16 / June 2023 The South Marysburgh Mirror Bird Observatory Spring Festival Draws Visitors from Near and Far By Cristina Petrucci pearances. raphy walks and a unique ” . : “a ° i the nest. The festival provided visitors walk teaching newbies how ; ‘ 5 . eae " New this year, PEPtBO The Prince Edward Point with a variety of activities and to use the eBird app, encour- celebrated Mother’s Da Bird Observatory’s (PEPtBO) events, such as guided bird walks, aging visitors to take partin oy ot cine with as a annual Spring Birding Festival including specialized bird photog- citizen science initiatives. . ing PI cial Brunch-in-a-Box meal has proven to be a d guided walk. success, attracting and guided’ walk. bird lovers and na- ture enthusiasts from across the province - including a couple all the way from New Jersey! From May 12 to 15, festival goers had the opportunity to witness the impres- sive diversity of bird species that migrate through the Point - yellow warblers, scarlet tanagers, and orchard orioles all made notable ap- The 2023 Spring Birding Festival not only offers an opportunity to witness the marvel of spring migration, but also promotes aware- ness and action towards PEPtBO’s mandate to moni- tor, report on and promote analysis of bird migration and populations. The suc- cess of this year’s festival is a testament to the growing interest and appreciation for birding and the im- portance of protecting the Prince Edward County South Shore Biodiversity Area. wit making and “exploring , Friday, BAKING CO.