3 7 + Cash For Poultry 3 Scissors and Lawn Mowers or = aa E Sharpened, Razors ‘ig! est cash price oe lor al winds of pout i Hoods . S. Gleeckman, Pereige > P. NEUMEISTER . ’ ‘Milverton 4 Eggs takon as cash MILVERTON Vol. XXII—No. 7 Milverton, Ontario, Perth Co., Thursday, August 20, 1914 Malcolm MacBeth, Editor and Publisher | Miss Ellie Johnston veer Hr aeas | > Miss M. Hone. | ; watt: NOTRS " Ae e Wis Be ge 5 +| Sree home st wes J. Turnb le unday with friends in ay villa, ve | shel “ei \\* LOCAL NEWS * m ittorf of Art! ae is at aster Ce Jobson is at ent vee f no casu \t} have yet - dee ae Ae i it deere visiting her sister, Mrs. Wm. | and his grantiparents He = 5 ok ore the maltahh aPaer an ee of itrges “Git s—tour variotien ‘N Columbia Fruit G Gill’ of i—) iy p mn . | ince Poi eandiyt © Sn Perey Gockwell ia at, nnesent | Association ‘il tive 100,000" barrels| 800, Unictes sein ee, Vest aniinea | iss | Pauline Berger is spending a jes kee ire Tillie Sebmide ing Mr. F, L. Crawford hy | of apples for the British troops in| Mts. Geo, Bettger spent a fe ERE ROER {fe sin London this week, | Tavist tock. GP, sation. | the last week at Mr, Jos, Gol chougta Pe Head Office : TOR: | onry and I Mew-|. air. Mrs, P, Berg of Phillips- James ‘Torrance, MPP, and| ‘The French claim to have made sais CAPITAL PAID U UNDIVIDED. PROFITS. RESERVE FUND...... $182,647.61 1,000,000.00 Farmers’ Business Receives Special Attention $1.00 will open a Savings Account. Blank Sale Notes auppiled Free of Charge and Collections Milverton Ie by Millbank Branches; D. C. Brown, Manager 1k Branch open every Monday, Fi gaan oe aA HAN om le at reasonable rates, Wednesday and Friday 5 i] Nh | i a le He tn inn al Jars at Mohr’ s Bites Imperial Pints, Crown brand, per dozen. “Quarts “ “« 2 tbs. Laund: Stuffed Olives in bottle: All kinds of Patent Medicines in EGGS 22 aS Half gal. Wine Half gals. Quarts ry Starch stock. c I Tn il i i th AURA ETA maa wn BUTTER 22c mt ee = ocaanohRyESRNPeRSENEENSSADN lire STERLING BANK OF CANADA viable SAVE, because--- No. 124 The.skeleton in the cupboord of every man is the thought of old age unprovided for. HEAD OFFICE: Corner King and Bay Streets. Toronto GENERAL MANAGER: MONKTON BRANCH: F. W. ARMSTRONG, Mana: A. H. WALKER DL. @wW. PORTLAND SCRANTON CEMENT STANDARD Oa ANTHRICITE Se J. G. HAMILTON Sole Agent for @ wn | = emergency. SAVING Baving money does not MILVERTON BRANCH: P. J. FASKEN, Agent indicate pcre ne Tavaday at Listowel. at present being visited by her sister Mi Fordwich, fing of the Milvor~ ton {Women’s Inst neld | t | Otibersday ‘August bts “atl ithe ea of Mrs, Georg? Johnston, ne to M’ss Myrtle Orr re ee dj home on [Monday even'ng after spending }oomple of weeks visit friends. in ore GPA. Falla, Haale bh S. and Mrs. J; Lang. Miss Mc-| Wgrlane: and the Misses Decima and Melinda Zimmermann. of Waterloo, =A the home. of Mr. aro Grand Lodge 10.0.8, iabasbeaent ue held its siftioth o last week, Mr, Jas: was elected ‘Mr. James Buchanan and family, of into the house on Main he recently purchased from the Mrs. Tueker estate, welcome therm to the vi iss Gertia Brantford, spent Sunday with Mrs, L. mpson, Mr. Samuel Robinson. an old re Se wir to Manito! died a Paindail. Year. interred in the Killarney Praibg tar jan cemetery. Rally Day will be observed in the he one be) a service Noes be Mea -intert A ram ered <eonsinting addre. stock niarket at Toronto on what flat, Good iteher Hesite offering were taken choice the 0 eh lightning en ble. Be- | cause the buildings w ‘otect-| { wait until too! ASF pavite your W, Sch- midt, of Milverton, aa cantace you the best of material and workman- t me ices, iWadllesley tennis experts visited ilverton on Monday afternoon when mu f interesting ames were beat Fasken and Miss Rumf Basken and Miss Rumford beat Rein- . jer and Egerty and Miss Burdu. sana For Summer Comfort Verandah and Lawn Chairs at......