Ontario Community Newspapers

Milverton Sun, 6 Aug 1914, p. 7

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4 45 THE CAPTURE OF BELGRADE Barracks of Servian Capital Were the Target, Though Public Buildings Also Under Fire A Vienna despatch to the Ex- change Telegraph Company at Lon- don, says:—“After a heavy bom- bardment by the Danube gunboats, elgrade was occupied by the Aus- trian troops Wednesday A despatch from Athens, The Servian Legation has rece: the following telegram from “During the ae Belnae wan eh bombarded. Shells. fell in vari- ous quarters of the tee especially the barracks, causing great dai mage. Several fell on the Franco-Servian nd Andrevitch bank: Andre* yitch of the bi wounded, Bo! @ protest at the German Servians Retreated. the bridge Scare ava, aah the and Bel- Austrian peti an ery stationed at Semlin, in Batcnst with monitors on the Danube, fired on the Servian posi- The Ser- tions beyond the bridge. Th A en- vians retreated after gagement with trifling | Ships Were i, Ae A small detachment of pioneers in co-operation with the customs officers, y captured :| two Bervion steamers laden with ammunition and mines. ‘The pion- eers and fatenbe guards, after a ‘came n crew The captured ships by one of the anube steamers, All-Day Fight, The invasion of ‘Servia via Semen- ed to have been much hcaaadi on pontoons o current. This was a difficult mat- ter, as they were w a seve! re, y crossed under cover of an artillery and infantry fire. The Servians maintained thelr estat! “Comment on Events 88 of the Aeropta Pi . a ali have ‘at tho qelebeation in Pacis of the anpiveneary of the fall of, the Beatile when twenty. mill: perfeotwligmmment. of ‘ate ‘fow'at Tull speed past the reviewing wit indicated «new element An ea doatractiv ‘hi those twenty ‘netoplapes “do. in lent pot Bombs and ‘ott aly, ml There woul She no end to th heat woes, fete boa new thin, hae that many solloge won are i ita police fore. ‘There are us Boetot.” dentinta, ‘teach ‘leraymen atone ihe. biuecoate tot alegre: out, for one rev Gorham mn m the fed nined for whi » id r ga to wielding the, volt *s blily none. m city on, the Fa. tive aid. to T. sideration of the young, party, ‘thinking et ea ool over early in Lfe for mall Job, Think of the Whole, Sir William Willcocks, the Britis! inves ‘who built tie Aten D: e aleiasipn given when ask- lor to a Ye Maminating. wi well to sift that ‘they could stand eny oie thes led to be very frank with fere are you, all of you men,, but looking on Uncle a ‘hie ootere Honorable wil NEW KING OF SERVIA, Prince Alexander reigns if r lot King Peter's abdication is true| dest son renounced the succes=| ven into resignation after six The other ia M; Poincare himself, eK @. {8 still at the Blyweo that, j¢ not the ~€ is Hale dmencest, whe ua known ne ho soverelin of power'bad. only “once been Saded tn owen, renter aoa k Paris Is Quite sa TRtgrences that the soll on which Paris «1 built ie 4 substantiat by the facta certained ‘through 6 neering investiga, i 6 depress i whieh eral tt ons lost, their, ti ere Gaus by Of the single | tho" overday fae fro} you will fail | sewers into t Troavations, mins there is nothing to indicate that the land ‘The Bitcaburery Are not the only ones | i¢ not winply oa of carrying the who benefit by Sir William's ad: | buildines and the trafic ‘loads of the vio. eatest city in France, EMeloncy Has a New Ald. The storm came so suddenly that the valve which divert excess water to the i! river could not he controled and the " roke under preseure and flooded the partially built subways, The ement was undermin and fr & "prospect ia n desirable ® French physician, .Pro- . who announces that meth. enployer of brat workers may know arhotier fhe ie getting the worth of hide