The South Marysburgh Mirror September 2023 / 13 School Days, School Days, Good Old Golden Rule Days - Some Will Remember Starting School Each September at S. S. #12 on Milford’s (Continued from page 10) Teachers: 1913-16: Mrs. Lila McCaw 1916-17: Mrs. Flossy Anderson 1931: Mrs. Malcom Love 1931-37: Miss Ada Gawley 1941: Emma Lancaster 1943: Lena Lonely 1945: Mrs. Lila McCaw 1946-47: Mrs. Elizabeth Powers 1947-50: Mrs. Emma Lancaster 1950-53: Dorothy Brooks 1958-59: Mrs. Lila McCaw 1959-60: Lois Y. Davis Caretaker: Claude Lobb, 1935 Other Interesting Facts In 1895, scribblers could be bought for one penny. The more fortunate students had one for each subject. General- ly slates were used. They were approxi- mately 12” X 12”. Chil- dren used a sharp slate pencil to write on the slates, and a damp cloth or sponge wetted at lunch or recess to erase their lessons. After 1930, slates fell from use. By this time straight pens and inkwells were in widespread use. By 1940, the inkwells had been replaced by bottles. From 1883 up until 1945, text books (Continued on page 16) wv & i x | Bors. Cesawzoon wearsveD VooH Is WoLy ory 7eKibieeD- #BTOBE I'm pleased to assist you with Ontario government legislation, programs & services, MEMBER OF ROWING VAM ZZARLIAMENT 61 3.962-1 144 Constituency office: 5503 Hwy 62S (Rossmore Plaza)