$1.50 _ Lawn Swings at..... ... 20... 1... $6.50 eacl Hammocks from ............$1.75 to $6.00 aa AUTO METAL POLISH ————_——— Removes all ens dirt and tarnish from brass, silver or amelwi 25c a. package. A fine range of Rugs and Linoleums We sell Gerhard Heintzman Pianos R. McMane, : ton, Furniture Dealer and Underta! ker ilver Ont. sold) at from’ 3.25| ¢ me of the publisher's im- tte | the ‘alien: Owin °/ niture, market deale: the tages of en the H. & Bi, fur- ure te of Milverton, dione Y evening and £ to remain Bless So sare ety We pe | soon for a return of, ‘buoyai when the ie ate d/ to run fall coula Wall spaiecont Bielday charged at the Brantford police court, with a acrious offence against. a girl. | nine inl, will A Miapetiea Neate poe a iho is now se: i nd ae life te red. He is alleg- to have ta’ the Seti to a wil low patch on 801 lls @. nd there from to coe Ri ir.) 1 in June 1915. the latter having accepted an invitat o e pasts the Askin Street Church. n, The Meaford Monitor advises the tain coup Camada ae Aon entiny, she may decide to make onl behalf of our em- s fm order; scheme of a ete people renlize wi most perfect ‘sonaition teva slong i Eevrtat surplus may pegs t record. ace aeration was] " | Indi recent examination, A Toronto man who jtook a seat be- 1 parl side a lady o1 rid bench and tarked to her “Ica Bot.” wae fine $50 and costs on \ months, What| about all the cheerful, idiots who ae st 7 hen your brow is steaming viration and utter the same Recmcatisn A lady. yp Spit Hat. states letten to relatiy here tha Southern Al- year, ha in town or Orangeville Banner. 3 & Unélertakers in Oritario must first bain a permit from the rovineial nd of examiners before, dvertise as e province will be held nto on Sopt. 11th, eb a wee of general instruction it will no doubt ie ) a matter nd eet district su Alber’ Isles, rounding Banff. Pat is ian lad passed the ‘entrance at the moetauries: 840 of potatocs and 1 bran, Enrope as a result of the wi threatened with a print paper a fein con 400 to 350 | tons. of Toronto alone from 75 tons to 115 ton: ly. esi near Medicine a noted ‘with ae that» an|ment D © Russian Poland Lord raising an army in Brit- »umbers' Miss Molntyre, Mt, Pleasant, is | burg ‘were visitors on Sunday with | iss Torrance spent ‘sunday with | progress into Upper Alsneo and at a |, iss, Yaa und ‘ned on Mon-| Drs. P. Wilhel friends in Wallace. nyb-faken’ Kiblinbarsee pune aiaia LER ose) Vii her sites Men % ||| day after apanabig’ a a mine with Wa’ Mis; nie "Ke ris spending Mr. Laurance Neuert. ©.P.R, rel'ey-| prisoners. Mise Gerth. of Berti iron: trends, : | couple of if with. friends in ing Ci visited pate eae with| Sir Robert Borden at the CE Hnendine her holidays with na atts i cae Fue May of Stratfo |towel and Toro: ns his 8 Mrs, W, of Parliament on Tuesday gave seg f galled. ool thatr i friend, Miss Mina) Dir, Jas, Torrance. M.P-P.. and Mr. Mr. Wenn: Beadle Sr. ix in ice of lution providing an ap-| Lillie Boortal,. of Miteneut, is