im Bookkeeper, Iibrarian, playwright, Beize ‘the ‘clerk, adlvertial “dircotor’ or wat, ey oftolai 1 a railroad. The tae Beople dropped into the underground tor- , "hia explanation la simple and reaslur- ng. Visitors to Paria f losing their lives in subterranean wa- tore if they keep off the pavements over unfinished tunnels during heavy’ 10h NO OCCASION TO INTERVE Steamship President Says Britain May Not Mix in War. ‘The weal politien) content tn Brancn tea no steps b: on participation 2 duel of neracnialiien, M. the war.’ tr Ballin also say. 5 eee ag or that France’s disinclination to we minister eitanae rapidity. 7 yi war is even a ronger asset in on8 man seemed to ‘avor-of peace than Britain’s amic- strong M, Clomencen , ic eee able disposition. ‘‘Painful uncer. thee @ upset forty ministries tainty’ will Lal pci for some time, geniain, eat. se othe tan for! We concludes, but can be botne by donts, Of the two eleoted dr Germans with waateetes and con- Mis nuthority on. Mt Castmit-Porier’ wie | dence, WAR’S EFFECT ON CANADA‘ Officials of Finance Department at Ottawa Are ‘ Optimistic of the Future A despatch from Ottawa, say: Ofiicials of the Department of Fi- Dance are inclined to the view that the Austro-Servian war will have no serious effect on economic con- ditions in Canada. drawn. into Bagosgble tardhe London money market. In this con- nection it is claimed, Bowever, that| co: = o most o: loans sought for present year have eifhine: been float- ed or are in the hands of the under- writer make i practically | wi sent to go to| bet Wheat prices are certain to be affected by the war more partiou- larly if Russia o. that event the Western ; whose crop ptomises to be x prices are likely. to iar “manufactured goods. Uurse, is mm likely to pay even higher prices ine they do to-day for meat, flour, and thee necessaries of life. sion of the vessel and their danger- || M. breakfast ba mon, Es KING PETER OF SERVIA, sae op rumor reports as having PRICES OF FARM PRODUCTS REPORTS fROM THD LEADING TRADE CENTRES OF AMERICA Toronto, Aug. 4. Flour Ontario piheat foure, 30 par New ominal, pet Nominal. 2 American at 8 to 820, 23, in bags, To- to $26, bran ian tobe beak ronto freight, Short Country Produce. ‘Tholge dairy, 17 to i mers eoparator prints, prints, frosh, 251-2 t Gas soli to 23 1-20, Hine Onan dete of atrlotly new-latd, 260 and good etock, 20 to 2 ' per ii 1-20 par Ib. @i.00 per doxen for No. 1, Butter i to 3605 far cay 90; inferior, oe? per dozen, on oy—Strainod, 10 1-2 Combs, 82. 25 to. chia gore, 14 to 14 1-40 tor largo per to 160 ver ib; chick: Pou! enn broliaen, 30 9, 9991 turkeys, 26 to fic, New Ontario, $1.25 to otatoos $1.30 per bushel, aod Americans, $4 per barrel, Balod Hay and Straw. ‘ny—Quotations on, No, 1 are practioal- ra Senin 2 brings $i to 16.35, wok her oe aled otrew- ‘Gat iota $9, on track, ‘Tor ponte Pro’ alone Bacon—Long clear, caso lots. low heavy, 1 11 34 to 120; tubs, 12 140; patios it Les : compound, 10 to 10 1-40, ntreal Mi: Montreal. ade 4.—Corn, et tead 2 Follow 77 to Mo, Oates, Canadian Western, Flour, ‘rats, $5.50 6 | to 8 etrong bal Stat $4.80 to $4.90; Winter patent, choice, 85" to $5.25) straight rollers, 64.50 £0 84.76: 1 SLi, Rolled. “oata, .55; do., bags, 90 Iba. Bran, 23. Shorts _ 3: $28,“ Mouillie, $21 to $25. Hay, . car lots, $15 to $16.60. westerns, 15'to 13 1-0; fi Rig to 32 $40, | Butte » 1B to B60; Enno. fresh, 38°t0. 246; No. 1 stock’ 230; No. 2 Stock, 28 40 fio, Crain. Winnipeg, Aug, 4—Oseh prices: Wheat, 0. 1 orshern, Hor No 2 Northern, ¥ ort ee Re. je United wire Markots, Minneapolis, Aug. 4.—Whoat—July, september, 8 108 No. t hard, $i No. 1 Northern, 9 hn) to 99 thern, 92 3-4 to 97 $40. | Corn, Ts to BS 120. Ont, No. 3 Flour, taney patenta, $5," Airet'cl second clears, 82.76, Shipmente : Aue: 4-~Lingeed cash, 1 Northern, 78; July, ‘dy 0. 