WHEN YOU WANT ANYTHING In Dry Goods Groceries Crockery Gents’ Furnishings Etc., Etc. Call in and inspect our stock--you are under no obligations to buy. :: WEBER & BETTGER | | | FLOUR WHOLESALE and RETAIL ‘WE HANDLE: “Three Stars” and “Purity” Two of the best on the market Cash or Frade tor EGGS A. HAYES, Baker Wedding Cakes a specialty - - MONKTON, ONT BIG GLEARING SALE To make room for spring goods, we are offering goods at following prices Mantle Clocks, regular $12.00, now, 00 rr os “ 10,00 7.00 “ “ “ 800 6.00 “ 50 Kitohen Clots sestees Pe bgt rl $3.7 + 2.75, Alarm Clocks, reg. 82.25 1,10 Watches, reg. $20.00, ee $15, 00, 2,00 AA 14,00, for 10,00 5.00 Brooches, reg, $12.50, for $3. 7.00 ¥ 7.00 4.50 fo 2,25 Everything is going to go at same reduction, don’t miss this chance We also havea good line of Silver eae reg. 25¢ which we are © Going to clear out at Le. J. A. HANSON, meattaz”“Gne. | den ne Ict us respect the mation that his aot so much r modern progress. and thi men a women who are mcrae their gener- ation so well. | We are unanimous in| thinking our ause j a that the pan Em- pere rely in the We e tol ‘urch, how iagemane has e punished for her vaulti i and determination to rule the wild by force. But we must reme: that the Germa is i as un ratt id or OUR FRIENDS THE GERMANS We are not at war with the Ger- a Cretonne, regular 15¢ yard, for.. $ 10 Ladies’ Print Waists, all sizes, 9 39 one view Print, in all colors, Ee 12 and 15c yd. for 09 La White Underskits aie Uiiat flounce ‘ epee oe and. bette aisy Vestings, regular or. i 123 ‘regu ar $1. 99 such by choice and not by the “> inen Doves gular 12c yard for Night Gaviaes regular $1, for 49 the be dg ip s’ and } White embroidery Dr Cotton Stockings, rep. os pair, for, 10 een Germany's oppressor. and regular $5, it "$8, for adies’ Parasols, regular $1, 49 | world’s distur ES and N ; i Lace Curtains, regular 50c pair for 29 Ladies’ Black Silk Coats, reg. Lace Curtains, regular $1.25 pair, for 9 s’ Rainproof Coats, reg: Bed Spreads, regular $1.50 each fo: 98 Skirts, all colors & s' P.C. Corsets, regular $1 pair, for ...., 9 A MESSAGE TO GERMANS IN ON- TARIO. Mayor Baler ma ae in the Ber- siataet world powers of in a world contest. We ns. whether immigrants or born weight of the . feel ‘the IY for ‘the, old Fatherland 1s And the respect we have w eae should not bring Dominion. part i and sormveney that we e British flag yed here ta eeciien's as § the tne! a ‘mationalities, The Ja floated over us; cacacittiney ‘Shtaren were born. Le Sema vietory feat wil cusses nothing in our ke cationshio to our adopted Fatherland, our home. Show yourselves qoateful for years of freedam and ‘hospitality thet is offered you here: show that you possess the well known tact of the Beaman mationt do. not let yoursel; al claitiata to universal Girl's Dresses from 4 to 6 years, on sale at..,.... aw 49e Girl's Middys, regular $1. on sale at... 49c nD. se 5 59c willing Eapridentecs d te e “« 10 e “4 4 «é re ze Girl’s Underwear, on sale at . 10¢ Ae ile Ae at, Belcan bad “ White Drawers on sale at... ere 10c Girl's Patent Leather Belts, reg. 25¢ .... 15c lishme: 2 (imply beoa A : Bot hay tbe Great Sale of Gent's Furnishings of the sober and é tions orf the other sid . 2 fis thus that gana apes Men’s Pants, regular $1.50 for . $ Men's Fine Balbriggan Underwear, re . 