e d | + Westiman “tet on Oyen »sday | Very precarious condition of health mepenatioe ‘of, $50,000,000 to de- a essen visiting ‘Mrs, ir. S. G crear and Misses Ruby} for Ottawa on busines and his recovery is’ despaire ‘oted to the defened and security of Fred, Ronnenberg. i and Winnifred Grosch are at prc i Ir. Norman Ford, of Thamesville T born in different! monthe ar-| Canada Master Lyall tee ot Loni |rusticating at Southampton. lf a day or two last week with | pived at the home, of Mr, 1 In addition to all the Associated | is at present Visiting at bis uncle's oie f| Mr. and Mrs. W. Gray and I child: hie thot Mr, Harry Ford ouis Boston, of Bt, Claire One | Press services the ‘Toronta Globe has| Joseph Johnston's, | Ten..of Got visited nday | s Ida Treumner. of Hensal. is} little girl wab ni shortly before |bompletad. atrangeménta for. the usel@lenena, I Ase ong and W. Bett with Br, and Mes, B Johnston, la oe “ese mi ma frionds ‘and. rela: | ida abt Tucadoy - Tune Oh,” A few lot che webleahlen of bath: thetEgeaan ger motored to Bayfield and ‘ean Addje Kerr toft ives in an d the village. minutes after midnight on July istn|{imes and the London Daily Tele-| Bend on Sundar Jas! ane ‘Guel ph where shg will take a) Messrs. tEleweli ye and Lloyd Neu-| sister ” ive: ‘graph. twe omprehensive| Rey. J. D, Fe eras returned fro; sourse tn the Model school there, | ert. of Glenallan, avent Sunday with| ‘Two bandits in Yellowstone | Park, |and reliable services in Great Britain |Moronto Inst, week where e he attends | i a a Somicaisc. kabiene ster. Mrs Dobson Mongine held 163 ‘ar as the mews from the front| ed the G and Lodge. L an at as “after spending t {Grand Val-|stage coac! ming would andlsate. thn wiied armies have| Mir, be Muraays of Tewina, is at ae han Med msby ‘ese sting his broths 83.000. No one sallowed to carry|made no cueiney progresa than. was] present visiting at the home of hi Ne: Fe ea eens and| cr. Mr. Lew Gamblevin ibis barber| Svar ss ja park without a li-}reported last wee 7) Belgian fotharsia-inyy Me: PE} atoN ang ment 4 ieee Mine Bees, E and motested as] forts still remain in the hands of the cher & Bettgor he ee of Mrs, nk Enge- Ghriat Schwindt near Millbank they hela ap ihe: cou Belgia: Fighting is e dently pro- he’ wdevlode aoe. My Telfer pe oe James, Bashan hased a new 15 “hp. 1.1.0. Woodenwate Co, of feeding along the 250 malles ofthe Bel [or Collingwood. as drygoods salesman, \left. on. Tuesday to peat few ened baat est be sat 8) Owen sound. wore child or sata sian frontier ft i Ven id ‘Toronto, ae ks ost om plo; dren’ r le many of 01 | Mille’ S| with triends in Manitoba and Sask-| John Zinn and Mr.| fourteen ye old. e fine wa pa Rae Reernpwatar Nts miler ot Bere, eae Smith, ilies na Prank}. t Fp Gites ta Recreee hildremn Ww lite in the sarvice. of their country | | Disses Gladys and Mhalia Mf t ae ES vit aw xe and spent Sind at the hon feet only Suing “bold ay tine and ‘man oh of our wholesal pro- ratford. are at present thee a ieee ees ‘coup Das eep Wien aA at the their par duce dealers display heir ‘patriotism of Misses Grace and Mabel Chalmers ith friends at Min. tf olin Pui aie has re- ae story of the | chiaat en, by “wolfing” the wives and ir and a a Jacob Weber a turned from Toro d thas ecept | carrying seyen hundred Germans in-| of our soldiers ag baa as the public family left last week a Master in Tis) to French territory and haying them | by bi increase of prices