9 10; rthern, September, ‘Toronto, Su a Cattle ‘Choice butehore, $8 to ($8.15; wood medium, #7.65 to #7 685 common sowa, 2 $5.25 40 $4.60; cannere and $2190 "to 85.505 choles Int cows. 96 sentra Good veal, 810 to $11; common, itonkye. ozud. foedirwe Steers, 700 pounds, $6.80 to 87; light wisckere, 46:80. eee 4945, fed and watered, $9.40 off 2 sone and Jambe Light ewes, $6 to 6-60: eary, 84 vo $4.00; Ducks, &5.60 | to i ring aa 30. to 89.75 by the Patel: Sow “farket firm 995, Montreal, Aug. 8 3403 4 to one 08, 4 NATIONS RU BUYING COAL bgt Be orters Are abaine a hing Business, Hl e Servian War had placed ordert ta this pei for large. siren of coal for their navies, was confirm- ed by leading coal exporters on The possibility of Ger- Austria, Italy for the orders mieeed. with Annette coal exporter: TWO. WEEKS 4 AT BANFF. as The Duke of Connaught Wishes to Do Much Fishing. atch from lespa Calgary, says: The Vice- -Regal party, including the Duke of Connaught, the Duchess and the Princess Patricia, left Cal- tain lakes, we er th re teay in Banff the party will proceed to the coast, THE REWS {A PARAGRAPH @APPUNINGS FROM ALL OVER THE GLOBE IN 4 SUTSHELL Canada, the Empire and the World (o General Refore Your Eyea. Canada. or Mr. aay Teetzel vit Seas from the Bench. ratford asse: commission- bata the population at 17,028. ag arp reservists iy worm has made its ap- pearance in Portneuf county, es bec. The artillery of the garrison at Halifax was mobilized and manned re jonald, Quar- termaster-General, on Saturday for inspection through the west. ‘The Coroner's K.. Robinson of pu aera aa Or th sible for the sates of i Binaste Ju Jobn Chuatie, a London Electric fi Co,, line: forty feet and wae almost Plstanty I fled when a badly rotted pole brok Yor! KF, D, ea military Secretar, to lex- ue me capacit} Hie Sosenar Highness Prince ander of Tee! Janada He perfecting the plans for its part in the ice patrol of the None cablantia, which w as p Os ed a! the Titanic disaster, as mean: of securing greater iiately to Baten travel. The mines of Quebee Province have yielded a production of 813,- 119,811 in 1913. These fi all ee $3, 839, 504. ee unning short of gasoline 1,200 oyaging from Toronto, were obliged to make hurri -aer n the water Baines Garden Port Dalhousie, 22 minutes, City, from Great Britain. ilitants again bs ee to en- ter Buckingham Pal “will arrive earlier than was expected in the or eee reat lockout in the building trades "of Great Brithineis impen ng. It i ported that a-settlement aqreckade! to the Ulsterites has ‘been |*! reached oyer ‘home rule Earl hosts visiting ong val: Colonial Tnetitute, An impressive scene was witne ed in Dublin when the teen of the rioters who were killed on Sun- y= wera! conveyed esthtough! te streets. Fe United States. A motor lifeboat started on a trip from New York bo England. General. Several Americans ye been mar- ooned in aa Rees tow oine: af: received a a epunbtick on his return to ris. een Sane CREATOR'S BAND. Coming to the Canadian National Exhibition at Toronto. Saiterne Greater’, who with. his band comes to the Canadian Nation- a Exhibition for two concerts dail ing the entire Exhibitio * | questionably the most interesting ipeteo! apply bet meors het henctt world eh ew ook music mad, oniy e most picturesque at oouidntinre, batt by, nee performing involuntarily entirely at the eae of their fiery, volatile conduet Z RIOT ACT REAL FPivit :AD TO GERMANS. Times Ry Britain V Will Know How ot in Eyentualities. A Bs Ecce h from» London says: é| The ‘Times, in an editorial on Thurs- of the Belgian frontier, which we guaranteed with France and Russia, we shall know how to act. e can no more afford to