50 29 we Sia ROI, lookl upon it ii Men! Pants, regular $3.50 for Men's Combination Underwear, reg. i 9 were Germans. Men’s Pants, regular $5.00 for Men’s Socks, regular 15c pair, for. 10 Srey Men's Working Shirts, reg. 50c for Men’s Felt Hats regular $2.00, fOr sess 1,39 _ BARGAINS! This is our Great Sweeping, Clearing Sale of summer goods, regardless All summer goods must go sf to make room for fall goods Sale Starts Friday, Aug. 14th Exceptional Values for Ladies : 4 +o dies’ Crepe Waists, regular $2. “tor aes, Do not fail to come in and see these bargains. Ladies’ White Emb. Waists, all 59 No trouble for us to show you the goods. RARE BARGAINS FOR GIRLS Men’s Caps, reg. 75c and $1 for. Men’s Rainproof Coats, reg. $7.50 for Men’s Dress Coat Shirts, reg. $1, for’. Men’s White Pique Shirts, reg. 1,50 for BOY'S DEPARTMENT Boy’s Braces"on sale at per pair Se Boy’s Jerseys, white only, reg. 25c for..... 15e Boy's Underwear, reg. 35¢ for 19¢ Bov 1 Child % Boy's Blonsiateces: 68c"for .: 25e ‘oy’s and Children’s Rompers, reg. 50¢ for........ 39¢ Suit Cases, regular $1.75 for..... $1.25 | Suit ses, regular $3.00 for... ER Het ating, ate) Come‘in and see these goods, whether you think you require them or not. There are sure to be some bargains you will not want to pass by. ™ MILVERTON BARGAIN STORE BUTTER and EGGS Taken in Exchange Pfaff Block, MILVERTON yes be dinawn into any kind. Avoid arguments with the) = 00 a and 2 8 0.001 are well able td emulate the B: of e dation respectively ,of a D.| the Geraiasiy: ada | and the ‘drawn evord of the ie armor’ a (SIO ESO SE GERMANY WOULD BE_ GAINER fills us all with horror and a be alg Pm ee atone AUGUST Tewvod! East ot Basie TH Sharbot Lake and Renfre w in Pro- 8 of Ontario and Quebeo, to all HROUGH DEFEAT ion | ARV | “Lam a native German and @ for nf nor, are true Germans. grateful to the sine PR aaa ees ath ” ARN CANADA, ‘ " P = in Mianitoba only, ind that has eeceived: you. und in) | Prot, WV. Ricthdort. of the statt’ tion in this strug i yertsety ologn: | sano easlcvanaly cana wh ere gcFrom ‘Kingston, Sharbot which you have found a new ho My lovalty to the: British fag makes! yon will be required: f Dna Take, Renfrew and West to Asilda Duty and honor demand d against fs aret enemics' t> help in the great | Ba arie, Ont., to a Shain quaely es feonthy: of our of Britain. If need be I should even! venting the Wostera onto. and i oan in Manitoba 3 Ges fight axainst Germany. though with a) Soette the ancl rents c rats ae sigkatehewan and Alber Y t. Furt nor a AU \—Frot must DO OUR DUTY it the German veople, Professor ‘ase ais waster. to thal Gert an a in| to ase frost army of Harvester Sete take “tnd a tire ee for thel'reason that {twill Se eaerinoet at tario and Que; greene Nees ed mt Eve mts “en aytapathles, kh. oee Sestore dion ot atélio waht! among| ""% ee eaite e Oeas tora thing m mn German people a ee autterings the western nations for) one of the) ‘Manitob. Sart population of Sat sot 000 and Ton | O24 and dangers peor, pee ae aiohaWvan’ 6 | arta ish only 250,000 peopl: je when the Eng" their ruling classes, by an algarchie, uh Bor full varticulars regarding trans Bea Shs se insane. military governmen is gtatt on a new and lnsting era eeii cis’ isa aba (avy pant .t Winnivea ete. see the Malenched fist” perity-arm in ran tith Goaland abucge: of cars Agent. or write M, G, in. ing a ‘pros! or transfers, This and France, will be « day shorter than ang: ae Stay Dintclot Bansehger Agbbe, inj “Germany's detent wil meari the) route, | cs teatiniearanias republic. |" * extn a German rep Going Triv West.’ $12.00 to Wine! pup op KINGS_AND KINGCRART “Return Trip East,” 818.00 from The Warm Weather is With us Again and for this weather we have *“‘New Periection Oil Stoves” With 2 and 3 burners at right prices, Also DETROIT VAPOR GAS- OLINE STOVES. Th se stoves burn just like natural gas and require only one lighting. Come in and we will show you that any child can run. them and be absolutelyfsafe. See oir HAMMOCKS at all prices. Screen Doors and Window Screens Frost Wire Fencing—The best in the land. M. E. Bettger @. Co. . Hardware Merchants, MONKTON pate to he veo! u e have Lee our part with toate Cromwell. Nelson, Wellington x inese ostablishing firmly upon the fa eae TO PURCHASE | REMOUN'TS m Beek. sk. of London, was at Sir ‘Ottawa nade ence with the Minister of Militia in connection with the plans of the department for secur large number of horses for the Canadian arn vision. and also to, pro: for thé large orders for re~ ele London. Sir Adam | @eavoring to solve ihe problem SY MPATHY y FOR ¢ GERMANS Buffalo News Mhoughtful persons uvens wherebare 'D! 2 2¢ E- Fs with{ him in ct aes pleasure to appear well [icir leven. But she cannot stand t! dressed. | shoes this is not possible. The Moning. bebove illustration will appeal iy “tight ‘one nation. She cannot fight the ine “Eupress” Shoes are made in anada. | ert then the ‘eal! ds one of ont? | strous ree ie of the day that divine Reverand ‘mailed. flat’. arc| wanteons | Tebiseiile “Gearier Journ 0 oe send out fond to’ the front = nsult ta the intell-| Consult C.P.Ri Agents —reparding| al eure Mee miter abs endure war taxes A tes POD Oe ee CoO eO See CI PAR nae Hr rrrcon| SaTeeulace. fp, Sonkiention with tray tae Fise toe ohowdows. . Whee Parliament. abjure luxuries. practise | S°° es. Shana | Scotus William. se mon! portation eat of Winniper. tl battle clouds lift and the eet 8. ay is GOING DATES [i salvation and| AUGUST 11—Krom Kingston, Sharbot \Yeeodom for her: Germany will bo| Lake. Renfrew and West to Az “a the reatest gainer through defeat.” and gett Basie, Out. to all oe oe <= SHOULD BE_PREPARED Mositioal 1 Horala We prepare ourselves. for the e the British forces, From the very {magnitude of the combat it cannot be Meee But of the ultimate de~ many there can be little h the realization of hold "another ‘@ more ered “Burope. Let unlive But we shall have to ine. she has thrown| down the gaunt- “Nothing gives a man more prestige than to he Well Attired” let to all the world. i ios ly-to the preparedness 4% and resources: You can have n a war of conquest. far greater than J Cacsar, Alexander the Great. or Nap this done at THERE has just been plac- oleon ever dreamed of, ‘Tho end is pe fmevitable. Not if she could stand the minimum ed on the shelves a splen- ‘against her foes for ever could post at Thi is a woman’s duty many -bring all the great did line of Scotch Tweeds of prot ead peoples she has challenged to Shop 5 fh ,, and with ill-fitting up against them. The end f a her a new pattern for fall and win- ae San ee saosti ter wear, that will make and wear well, Call and see our rid with) any hope o! oaks stock, We guarantee youa fit. ou as a perfect shove. | AuTOCRACY'S CRIMF. n and sent vo fight heoause the alse hopes ms that way to stay the march of retor Babi Beoury your pext suyply of oat “The Shoeman’ o ero: eh n yolit=| oO DUFFI EL The Up-to-date aes Chee! Sun office. ee ia’ w the sword of am Seek ener a eee onr. Re ce ore a Sate ath OEE e have the ageney. ae a cece eee Chie iecremtenh on larstty: th iwhe! Appleford line, Sececosocooosoroesooooeees has faced for manyicentur | idence Jor Baer at vee resent situation in Europe is a! sult of unlimited and unbrid- ia Eee mediate outcome a the fact that it was possible — for;