for no other week with testes Ae intra fen New ingham Times, \kmade prisoners of war requires to be |obi rain. Yam con setae | taken with a pinch ofsalt. Germa: on evis not astinnl Ke indi-| Misses J8ttn and Liliiah “ Btownre e} 4 * “ vy joe pullitary commanders are not given to cite that the war wil otract~ resent s| ing a few weeks an Bee Teturne poh tat s system and all&Ww|maying their troops conducted by + Russia is Offering equality. of | with their aunts Dra, Dodds, of Cleves yi ides Ast m_ to as published. for adver enemies t to the Jews and self ov: land, ett Haye! Bakery—500 Ibs, gS for ia . 22 eaten of bread for 00, o 8 the Canadian mil- i 0 cape: rife at the out~ the i gabe van tbat Germany, qvou probably | win the first round. i the French could 5 s not even begun, ‘There has so far te n only sparring.” Se ea 's principal oe back territory shoe! er thar directly upon), ts sibs been This on ‘tural barriers hose acs ult, available. tween the geographical bousiars, and the practical “military oun ng defences, Berlin’ and Wat- have t at Ott: ays here, miata sgn Ta ne. T+ Onee to every man, Eva: ‘Darkness and Dawn, England; Desert and Mrs. Ajax. Moffat; Joy of Youth Phillpotts; Gay ‘ning. Buckrose ; Mhe Sultana, Rowland ; ‘The rice of Govern Durer's will, Hock: Dectd ing; Keeping up Cmca At jcarborou) brite, Norris; eal “sian Osborne more. Blue Buckle, Barley’ corn, Lond A REMEDY FOR THE HIGH COST ‘OF LIVI 7 POTATOES: 4 AND POINT minds of mea five. vou aen 20 t0,d0.ots but of pa: land fortifica- ais the atate ners, A KF, McKenzie spent Friday to Monday at Toronto ing her son Dr, Kenneth of life Or: Some o' eo stalls were also kp o damage, however, = at hi of ake done, During Wedn avi ek + hacer, 12th burned to the ‘i ive sl aking fact (oes, ies will manufacture 20,000 pair of|contents wi men’s shoos, and a looal shirt faotory ile fina the spot con We will make up 10, rvice shirts.| pasture Tuesday evening in comps The entire order must be delivered] with ai boy, | (Master Herman within the next five weeks If | Bauer son of Mr, August Bauer, pro: soon contingent is se m Can-| prictor of the Royal hotel. Mitchell, ie eto the heen re realest wis a the order will be “duplieatea, fl) off the bbe w ae credit @ choles but also to his int i9 arm betwe: capable teat This the — first ¢ ist and elbow int 't laces. Wehnan Mah evox pshallie 410K the |NEW BOOKS AT THE LIBRARY, |; Zee tnd elbow a ar Baugeen Reserve—Port Elgin Times.| 9 ae dine of fet ani w the boys off. . ess dtten, wat fovtenaw what con. recent Plghe Bn) Ae ae ania? fored member wae fed up ‘and tbe jon (Public Library: ; ‘ rare ree er iba an eal Saree hey ore rainbow, Bortor:| Z¢tet alonit as well /aarean iH anh Soop a aE Faiels ae tae Ps sWinile eng: sai re monte rien * v last week a cy ven i of 0 alte 99 oe flour, Sas sate Lol at or| Bane it hn is he ulna of ga ak esi bons i ‘rela A ‘ 3. 90 to e. Chambers a comme: unmanageable ai cattle. 50. ‘to 2 60 0 5 ea tory “Connor: eee backed up with auch) mapidity: MJ "i mower clear over vers; St, Elmo, Wilson; | Lena fence, It was withy much atti: 4 Fe en eseeecc Rivers. Holmes: Hound of _ Busker- ; ee rb pertauae and’ other darko tknbste. Cte bee eens ey coe Meant: B60, or oets: 158 ar tae, we ey pues poinan Intelice, Wi Wie ‘mol ‘of the tector? wl ie the testing room his mother was confined to her Whrough illness and got a test t taining a quantity of — sulpburio hold. He drank eae hi ro of ve When found he was fro burns, He vomitted a autatity which burned a hole in the um fellow pi way. The fi anes to the Elma Centre cemetery on ju iF. Mr. J. N. Barclay who up to a little Kerr and Tauorty.