see France crush- ed by Germany or'the balance of power upset against France, than & hae afford to see Austria- Hungar; shed by Russia. eee that aah vabauld' it have "i termined by arms, our friend: ou r enemies will find shia ae ‘think and act with one accord, PRESENTS A UNITED FRONT Britain Has Not Seen th ; Nap A despatch from London says: Regarding the united front shown by both par Law in the latter’s motor Edward Grey before Parliament e Like Since the Time of oleon met. ‘The incident prepared ihe House for the agreement postpon. ed that he ie, spoke Oarson’s party as ‘well as for ae whole of the Unionist party. Radical papers anticipate thal nen original Home Rule Bill will be- ww automatically under the Parliament Act when the session is prorogw if ‘this statement by announcing that the session is j ci case the bill is deferred indefinitely, ance Btn Oglied Letter Boy Scouts Have Mayor. Among hig other duties Sir Robert Bad- en-Powell, the, chet mout, rune. @ farm on which ‘e belng trained. — Abo forty of fifty Inds are learning etoc age try, frit, an neral farming, m: gardening. end hendicrafte sgh. sa wil ri it ‘at home or in overseas dominions. hey are divided into onsrdls, of eevon scoute, and each patrol works under the leadership ef pee, “ind, the patrol leader. in eeuaarae for tutte Rolding of | The leaders are elected by the sooutn fund form a town eounoll with a "miyor" This body conducte the affaire of the oom iministe fold thelr meetings in ‘mnie vind tele proceedings are conducted business lin Washington Home Gift By Britain. The frst formal ceremony im honor of Reace between the Eng: ed. when Sulgrave Manor, ily, of Ripped Wash: purchai jor rlinin, wae! handed” eee members of the Centenary Cammittes a8 to the cople, This Guaiet ‘ilides was to holiday tire in honor of the, onea th x one Baers secre: ary. of the Pilerima’ Soohe “anthur i and Graistsanige agnor OF ie history of the Washington eas ity, Great ‘Br ooking, | th ar bo. AThe: mai font. door Page, agty aiurch ‘ohh Wael eestor’ ay Queen Biizabeth'a gros, erected Raward T.. and which Stands in @ now portion of the olty of Nortiiam| pion, ho spot he emigrating Wai tons tool ot the family, the conten: ary pn mecelved by thi yor and looall ola ot Northazptal in ro) tion ‘and: tunchrson follow: od in the. Guild Hall, ‘Tho Mayor and committee membera wont to the country seat of Bart. Spencers whoso ancestors were related to the Wash- other Washington Sngtons “and viewed shrines, pictures were trken of all the and those wil bo exhibited and Grea LOviti ceremonies; ‘throughout tho United States Britain, 800,000 Semerpivent omcial cupation saga trom the Inteat’ cenaus return” for EDR 28 is instructive if not reas: estic ‘servants head ‘the list, oxceeding the hixhest productive, emplo saniouiture, by threc-auartars of a . After arricn omes coal sin: it noxt there somes tho are nations and Thea more {dan $00,000 and re ed the to how ding trades Col dustry, Society Is Growing Ser iBpre ts Maldon nist as te eee nent a get more soniful than the original Souls" of “Dodo” fame, Even in the com: d nity af the fdle rich and. of societ, re ig a dintinct al of the move it toward intelectual intercet The revival dates ‘on 1 rea in a woul n Bhitoso} eel aie eatiatying than ‘that of the dist round oft of lumen, tea and bell Snturday: iwiingham on nbdnjya dae: fntces tiseld ion practically ry 10 ie a leader of gooiety. iany mothers in society Jentake érson- the man organise achat Stages. wor leties in ssa other's houses the’ turn of tushion'e ‘wheel hae Epumeht ai back even to tie € ponding woolly. snd bee humble ‘tatieine Of the wid-vievorien age. —« PHYSICIANS ARE PUZZLED. Studying the Habit of Chewing the Tongue. To chew one's tongue would appear