and close to dhe great guns, the advanced field hospitals are to be found. One feld-hospital of this dlesorip- i ned. to each bri rule, use, contitting ee ai cree ating room and dressing station, with a nook of bell tena around it eapable of ac ting to one hundred men. red each tent floats the Red Cross flag of deneva. Four or five or more miles in the rear, out of the enemy’s fire, are the stationary field hospitals, as Austria outside erance f Germany, and the ex- pansion has been away from he manic ideals and purposes. tion is of German origin, while the Slavs, which age Czechs, Serbs, nae vices ete., have fifty per er cent, are same propo! Bulgarians sta eistananeone Tf the Balkan Slavs were to be included in the. empire of Austria, or if Austria could be a triple in- stead of a dual monarchy of Ger- mans, Hungarians and Slavs, it Balkans and at the, same time would be a barier against Russian Slavs. Undoubted- ly in such @ contingency Austria would in time be dominated by its Slay cP has b it has is the ambition ot re. be in better Laeneen ie pipropien as to the future of Aust tcbah A -d alaat PROPIGIOUS. WEALTH. eat Britain. The Ze a of the British Ex- chequer recognizes money is the essential thing in carrying on war successfully. The we: Great ae # t prodigious. in fact pra eae inexhaustible, Det alenoiish the cost war will pake pe in it, and capital demand to es present losses, yet its Datta even under such cireums as the p: so large that ‘ee will continue to be a large surplus pier available for sie cal in Can: t must ered that SeiAey and Mey Peak will bt mostly af- fected by. the present war, do not | vepresent the investment, en of a country like Great Bri- An immense amount © Great Britain’s wealth is among classes ae bald inherited it, who liye on the of their baie ments and stanelly add to them ost, by and fakes ent ot fiving generally. They this by insisting upon a xe tri in produce for the a hue sums they have borrowed fro) y contact with ne: nursing sisters. only twenty per cent. of its ae) Women are not | vanced —field-hospital pire with the dé aged ‘rang Josef. y have argued In any case, it will be of a very that a nation rough-and-read, geerel ription. In different races, antagonistic to ine ee Army, during the last e other, could not endure, » the sete rite method of | ¢! ‘hen the war ends we shall all rronsiane ld dressing was to ee co th of bell tents is far boa when Sed Teoldioe is 6 first comes in to serve Per gin! eavideoa| old beeaitain eir place there being taken male orderlies led man’s stay in the ad- all hospital for two or three days, or a ra y later, however, he is sent down the line of comm to the b. ture of his wounds, rect. permanently ‘disabled, “hi he is inva- lided home. Of course, the wounded man in one of these establishments presents rom what | © ring him fold eepitel in eae of the fighting ee ye case he is sur- by hears, fort; in the ether he ds dazed, sick, and help- less. He may have been Bread ne aid, or he may have not. It al nds, first clap a vandal of shag tobacco over the wound in order to check the bleeding, a1 aero White hed with the tape ot a puttee It sounds rather uninviting, but it forked well in pe, the nicotine ig as a coarse kind of antisep- vantage in the tient, suffering inbeatny ‘Atkins ; he was able later on to dry and smoke e tobacco, x His Feet Were Olean, Clarke's, with _ arms filled with parcels, “Boy,’? called ont Mrs: Clarke, somewhat cae eg from above, ‘are rot Jes glea sh,’ e prompt reply, as - conbaed aitbeae the stairs, “it’s only me shoes that’s dirty.’’ B a stumbling block to the adyance of ind | ¢ ; Feeth ly | zens for the sake of preserving S ld | Belgi tae And it had el ‘one great ad- | co: THREE RACES IN BELGIUM. Racial Differences Are Obliterated When Nation is Threatened. elgium, which proved so grave ermans, is @ f three Wallocne, another Celtic descended of the Gallic B whom Caesar declared the bravest ‘Calais comes near to marking the bounda: tween French-speak- ing and Flemish-speaking Belgium, oes the upper classes all speak nch, whether they «peak Flem ie or not, and there are Flemish. speaking wor! rkiny ngmen, in nearly all whom mere handful, live in the Ardennes highlands, far from the coast, have their own language, and maintain wards bot 16 ia speaking ple, I dently Cathiolic, and so devoted to Y | their rst Jangiiage that they have | w een, war with their peantt speaking fellow- citi- official place in the Kingdom jum. ‘The war of to-day ha obliterated for the time ‘being in Belgium, as it has in Ireland, ra- cial differences pet sect caus- ed mutual hatred. iPr seed ck Are Your Feet Calloused? Easy to remove lumps by applying Put. Bxtractor. his pul te painle ah is guarat gear Tnelet on. “Patna /, %e, per bot! Royal Princes and the War, It Seo be said that the Royal not taking its full share in the Betoned of the Empire, fo: ly a dozen British Princes ee fare: ing, or about to serve with the col- ors. The Prince of Wales is a Gren- ier aman, and his brother jou Albert is with the First Bat- Fleet. Prince Louis of Batten- ne the First Sea Lord, Kas his eldest son in the Navy, while three Prince Arthur of Connaught and the Queen's brothers—the Duke of