-3. a as firm as ever, ‘and their edges have ‘Mr. Joseph Gibson, of Virden, Man., severe climatic conditions the: dining room durin Rhee at ek cate eee el up to tant i b of morth oy se seatcely a breake| bas 0 eo time. so that cane gat Medical Health Office: more promising but) qhe paving along the ‘top of the wal adanta: and niversi eal ‘will be enable: the hot. blasts 'ot ene last two weeks| ts 50 s : thi over oe leads seth 8.598, Sais “san the’ mea Pile as eat ing a nuisance by allowi thave al troyed ithem.” — Mr.| it with a bloyole fies! ithe n= womens bet pe: Barl Edwards writing from Culross.| ite blocks with ee i ‘ en are | the ¥' acne $ are very good | go smdobh | fitted ins The wheat is ae and swthon put in vince! oer 00 years awill be be for the ago. The entire length olf. the wall wears. eee a little eet an is 1.400 te Tt is twenty-two feet "O ve S| high and a ae ae feet “ie Pee: eee Gtige.” Witnesses ex! At interval or so re ounds of meat will do seve: ally-. Seo esears fuene H6LOR foot! in ‘hela at fowls used in this way. saved oD ice, NiekSuy decent ilpest med tea een Sir Adam ‘and the butcher gets his price just | Mitchell. Reeve ee So yeas" the finest hunting atables in England. the’ same. oe jun making Procaratnne has presented his clever prize horses OONOMIST. Beni. ia during the Re eld 4{to the War Office. The gift is deeply wg! peda % vocket “edition Sot ‘anh he T| appreciated as coming from a Canad- MRS. TAS. FREEMAN 0 printed in thres paral Tt also! jan ‘al te German origin. tl In 1850 the United States luced| galled neutral death occurred at} Newton on a little than four bushels of /gquare miles of territory ha Aug. 15 of Alice Generva Thorpe, wife fi wheat for every humait being in the] population of 1.200,000. Tney ask that | of ; James Peeenan and ‘daughter + country. In 80's the output rose| she dismantle her forts at Tainta. of AM. john Thor to ten bushels per inhabitant. In 1900) and ir Wi vessels, ourg aihesti Stratford. Ciee her! Rev. Join a Organizer for ucbion was 4 to seven| gives until Aug. 23rd to have her dee husband and ‘an infant sexe ter her| the Perth County Tempe ushels per inhabitant. In 1912 and! fivands complied with or| war will be rt Pen-| gation. was i st week in the 1913 there was anothe: ve forward apolaaee. a the conditions are such Bally ‘Burattord. and two brothers| interest of the work. He ‘report this year the yi will in UD) ds ible, for Germany to| John F. and David Newton, | work of organizing and of te bushi gun the rgest in papi ae ere hy ard mere! Te-|'survive. The funeral whieh was lar-} titions as well of the’ sera ver and that an excuse. For some years} gely re took plac la¥ | response in most cases is quite grat- aoe et v-| the Japs have been, greatly concern-| forth Laan cem- | jifying. He made ents J ula! Last y ‘tates ed over the action of Germany in fort| etXry. ater, J, Little conducted the) the work to be /ante: into and car- es exported ean e150, soon 008 pal of| ifying Tsintau within 500. miles of | service: afied on ithe of St. Marys nd flour. this. yon a HS Nogasaki where a fast German squad- Se fomd an active canvas far names | rom ootld her coast in 24 the petit a this is Peace’ year at” Toronto Exhibition too!