e a process about as wi w aston- faced with Apes very an opidenito of Le habit trios aly, aithouat id 1s often ob- ed ‘equently Yast mi studiéd, tongue chewing be; second year of life. sist into o) e. eyond ‘the fact that itself is irritated and iufla gins in th habit se to 7" rons fect upon the bodily health, In th jew of es not from an abnormal cy Boy HORRIBLY MAIMED. Ten-year-old Lad R Ran Front of His Father's Mower, A despatch from eed Ni says: The ten-year-old s of William Schemerhorn, relic tyes near New- burgh, waa horribly injured'on Wed- nesday. While his father was driv- ing a mower in a field the boy ran in front of the machine and was « One foot, one toe off the other bis a finger and a thumb were cut off The do ators pal him to HEAR ey ‘em. | ble for the Austrian annexation of ie GOD OF WAR HAS LONG f the cases | 1 Iti likely to per- | P , vere rae ne tne | tha NEW TROUBLE IN EUROPE IT IS SAID TO BE CAUSED BY RACIALISM. Similar Case to Atsace and Lor- raine Is That of the Serb Provinces. The sentimentof Servia and the 2 é due SR eAnes, for its of the respective southern popes Aus- tria in 1908 annexed the Provinces of Bosnia and Heraegovnia, over which she had exercise n inis- trative “protectorate” since 1878 under the terms of the treaty of Berlin. ‘The inhabitants of rovinces are Sel ervia, whose racial affinity gav fer historic claim to the tory these annexed people, issued a call to arms, The werd | however aera el as ind withdraw her troops from the Aus- |« developed @ grievance, and demand- sation for the loss 0: compent thems Provinces, the Balkans. still ime comprising a’ r the| ¢ rt. most tled the nueitiox Turkish hold on the Eaiene has since been broken by the dreams of a reunited Serb ‘and a unified Serb kingdom. Austria stood he way. of her acquisition ee nh bania after the late Balkan ‘war, | and shut her off from her peered) plan of securing a seaport on the Aerenthal, Maister, who was the Aus- trian responsi- Bosnia an erzegoynia, play: bola He ignored Bermany and the other powers, earryin ae the traditional policy of the burg mo sens part of Seryia and the Serbs sondrale Austria. Overcome of Resentment. old m. ly vollapaed and ex curre: ail 2 ident of the Barat Beottish a Colors shakried his etaattie daughter, to the inhabitants at 8 cents f 8 | CALGARY OIL FIELDS FREE MARKET LETTER. mere; ie thi miade of in aaa Hodand ee pele corgi eee ini ies iF fa fee ae to reid deerol opparitants e@ are ni rere 7 = ‘or condemn tho various miocke ai acoomling to our dest ecauso of our large experience, eae -thoroukh knowledge of condi- tions, our aro fie ba sought afte: Ms AI Barone of toaay 1 hal the elds, ihe sepvantaahy, vf Bere Hichs, no “i fe iin athe Tavestore ‘ceed Write today’ { trict, ‘Our marker totker—the Surly ‘on Calgary elocks—BOTH LAN & COMPANY, Herald Bullding, Calgary, Alta, 4 FROM EONNIE SCOTLAND NOTES OF INTEREST FROM NEB BANKS AND BRAES, whas {fs Gotng on fn the bs isease is only o! cautionary measure to prevent the further spread are ét fever in Newhaven, a dairy there has been closed. A propo en made for the improvement of the River “Nith ab for as aera Quay, at a cost of about $10,0 he ‘Allon Town Council have issued-a public Rone warning honse holders of oe shor! some district ge of water in While he fs posting some letters John bccn nzie, Glenalmond, ‘7 years et age, sudden- fe new sewage Pribeation works pa the Govan panies Boa n= rol at Hawkhea apvian bare now rae edb td of Goa catett anthrax oo- iy Newtonlees, resulting in he death of a bullock, the carcase which was crema About one hundred omplayes mich sought peace Messrs. Higginbotham and Co. $100,000, ico printers, Glasgow, mae gone on in questior strike for increased w: wen Not Settled. The death of bake