kk and Prince Aleander of Teck— c will probably be off Kl the front ee fore long. ene ert of Schles who ie arniad for a the advantage of pect! been an on- cer in the German arm, shoot the spy when he is See red- handed, on the morrow, and his activity may cost hundreds of lives. A Nova ‘Seotia “Case. of Mrs. Hi ock was quite iling to of all the Gauls, A line drawa |tatk of her pecullarly unfortunate c from Liege south of Brussels “L was “ph a somewhat suspicians attitude to- | ®’ Belgians and tthe F en the nerves and restore de! Biated As to the ening although systems heal sing they. are in a decided minority, | blood of long-standing impurittes, by bringing system to joint Be ease Soltinewood, Ont since he may begin again Argyle St., down, ‘oubles to use Dr. Hamilton’s milton’s Pills. strengtnen the stomnchy improve digestion, strength: | ¢, Buttern: —_—i——— Puzzled the Lawyer. Occasionally in court proceed- ings which some reporter is trying to get into the record some witness will insist on simply shaking his head in Sarda ae questions put to him by the atto: here was pranent such a witness at a hearing recently held in the county gain and again the attorney was obliged to repeat the answer for the benefit of the of- ficial ane reporter. Presently the patience of the attorney gave ou! <Blease answer that nestion,’* he said. “Why don't you answer the question?” “T did answer,’’ was the retort “T shoo! of the injured witness, ted the “eines « reporter } whether a shook it up and down or sidew: ne. ACCEPTED NELLSON’S GIFT. 65,000 Chocolate a Going to Valcartier, ronto, B bes 21.—William Neilaen Limited, Toronto, offered to supply the. Gonssamers with 65, ne see Irritation: anda more than I exp Ra ie icatie Toaupletely curine the irritations ee pre venting the ‘ites ming MINARD'S LINIMENT. Se aleo a good article to keep off thei ae of w good ¢l canbe: » Minard’s Liniment for sate everywhere, Blooded Stock. “John,” said the gentleman farmer. ‘Yessir,’ “{ must Bet some a this pled stock bse . Remind m order one of those Holstein “horses ‘and one of those Southdown cows.”’ They All Have Tt. ae soe lad who ood at gaze Had one ambition clea’ Aces day I'll quit this 3085 T bet, ‘be an engineer! The engineer hal saw and ones “Some time, perhay ait In luck “eae A little faith Is what looks s good to me Minard’s Liniment ant Relleves Neuralgia, of , for use tever manner the Gevasntieit should choose This offer has been gratefully ac- the Minister. of Militia, Dear Birs wae i the, ,oguatzy last | and the Chocolate is to be shipped Billy, the \grocer’ ‘ bor, ‘was lum-| oe, #0 badly: that 1 thought eee ‘ Meat to Valeartier, and frcbahieraiacill bering ‘up the Kitchen ‘stairs at dishgured for it os siwas|be reshipped nadian if nimert cect way | Commissariat to Europe. The sev- eral hundred members of the staff Hees have also di ne 's pay to the Canadian Red re Fund. Hal! 8. Dee. 1c. 15.—When er Poi rt ‘atom at her home e 194 track. sidenation is the pid development. called for this new n ‘ithe lines which connect large ‘led railway, in DOUBLE TRACKING ©.P.R. The East we i ea ‘Treated of ‘as rprise peoples — the French-speaking na- tives, chiefly of Celtic blood; the Interest to All Women| double trea the entire Canadian Flemings, or Flamands, a Teutonic Pacific sy is one that cannot, people speaking a language that, in the natu ‘of the case, be fully in ate literary form, is nearly one Halifax bse Lt Message of Help| realized or , yet when it is the written Dutch, and the we bid dla stated th ill tly volved large and cael Aer send of duplicating the tence the Bast will be simi- policy; but time, especially ie treated it ab Pai too will be built in a vast- ly different way from the original pats which was put through in a tremendous hurry. The present, double tracking will offer a finish- every respect as regards the weight of rails, the strength of bridges, and tl er- tested of roadbed, Thus applied, policy will work out for iaetate oe return, Cold Peet. During a marriage ceremony in Scotland recently the bridegroom ed. “Hae ye lost the ring!” “No,’”? answered the unhappy one, ‘oebegone look "the ring’s safe enough ; but, man, T've lost ma enthusiasm. Minard's Liniment Cures Dandrum, Discretion, what do you mean by say- ing dination is the better part of valor “Poy naanenety speaking, my son, We mean that discretion can rua faster.” sore ae Some people prune their genea- logical trees by cutting their poor relations: Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, Eto Trish railway phe (to a gentle sir, you must either put your cigar out or go into the next carriage, 12-GUAGE 30. INCH DOUBLE BARREL SHOT GUN STORE PRICE pa OUR. beceest 00 Res aia Af thin a. 4g sent with order eh ciceipatl imoapy.ah This is just mers' supplies in Our BIG THE HALLIDAY Berolcat Seine Co: Co, Mail Order D. BD. 4. saving values in bardwate, tt CATALOGUE SENT FREE ON REQUEST. a BIG VALUE aT ®ay iis not Interest you, ‘The pleasant fact is thay ‘his gun retailg at $12.00 to $14.00 accordiy Jg=left barrel choke bored. Rebound back- . pistol-atip stock, with fancy butt plates tools, horse goods, blacksmiths’ and fare NY, LIMIT COMPAI ED 11888. HAMILTON, Canapa Dept. Established