Frankin Peter- son has caused ] und regret in This pu by_no means set- k Farm, eo sil for the e: of & public hall for the Bridgeton noe of Glasgow is at the corner Mite id and Sumar street Fier ater Sir Trancis Powell, Dunoo: Society, who is 8 was done by a fire amage W: fab Bauhton in a building, the pro- Thane ie eaion ‘toa erty of prison commissioners, and byciobitaining- a hail worcobncen: thirty-o1 “one Dias and a horse peri i: i] .) mm he flame: ete ae ws lee “auber af Winnitred Sletsor, aged. Berbs within her territory, and oon nh RATER ree fesses to an mn of unitin f boil ee and, was, #0 ears that race within the confines. of urned that che di Sera, her boundaries. Rugsia haying lost |dren’s Hospital rdeer: restige as the result of her wi 8 inney, inven fourteen, , with Japan, however, did not inter-|employed in the United Collieries, fer still ke @ constant an intrigue and distu ong her Se: along the Austrian-Russian boundaries, however, There has, therefore been a constan f lieved in aati by leaders of the Pan-Servian movement in Belgrade ARM. flow tal wit A Affect al Con. in Direct Fashion A eal from Pittsburg, ane says: Heads of manufacturing and rn West ving ginia, one 1 who have studied it, it aren of wi on are liable for military | earl» in the vithdrawal of any con: | 1 {'c tenes ‘this The imation of Archduke | ?@rrel ‘ Ferdinand, heir to the throne of| The hoipalie, pee by Glasgow ‘ lest pe Deckees et ene ob w bridge « over the Clyde, between | den outbreak of werent Oswald Commerce street, haa ment. The student who Qid th Puiai Santiebed by the House of Sh. last probabl Hosa on gute | ‘Seotland has given, pfoot of her the enthusiasm of youth, that he | interest in, _ tm mal ‘rans- | actuated by loftiest neice Antarctic Expedition ae sl of racial Toyaley and patriot. donation of $120, ely : He was inspired, it is ev: dently be.|James Key Caird, Bart., 0} n: e ¥ CE NTENARY | or PRACK. cee vane will Issue New Two Five Cent Stamps. A desngth from , Washington, 8 its contribution to wr §14-1914" wil he on he cent ae 0 create such, redi:/ her from mills and mines would a female figure on the tary rathor, than ncauired, and 46 al seriously felt in times of industrial | left holding an American, flag, a Whose parents, are subject to habie| Activity while the curtailment of im- on the right a. figure bearing a Brite | tpasms of one kind or, no BAM migration woul the shott- | ag. the two clasping hands *Pihe: habit, which. curiously ius age, say the employers ‘oss the bey eT On-the ives} trates the Jaloarnareales 8s of human na-| eee eth eet tent atm nge ture, seems et eae to the. C.N.R. ORDERS EQUIPMENT, | typifying Hae spifit of peace, andl Pathan, to the phy- — with a doye of peace flying befor eatin a it tre he concent oe aA Through Trains Edmonion to To | it. it its cure, effected at al | to be along the lines of mental sug- Py aa Re Hikes nating a gestion, ‘ lespatch from Winnipeg, says : Some pile Day. mee) Cana Le Northern Hallway ie s * has just placed an order with the Never Re! Why She Smiles. . Obruaing frm ifr nore n “ oF lon’t bis wel “tiem to come i it next we “Wi does that lady grin so every einen, fidtcient ee ot | around 1 time she sees you? ost modern peri bepeee Mera: Di “She kn nows I'm getting only $10 aie nd Winnipeg abate he , Criticism. a week,’” f line from Port Sethe No Badbuny: Peewee—I selected this suit, “But why the grin?’ It is probable rough trains mei What do you think of it? 44) ‘I was engaged to her once and} will ran from aasoaten fo Toro: Vife—Turn around and let; bro! off, and she afterward mar-| to as soon as-this equipment is a me ah it 80. : can tell you what's” i i \ ith i ried a millionaire,’’ wrong wil

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